"The aim of this research is to find the relationship between the attitude toward
education inclusive and teacher teaching strategy, as well as comparison of
attitudes toward inclusive education and teaching strategies in the inclusive
private and public middle school teacher. The sample in this study as many as 59
respondents with non probability sampling. This research using measuring
instrument MATIES VI and BCSQ VI. The results of this research did not find
differences in attitude in the inclusive public and private Junior High School
teacher, as well as teaching strategies in the inclusive private and public junior
high school teacher. The research also not find the existence of a significant
relationship between attitudes towards inclusive education with teaching strategies
in Inclusive Private middle school teacher. However, in the inclusive middle
school teachers found some related components on attitudes towards inclusive
education with teaching strategies. Suggestions that given for further research are
expanding the number of respondents and the school, considering the time of data
collection, include a method of observation and interviews, and reexamine the
validity of the measuring instrument.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mencari adanya hubungan antara sikap terhadap pendidikan inklusif dan strategi pengajaran guru, serta perbandingan sikap terhadap pendidikan inklusif dan strategi pengajaran pada guru SMP Swasta dan Negeri Inklusif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 59 responden dengan teknik non probability sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur MATIES VI dan BCSQ VI sebagai instrumennya. Hasil penelitian tidak menemukan adanya perbedaan sikap pada guru SMP Negeri dan Swasta Inklusif serta strategi pengajaran pada guru SMP Swasta dan Negeri Inklusif. Penelitian ini juga tidak menemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap pendidikan inklusif dengan strategi pengajaran pada guru SMP Swasta Inklusif. Pada guru SMP Negeri Inklusif ditemukan beberapa komponen yang berhubungan pada sikap terhadap pendidikan inklusif dengan strategi pengajaran. Saran yang diberikan untuk penelitian selanjutnya antara lain memperbanyak jumlah responden dan sekolah, mempertimbangkan waktu pengambilan data, menyertakan metode observasi dan wawancara, dan menguji ulang validitas alat ukur."