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Muhammad Akbar Pradikto
"Durian merupakan salah satu jenis buah yang terkenal dikalanagn masyarakat, termasuk di Indonesia. Banyak rumor yang berkembang dikalangan masyarakat bahwa konsumsi buah durian dapat meningkatkan level trigliserida dalam darah. Trigliserida sendiri adalah salah satu jenis lemak yang sangat penting badi tubuh dan berperan dalam berbagai sistem fisiologi dalam tubuh seperti pembentukan membrane sel, sumber energy, penyerapan vitamin A, D, E, K dan juga menjaga panas tubuh.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan rumor tersebut dan memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentag pengaruh konsumsi durian terhadap kadar trigliserida darah.
Penelitian ini menggunaka metode experimental kepada tikus sebagai subjek. Data diambil pada bulan Juli 2012. Durian yang telah diencerkan diberikan kepada tikus melalui injeksi oral dengan 3 perlakuan berbeda, yaitu tikus diberi makan durian selama 1 minggu, 2 minggu dan 3 minggu, ditambah dengan sekelompok tikus yang diberi makan pelet biasa sebagai kontrol. Data diolah menggunakan SPSS .
Hasil menunjukan pada kelompok tikus kontrol mean trigliserida darah sebesar 184,073. Pada kelompk tikus yang diberikan makan durian hasilnya menunjukan pada tikus mingu 1 memiliki mean kadar trigliserida darah sebesar 138,423, pada tikus minggu 2 memiliki mean trigliserida darah sebesar 126,962, dan pada tikus minggu 3 memiliki mean kadar trigliserida darah sebesar 633,447. Dari hasil analisis SPSS hasil menunjukan bahwa data tidak signifikan.
Sebagai kesimpulan, terjadi penurunan kadar trigliserida darah pada tikus yang diberi makan hanya durian pada minggu 1 dan 2, sedangkan terjadi peningkatan kadar trigliserida darah pada tikus yang hanya diberi makan durian pada minngu 3, dengan korelasi positif.

Durian is one of popular fruits among people including in Indonesia. There is rumor spreading in societythat by consuming durian it can raise the blood triglyceride level. Triglyceride itself is a type of fat that very important which is very important for human body and has important roles in physiology system of our body like in cell membrane construction, energy sources, absorption of vitamin A, D, E, K and keep heat in our body.
This research's purpose is to prove that rumor and give the information to society about the effect of durian consumption on the blood triglyceride level.
This research uses experimental method with rats as subjects. These data was taken on July 2012. The diluted durian is given through oral injection to rats with 3 different variables, which are given durian for 1 week, 2 weeks, and 3 weeks, plus with a group of rats that was feed with ordinary rats food as a control group. The data is processed using SPSS.
The results show that from the control group rats the mean of blood triglyceride level is 184,073. In a group of rats that was fed with durian for 1 week the mean of blood triglyceride level is 138,423, in group of rats which was fed with durian for 2 weeks the mean of blood triglyceride level is 126,962, while in group of rats fed with durian for three weeks the mean of blood triglyceride level is 633,447. From the analyzing process using SPSS it shows that the results data is not significant.
In conclusion, there is a reduction of blood triglyceride level in groups of rats fed only by durian for 1 week and 2 weeks, while there is an elevation of blood triglyceride level of a group of rats fed only by durian for 3 weeks, with positive correlation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Aljufri
"Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2007 Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa penyakit tidak menular (PTM) adalah penyebab utama kematian di Indonesia. Penyakit Kardiovaskuler menjadi penyebab utama dengan 31,9% termasuk hipertensi (6,8%) dan stroke (15,4%).1 Risiko penyakit meliputi makanan. Salah satu makanan yang dipercaya mempunyai hubungan dengan penyakit jantung dan strok adalah durian. Durian (Durio spp.) adalah salah satu buah tropis yang disenangi di regio Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia. Berita yang beredar dimasyarakat menyatakan bahwa konsumsi durian dalam jumlah besar pada waktu relatif singkat dapat menyebabkan yang efek tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah konsumsi durian dalam jumlah yang besar dalam waktu yang relatif singkat berpengaruh terhadap kadar kolesterol plasma tikus.
