Kambuaya, Mavkren J.
ABSTRAKMenjelang diterapkannya Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional tahun 2014,rumah sakit wajib menyelenggarakan administrasi rekam medis yang tertib yakni rekam medis lengkap,dan akurat sesuai dengan pelayanan yang telah diberikan. Selain itu, ketidaklengkapan dalam pengisian rekam medis akan sangat mempengaruhi mutu rekam medis dan mencerminkan mutu pelayanan di suatu rumah sakit (Depkes,2006). Dari hasil pengamatan pendahuluan, masih ada keluhan dari pasien,perawat dan dokter terhadap sistem rekam medis rawat jalan di unit RSU Bhakti Yudha Depok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem rekam medis rawat jalan (input, process, output, feedback, dan control) di Unit Rekam Medik RSU Bhakti Yudha Depok tahun 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Mix Methods dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Cara pengumpulan data melalui observasi partisipatif moderat, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Hasil: sistem rekam medis rawat jalan belum berjalan secara optimal sehingga berpengaruh pada output yakni rekam medis rawat jalan tidak akurat,tidak lengkap dan tidak aman secara fisik. Ini disebabkan oleh tidak dilakukannya analisis kelengkapan rekam medis rawat jalan, serta proses pengiriman rekam medis yang tidak aman. Saran : supervisor rekam medis menunjuk seorang petugas rekam medis yang khusus menangani penaataan berkas rekam medis rawat jalan, sekaligus melakukan analisis kelengkapan rekam medis dan kepada manajemen rumah sakit agar mempertimbangkan metode alternatif untuk mengirimkan rekam medis.
ABSTRACTTowards the implementation of the National Social Security System (SJSN) in 2014, hospital must conduct an orderly administration of the medical record namely medical records complete, accurate and in accordance with the service provided. Moreover, the incompleteness of the charging medical records will greatly affect the quality of medical records and reflect the quality of care in a hospital (Depkes, 2006). From preliminary observations, there were still complaints from patients, nurses and doctors about the outpatient medical record systems in Bhakti Yudha Hospital. This study aims to analyze the outpatient medical record system (input, process, output, feedback, and control) at the Medical Records Unit of Bhakti Yudha Hospital in 2013. The method used was Mix Methods with a case study approach. The data collected through participant observation moderate, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Result : The outpatient medical record system was not running optimally, so that the effect on the output of the outpatient medical record are inaccurate, incomplete and not secure. This is due to the completeness analysis of outpatient medical records was never had been assessed, as well as the delivery method of medical records that is not safe. Advice for the Medical Record Supervisor is appoint a medical record officer who specializes in assembling the outpatient medical record, as well as to analyze the completeness of the medical records and suggest to hospital management to consider alternative methods to delivery the medical records.
Key words : system analysis, medical record, outpatient."