"[Skripsi ini membahas faktor risiko ergonomic yang dapat menimbulkan
low back pain pada perawat dengan menilai faktor risiko pada pekerjaan, lingkungan dan alat kerja perawat pada perawat Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Hermina Depok. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif observasional.
Pengamatan di lapangan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi aktivitas berisiko tinggi LBP, metode BRIEF dan NIOSH digunakan untuk menilai tingkat risiko ergonomi, pengukuran dan analisis untuk menilai faktor alat kerja. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas perawat seperti mendorong branchar, memasang infus, memberikan terapi injeksi dan mengukur tekanan darah memiliki risiko ergonomi sedang untuk menimbulkan low back pain. Adapun faktor lingkungan (tata letak tempat kerja dan ruang kerja IGD) tidak berisiko bagi perawat untuk
menimbulkan LBP. Namun pada faktor alat (tinggi, dan adjustability) berisiko bagi perawat untuk menimbulkan LBP. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengendalian baik secara engineering maupun administratif sebagai upaya preventif terjadinya Low Back Pain.;Focus of this study is ergonomic risk factor lead to low back pain (LBP) to nurses with assess risk factor on task, environment, and nurses working tolls on the emergency room nurses at Hermina?s Hospital Depok. This is a descriptive observational study. A field research was conducted to identify a high risk ergonomic. Measurement and analysis are to assess the factor working tools were also applied. Research result showed that nurses activity such as pushing the branchar, giving drip therapy, giving injection therapy and blood pressure have an
medium risk of ergonomic that causes low back pain. As for the environmental factors (set of the workplace and workspace emergency room) are not a risk for nurses to cause low back pain. However, the tool factors (height and adjustability) are at risk for nurses to cause low back pain. Therefore, it is needed to take a control of both in engineering and in administrative as preventive efforts occurrence of low back pain., Focus of this study is ergonomic risk factor lead to low back pain (LBP) to nurses with assess risk factor on task, environment, and nurses working tolls on the emergency room nurses at Hermina’s Hospital Depok. This is a descriptive observational study. A field research was conducted to identify a high risk ergonomic. Measurement and analysis are to assess the factor working tools were also applied. Research result showed that nurses activity such as pushing the branchar, giving drip therapy, giving injection therapy and blood pressure have an
medium risk of ergonomic that causes low back pain. As for the environmental factors (set of the workplace and workspace emergency room) are not a risk for nurses to cause low back pain. However, the tool factors (height and adjustability) are at risk for nurses to cause low back pain. Therefore, it is needed to take a control of both in engineering and in administrative as preventive efforts occurrence of low back pain.]"