Dalam percobaan ini setiap grup yang terdiri dari grup kontrol maupun intervensi terdiri atas enam ekor tikus. Grup pertama mengkonsumsi durian selama satu minggu, grup kedua diberi intervensi durian selama dua minggu dan grup ketiga diberi intervensi durian selama tiga minggu. Durian yang diberikan dilarutkan dalam air dengan dosis yang sama dengan konsumsi lima buah durian/manusia/hari. Tikus lalu dikorbankan diakhir percobaan dan darahnya diambil untuk mengukur level dari kolesterol menggunakan kit (ST. Reagensia, Indonesia). Riset ini dilakukan dalam periode Juli 2012 sampai April 2013.
Pada minggu pertama, level kolesterol dari enam tikus yang hidup adalah 68,617 + 21,676 mg/dL. Pada minggu kedua experimen, level kolesterol darah dari grup kedua yang terdiri dari tiga ekor adalah 58,534 + 7,528 mg/dL dan grup perlakuan tiga minggu memiliki nilai kolesterol 55,654 + 0,489 mg/dL dengan nilai kolesterol darah dari kontrol keseluruhan sebesar 75,497 + 15,486 mg/dL. Dari percobaan ini, dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi penurunan nilai kolesterol darah. Namun, secara statistik tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna (p>0,5). Dapat dilihat bahwa kolesterol tidak meningkatkan level kolesterol darah.
Dari survei literatur, ditemukan bahwa durian tidak mengandung substansi yang berbahaya. Di sisi lain, hasil percobaan menunjukkan tidak ada peningkatan level kolesterol darah bahkan sebaliknya. Studi literature menyatakan bahwa durian mengandung substansi antioxidan yang secara tidak langsung dapat mengurangi level kolesterol darah.

Since long time, Durian (Durio spp.) is appreciated and consumed widely in Southeast Asia countries. However, there is a rumor among people that consuming durian in a relatively great number and in relatively short time could cause dangerous effect such as increase in the blood cholesterol level, heart attack, abortion, or even stroke. Therefore, the aim of this investigation is to test whether the durian consumption in relatively long time could increase the blood cholesterol level.
A number of rats were divided randomly into a group of 6 animals. The first group was fed with durian for 1 week, second group for 2 weeks, and the third group for 3 weeks. The durians were dissolved in water in a dose equivalent to five-durians/ human/day. The rats were sacrificed at the end of each period and blood was collected for cholesterol level, which is determined using a special kit (ST. Reagensia, Indonesia). The research was conducted from July 2012 to April 2013.
At the first week, the blood cholesterol level of 6 survival rat was 68,617 + 21,676 mg/dL. After 2 weeks of experiment, the blood cholesterol level of the second group 3 of 9 was 58,534 + 7,528 mg/dL. Later on, in 3 weeks intervention the blood cholesterol level (3 rats) was 55,654 + 0,489 mg/dL. Compare to blood cholesterol level in control group (5 rats), which was 75,497+ 15,486 mg/dL In conclusion, it seems that there were a decrease in blood cholesterol level in durian fed rats. However, statistical analysis shows that the different is not significant. It appears that the durian consumption did not increase blood cholesterol level.
From literature survey it is found that durian does not contain any harmful substance. Instead of increasing blood cholesterol level, durian contains antioxidant substance, which indirectly can reduce the blood cholesterol level.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Mukhlidah Hanun
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan determinandeterminan terkait profil lipid darah berdasarkan data Riskesdas tahun 2013 pada kelompok umur 18-59 tahun. Desain penelitian Cross Sectional dengan sampel 21.055 orang. Data dianalisis dengan analisis multivariat Regresi Logistik Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, obesitas sentral, merokok, dan aktivitas fisik berhubungan dengan kadar kolesterol total. Jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, merokok, aktivitas fisik, pola konsumsi makanan berlemak/berkolesterol/gorengan, dan konsumsi kopi berhubungan dengan kadar kolesterol HDL. Umur, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, obesitas sentral, merokok, dan aktivitas fisik berhubungan dengan kadar kolesterol LDL. Umur, jenis kelamin, status perkawinan, obesitas sentral, merokok, stres, dan pola konsumsi kopi berhubungan dengan kadar trigliserida. Umur menjadi determinan utama pada kadar kolesterol total, kadar kolesterol LDL, dan kadar trigliserida. Sedangkan determinan utama pada kadar kolesterol HDL adalah obesitas sentral. Disarankan kepada masyarakat usia 18-59 tahun untuk menjaga gizi seimbang, meningkatkan aktivitas fisik, dan berhenti merokok untuk menjaga agar terhindar dari obesitas sentral yang berdampak kepada profil lipid darah tidak normal.

