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Rafid Ghaffaramsi Reynold
PT Chandpur CEL perusahaa manufaktur yang terdiverkasi berbasis di India baru memulai bisnis baja pada 2013. CEL masih kesulitan untuk mengelola biaya operationalnya. Terutama, untuk memesan kombinasi bahan baku yang tepat, karena ini memiliki dampak langsung terhadap biaya produksi lainnya seperti listrik dan biaya-biaya variable lainnya. Memutuskan berapa banyak bahan baku yang perlu dibeli sangatlah penting karena lebih dari 75 dari total biaya produk jadi dan harga bahan baku dapat berfluktuasi dalam satu bulan. Mempelajari dari laba sebelumnya yaitu sekitar INR 1,5 juta, penulis akan membantu untuk menentukan apakah ada atau tidak kemungkinan kombinasi bahan baku yang bisa mengalahkan laba bulanan di tahun-tahun sebelumnya menggunakan program linear model. Kata kunci: perusahaan manufaktur, bisnis baja, biaya operasionalitas, biaya produksi, biaya variable, program linear model

Enterprise Limited CEL a diversified manufacturing company based in India has just started a steel business in 2013. CEL is still struggling in managing its cost. Especially, ordering the right combination of raw materials which has a direct impact on other production costs such as electricity usage and other variable costs. It is crucial to decide how many raw materials need to buy as it contributes over 75 of the total cost of finished product and the price of raw materials could fluctuate in a single month. Therefore, determining the quantity of raw material purchase in each beginning of month is a vital. Studying from previous profit which was around INR 1.5 million, the writers will help to determine whether or not there is a possible combination of raw materials that could beat past rsquo;s monthly profit using a linear programming model. Keyword: manufacturing company, steel business, operational cost, production cost, variable costs, linear programming model"
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ma`mun Nurcholil
"Tesis ini membahas tentang rencana bisnis dalam mengembangkan divisi system integrator pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi solusi bisnis enterprise. Penulis mengharapkan dari tesis ini penulis dapat melakukan penilaian objektif terhadap pencapaian hingga saat ini, mendapatkan banyak informasi yang baik tentang perencanaan bisnis dan teori seputar daya saing, melakukan penilaian terhadap portfolio dan sumber daya manusia beserta kapabilitasnya, dan memikirkan strategi yang tepat untuk bisnis ini beberapa tahun berikutnya.
Kesimpulan dari rencana bisnis ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan saat ini sudah berada di jalan yang tepat, namun masih membutuhkan perbaikan manajemen. Menjalankan strategi bisnis dengan lebih fokus pemilihan portofolio dan alat pendukungnya, peningkatan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia, dan rencana bagi pertumbuhan bertahap selaras dengan kemampuan untuk menjual dan penyerapan pasar, menjadi kunci untuk terus tumbuh dan mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif untuk tetap pemain terkemuka di bidang TI ini.

This thesis discusses a business plan in developing a system integrator division in the information technology companies engaged in enterprise business solutions. The author expect from this research, author can conduct an objective assessment of achievements to date, get a lot of good information about business planning and theory surrounding competitiveness, make an assessment of the portfolio and human resources and its capabilities, and consider the appropriate strategy for this business some next year.
The conclusion of this business plan turned out that their journey is so far was on the right path, but management still needs improvement. Running a business strategy with more focus portfolios election and its supporting tools, improvement and development of human resources, and plan for a gradual growth in harmony with the ability to sell and market absorption, becomes key to continuously grow and have a competitive advantage to remain a leading player in this IT field.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ebnu Suryadhi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan praktik pengelolaan risiko di divisi investasi PT DEF, sebuah manajer investasi reksa dana, dengan kerangka pengendalian risiko COSO ERM dan peraturan OJK yang berlaku saat ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara dengan para staf di divisi investasi PT DEF. Sementara itu, pengambilan sampel terkait pengelolaan risiko menggunakan periode tahun 2015-2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa divisi investasi PT DEF telah memenuhi aspek-aspek pengendalian kerangka COSO ERM dan telah mematuhi peraturan OJK terkait.

