This thesis discusses about the responsibility of the hospital in providing health services facilities for its medical personnel. The focus of this study discusses BPJS health insurance for workers, then the regulations related to the implementation of health service facilities in hospitals, and the hospital's obligations to fulfill that responsibility, especially for its medical personnel. The discussion was carried out through a literature study and a study at the RSUP Persahabatan in East Jakarta. This research is a normative juridical research with qualitative method. The results of the study concluded that at RSUP Persahabatan, the right to health services can be broadly divided into 2, i.e., illness and accident caused by work or illness and accident that is not the result of work. If it is not caused by work, then they can use BPJS Kesehatan and adhere to a vertical tiered referral system which was adopted by BPJS Kesehatan. As a result, it creates a condition that are not optimal for its’ medical personnel. The results of this study suggest that the government should make an implementing regulations that could regulate type A hospitals, such as RSUP Persahabatan, so that they can make first tier health services for their workers.
Nama : Tri NurhayatiningsihProgram Studi : Mutu Layanan KesehatanJudul : Analisis Hubungan Faktor Individu dan Faktor Tim Kerja TerhadapPerilaku Petugas Kesehatan dalam Mendukung Keselamatan Pasien diRSUP Persahabatan Jakarta Tahun 2019Pembimbing : Prof. DR. R. Ayu Dewi Sartika, Apt, MscRumah sakit sebagai suatu organisasi yang bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan kesehatandituntut untuk selalu meningkatkan mutu pelayanannya. Salah satu parameter untukmenilai mutu rumah sakit adalah penilaian akreditasi oleh lembaga yang telahtersertifikasi nasional maupun internasional. Fokus penilaian pada proses akreditasiadalah peningkatan mutu berkelanjutan yang mengutamakan keselamatan pasien.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa gambaran perilaku tenaga kesehatan dalammematuhi standar pelayanan yang mengutamakan keselamatan pasien sehingga risikoinsiden yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan pasien menjadi berkurang danberdampak terhadap mutu pelayanan yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan denganmix method observasi lapangan dan metode kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional.Sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampelsebanyak 161 responden. Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui observasilapangan dan telaah dokumen sedangkan data primer dilakukan melalui pengisiankuesioner. Hasil penelitian diketahui perilaku petugas yang mendukung keselamatanpasien pada tingkat kepatuhan 90% sebanyak 64%. Faktor yang mempunyai hubungandengan perilaku petugas mendukung keselamatan pasien adalah pendidikan (p value0,001), profesi (p value 0,047), pengetahuan (p value 0,029), sikap (p value 0,001),supervise (p value 0,001) dan kerjasama tim (p value 0,001) dengan variabel dominandari hasil analisis multivariate adalah sikap (OR 12,382) dan confounding factor umur,pendidikan, profesi pengetahuan, supervise dan kerjasama tim, namun tidak didapatkanadanya interaksi antar variabel tersebut. Butir permasalahan yang masih rendah padaperilaku adalah terkait beban kerja dimana masih ada yang memaksakan bekerja saatkondisi lelah dan konsentrasi berkurang serta mengerjakan yang diluar kewenangannya.Upaya yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki perilaku terkait keselamatan pasienadalah dengan melakukan pemetaan dan penghitungan beban kerja pegawai khususnyaunit pelayanan pasien, membuat materi edukasi terkait keselamatan pasien melaluimedia audio visual, memasukan perilaku terkait keselamatan pasien ke dalam penilaiankinerja pegawai, membuat program yang dapat memacu pegawai untuk berupayamenjadikan perilaku keselamatan menjadi budaya kerja. Upaya perbaikan keselamatanpasien harus dikelola dengan pendekatan sistemik. Sistem ini dapat dilihat sebagai suatusistem terbuka, di mana sistem terkecil akan dipengaruhi, bahkan tergantung padasistem yang lebih besar.Kata kunci: keselamatan pasien rumah sakit, perilaku petugas, faktor individu, faktortim kerjaABSTRACT
Name : Tri NurhayatiningsihStudy Program : Quality Health ServicesTitle : Analysis of Correlation Individual and Team Work Factor withBehavior of The Health Providers in Supporting Patient Safety atPersahabatan Hospital JakartaCounsellor : Prof. DR. R. Ayu Dewi Sartika, Apt, MscThe hospital as an organization engaged in the field of health services is required toalways improve the quality of the services. A parameter for assessing the quality ofhospitals is the assessment of accreditation by institutions that have been national andinternational certified. The focus of assessment on the accreditation process iscontinuous quality improvement that prioritizes patient safety. This study aims toanalysis description of the behavior of health workers to adhere the service standardsthat prioritize patient safety so that the risk of patient safety incidents had been reducedand have impact on better service quality. This research was conducted with a mixmethod study of field observation and quantitative study with a cross sectional design.The study sample used simple random sampling with a total sample of 161 respondents.Secondary data collection was carried out through field observations and documentstudies while the primary data was carried out through filling in questionnaires. Theresults of the study revealed that the behavior of officers who supported patient safety at90% compliance that amount of 64%. Factors that have a relationship with the behaviorof supporting patient safety are education (p value 0.001), profession (p value 0.047),knowledge (p value 0.029), attitude (p value 0.001), supervision (p value 0.001) andteamwork (p value 0.001) with the dominant variable from the results of multivariateanalysis is attitude (OR 12,382) and confounding factor are age, education, profession,knowledege, supervision and team work, in the otherside not found interaction of thatvaraible. The problems that are still low on behavior are related to workloads there arestill who force work when conditions are tired and the concentration is reduced, theother who work that is beyond their authority. To improve behavior related to patientsafety is to mapping and calculate employee workload, especially the unit of patientservices, make educational materials related to patient safety through audio visualmedia, incorporate behaviors related to patient safety into employee performanceindicator, create programs that can support employees to try make safety behavior to bea work culture.Keywords: hospital of patient safety, health provides behavior, individual factors, teamwork factors"