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Pasaribu, Selli Sebawati
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Elida Hairunida Br.
"Posyandu berguna untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dan memberikan kemudahan memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan dasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ke posyandu pada ibu balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pancoran Mas Kota Depok tahun 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Dengan sampel 298 ibu balita yang dipilih secara acak di 20 posyandu. Hasil penelitian didapatkan ibu balita yang berperilaku baik berkunjung ke posyandu masih rendah sebanyak 39,9%. Ada 5 variabel yang secara statistik berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ke posyandu yaitu lebih banyak pada ibu yang berpendidikan dibawah SMP, berpengetahuan baik, bersikap positif, memiliki Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) serta membutuhkan pelayanan posyandu. Disarankan untuk melakukan dan meningkatkan monitoring upaya promosi kesehatan dengan supervisi langsung ke posyandu dan memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang kegiatan yang ada di Posyandu.

Posyandu is useful to empower communities and to provide the easiest of obtaining basic health services. The objectives of this study was conducted to determine the related factors with the behavior visits to posyandu on toddlers mothers in the working area of health center Depok Pancoran Mas in 2012. This study was a descriptive with cross sectional design. There were 298 samples of toddlers mothers randomly chosen in 20 posyandu. The results obtained are wellbehaved toddler mothers as much as 39.9%. There are five variables that were statistically related with the behavior visits to posyandu namely: there were more on educated mothers under Junior School, good knowledge, positive thinking, the ownership of Health Child Card (KMS) and the needs to posyandu. It is further recommended to perform and improve the monitoring of health promotion efforts with direct supervision to posyandu and provide counseling to the public about the existing activities in posyandu."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gun Gun Sambas
"Partisipasi masyarakat dalam segala bidang pembangunan mutlak diperlukan demi menyukseskan pembangunan itu sendiri termasuk salah satunva pembangunan program kesehatan dan sebagai wujud nyata dari partisipasi masyarakat ialah kunjungan ibu-ibu anak balita membawa anaknya ke Posyandu.
Berdasarkan data dari Puskesmas setempat bahwa angka rata-rata partisipasi masyarakat di Kelurahan Bojongherang Kabupaten Cianjur periode Januari s/d Desember 2001 baru mencapai ± 60%. Angka ini berada di bawah angka rata-rata Kabupaten maupun angka target D/S 80%.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kunjungan ibu-ibu anak balita ke Posyandu di Kelurahan Bojongherang Kabupaten Cianjur yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2002.
Rancangan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sasaran adalah anak balita yang terdaftar di Kelurahan Bojongherang Kabupaten Cianjur.
Jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 300 anak balita, jumlah ini melebihi jumlah sampel minimal dari hasil perhitungan sampel. Sebagai respondennya adalah ibu-ibu anak balita tersebut. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa angka kunjungan ibu-ibu anak balita yang membawa anaknya ke Posyandu hanya mencapai 57,7% lebih rendah dari tahun 2001 (60%). Angka ini juga lebih rendah dari angka rata-rata Kabupaten tahun 2001 (63,3%) maupun target nasional (80%). Dari 12 variabel independen yang diteliti, hanya ada tiga variabel yang secara statistik berhubungan bermakna dengan kunjungan ibu-ibu anak balita ke Posyandu yaitu variabel-variabel: kepemilikan KMS OR=5,381 (95%Cl: 2,580-11,221), Bimbingan dari petugas Puskesmas OR=2,081 (95%C1: 1,123-3,857) dan Pembinaan dari Kader OR= 5,476 (95%0: 2,501-11,992). Menurut perhitungan dampak potensial variabel kepemilikan KMS merupakan variabel yang paling dominan karena memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap kunjungan ibu-ibu anak balita ke Posyandu sebesar 69,17%.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disarankan: pertama; pihak pembina agar dapat menyediakan Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) sesuai dengan jumlah anak balita di Kelurahan Bojongherang terutama untuk mengganti yang hilang maupun yang belum memiliki KMS sehingga diharapkan akan menaikkan kunjungan ibu-ibu anak balita ke Posyandu, kedua; kegiatan bimbingan kepada para kader dan masyarakat oleh petugas Puskesmas agar terjadwal dengan materi yang jelas/terarah dan ketiga; kerjasama antara kader dengan berbagai pihak khususnya dengan tokoh masyarakat perlu secara terus menerus ditingkatkan meialui kegiatan Posyandu dan mendapat pemantauan serta pembinaan dari pihak Puskesmas.