This study aims to compare risk management practices at the investment division of PT DEF, a mutual fund investment manager, with ERM risk standards and with current Financial Services Authority OJK regulations. This study uses qualitative method through interview with staffs in the investment division in PT DEF. Meanwhile, risk control samples are taken from 2015 to 2017 period. This study indicates that the investment division of PT DEF has fulfill controlling aspects on COSO ERM framework and complied with OJK rsquo's regulations."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wasisto Tririno Raharjo
"Performansi Bisnis Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) Wireline PT TELKOM menunjukan performansi keuangan yang semakin menurun dari tahun ketahun. Unit Segmen Trading and Service (UNES TNS) sebagai salah satu unit bisnis Divisi Enterprise Service (DIVES) bertanggung jawab untuk mempertahankan performansi bisnis PSTN Wireline di pelanggan yang dikelolanya yaitu pelanggan korporasi segmen Trading and Service.
Hasil penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT dan metode Porter's 5 Forces menjelaskan positioning produk PSTN Wireline sebagai berikut: 1. Performansi bisnis PSTN Wireline berada pada kuadran IV sehingga diperlukan strategi untuk meminimalkan kelemahan dan menghindari ancaman. Alternatif strategi yang efektif untuk posisi ini adalah kosentrasi/fokus, pengembangan produk dan pasar serta inovasi. 2. Potensi Kompetitif bisnis produk PSTN Wireline tergolong kategori high atau sangat kompetitif sehingga daur hidup PSTN Wireline berada dalam tahap penurunan atau decline.
Perencanaan strategi fungsional menggunakan konsep strategi generik Porter dan analisa SWOT menghasilkan beberapa alternatif strategi diantaranya: 1. Keunggulan Biaya: Bulk Traffic Pricing, Program tarif On-net, Bundling Pricing dan Single Billing 2. Diferensiasi: Penyediaan layanan dengan kualitas dan reability yang tinggi, customer relationship dan bundling Produk 3. Fokus layanan total solusi untuk beberapa sub segment yang potensial. 4. Program promosi layanan Beberapa alternatif strategi tersebut diharapkan menjadi strategi yang tepat untuk menciptakan keunggulan bersaing dan meningkatkan performansi bisnis PSTN Wireline di pelanggan korporasi.

Wireline Public Switch Telephone Network (Wireline PSTN) Business of PT TELKOM has showed significant reduction in financial and sales performance from year to year. Trading & Service Segment (TNS Segment) as one of the units in PT TELKOM's Enterprise Division which has the responsibility to maintain business performance of Wireline PSTN amongst Corporate Customers that have main/core business in Trading & Service sector. A research using the integration of SWOT Analysis and Porter's Five Forces defines the positioning of Wireline PSTN's products.
The result of research using SWOT analysis & Porter's 5 Forces Method defines product positioning of wireline PSTN as follow: 1. PSTN Wireline bussiness performance is at fourth kuadran and needs a strategy to minimize the weakness and avoid any threath. This effective strategy for this position is concentration/focus, product and market, development and innovation. 2. The competitive potential of PSTN product is catagorized as highly or very competitive that the life cycle is in the declining stage.
Fungsional Strategy at in Planning using concept Porter's Generic strategy and SWOT analysis result a lot of alternative strategy as follow: 1. Leadership Cost: Bulk Traffic Pricing, On-net Pricing Program, Pricing Bundling and Single Billing 2. Diferentiation: Service delivered by high quality and reability, Customer relationship and Product bundling. 3. Focust to total solution service in potential sub segment 4. Promotion Program
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Adji Purbosari
"This is descriptive quantitative research with only have one variable (univariat). The purposes of this research are to identify culture types, dominant culture type and analyze suitability between current organization culture and preferred organization culture from Offset Division and Convening Division at PT. Pura Barutama. In this research, it was used survey method of Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) which was developed by Kim S. Cameron and Robert E. Quinn from University of Michigan. The data analyzing technique is comparing mean value from the variables.
This research was involving 404 respondents from Offset Division and 327 respondents from Converting Division. Results of this research are as followed:
1) there is identical perception concerning culture types in offset division and converting division, that the forth culture types Clan, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy are stated by both divisions and have similar average values that is up 20.
2) there is identical perception concerning culture types in Pura Group refer to the offset division and converting division perceptions, that the forth culture types Clan, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy are stated by both divisions as Pura Group corporate cultures and have similar average values that is up 20.
3a.) there is no identical perception in offset division and converting division concerning current dominant culture types (culture strength) in offset division and converting division.
3b.) there is identical perception in offset division and converting division concerning preferred dominant culture types (culture strength) in offset division and converting.
4a.) there is no identical perception in offset division and converting division concerning current dominant culture type (culture strength) at Pura Group refer to offset division and converting division perceptions.
4b.) there is no identical perception in offset division and converting division concerning preferred dominant culture type (culture strength) at Pura Group refer to offset division and converting division perceptions.
4c) there is identical perception in offset division concerning current and preferred dominant culture type (culture strength) at Pura Group refer to offset division perceptions.
5a) there is no identical perception in offset division concerning current and preferred dominant culture type (culture strength) at offset division and current and preferred dominant culture type (culture strength) at Pura Group refer to offset division perceptions with corporate culture which was developed by the owner/founder and stated at the corporate philosophy.
5b.) there is no identical perception in converting division concerning current and preferred dominant culture type (culture strength) at converting division and current and preferred dominant culture type (culture strength) at Pura Group refer to converting division perceptions with corporate culture which was developed by the owner/founder and stated at the corporate philosophy.
5c.) the difference between both divisions? culture type perceptions and the owner/founder corporate culture seems that the management has not embedded the stated corporate values, to the employees, especially in the both division."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadil
"Penelitian ini menganalisa implementasi manajemen kinerja di PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Divisi Bisnis Kartu. Metoda yang digunakan adalah Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dan European Foundation For Quality Management (EFQM). Dengan kombinasi kedua metoda tersebut, memberikan turunan baru yang mengarah kepada pemahaman yang baik mengenai kinerja organisasi. Dengan demikian nantinya akan didapatkan hasil penilaian implementasi manajemen kinerja di PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk, guna mengurangi kendala dalam stabilitas operasional serta mengantisipasi potensi kendala yang mungkin timbul di masa yang akan.

