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Ira Kusumawaty
"Pendokumentasian proses keperawatan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat krusial, karena dapat menjadi bukti bahwa segala tindakan perawat telah dilaksanakan secara profesional dan legal sehingga dapat melindungi klien selaku penerima jasa pelayanan dan perawat selaku pemberi jasa pelayanan keperawatan. Kualitas pendokumentasian ini sangat tergantung pada kompetensi perawat pelaksana sebagai tenaga inti dan dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, yaitu dari perawat bersangkutan maupun supervisi kepala ruangan sebagai salah satu bentuk kegiatan manajerial.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian berupaya mengidentifikasi hubungan antara pemahaman perawat pelaksana tentang proses keperawatan dan persepsinya terhadap fungsi supervisi kepala ruangan, dengan tetap mempertimbangkan variabel karakteristik perawat pelaksana yang dapat mempengaruhi pemahaman dan persepsi yang terjadi.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di RS. Karya Bhakti Bogor dan merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan rancangan deskriptif korelasi dan bersifat cross sectional. Pada penelitian kuantitatif dilaksanakan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 91 responden perawat pelaksana yang bekerja di ruang rawat inap serta tidak memberikan perawatan intensif. Sedangkan penelitian kualitatif dilaksanakan melalui pelaksanaan diskusi kelompok terarah, dengan mengajukan empat pertanyaan terbuka kepada 10 responder. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Berdasarkan analisis univariat diketahui bahwa secara rata-rata pemahaman perawat pelaksana terhadap proses keperawatan dan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan sudah cukup baik. Pemahaman ini tidak dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang pendidikan, jumlah pelatihan yang telah diikuti dan masa kerja. Terungkap pula bahwa perawat rata-rata mempersepsikan kepala ruangan masih belum cukup optimal dalam melaksanakan supervisi terhadap pendokumentasian proses keperawatan. Selanjutnya analisis bivariat memperlihatkan pertama, adanya hubungan bermakna yang sedang dan berpola positif antara pemahaman terhadap pendokumentasian proses keperawatan dengan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Kedua, adanya hubungan bermakna yang sedang dan berpola positif antara persepsi terhadap pengarahan sebagai salah satu fungsi supervisi dengan kompetensi mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan. Kemudian berdasarkan analisis multivariat diketahui bahwa variabel babas yang berhubungan paling erat dengan variabel terikat adalah variabel pemahaman terhadap proses keperawatan dan bimbingan sebagai salah satu bentuk fungsi supervisi. Namun diantara kedua variabel tersebut, variabel bimbingan memiliki kemampuan lebih besar dalam memprediksi kompetensi perawat dalam mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan, jika variabel lain dalam keadaan konstan.
Sedangkan hasil penelitian kualitatif yang diperoleh melalui diskusi kelompok terarah menyimpulkan bahwa perawat pelaksana merasakan kompetensinya masih belum optimal, memerlukan tambahan pengetahuan baik melalui pendidikan formal maupun non formal. Selain itu supervisi kepala ruangan sangat diperlukan guna meningkatkan kompetensi perawat pelaksana dalam mendokumentasikan proses keperawatan.
Adapun saran yang peneliti ajukan kepada kepala ruangan adalah mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan bimbingan kepada perawat pelaksana dan perawat pelaksana diharapkan meningkatkan pemahamannya terhadap proses keperawatan. Sub bidang keperawatan disarankan melakukan upaya-upaya yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman proses keperawatan dan fungsi supervisi. Direktur rumah sakit dianjurkan untuk menyusun kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghargaan terhadap kegiatan pendokumentasian dan supervisi serta pengaruhnya terhadap jenjang karir perawat. Selanjutnya kepada pihak pendidikan diharapkan agar lebih banyak memberikan latihan kasus. Peneliti lain seyogyanya memperdalam penelitian kualitatif jika ingin meneliti bidang yang sama.

Relationship between Understanding on Nursing Process and Function of Supervision with Competency to Document Nursing Process at Karya Bhakti Hospital BogorNursing process documenting is a crucial activity because it could be a proof that all nurses' actions have been done professionally and legally so it could protect client as service receiver and nurses as nursing service grantor. The quality of this documentation depends on executing nurses' competency as core personnel and could be influenced by same factors, namely the nurses themselves, or unit manager's supervisory as a managerial activity.