Related Factors to Mothers of Under Five Years Old Children Visited to Integrated Health Service in Sub-District of Bojongherang Sub-Province of Cianjur Year 2002Community participation is absolutely needed for successful development including one of them health program development. A real form of community participation is mothers of under five years old children visit and take their children to integrated health service. According to the data of local Health Centre, the average of community participation in Sub-District of Bojongherang Sub-Province of Cianjur in the period of January to December 2001 was ± 60%. This number was under the average of Sub-Province and also the target number of D/S 80%.
The purpose of this research is to study factors related to mothers of under five years old children who visited integrated health service in Sub-District of Bojongherang Sub-Province of Cianjur executed in July 2001.
The research methodology was a cross sectional study. The target population was all under five year’s old children which registered in Sub-District of Bojongherang Sub-Province of Cianjur. The number of sample for this research were 300 children of under five years old, which were more than the minimum sample calculation result. Respondent were mothers of under five year’s old children. Analysis used for this study was univariate, bivariate and multivariate.
The result of research showed that there were 57,7 % of mothers visited taking their children to integrated health service, this was lower than the year 2001 (60%). This number was also lower than the average at the Sub-Province in 2001 (63,3%) and also from the national goals ( 80%). From 12 independent variables in this study , there were three variables which statistically correlate significant to mothers of under five years old children visited to integrated health service which were: having Health Card (KMS) OR=5,381 ( 95%Cl: 2,580-11,221), Guidance of health centre personnel 0R=2,081 ( 95%0: 1,123-3,857) and building of cadres of OR= 5,476 ( 95%C1: 2,501-11,992). According to calculation of potential impact of variables the having of Health Card (KMS) represent most dominant variable because it gave biggest contribution to mothers of under five years old children visited to integrated health service as much as 69,17%.
Based on the result of this research, it was suggested that, first; officials have to provide Health Cards according to the amount of under five years old children in Sub-District of Bojongherang especially to replace the missing and also for those which have not yet owned Health Card, this was that expected to boost up mothers of under five years old children visited to integrated health service, secondly: activity of guidance to all society and cadres by officer of the health centre has to be scheduled with clear and directional items and the third; cooperation among cadres with various parties especially with key person need continuous, be improved through activities of integrated health service and get monitoring and guidance from the local health centre.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Elida Hairunida Br.
"Posyandu berguna untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dan memberikan kemudahan memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan dasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ke posyandu pada ibu balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pancoran Mas Kota Depok tahun 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional. Dengan sampel 298 ibu balita yang dipilih secara acak di 20 posyandu.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan ibu balita yang berperilaku baik berkunjung ke posyandu masih rendah sebanyak 39,9%. Ada 5 variabel yang secara statistik berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ke posyandu yaitu lebih banyak pada ibu yang berpendidikan dibawah SMP, berpengetahuan baik, bersikap positif, memiliki Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) serta membutuhkan pelayanan posyandu.
Disarankan untuk melakukan dan meningkatkan monitoring upaya promosi kesehatan dengan supervisi langsung ke posyandu dan memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang kegiatan yang ada di Posyandu.

Posyandu is useful to empower communities and to provide the easiest of obtaining basic health services. The objectives of this study was conducted to determine the related factors with the behavior visits to posyandu on toddlers mothers in the working area of health center Depok Pancoran Mas in 2012. This study was a descriptive with cross sectional design. There were 298 samples of toddlers mothers randomly chosen in 20 posyandu.
The results obtained are wellbehaved toddler mothers as much as 39.9%. There are five variables that were statistically related with the behavior visits to posyandu namely: there were more on educated mothers under Junior School, good knowledge, positive thinking, the ownership of Health Child Card (KMS) and the needs to posyandu.