This study was conducted to determine the association between determinants of blood lipid profiles based on Riskesdas? data in 2013. This study used the cross sectional design methodology and 21.055 samples. Data analyzed by multivariate analysis Multiple Logistic Regression. The result of the statistical analysis is concluded that there is significant association of age, sex, marital status, central obesity, smoking, and physical activity with total cholesterol levels. And there are association of sex, marital status, smoking, physical activity, consumption of fatty foods, and coffee consumption with HDL cholesterol. And determinants of age, sex, marital status, central obesity, smoking, and physical activity associated with LDL cholesterol. And determinants of age, sex, marital status, central obesity, smoking, stress, and coffee consumption associated with triglyceride levels. Age becomes a major determinant on total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. While, the main determinant in HDL cholesterol levels is central obesity. This research suggested to people 18-59 years old to maintain balanced nutrition, increase physical activity, and stop smoking which can avoid from central obesity that can abnormal blood lipid profile.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahadiansyah Ramadhani
Durian merupakan buah tropis yang umum ditemukan di Asia Tenggara. Durian berasal dari keluarga Malvaceae dan genus Durio. High-density lipoprotein atau HDL adalah zat yang tidak larut dalam air dan memiliki fungsi untuk membawa kolesterol ester dan kolesterol dari jaringan kembali ke hati. Diyakini bahwa konsumsi durian berlebihan dapat menyebabkan status kesehatan yang buruk karena dapat meningkatkan tingkat kolesterol. Dalam penelitian ini, kami ingin mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah rumor ini benar atau tidak. Kami melakukan penelitian dengan rancangan penelitian eksperimental.
Kami menggunakan tikus, dikelompokkan, dan kami memberi durian dalam periode tertentu. Pada setiap akhir periode, kami mengorbankan tikus dan mengambil darah untuk pemeriksaan. Kami menggunakan kit untuk mengukur tingkat HDL dan membandingkannya dengan kelompok kontrol yang tidak mengkonsumsi durian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi HDL lebih rendah pada kelompok intervensi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol di ketiga perbandingan. Namun, nilai p ditemukan tidak signifikan. Bentuk penelitian lain telah menemukan bahwa durian mengandung fenol dan flavonoid yang memiliki sifat antioksidan. Antioksidan dapat mengurangi risiko memiliki penyakit kardiovaskular dengan mencegah proses oksidasi LDL khusus oleh radikal bebas, spesies oksigen reaktif, dan spesies nitrogen reaktif. Rendahnya tingkat HDL adalah faktor risiko untuk aterosklerosis. Tapi, kita harus melihat dari pendekatan yang komprehensif mengenai konsumsi durian. Kita harus mengeksplorasi parameter lain seperti kolesterol total, LDL, dan trigliserida. Tingkat kolesterol total dalam penelitian ini mengalami penurunan. Jadi, kita tidak bisa menilai
bahwa durian adalah buruk bagi kesehatan. Penyelidikan lebih lanjut mengenai profil lipid dan risiko memiliki penyakit kardiovaskular perlu dilakukan.

Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done.;Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done.;Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian
consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done., Durian is a tropical fruit commonly found in South East Asia. It comes from the family of Malvaceae and the genus of Durio. High-density lipoprotein or HDL is a substance that is insoluble in water and has the function to carry cholesterol and cholesterol esters from the tissues back into the liver. It is believed that durian consumption moreover if excessive can lead to bad health status due tot he increase of cholesterol level. In this research, we want to try to learn if this rumor is true or not. We done the research with experimental research design. We used rats, grouped them, and we give them durian in a certain period of time. In the end of each period, we sacrificed the rats and took their blood for examination. We use a kit to measured the HDL level and compare it to a control group who does not consume durian. The results showed lower HDL concentration in the intervention group compare to the control group in all three comparison. However, the p value is not significant for two comparisons. Form other studies, we had found that durian contains phenols and flavonoids which has antioxidant properties. Antioxidant can reduce the risk of having cardiovascular diseases by preventing the oxidation process specifically LDL by the free radicals, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species. Low level of HDL is risk factors for atherosclerosis. But, we have to look from comprehensive approach regarding this durian
consumption. We have to explore other parameters such as the total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides. The total cholesterol level in this research is decreasing. So, we cannot judge that durian is bad for the health. Further investigations regarding the lipid profile and the risk of having cardiovascular disease is need to be done.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Wayangede Sutadarma
"Tujuan penelitian adalah diketahuinya pengaruh pemberian jus bayam 100 gram per hari selama empat minggu berturut-turut terhadap kadar NOx serum dan tekanan darah pada laki-laki dewasa muda. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis paralel, membandingkan 17 orang kelompok yang mendapat jus bayam disertai penyuluhan gizi (P) dengan 17 orang kclompok yang hanya mendapat penyuluhan gizi saja (K). Sebanyak 34 mahasiswa taki-lakt semester dua Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana yang memenuhi kriteria dibagi dalam dua kelompok secara randomisasi blok. Data yang diambil meliputi usia. aktivitas fisik, indeks massa tubuh, asupan energi, natrium, dan nitrat anorganik dengan food recal/2 x 24 jam dan food recoNi, Pemeriksaan kadar nitrit, nitrat, dan NOx serum serta tekanan darah dilakukan pada awal dan akhir pcr!akuan. Anal isis data menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann Whitney dengan batas kemaknaan 5%. Sebanyak 17 orang kclompok P dan 16 orang kelompok K dengan median usia 18 (17~ 19) tahun yang mengikuti penelitian secara lengkap. Indeks aktivitas tisik subyek kedua kelompok termasuk rendah. Data awal tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p>Q,05). Setelah empat minggu perlakuan, didapatkan persentase as11pan energi dibandingkan kebutuhan energi total termasuk kategori cukup pada kedua kelompok {8:4,93± 10,lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan angka kecukupan gizi 2004 (1083.00 {834,84-1797,50) mg/hari vs 923,95 (676,20-2494,05) mg/hari. Asupan nimH anorganik lebih tinggl pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (130,33 (107,28-195,85) mglhari vs 30,79 (9,47- 118,38) mg/hari. Pada kedua kelompok didapatkan peningkatan kadar nitrit, nitrat dan NO,. serum yang tebih tinggi pada kelompok perlakuan, namun secara statistik tidak bermakna (p->0,05). Tidak didapatkan penurunan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik yang bemakna pada kelompok perlakuan (p>O,OS). Pemberian 1 00 gram jus bayam selama empat minggu berturut-turut tidak didapatkan peningkatan kadar nitrat, nltrit, dan NO,. serum sejak penurunan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolk pada kelompok perlakuan.

The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of 100 gram per day spinach juice during four weeks on serum NO level and blood pressure in young adult male. The study was a parallel! randomized clinical trial Thirty four subjects of second semester male student Medical faculty of Udayana University were selected using certain criteria. The randomly (block randomization) thirty four subject were divided into two group. The treatment group {nc-·cJ7) received spinach juice and nutrition counseling; the control group (n"" 17) received nutrition counseling alone. Data collected included age, physical activity, body mass index, intake of energy, sodium, and inorganic nitrate using 2 x 24 hours food recall and food record. Laboratory findings {semm nitrite, nitrate, and NO.; levels) and blood pressure examination were done before and after intervention, For statistical analysis, unpaired Hest and Mann Whitney were used with the level of significance was 5%. Seventeen subjects in the treatment group and sixteen subjects in the control group completed the study and analyzed. Median of age were 18 (l7-19) years old. The physical activity index in both groups were low. The characteristic of the two groups were closely matched pH base line (p>0,05). After four weeks intervention, all subjects consumed energy achieved the recommended diet with an average of 84.93± 10,60 % in the treatment group and 88,19±5,47 % in the control group. The average intake of sodium in both groups were lower than Indonesian recommended dietary allowance 2004 (I 083,00 (834,84-1797,50) mg/day vs 923,95 (676,20-2494,05) mg/day). The average intake of inorganic nitrate in the treatment group increased significantly than in the control group (130,33 (107,28-195,85) mg/day vs. 30.79 (9,47-118,38) mg/day), 1n conclusion, there were increase in serum nitrite, nitrate and NOll levels which were higher in the treatment group, although not statistically significant (p>O,OS). There were also no significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the treatment group (p>0,05). In conclusions, the effects of lOO gram per day spinach juice during four weeks did not increase serum nitrite, nitrate and NOx level and also were not decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the treatment group. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steven Arianto
"Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian madu PS (Pollen Substitute) terhadap konsentrasi trigliserida plasma darah tikus (Rattus norvegicus L.) jantan galur Sprague-Dawley. Dua puluh empat tikus jantan dibagi dalam empat kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol normal (KK1) yang tidak diberi diet tinggi lemak, kelompok kontrol perlakuan (KK2) yang diberi diet tinggi lemak, larutan propylthiouracil (PTU) 0,01%, dan akuades, dan dua kelompok perlakuan (KP1 dan KP2) yang diberi diet tinggi lemak, larutan propylthiouracil (PTU) 0,01%, dan madu PS dengan dosis masing-masing 10% dan 20% b/v. Bahan uji diberikan setiap hari selama 14 hari berturut-turut.