Pertaining to the case above, the conductor of this research tried to identify relation between executing nurse's understanding on the nursing process and their perception to unit manager's supervisory function, yet the conductor still consider executing nurses' characteristic variable that could effect an understanding and perception that occurred.
This research was carried out at Karya Bhakti Hospital Bogor and constitutes qualitative and quantitative research with descriptive correlation design and had cross sectional nature, The quantitative research was run by distributing questioner to 91 respondents of executing nurses who work at inpatient unit and they do not serve intensive nursing. Meanwhile the qualitative one was carried out through focused group discussion by presenting four open questions to 10 respondents.
The quantitative research was analyzed in univariat, bivariat and multivariat way. Based on the univariat analysis, it was known that in average, executing nurses' understanding on nursing process and competency to document nursing process was good enough. This understanding was not influenced with educational background, number attaining that has been attended and tenure. And it was also disclosed that they percept unit manager less- enough-optimal in handling supervisory toward nursing process documentation. Further, bivariat analysis indicated first, there was a moderate and positive significant relation between understanding on nursing process documentation and competency to document nursing process. Second, there was a moderate and positive significant relation between perception on direction as one of supervisory function and competency to document nursing process. And then, based on multivariate analysis, it was comprehended that the independent variable most related with dependent variable understood of nursing process and guiding, as one of supervisory functions. Yet among the two variables, guiding variables had bigger ability in forecasting nurses' competency in documenting nursing process provided that the other variables were in constant situation.
In the same time. the qualitative research that gained through focused group discussion concluded that executing nurses felt that the competency had not been optimal. It still needed extended knowledge either through formal education or non-formal one. Besides, the unit manager's supervisory was badly needed to improve executing nurses' competency in documenting nursing process.
The researcher recommended that unit manager should optimize guiding implementation to the executing nurses, the executing nurses is expected to enhance their understanding on the nursing process. Sub nursing division should carry out some efforts to increase : understanding on nursing process and supervisory function. The director of the hospital is suggested to compose some policies in line with rewarding system to documentation and supervisory activities as well as their influence to nurses' career stage. And finally the education and training division in learning process should grant more cases training. And the further researcher should utilize and deepen qualitative research when they wish to conduct the same research."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Idawati
"Recent health service should ti-y to grant comprehensive service, in line with technology demand and society interest, clients have resumed to pay attention to profits of hospital providing qualified service, efficient cost and satisfaction to its clients. A hospital, if dose not pay attention to its client?s satisfaction, will diminish its clients and eventually will suffer a financial loss. One of many factors influencing client?s satisfaction is client-nurse communication.
The survey at Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor indicated that its clients have felt satisfied, yet they still have complaint on that the communication between nurses and clients in inpatient unit has not been active. In consequence, this research was to prove that there was a relation between nurse-client communication and a level of client?s satisfaction with the nursing service. The used method was descriptive correlation and the data collecting utilized cross sectional. The sample of research was 100 people who were patients of inpatient unit of Karya Bhakti Hospital, Bogor. The research was conducted in June and July 2001. The instrument of this research broke down into three part, namely: first client?s characteristics; second, nurses? communication toward client; and third, client?s satisfaction.
Characteristics of respondent were: age between 15-73 years old of age, mostly women educational level ranging from elementary to university, mostly from new patients who got service at first; and length of caring ranging from 3-12 days. The research was conducted at four inpatient units. The result of communication variable implied that the clients often got empathy, involved in planning and decision making lfl controlled caring process, entrusted and often got detail, systematic and transparent information as well as rewarding as an individu in nurse communication (Confirmation). The result finding at satisfaction level showed that the level of corespondent?s satisfaction was high enough. Their characteristic did not indicate a significant relation with the level of satisfaction There was a significant Connection between nurse-client COflhrfltiflication (confirmation) and client?s satisfaction on detail-systematic information granting (transparency) as well as attitude to appreciate client as an indivìdu (confirmation).