It is further recommended to perform and improve the monitoring of health promotion efforts with direct supervision to posyandu and provide counseling to the public about the existing activities in posyandu.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nani Olivia
"Posyandu adalah salah satu sarana yang dapat mendeteksi secara dini gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Namun kunjungan ibu yang mempunyai balita ke posyandu di Kota Solok tergolong masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu dengan kunjungannya ke posyandu di Kota Solok tahun 2011. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional melalui pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasinya adalah ibu yang mempunyai anak balita 5-59 bulan dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 126 orang. Analisis menggunakan chisquare. Dari hasil analisis data diperoleh faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikan adalah pendidikan, jumlah anak balita dan kebutuhan akan pelayanan posyandu. Saran mengadakan lomba masak dan balita sehat agar ibu lebih rajin membawa anaknya ke posyandu.

Posyandu is one of facility which can detect early impairment of growth and development of toddlers. But maternal visit who has a toddler to posyandu in Solok town place in low classified. This study intends to observe factors related to maternal behavior in visiting to posyandu in Solok Town 2011. Study design The is crosssectional by quantitative approach. Maternal who have young children between 5-59 months with samples of research totaling 126 peoples. The analysis Using chisquare. From the analysis of data obtained significantly related factors were education, number of children under five and the need of posyandu. It suggest to carry on cooking and healthy toddlers contest in order that maternal will be more diligent to take their infant to posyandu."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Elwiza
"Posyandu merupakan salah satu unit pelayanan kesehatan dasar yang dapat mendeteksi secara dini gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita. Kelurahan Pakan Labuah merupakan kelurahan dengan cakupan ditimbang bagi sasaran terendah di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tigo Baleh yaitu sebesar 58,1%.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ibu bayi dan balita ke Posyandu di kelurahan Pakan Labuah Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 2013.
Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan analisis chi square. Populasinya adalah seluruh ibu yang mempunyai anak bayi dan balita berumur 6-59 bulan dengan sampel penelitian berjumlah 110 orang.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan ibu bayi dan balita yang berkunjung baik ke Posyandu dengan penimbangan ≥4x sebesar 50%. Variabel yang secara statistik berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ibu bayi dan balita ke Posyandu yaitu pekerjaan, pengetahuan dan sikap sedangkan variabel yang tidak berhubungan adalah umur, pendidikan, jarak posyandu, pelayanan imunisasi, program pemberian makanan tambahan, biaya pelayanan, dukungan keluarga, bimbingan tenaga kesehatan dan dorongan tokoh masyarakat.
Melihat rendahnya kunjungan ibu ke Posyandu maka diharapkan bagi Dinas Kesehatan agar memperbanyak media penyuluhan dan meningkatkan bimbingan serta pembinaan terhadap kader Posyandu.

Posyandu or integrated children health care is one of the primary health care unit, which can detect early growth retardation and toddler development. Kelurahan Pakan Labuah is an urban village with the lowest scope of weighed for target in the work area under Puskesmas (Community Health Care) Tigo Baleh that is 58.1%.
The purpose of this study is to determine the factors related with the behavior of mothers of infants and toddlers visit to Posyandu in Kelurahan Pakan Labuah, Bukittinggi, in 2013.
The research method was cross-sectional quantitative approach and use chi square analysis. The population is all mothers with infants and toddlers aged 6-59 months with a total sample of 110 mother.
The results showed that 50 % mothers of infants and toddlers visit to Posyandu by weighing ≥ 4x. Variables that were statistically associated with the behavior of mothers of infants and toddlers visit to Posyandu are occupation, knowledge and attitudes, whereas unrelated variables were age, education, distance Posyandu, immunization services, supplementary feeding programs, cost of services, family support, counseling health workers, and community leaders urge.
