Drug abuse among students and college students in Indonesia has been increasing each year. Smoking is one of gateway to drug abuse. This study aims to understand the assocation between smoking habit and drug abuse among students and college students in 16 provinces in Indonesia 2011. This is a cross-sectional study using secondary data from National Survey Development of Drug Abuse and Trafficking on Students and College Students in Indonesia 2011. Perkembangan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba Pada Kelompok Pelajar dan Mahasiswa di Indonesia Tahun 2011” by Pusltikes UI and National Anti Narcotic Agency . Result shows prevalence of drug abuse among students and college students are 2,3%. There is association between smoking and drug abuse with sex as modifier. In women, odds ever smoke are 3,3 times (95% CI 2,3-4,7) and odds current smoke are 3,4 times (95% CI 2,1-5,4) than men who never smoke to do drug abuse. In men, odds ever smoke are 0,6 times (95% CI 0,6-3,7) and odds current smoke are 2,9 times (95% CI 1,1-8,2) than men who never smoke to do drug abuse. Smoking habit has asociation with drug abuse among students and college students, therefore we should do more promotif and preventif action related to danger of smoking and drug abuse."