Hasil uji anava satu faktor (P < 0,05) menunjukkan adanya pengaruh nyata pemberian madu PS terhadap konsentrasi trigliserida akhir pada semua kelompok perlakuan. Hasil uji LSD (P<0,05) menunjukkan penurunan konsentrasi trigliserida pada seluruh kelompok perlakuan (KP1 dan KP2). Konsentrasi trigliserida pada kelompok perlakuan yang mendekati kelompok kontrol normal dicapai oleh kelompok perlakuan dengan dosis 20% b/v.

The research was done to observe the effect of honey PS (Pollen Substitute) on the concentration of triglyceride in blood plasma of male rat (Rattus norvegicus L.) Sprague-Dawley strain. Twenty-five male rats were divided into four groups, consisting of normal control group (KK1) that was not given a high fat diet, treatment control group (KK2) that was given a high fat diet, 0.01% propylthiouracil (PTU) solution, and two treatment groups (KP1 and KP2) that were given a high fat diet, 0.01% propylthiouracil (PTU) solution, and honey PS with dose of 10% and 20% w/v, respectively, for 14 consecutive days.
The result of anova test (P < 0.05) showed significant effect of honey PS toward triglyceride concentration in all treatment groups. LSD test (P < 0,05) showed that the decreased blood total cholesterol concentration occurred at both treatment groups (KP1 and KP2). The concentration of triglyceride in the treatment group that approached the normal control group achieved by the treatment group with dose of 20% w/v.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Maria Wahyuningtyas
"Penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya pengarub pemberian jus anggur 300 gram per hari selama dua minggu terhadap kadar NO serum laki-laki dan perempuan dengan kadar kolesterol total batas tinggi. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuab field trial, membandingkan Ul subyek dalam kelompok yang mendapatkan jus anggur disertai penyuluhan TIC (P) dengan 17 subyek dalam kelompok yang hanya mendapatkan penyuluhan 1LC (K). Subyek yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dengan randomisasi sederhana. Data yang diambil melipoti usia, jenis kelamin, riwayat hiperkolesterolemia dalam keluarga, akrivitas fisik, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), asupan energi, lernak, kolesterol, serat, dan polifenol dengan food record. Pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol total dan NO serum dilekukan di awal dan ekhir perlekuan. Analisis data menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann Whitney dengan batas kernaknaan 5%. Sebanyak 18 subyek pada kelompok P dan 14 subyek pada kelompok K, dengan rerata usia 35,57±5,20 tahun mengikuti penelitian secara lengkap. Indeks akrivitas fisik subyek kedua ke!ompok termasuk di bawah rata-rata. Data awal tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna (p>O,OS). Setelah dua minggu perlakuan, didapatkan persentase asupan energi terbadap kebutuhan energi total termasuk kategori cukup pada kelompok perlakuan dan kurang pada kontrol. Asupan lemak total dan kolesterol kadua kelompok adalah tergolong cukup. Asupan serat tergolong kurang. Terdapat perbadaan bermakna asupan polifenol pada kedua kelompok selama perlakuan (p<0,05). Terdapat peningkatan kadar NO serum sesudab perlekuan pada kedua kelompok yang tidak berbeda bermakna (p>O,OS), bahkan terdapat penurunan kadar kolesterol total serum pada kedua kelompok sesudah perlekuan meskipun tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05) dan masih dalam kategori batas tinggi. Pemberian jus anggur 300 gram per han tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna peningkatan kadar NO serum antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of grape juice (that made from 300 grams of grapes per day) during two weeks on serum NO level in male and female subjects with borderline high total cholesterol level. The study was a field trial Thirty five subjects were selected using certain criteria and randomly (simple randomization) divided into two groups. The treatment group (n=18) received grape juice and nutrition counseling; the control group (n=l7) received nutrition counseling. Data obtained directly from the subjects were age, gender, history of hypercholesterolemia in .subject's family, physical activity, and body mass index, intake of energy, fat, cholesterol~ fiber and polyphenol using food record. Laboratory findings of serum NO level