Based on the research, it is recommended that policy makers of the hospital should remain this achievement. And ¡t should be enhanced so the entire staffs of the hospital could run communication well and it could be remained by rewarding to executing nurse whom has carried his/her communication well, emphasizing to all hospital to do so. And they should establish teamwork that handles matter of communication in a hospital and compose a program which focuses on information restructuring such as health education through discharged planning that is adjusted with individual needs.
It is suggested that nurses should carry out nursing care using excellent communication. And create a program that control and facilitate communication program in environment of care. For further research, it is recommended that this result should be base of the following research using more complete method such as experiment equation or by direct-qualitative-interview on factors influencing clients? satisfaction. Due to the fact that this research had analyzed the content of communication, so the further research is recommended to ilivestigate some relations between nurse-client communication techniques and achievement of nursing service quality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novia Indra Wardhani
"Sehubungan dengan dibukanya pasar bebas khususnya dari segi pelayanan rumah sakit dan akan dikembangkannya Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo sebagai Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Tipe C menjadi Tipe B maka Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo harus dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dan dapat menjadi acuan bagi rumah sakit lain. Selain itu dalam satu tahun mendatang Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo akan menjalankan program Akreditasi Rumah Sakit maka banyak hal yang harus dipersiapkan salah satu penilaiannya adalah kegiatan pelayanan keperawatan. Proses keperawatan yang merupakan proses berpikir para perawat dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan merupakan salah satu aspek penting yang dinilai tersebut.
Tujuan Penelitian: Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan proses keperawatan di ruang rawat map Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Pasar Rebo.
Metodologi Penelitian: Penelitian dilakukan terhadap seluruh populasi dari 3 ruang rawat inap, yaitu Ruang Cempaka, Ruang Dahlia dan Ruang Delima dan hanya pada shift pagi. Ketiga ruangan ini dianggap dapat mewaklili ruangan lainnya, kecuali ruang perawatan anak.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptff analitik dan dilakukan dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jenis data baik variabel bebas maupun terikat adalah data primer. Variabel bebas digunakan kuesioner yang mencakup data pribadi perawat serta beberapa pertanyaan tentang pendapatnya mengenai karakteristik situasi pekerjaan sedangkan variabel terikat digunakan formulir pengamatan dari kegiatan proses keperawatan. Formulir berpedoman pada suatu standar penilaian yang disusun oleh American Nursing Association dan National League for Nursing_ Selanjutnya analisa dengan analisa univariat dan bivariat. Analisa Bivariat dengan analisa tabel silang dengan bantuan komputer yaitu program SPSS.
Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari separuh perawat telah melaksanakan proses keperawatan yang baik. Meskipun demikian masih banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan karena bila dikaji satu-persatu kegiatan yang diamati maka sebagian besar kegiatan proses keperawatan belum dilaksanakan dengan optimal (lebih dari 50% perawat tidak mengerjakan kegiatan yang dimaksud) khususnya kegiatan dokumentasi proses keperawatan yang merupakan hal penting dalam penilaian Akreditasi Rumah Sakit.
Kesimpulan: Pelaksanaan Proses Keperawatan di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo belum optimal. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena mayoritas perawat adalah pendidikan SPK, sistem penugasan tim yang sekarang dilaksanakan belum dipahami dengan baik dan juga karena belum adanya uraian tugas khususnya bagi tenaga peiaksana, ketua tim dan kepala ruangan tentang Proses Keperawatan.
Saran: Saran penelitian ini berupa jangka pendek dan jangka panjang:
Jangka pendek dengan memberikan kursus penyegaran proses keperawatan, membuat uraian tugas dari semua jajaran manajemen keperawatan mengenai Proses Keperawatan sekaligus menyempumakan sistem penugasan tim serta memperbaiki kegiatan dokumentasi proses keperawatan; khusus bagi kegiatan pengkajian dapat memakai lembar "Pedoman Pengkajian Perawatan Dewasa? yang dikeluarkan Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta 1990 dan bagi kegiatan Diagnosa Keperawatan digunakan lembar Diagnosa Keperawatan yang telah disetujui Nanda tahun 1990.
Jangka Panjang, yaitu dengan disusunnya Standar Prosedur Pelaksanaan Proses Keperawatan yang sesuai dengan kondisi Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo sekarang ini dan menyempumakan sistem penugasan menjadi sistem penugasan primer.