This study analyzes the implementation of performance management at PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk. Credit Business Division. The method used is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and the European Foundation For Quality Management (EFQM). With the combination of the two methods, provide new derivative that leads to a good understanding of the performance of the organization. Thus the results of the assessment will be obtained performance management implementation at PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk, to reduce obstacles in the operational stability and to anticipate potential problems that may arise in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Viksi Kusumasari
Tesis ini membahas apakah divisi audit internal PT Bank X telah memberikan nilai
tambah bagi perusahaan melalui assurance, independensi, dan sebagai katalis sesuai
dengan best practice.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa divisi audit internal PT Bank X telah
memberikan nilai tambah. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa audit kepatuhan
masih menjadi fokus utama dari aktivitas divisi audit internal. Oleh karena itu, divisi
audit internal perlu memperluas cakupan perannya yaitu sebagai katalis melalui
peningkatan pemberian jasa konsultasi, pelaksanaan control risk self-assessment, dan
juga peningkatan sertifikasi profesional bagi auditor internal PT Bank X.

This thesis discusses whether the internal audit division of PT Bank X has provided
value added to the company through assurance, independence, and as a catalyst in
accordance with best practice.
This study is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The research concludes
that the internal audit division of PT Bank X has provided value added. The results
also show that the compliance audit is still dominant of the activities of the internal
audit division. Therefore, the internal audit division needs to expand the scope of its
role as a catalyst through increased consulting services, implementation of control risk
self-assessment, and also an increase in professional certification for internal auditor
PT Bank X."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Canggih Adiyasa
"Divisi IT memegang peran yang penting dalam PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta yang merupakan perusahaan Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang penyedia jasa komunikasi data. Data pencapaian KPI perusahaan menunjukkan hasil penyelesaian aplikasi backoffice minor request oleh divisi TI masih kurang sesuai dengan target yang diharapkan perusahaan. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana strategi perubahan untuk manajemen perubahan TI untuk meningkatkan kualitas agar dapat memenuhi target pencapaian perusahaan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metodologi penelitian kualitatif kuantitatif dengan studi kasus divisi TI PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta. Data dikumpulkan dengan tiga cara yaitu melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur terhadap manajemen TI, kuesioner yang ditujukan untuk pegawai divisi TI serta kajian dokumen ITCM perusahaan.
Analisa data dilakukan melalui Organization Culture Domain Assessment untuk mengetahui tingkat maturitas perusahaan dalam menerima perubahan, analisa SWOT untuk memformulasikan strategi perubahan yang dilakukan dan analisa Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk menentukan prioritas implementasinya.
Kajian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat maturitas dalam menerima perubahan berada pada level 4 (Established) dari 6 skala tingkatan maturitas yang artinya memiliki tingkat ketahanan yang cukup tinggi terhadap perubahan. Analisa terhadap faktor SWOT menghasilkan 6 usulan strategi perbaikan manajemen perubahan TI beserta prioritas implementasinya.

IT Division hold important role in PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta, an Indonesia company that specialisized in data communication service provider. KPI attainment data show that the result of completion minor request back office application is still under the target management expectation. This research assess on how the change strategy can improve the IT change management quality so the KPI attainment target can be achieved.
This research use the qualitative quantitative research methodology with IT division on PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta as a case study subject. Data gathered with three way throught semi structured interview with IT person management as target interview, the questioner addressed on IT division employee and the assessment on ITCM document of the company. Data analysis conducted through Organizational Culture Domain Assesment to know the the maturity level of the company on change acceptance subject. SWOT Analysis use to formulate the change strategy that must be done and Analytical Hierarchy Process use to determine the priorities of strategy to be implemented.
This research found that the maturity level in change acceptance and change resistance on the level 4 (established) from 6 level which means the division has high resilience level from the change. SWOT factor analysis produce six change strategy recommendation to fix the IT change management with the priorities of the implementation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuki Arsanti
"Pengetahuan merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk dimiliki oleh sebuah organisasi. Dengan adanya pengetahuan dan pemerataan pengetahuan antara pegawai akan meningkatkan kemampuan kompetensi dan kompetitif organisasi tersebut sehingga dapat dirasakan manfaatnya baik secara langsung dan tidak langsung oleh semua pegawai. Dalam membangun sistem manajemen pengetahuan diperlukan penetapan prioritas dalam proses manajemen pengetahuan sehingga dapat dilihat baik kesesuaian pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan dengan teknologi yang akan dipakai. Sistem manajemen pengetahuan yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk prototipe akan menunjang proses manajemen pengetahuan yaitu combination, externalization, internalization dan exchange dengan menghasilkan fitur yang diambil berdasarkan kesesuaian teknologi yang dipilih yaitu manajemen dokumen, forum diskusi, chatting, dan wiki. Langkah-langkah yang dipakai sehingga menghasilkan prioritas proses manajemen pengetahuan adalah dengan menggunakan solusi manajemen pengetahuan yang melihat faktor kontingensi yang ada di organisasi sehingga dapat teridentifikasi kebutuhan manajemen pengetahuan yang spesifik untuk organisasi saat ini dan fasilitas untuk pengembangan sistem manajemen pengetahuan.