and total cholesterol level were done before and after intervention. For statistical analysis, unpaired t-test and Mann Whitney were used with the level of significance was S%. Eighteen subjects in the treatment group and fourteen subjects in the control group completed the study and analyzed. Mean of age was 35.57±5.20 years old. The physical activity index of bath groups were low. The characteristics of the two groups were closely matched at base line (p>O.OS). After two weeks intervention, subjects? energy consumed in the treatment group achieved the recommended diet, while in the control group was below. The average intake of total fat and cholesterol in both groups achieved the recommended diet, but the fiber intake were below. The average intake of polyphenol in the treatment group was increased significantly than the control group (pQ.05). There were decreased on serum total cholesterol level in bath groups, although not statistically significant (p>O.OS). The effect of gyape juice for two weeks did not significantly increase serum NO level in the treatment group.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Normayati
"Ièlth dilakukan suatu penelitian "Cross sectional study" pada para akseptor yang telah rnenggunakan kontrasepsinya antara 1 - 4 tahun dibandingkan dengan wanita yang baru akan menggunakan p11. Ada 3 golongan subyek penelitian, .yai
tu akseptor KB yang telah menggunakan p11 oral kombinasiberisi mestranol 0,05 mg dan noretindron 1 mg secara terusrnenerus, akseptor KB yang telah menggunakan AKDPL tipe Lippes Loop secara terus menerus dan wanita yang baru akan menggunakan pil dan minimal 3 bulan sebéluinnya tidak menggunakan alat kontrase p si apaun. Masing-masing golongan terdiri darf 30 orang, berusia 20 - 35 tahun.
Penentun kadar, kolesterol total den-an metode Siedel dkk. Kolesterol-HDL ditentukan dengan metode Burstein dkk.
Trigliserida ditentukan dengan metode Wahlefeld dkk. Sedang
kan kolesterol-LDL ditentukan secara tidak langsung dengan menggunakan rumus Friedewald; kesemuanya dilakukan dengan
menggunakan Kits Boehringer Mannheim.
Dengan uji statistik Anova satu arah dan tes "q", didapatkan hal-hal berikut Kadar rata-rata kolesterol total. dan kolesterol-LDL pada akseptor p11 oral lebih tinggl bermakna dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi (p < 0,05). Sedangkan
pada akseptor p11 oral lebih tinggi dari AKDR, tetapi perbedaannya tidak berrnakna pada "level significance" 5%.
Kadar rata-rata trigliserida pada akseptor pil oral lebih tinggi bermakna dan. akseptor AKDR dan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi ( p < O ,05). Kadar rata-rata k
lesterol total, kolesterol-LDL dan tnigliserida pada akseptor
AKDR leblh tinggi dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrase p si, tetapi perbedaannya tidak bermakna pada "level significance" 5%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari kadar rata-rata kolestero1-HDL dan berat badan antara akseptor
p11 oral, AKDR dan wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi. Usia rata-rata akseptor p11 oral dan AKDR
lebib tinggi bermakna dari wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat
kontrasepsi (P-< 0,05), sedangkan akseptor AKDR lebih tinggi dari p11 oral, tetapi perbedaannya tidak bermakna pada "level significance" 5%.
Wanita yang tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi tidak mempunyai
keluhan apapun, sedangkan akseptor AKDR mempunyai
lebih banyak keluhan subyektif yang menyangkut adanya faktor mekanis dalam saluran reproduksi daripada akseptor pil oral.

A cros sectional study was done on acceptors who -
have been using their contraception between 1 - LI years.It
was compared with women who will have used of the pill. -
There were 3 groups of subject acceptors who have been -
using combination oral contraceptives (0,05 mg mestranol +
I mg noretindrone ) continuously, acce ptors who have been -
using Intrauterine Device (IUD) continuously, and women who
will have used of the pill and they were not using contraception
(minimum 3 months before treatment).
P1 thod of Siedel et al. was used to measure the to -
tal Cholesterol levels; and Burstein et al. to measure the
HDL-Cholesterol; and ahlefeld et al. to measure the Tn -
glyceride. Indirect method of Fniedewald was used to estimate
the LDL-Cholesterol. The Boehringer MannheimKits were
used for this purposes.