Entering the free market era in the hospital services industry, coupled with the development of Pasar Rebo Hospital from Government Hospital C type to become B type, has forced Pasar Rebo Hospital to improve the quality of services to become the "model? for another similar hospitals. On top of that, in the next year or so, Pasar Rebo Hospital would take part on the Hospital Accreditation program by the government. Among other aspects which are critical for the accreditation process, is the valuation of nursing service activity. Therefore the preparation of the nursing service activity became one of the focuses among other programs which the hospital will prepare for the event. Nursing process is the frame work of nurses on how they deliver the nursing care is one of the most important aspects in that valuation.
Objective: The objective of the research is to identify the factors related to nursing process which are done at the in-patient unit, Pasar Rebo Hospital.
Research Methodology: Research was done on all population from 3 (three) in-patient units, those were: Cempaka, Dahlia, and Delima rooms, during morning shift. These 3 (three) rooms should represent other similar rooms, except: children in-patient rooms.
This is descriptive - analytical research which using crosses sectional approach. Data for independent and dependent variables is a primary data. Independent variables using questionnaire to capture the nurse's demography, experience level, and their opinions to work situation characteristic. The dependent variables using checklist forms which were designed by American Nursing Association and National League for Nursing. The analysis was done using univariat and bivariat analysis. The bivariat analysis was done by cross tabulation with the help of SPSS computer software.
Result(s): In general the research result had shown that more than one half of the nurse had done good nursing process. However there are still many aspects which should be noticed, because more than 50% nurses had not done the activity at the detailed activity checklist, especially in the documenting nursing activity which is the important factor for Hospital Accreditation valuation.
Conclusion: Nursing process at Pasar Rebo Hospital was not yet optimal, which were due to education the level of the majority of the nurse (SPK), the "Team Nursing Assignment° system which are currently employed, had not fully understood by the staff, and there are no job description for all staff in charge in Nursing Management especially about Nursing Process.
Suggestion: There are 2 types of suggestion, short and long term:
For short term, to train Nursing Process course, to form job description for all person staff in nursing management about Nursing Process, to improve ?Team Nursing Assignment? and to revise the documenting activity nursing process. For the documenting activity, they can use ?Pedoman Pengkajian Perawatan Dewasa" which was published by Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta in 1990 and for Nursing Diagnose activity use form that had been approved by Nanda in 1990.
For long term, we should design Procedure Standard for Nursing Process which are suitable with Pasar Rebo Hospital condition right now and to revise uTeam Nursing Assignment? to "Primary Nursing Assignment".
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esther Faina Maria Nurima
"Salah satu tolok ukur keberhasilan pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit adalah peningkatan mutu asuhan keperawatannya.
Sesuai visi dan misi Rumah Sakit Awal Bros untuk menjadi pusat pelayanan kesehatan yang didukung tenaga-tenaga profesional, merasa perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Sumber Daya Manusianya terutama perawat yang dianggap merupakan tulang punggung suatu rumah sakit.
Belum adanya standar penilaian perawat yang mempunyai latar belakang dan pengalaman yang berbeda serta keseragaman pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang tidak merata maka disusun Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Keperawatan oleh tim Inti Rumah Sakit Awal Bros.
Hasil penelitian dibuat suatu Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Keperawatan yang akan diuji cobakan di Rumah Sakit Awal Bros.
Penelitian dilaksanakan secara analisa kualitatif yang merupakan studi kasus berdasarkan kebutuhan Rumah Sakit Awal Bros dengan membuat perbandingan antara teori serta data dari beberapa rumah sakit yang telah mempunyai standar kompetensi.
Penerapan standar kompetensi terdiri dari 2 (dua) langkah yaitu pertama menetapkan tingkat golongan seorang perawat berdasarkan pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja, langkah selanjutnya menentukan kriteria penilaian dari masing-masing tingkat dengan menilai ketrampilan tehnikal, ketrampilan interpersonal dan ketrampilan intelektual.
Disarankan agar dalam uji coba standar kompetensi ini bekerjasama dengan konsultan keperawatan.