See low maternal visits to Posyandu is expected District Health Office in order to expand media outreach and mentoring and coaching to improve cadres of Posyandu.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestri Suryaningsih
"Posyandu merupakan salah satu tempat yang digunakan untuk memberikan pelayanan tumbuh kembang pada balita dimana cakupan penimbangan balita di posyandu (D/S) merupakan indikator cakupan pelayanan gizi pada balita, cakupan pelayanan kesehatan dasar khususnya imunisasi serta prevalensi gizi kurang. Pemantauan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita secara berkesinambungan dapat menurunkan prevalensi angka gizi kurang bahkan gizi buruk. Selain itu, melalui posyandu dapat diketahui ada tidaknya gangguan pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi secara lebih dini. Puskesmas Kemiri Muka cakupan D/S 78,9% sudah mencapai target Depkes dalam RAPGM (Rencana Aksi Pembangunan Gizi Masyarakat) 2010-2014 sebesar 75% tahun 2012.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan perilaku kunjungan ibu bayi dan balita berkunjung ke posyandu di Puskesmas Kemiri Muka Kota Depok tahun 2012. Desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional, jumlah sampel 242, pengambilan sampel secara cluster sampling design. Sumber data primer menggunakan kuisioner dan dianalisis menggunakan Chi Square. Didapat hasil hubungan yang bermakna Sikap, kepemilikan buku KIA dan Bimbingan petugas kesehatan dengan perilaku kunjungan ke posyandu, diperlukan bimbingan petugas kesehatan dan kader dalam meningkatkan cakupan kunjungan balita ke posyandu.

IHC is one of the places that used to serve the growth and development in infants weighing under five years old child, in which the coverage IHC (D / S) is an indicator of nutritional care coverage in young children, basic health care coverage especially immunization and the prevalence of undernourishment. Monitoring growth and sustainable early childhood development can reduce the prevalence rate of undernutrition even malnutrition. In addition, it can be seen through IHC interference nutritional needs early. Kemiri Muka Public Health Center range D / S 78.9% is getting the goal of RAPGM (Nutrition Action Plan for Community Development) 2010-2014 by 75% in 2012.
The aim of this study is to determine of related factors to the behavior of mothers of infants and toddlers visit to IHC in Kemiri Muka Public Health Center Depok City in 2012. The design was cross sectional, the total numbers were 242 samples, sampling by cluster sampling design. Primary data sources were the questionnaire and Chi Square analyzed. Results obtained in a significance association: attitude, ownership KIA books and Guidance health workers to conduct visit to IHC, needed guidance and cadres of health workers in improving the coverage of the visit to the IHC toddlers.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftahul Jannah
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dilakukan dalam keseluruhan proses kehidupan mulai dalam kandungan sampai usia lanjut. Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang, walaupun sedang dilanda krisis di segala bidang, sudah sepantasnya tetap mempertahankan generasi penerus agar tetap sehat dan handal. Kesehatan gigi, sebagai bagian integral dari kesehatan manusia seutuhnya juga berperan dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas sumber daya manusia. Kesehatan gigi memang bukan masalah utama, namun apabila gigi anak mengalami kerusakan, sudah pasti anak mengalami gangguan 'intake' makanan.
Kunjungan anak sedini mungkin ke klinik gigi puskesmas merupakan salah satu contoh perilaku orang tua yang memperhatikan masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut, dalam hal ini posisi seorang ibu sangat menentukan perilaku pencarian pengobatan untuk anaknya.
Departemen kesehatan RI mentargetkan kunjungan anak balita dan prasekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas adalah 50 % dari kunjungan anak balita dan prasekolah ke klinik KIA puskesmas. Berdasarkan data yang ada, dari 20 puskesmas di wilayah Kota Pontianak pada tahun 1999, baru 5 puskesmas yang mencapai target tersebut, selebihnya sebanyak 15 puskesmas masih jauh dari pencapaian target tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas di Kota Pontianak.
