ABSTRAKHasil Rapat Keljia RS MH Thamrin lntemasional Salemba tahun 2006
menetapkan bahwa salah satu Program Prioritas tahun 2007 adalah Peningkatan
jumlah kunjungan pasien Rawatjalan karena selama 3 tahun terakhir ( 2004 - 2006 )
jumlah kunjngammya belum optimal. Selain itu biaya xawat inap scmakin mahal
sehinga teljadi pergeseran pelayanan terhadap ambuiatory care dan menjadikan unit
rawat jalan salah satu unit primadona dimasa yang akan datang. Keunggulan dalam
berkompetisi dapat terbangun melalui kamampuan pemsahaan merekonstruksi pasar
dan industri yang ada menjadi pasar dan industri baru yang memiliki rule of game baru
sehingga menghasilkan suatu stratcgi Inovasi Nilai.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, pengambilan data dilakukan
dengan metoda wawancara mcndalam dan observasi yang bertujuan untuk
mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa bentuk Strategi lnovasi Nilai yang dapat diterapkan
dalam mengoptimalkan jumlah kunjungan. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa tema. Penelitian diadakan di Divisi Rawat jalan RS MI-I Tharnrin Intemasional Salemba
pada bulan Mei - Juni 2007 dengan infonnan pejabat struktural mcdis, pejabat
su-uktural non medis, dokter praktck dan pasien loyal.
Penelitian menemukan suatu strategi Inovasi Nilai dengan memperhatikan
adanya perubahan pada penataan kembali desain Ruangan, meningkatkan ketepatan jam
praktek dokter sesuai dahar dengan merekrut dokter tetap yang bertaraf Intemasional,
mempercepat distribusi status medical record dengan sistem data elelctronik,
mengadakan rotasi terhadap perawat Poliklinik, melengkapi samna medis dan non
medis scsuai kemajuan teknologi, mempertahankan tarif yang berlaku saat ini dengan
senantiasa meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan serta meningkatkan peran marketing
terutama dalam promosi produk Rumah sakit dengan tetap mengacu kepada Kebijakan
DepKes tentang Etika Promosi Rumah Sakit.
Peneliti menyarankan kepada pihak managemen terkait untuk berkoordinasi
dalam upaya merealisasikan bentuk lnovasi Nilai yang telah discsuaikan dengan situasi
dan kondisi yang ada di Divisi rawat Jalan RS MH Thamrin Intemasional salemba.
ABSTRACTMH Thamrin Intemational Hospital had point out the result of year conference
2006 that one of main concerns need to be follow up in the year 2007 is to increase the
number of out patient visits as it still regligible during the last three years ( 2004 -
2006). Moreover cost of inpatient services becomes more expensive that could lead to a
shift where people would prefer to have outpatient service as a protection rather than
inpatient services to lessen their health expenses. Due to this condition it can be
predicted that the outpatient services would become more populer in the next few years.
Tough competition among private hospitals had force to the real market and industry.
How the companies capable enough to reconstnict the market to keep exist in the health
industry would be a new challenge for them. The rule would be the one with best
strategic value to innovatio is the winner.
This research performs by using a qualitative method and the data is collected
by doing direct observation and in depth interview to identify and analyze the method
of strategic innovation to create value in order to optimize number of patient visits. The
participants included are from medical and non medical level of employee, structural
and functional practitioners and from customer?s point of view as well. Having done the research in two months of period we found that the way how to
create value to customers would be a strategic innovation that can be adopt fiom many
factors. For example to have a comfort room through a modem interior design of the
axamination room wold give the sense of healing in the beginning they come to the
hospital. Others wolud be on time doctor?s schedule based on listed, proifesional
competency of the nurse and doctors fast delivery medical record status, routine job
rotation of the nurse, updated medical and non medical facilities, competitive price a
long with quality services available at pnesent and last how to improve promotion and
sales activity from marketing division to generate value for customer and get the
relationship with he loyal one.
In conclusion we would suggest that all level of management should cordinate
each other to participate. in realimtion path of. innovation value based on condition
adapted at MH Tharnrin Intemational Hospital.