ABSTRAKPencegahan dan penanganan perokok pemula dengan mengedepankan efek
negatif rokok dianggap kurang efektif. Tindakan keperawatan sebagai salah satu
strategi pencegahan dengan memberikan edukasi interaktif yang memaparkan
efek positif tidak merokok, diharapkan dapat merubah sikap dan persepsi remaja
tentang perilaku merokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh
edukasi interaktif positif terhadap persepsi dan sikap remaja tentang perilaku
merokok di Depok. Desain penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan masing-masing
kelompok terdiri atas 36 remaja. Teknik sampling menggunakan multistage
random sampling. Hasil uji t independen menunjukkan ada peningkatan rerata
persepsi dan sikap kelompok intervensi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan
kelompok kontrol dengan nilai sebesar 0,001 dan 0,000. Edukasi interaktif positif
dapat meningkatkan persepsi dan sikap secara signifikan tentang perilaku
merokok. Disarankan agar edukasi interaktif positif diterapkan di sekolah yang
terintegrasi dengan program kesehatan remaja.
ABSTRACTThe prevention and treatment of novice smokers by prioritizing the negative
effects of smoking are considered less effective. Nursing action was as one of
prevention strategies by providing interactive education through exposing the
positive effects of non-smoking, it was expected to change the attitude and
perception of adolescents about smoking behavior. This study aimed to identify
the influence of positive interactive education toward the perception and attitude
of adolescent about smoking behavior in Depok. The quasi-experimental design
with each group consisted of 36 adolescents. The sampling technique used
multistage random sampling. Independent t-test result showed the increase of
perception and attitudes rates of the intervention group, which was higher than the
control group on value 0,001 and 0,000. Positive interactive education could
significantly increase the perception and attitude about smoking behavior. It was
recommended that the positive interactive education could be implemented in
school that was integrated with adolescent health program."