Program for Composition the Standards of Nursing Competence to Develop Nursing Process in Awal Bros Hospital, PekanbaruOne of the measuring standard for the success of health service in hospital is enhancement of nursing quality.
Based on its vision and mission to become a health service center which is supported by professional manpower, Awal Bros deems it necessary to enhance the knowledge and skill of its human resources, particularly of nurses who serve as the fundamental of a hospital.
As there have been no standard for evaluation of nurses who are of different background and experience, and as their knowledge and skills are not equally the uniform in Design of Nursing Competence Standards is prepared by the team of Awal Bros Hospital.
The Design of Nursing Competence Standards is prepared based on the results of survey and it will be tried-out in Awal Bros Hospital.
The survey is conducted by qualitative analysis which is a case study based on the literature and the hospitals who are applied competence standards.
The competence standards are applied in 2 (two) steps. First is determine the class level of a nurse based on education and work experience. The second step is to determine the criteria of evaluation of each level by evaluating technical skill, interpersonal skill and intellectual skill.
It is recommended to have these competence standards tried-out in cooperation with a nursing consultant.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1990
610.73 Pro
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2005
610.73 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keliat, Budi Anna
Jakarta: Arcan, 1991
610.73 BUD p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Doenges, Marilynn E.
Jakarta : EGC, 1998
610.73 DOE p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hajjul Kamil
"Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang hubungan antara iklim kerja dengan peuerapan proses keperawatan di ruang lawat inap RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini mempakan descriprive correlarional yang pengumpulan datanya secara cross sectionaL Hipotesis yang dibuktikan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan antara iklim kerja dengan penerapan proses keperawatan di wang rawat inap RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidlll Banda Aceh. Sampel penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana yang bekerja diruang rawat inap RSU Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh, dihitung dengan pendugaan proporsi populasi, dengan jumlah 80 orang. Intrunen yang digunakan adalah instrumen pengukuran Iklim kerja (Litwin & Meyer, 1971) dan insuumen pengukuran dokumentasi proses keperawatan (Dep. Kes. RI., 1997). Kedua instrumen tersebut telah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Instrumen iklim kerja terdiri dari iklim kelja yang dimsakan dan iklim kerja yang diharapkan oleh perawat Pelaksanaan serta instrumen penerapan proses keperawatan, masing-masing instrumen terdiri dari 24 butir pernyataan.
Hasil uji coba validitas dan reabilitas instrumen ini menggunakan alpha cronbach dengan hasil baik. Hasil penelitian pada analisis univariat memmjukkan bahwa iklim kerja yang dirasakan oleh perawat peIaksana di ruang rawat inap RSU Dr.Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh berada pada kategori sedang (43,75 %) dengan mengarah kepada kategori buruk (38,75 %), sedangkan penerapan proses keperawaran berada pada kategori buruk (57,50 %). Dari hasii bivariat diketahui bahwa iklim kerja secara keseluruhan mempmyai hublmgan yang signifikan secara statistlk dengan penerapan proses keperawatan., dengan nilai-p = 0,004, untuk masing- masing dimensi: dimensi tanggung jawab dengan nilai-p = 0,000, dimensi standar dengan nilai-p = 0,019, dimensi penghargaan dengn nilai-p = 0,026 dan dimensi semangat kelompok dengan nilai-p = 0,020. Sedangkan dimensi kesesuaian perasaan dengan nilai-p = 0,454 dan dimensi kejelasan organisasi dengan nilai-p = 0,294 lidak berhubungan secara statistik dengan penerapan proses keperawatan.
Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa dimensi tanggumg jawab merupakan yang mempunyai hubungan paling signiikan secara statistic (Nilai-p = 0,0003) dengan penerapan proses keperawatan setelah dikontrno oleh dimensi semangat kelompok. Berdasarkan haSil penelitian ini, maka pihak manajemen RSU Dr.Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh khususnya bidang keperawatan perlu memperhatikan dan memperbaiki semua dimensi iklim kerja di lingkup pelayanan keperawatan ke taraf yang lebih baik dengan harapan untuk meningkaikan penerapan proses keperawatan ke taraf yang lebih baik pula. Selain itu, untuk peneliiian lanjutan disarankan agar dilakukan dengan membandingkan iklim kerja dan penerapan proses keperawatan pada dua atau Iebih rumah sakit yang berbeda, peneliti juga menyarankan agar metode pengumpulan dara untuk variabel penerapan proses keperawatan dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung, sehingga diperoleh data penerapan proses keperawaran yang lebih objektif.