By using the "One way analysis of variance" and test
"q", it was found that
The man levels of total Cholesterol and LDL-Choles
terol in oral pill acceptors were significantly higher -
than nonusers (p < 0 ,05). Oral pill acceptors were higherthan
IUDs, but not significant ( p > 0 , 0 5) . The mean level -
of Tniglyceride in oral pill acceptors was significantly -
higher than IUDs and nonusers (P< 0,05). The mean levels of total Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol and Triglyceride in-
IUD acceptors were higher than nonusers, but not signifi -
cant (P> 0 ,05). There were significant different of the -
mean level of HDL-Cholesterol and body weight between oral
pill, IUD acceptors and nonusers. The mean ages of oral -
pill and IUD acceptors were significantly higher than nonu
sers (p < 0,05). IUD acceptors was higher than oral pill,-
but not siificant (P> 0,05).
No corrlaint was found for nonusers; and IUD accep -
tors had more subjective complaint than oral gills in rela
tion with mechanic factor in the reproductive tube.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Mayke Eka Normasari
The scarcity of blood that is still happening today is the result of a combination of high blood needs and the difficulty of recruiting and maintaining donors. There is no research discover the substitute that can replace the role of blood, therefore the only source is from donations or blood donors. Approximately 80% of total blood donations collected by American Red Cross are come from blood drive events. Because blood has 6-hour spoilage time, donated blood at various donation locations must be collected and sent to a blood center for processing in less than 6 hours. This research study the Maximum Blood Collection Routing Problem (MBCRP). This problem is the extension of Vehicle Routing Problem with Time-Window (VRPTW) by considering the spoilage time limitation in blood. A mathematical model with objective to maximize total blood collection is built to cope with this problem. The mathematical model will be tested for verification and validation. The model is written in a computer programming language using AMPL software and is solved using the CPLEX solver. Furthermore, the results of verification and validation tests will be evaluated to see the applicability of the model."
Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (P3M) STTA, 2020
620 JIA XII:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Priyana
Jumlah penduduk di kota kota besar di Indonesia khususnya di Jakarta meningkat dengan pesat dari tahun ke tahun. Kepadatan lalu lintas yang meningkat cenderung meningkatkan angka kecelakaan lalu lintas. Akibatnya kebutuhan akan darah transfusi juga turut meningkat. Hal tersebut terbukti dari meningkatnya jumlah permintaan akan darah transfusi baik di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) maupun di Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI). Selain untuk mengatasi perdarahan akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas, banyak keadaan lain yang memerlukan darah seperti perdarahan pada persalinan dan operasi. Pada beberapa penyakit hanya diperlukan bagian tertentu dari darah, oleh karena itu dilakukan usaha pemisahan darah menjadi komponen-komponen darah seperti konsentrat sel darah merah, konsentrat trombosit, konsentrat leukosit dan plasma. Dengan memisahkan darah menjadi komponen-komponen darah, maka pemakaian darah dapat lebih efisien, karena 1 kantung darah donor dapat digunakan oleh beberapa penderita sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Di Indonesia darah untuk transfusi disediakan dan diproses oleh Lembaga Transfusi Darah Palang Merah Indonesia DKI Jakarta (LTD PMI DKI Jakarta). Darah tersebut berasal dari para donor sukarela yang dengan ikhlas menyumbangkan darahnya demi kemanusiaan. Untuk memenuhi permintaan darah yang makin meningkat, LTD PMI berusaha meningkatkan jumlah produksinya dengan meningkatkan jumlah donor darah (tabel 1 dan 2).
Agar dapat melayani permintaan darah setiap waktu, LTD harus mempunyai persediaan darah yang disimpan. Darah simpan ini diperlukan pada saat kebutuhan meningkat, pada saat jumlah donor menurun seperti pada bulan puasa dan untuk memenuhi permintaan akan golongan darah yang langka.
Walaupun LTD PMI DKI Jakarta telah berhasil meningkatkan jumlah produksinya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang meningkat, tetapi kualitas produk PMI belum pernah diteliti. Padahal seperti pada pengobatan lain, keberhasilan pemberian darah atau komponennya tidak hanya tergantung pada kuantitasnya saja tetapi juga dari kualitasnya (1,2,3)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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