"Analisis praktik residensi merupakan laporan rangkaian kegiatan Ners Spesialis
Keperawatan Medikal Bedah dengan penerapan Model Adaptasi Roy pada proses
asuhan keperawatan pasien gangguan sistem pencernaan, penerapan praktik
keperawatan berdasarkan evidence based serta melakukan inovasi keperawatan.
Pengkajian kasus utama terhadap pasien karsinoma gaster dan 30 kasus resume pasien
bedah digestif, gastrointestinal serta hepatobilier berfokus pada respon adaptif dari
model adaptasi Roy. Pelaksanaan evidence based dilakukan untuk mengelola
kecemasan pasien sebelum menjalani operasi bedah digestif sebanyak 8 orang, dengan
intervensi mendengarkan Al-Qur`an Surah Al Waqi’ah dan terjemahannya selama 30
menit. Program inovasi keperawatan dilakukan, terhadap 7 orang pasien yang
direncanakan menjalani operasi kolostomi berupa optimalisasi pemberian edukasi
melalui media video. Kesimpulan: mendengarkan Al-Qur`an Surah Al Waqi’ah dan
terjemahannya dapat menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pasien sebelum operasi dan
edukasi melalui media video terhadap pasien yang akan menjalani operasi kolostomi
dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan pasien yang sangat memengaruhi terhadap keputusan
persetujuan pasien menjalani operasi.
The residency practice analysis is a series of reports on the activities of SurgicalMedical Nursing Specialists with the application of Roy's Adaptation Model in thenursing care process of patients with digestive system disorders, the application ofevidence-based nursing practices and nursing innovations. Major case studies of gastriccarcinoma patients and 30 cases of digestive, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgeryresumes focused on the adaptive response of Roy's adaptation model. Evidence basedimplementation was carried out to manage the anxiety of patients before undergoingdigestive surgery as many as 8 people, with the intervention of listening to Al-Qur'anSurah Al Waqi'ah and its translation for 30 minutes. Nursing innovation programcarried out, for 7 patients who were planned to undergo colostomy surgery in the formof optimizing the provision of education through video media. Conclusion: listening toAl-Qur'an Surah Al Waqi'ah and its translation can reduce the level of patient anxietybefore surgery and education through video media for patients who will undergocolostomy surgery can increase patient knowledge which greatly influences the decisionof consent for patients undergoing surgery."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020