ABSTRAKFenomena terkait kecemasan menjadi isu yang banyak dijumpai di kalangan mahasiswa, khususnya terkait cognitive test anxiety. Individu yang memiliki cognitive test anxiety tinggi cenderung berperforma kurang baik pada tes. Beberapa studi telah menemukan bahwa mindfulness dan regulasi diri dapat memengaruhi cognitive test anxiety. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah regulasi diri memediasi hubungan antara mindfulness dan cognitive test anxiety pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bersifat korelasional yang dilakukan pada 192 mahasiswa. Pada penelitian ini, cognitive test anxiety diukur menggunakan Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale-17 CTAS-17 Cassady Finch, 2014, mindfulness diukur dengan menggunakan Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale MAAS Brown dan Ryan, 2003 , dan regulasi diri diukur menggunakan Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire SSRQ Carey, Neal, Collins, 2004 . Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa regulasi diri memediasi secara parsial partially mediation hubungan antara mindfulness dan cognitive test anxiety dengan indirect effect ? = -0,09.
ABSTRACTAnxiety related phenomenon is a common issue among university students, especially regarding cognitive test anxiety. Individuals who have high cognitive test anxiety tend to perform poorly on a test. Several studies have found that mindfulness and self regulation can affect cognitive test anxiety. This study was conducted to determine whether selfregulation mediates the relationship between mindfulness and cognitive test anxiety in university students. This correlational study conducted on 192 university students. In this study, cognitive test anxiety was measured with Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale 17 CTAS17 Cassady Finch, 2014, mindfulness was measured with Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale Brown and Ryan, 2003, and self regulation measured with Short SelfRegulation Questionnaire SSRQ Carey, Neal, Collins, 2004. The results of statistical analysis show that self regulation partially mediates relationship between mindfulness and cognitive test anxiety with indirect effect 0,09. "