"Hubungan romantis merupakan sumber penting bagi self esteem, kesehatan, dan kebahagiaan atau subjective well being seorang individu (Reis, Collins, & Berscheid, 2000). Oleh karena itu, putusnya hubungan romantis dapat menurunkan tingkat kebahagiaan dan subjective well being seseorang meskipun subjective well being tergolong relatif stabil selama rentang kehidupan (Park & Sanchez, 2007). Lebih lanjut, terkadang seorang individu merespon putusnya hubungan romantis dengan tindakan maladaptif seperti distres emosional berkepanjangan dan usaha obsesif untuk memperoleh kembali mantan pasangan. Salah satu teknik intervensi yang dipercaya dapat meningkatkan kebahagiaan seseorang adalah Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) (Harris, 2008). Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Partisipan adalah dewasa muda dengan rentang usia 20 hingga 40 tahun. Intervensi ini terdiri dari lima pertemuan yang dilakukan sebanyak satu kali di dalam seminggu selama ±90 menit setiap sesinya. Berdasarkan pengukuran kuantitatif melalui Oxford Happiness Questionnaire dan Core Bereavement Item, serta penilaian kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara terlihat adanya perubahan peningkatan subjective well being setiap partisipan setelah diberikan intervensi. Oleh karena itu, kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah Acceptance Commitment Therapy dianggap efektif dalam meningkatkan subjective well being pada dewasa muda pasca putusnya hubungan pacaran.
Romantic relationship is one of the most important assets for individual‟s self esteem, health and happiness or their subjective well-being (Reis, Collins, & Berscheid, 2000). By that fact, the broke-up of the romantic relationship can decrease the level of happiness and subjective well-being of individuals whether the subjective well-being itself is relatively stable for the entire life (Park & Sanchez, 2007). Sometimes an individual responded their broke-up by doing some maladaptive acts such as an endless emotional distress and obsessive act just to get back their ex-partner. One of the most reliable intervention techniques to increase people‟s happiness is Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) (Harris, 2008). The research design is using one group pretest-postest design. As a partisipant, young adult should be in 20 until 40 years of age. This intervention contains 5 (five) session which held once in a week and the duration is ± 90 minutes per session. Based on the quantitative evaluation with Oxford Happiness Questionnaire and Core Bereavement Item, and also the qualitative evaluation from observation and interview, the main result pointed that Acceptance Commitment Therapy is effectively proven to increase subjective well-being in Young Adults‟ post relationship dissolution."