Knowledge is an important thing to be owned by organization. With knowledge sharing among employees improves the competence and competitiveness of an organization and employees will benefit from that. Knowledge Management System development need priority of the process and technology compatibility of the Knowledge Management that will be used. Knowledge Management System will be developed in prototype and including process knowledge management such as combination, externalization, internalization, and exchange with feature like document management, forum discussion, chatting, and wiki. The steps to develop knowledge management using knowledge management solutions that apprehend contingency factors within the organization so it can be identified spesific current needs and facilities for the development"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widhi Setya Wahyudhi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap penerapan Lean Six Sigma pada divisi perawatan di PT PPN, dimana metode yang akan diterapkan ini akan melihat efektivitas dari implementasi lean six sigma. Terdapat fase dalam pengambilan data, yaitu dengan metode pengolahan data yang sudah terdapat dalam database perusahaan atau dari computerized maintenance managament system CMMS . Dengan menggunakan pendekatan lean six sigma akan menyediakan sebuah pendekatan yang terstruktur untuk menyelesaikan masalah melalui implementasi 5 fase; Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, dan Control DMAIC . Metodologi DMAIC merupakan metodologi yang sederhana yang dapat diaplikasikan ke seluruh aspek bisnis/operasional baik pada perusahaan manufaktur maupun industri jasa dimana masing-masing fase memiliki tujuan, tindakan serta ouput yang jelas. Six Sigma akan berfokus pada kualitas daripada kuantitas dari data yang akan menerapkan teknik statistika dalam format praktek. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan lean six sigma akan didapatkan sistem aktivitas perawatan yang lebih efektif dan efisien di PT PPN. Sehingga dengan memperoleh sistem manajemen perawatan yang optimal akan menciptakan keunggulan daya saing perusahaan sustainable competitive advantage . Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan perbaikan pada salah satu key performance indicators yaitu redo PS, dimana nilai redo PS PC1250 HD4657R turun menjadi 0 , nilai Ppk PC 1250 naik menjadi 8.30 dan nilai Ppk HD4657R naik menjadi 18.32, selain itu didapatkan potensial benefit secara financial yaitu 3 miliar rupiah untuk HD4657R dan 16 Miliar rupiah untuk PC1250.Kata kunci :Computerized Maintenance Management System CMMS ; DMAIC; heavy equipment; lean; Maintenance; six sigma; sustainable competitive advantage.

This study aimed to analyze the application of Lean Six sigma in the perawatan division at PT PPN, where the method to be applied will look at the effectiveness of the implementation of lean six sigma. There is a phase in the data collection, namely the method of processing data that is already contained in the company 39 s database or from a computerized perawatan managament system CMMS . By using lean six sigma approach will provide a structured approach to resolve the problem through the implementation of 5 phase of six sigma methodology Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control DMAIC . DMAIC methodology is a simple methodology that can be applied to all aspects of operations both on manufacturing and the service industry where each phase has a purpose, action and clear output. Six sigma will focus on the quality rather than the quantity of data that will apply statistical techniques in a practical format. By using lean six sigma approach will get the system perawatan activity more effective and efficient in PT. PPN. So as to obtain an optimal perawatan management system will create a competitive advantage companies sustainable competitive advantage . From this research have some performance improvement at one of key performance indicators, that key performance indicators was redo PS. redo PS value for PC1250 and HD4657R decreased to 0 , Ppk value of PC 1250 increased to 8.30 and Ppk value of HD4657R increased to 18.32. Beside that it have some potential benefit for financial performance, it have 3 Billion rupiah for HD4657R and 16 Billion rupiah for PC1250.Key Word Computerized Maintenance Management System CMMS DMAIC heavy equipment lean Maintenance six sigma sustainable competitive advantage."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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