Menurut teori Green, faktor-faktor yang merupakan penyebab perilaku dibedakan dalam tiga jenis yaitu faktor predisposisi, faktor pemungkin (enabling) dan faktor penguat (reinforcing). Dalam penelitian ini, faktor predisposisi yang ingin dilihat adalah keadaan sosiodemografi ibu, yaitu umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengalaman ibu berobat gigi, sikap dan pengetahuan ibu terhadap kesehatan gigi dan mulut anaknya. Faktor pemungkin adalah persepsi ibu terhadap jarak menuju puskesmas, sedangkan penyuluhan kesehatan gigi yang pernah diterima ibu adalah faktor penguat. Metode penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional, dengan jumlah responden 165 yang berasal dari 4 wilayah puskesmas di Kota Pontianak.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pekerjaan ibu merupakan satu-satunya faktor yang mempunyai hubungan dengan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas di Kota Pontianak. Hampir semua (90,1%) responden belum pernah menerima penyuluhan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Oleh karena hanya pekerjaan ibu yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas, maka disarankan agar pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut diberikan melalui kegiatan posyandu, arisan dan kegiatan pengajian pada ibu-ibu yang tidak bekerja, di samping kepada anak balita/pra-sekolahnya sendiri melalui kegiatan upaya kesehatan gigi sekolah di Taman Kanak-kanak.
Untuk meningkatkan kunjungan ke klinik gigi puskesmas, koordinasi antara klinik gigi dan klinik KIA di puskesmas dalam penanganan pasien anak balita dan pra-sekolah perlu ditingkatkan. Selain itu saran yang menunjang pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di puskesmas perlu ditingkatkan, di samping perlu adanya supervisi dan bimbingan teknis secara rutin. Untuk meningkatkan cakupan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas di Kota Pontianak, perlu diberikan pendidikan kesehatan gigi bagi kader posyandu, sehingga mereka dapat mempromosikannya pada ibu-ibu balita pengunjung posyandu yang rata-rata tidak bekerja.

The Factors that Regarding With Under Five and Pre-School Children Visited to Dental Clinic of Public Health Centers at Pontianak City at the year 2000The development of Indonesian community healthy is doing to the whole process of live starting from the pregnancy until the continued ages. Indonesia as development country, even having in every circumstances, is ought to defend the future generation to stay health and reliable. Dental health, as an integral part from the totality human health too that have part to increase the quality and productivity of human sources. The dental health is not an important problem after all, but if the children teeth have damaging, the children surely have the food intake disturbance.
The children visited as soon as possible to the dental clinic of the public health center is represent one sample of parent behavior that concerning the teeth and mouth health problem, in this problem a mother position is very decided to the kind of way for their children medication.
The Ministry of Health of Indonesia targeting the visiting of under five and pre-school children to the dental clinic of the public health center is 50% from the visiting of under five and pre-school children to the mother and child health clinic of public health center. Based on the data that exist, from 20 public health centers at Pontianak city area at the year 1999, only 5 public health centers reached that target. This research purpose to know any factors that related with the under five and pre-school children visited to the dental clinic of public health center of Pontianak city.
According to the Green theory, the factor of the behavior cause is classified to three kinds of factors that is predisposing factor, enabling factor and reinforcing factor. In this research, predisposing factor that wanted to see is the condition of mother sosiodemograph, that is age, education, profession, mother experience having teeth medication, attitude and mother knowledge about teeth and mouth health of their children. The enabling factor is mother perception about the distance to the public health center, and information about dental health that mother ever accepts is the reinforcing factor. The method of this research is cross sectional, with totally 165 respondents that came from 4 different area of public health center at Pontianak city. Almost all (90, 1%) respondent never accept information about teeth and mouth healthy.
There for the mother profession that had an important relation with the visited of children under five and pre-school children to the dental clinic of the public health center, so it suggested the information about the teeth and mouth health is giving by the activity of Posyandu, a saving club and the religious recitation activity on not working mother, beside that to the children under five and pre-school children having the dental health activity at the kindergarten.
To increase the visiting to the dental clinic of public health center, the coordination between the dental clinic and mother and child clinic at the public health center in handling children under five children patient and pre-school children needed to increase. Besides that the material that supporting the dental health service at the public health service needed to be increase, beside needed the realization of the supervision and the technical guide intensifies. To increase snatch of the under five and pre-school children visiting to the dental health clinic of the public health center at Pontianak city, needed to give the teeth healthy training to the Posyandu cadre, so they can promoted to the baby under five mothers that equally not working.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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