This research is to gain description on relation between work climate and implementation of musing process at inpatient care unit of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh. The design of this research was descriptive correlarional with cross sectional data collecting. The proven hipotesis in this research was relation between work climate and implementation of nursing process at inpatient care unit of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh. The sample of the research were 80 executing nurses at inpatient care unit of Dr- Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh and were computed with population proportion appraising, The research used instrument of work measurement (Litwin & Meyer, 1971) and instrument of documentation gauging of musing process (Health Department of Republic of Indonesia, 1997). The both instruments were acliusted with the needs of research. The work climate instrument was consisted of could-be-felt work climate and work climate that was expected by executing nurses as well as instrument of implementation of nursing process, each instnunent broken down into 24 statements. Test of validity and reliability of these instruments utilized Amha Cronbach, and got good results.
The results of the univariat analysis indicated that die work climate, which was felt by executing nurses at inpatient care unit of Dr. Zainoel Abidin Public Hospital Banda Aceh was at moderate category (43,75 %) and tend to go to poor category (38,75 %), meanwhile the implementation of nursing process was at poor category (5150 %). The bivariat analysis implied that the entire work climate statistically had significant connection with the implementation of nursing process with p-value = 0,004, each dimension: responsibility dimension with p-value = 0,000, dimension of standard with p-value = 0,019, reward dimension with p-value = 0,026 and team spirit dimension with p-value =- 0,020. And the conformity dimension with p-value = 0,454 and clarity dimension with p-value = 0,294 were statistically not related with implementation of nursing process.
The results of multivariate analysis indicated that the responsibdity dimension possessed the most significant relation statistically (p = 0,0003) with implementation of nursing process after had controlled with team spirit dimension. Based on the research, the management of Dr. Zainoel Abidiu Public Hospital Banda Aceh particularly nursing care unit should pay attention and renew all dimension of work climate at nursing care service scope to be better than ever hoping that it could enhance the better implementation of nursing process. Further research is recommended to compare work climate and implementation of nursing process in two or more different hospitals. The research conductor suggests that the data collecting method of variables of the implementation of nursing process should be organized widi direct observation so that a more objective data of nursing process implementation could be obtained.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perawat merupakan salah satu faktor penentu bagi peningkasan mutu dan citra sebuah rumah sakit di mata masyarakat. Hal ini disebabkan karena pasien sering kali menilai kualitas pelayanan keperawatan sama pentingnya dengan kualitas pengobatan yang diberikan. Namun ironisnya, justru rumah sakit sering mendapat keluhan tentang pelayanan yang diberikan oleh tenaga keperawatan yang mereka miliki. Keluhan tersebut biasanya berupa perawat seringkali menunjukan perilaku yang kurang simpatik di mata pasien yang mereka tangani.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, maka dalam kesempatan ini kami mengusulkan penggunaan kompetensi sebagai acuan penilaian dalam proses seleksi agar didapatkan tenaga - tenaga keperawatan yang memiliki skill, knowledge dan karakteristik personal yang sesuai dengan harapan rumah sakit. Digunakannya kompetensi sebagai acuan penilaian karena kompetensi dapat meramalkan perilaku dan tampilan kerja seseorang di masa yang akan datang. Kompetensi juga dapat digunakan untuk menilai apakah seseorang dapat melaksanakan tugas - tugasnya dengan baik atau tidak berdasarkan harapan organisasi.
Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan sebelum kita melaksanakan proses seleksi berbasis kompetensi adalah membuat model kompetensi. Model kompetensi adalah kumpulan kompetensi penting yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang pemegang jabatan agar ia dapat melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya dengan sangat baik sesuai dengan harapan organisasi.
Hal - hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melaksanakan seleksi berbasis kompetensi adalah pemilihan metode - metode seleksi yang tepat untuk menggali kompetensi yang oleh para kandidat."
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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