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Ditemukan 4737 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005
371.94 AUT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Autism spectrum disorders in infants and toddlers: an introduction / Fred R. Volkmar, Katarzyna Chawarska, and Ami Klin -- Diagnostic assessment / Somer L. Bishop ... [et al.] -- Assessment of cognitive and adaptive skills / Katarzyna Chawarska and Karen Bearss -- Communication development and assessment / Rhea Paul -- Understanding, assessing, and treating sensory-motor issues / Grace T. Baranek, Linn Wakeford, and Fabian J. David -- Case studies of infants first evaluated in the second year of life / Ami Klin ... [et al.] -- Developmental approaches to treatment / Amy M. Wetherby and Juliann Woods -- Naturalistic behavioral approaches to treatment / Lynn Kern Koegel ... [et al.] -- Controversial treatments / Tristram Smith and Jennifer Wick -- Medical issues / Fred R. Volkmar ... [et al.] -- Supporting families / Karyn Bailey -- Opportunities for research: concepts and future directions / Ami Klin, Katarzyna Chawarska, and Fred R.Volkmar."
New York: The Guilford Press, 2008
618.92 AUT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leona Hutriasari
"Interaksi sosial merupakan tingkah laku sosial timbal balik yang muncul sebagai hasil dari rangkaian inisiasi dan respon (Kamps et al., 1992). Anak dengan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) menunjukkan keterlambatan dalam hal kualitas, frekuensi, tipe interaksi dan hubungan sosial dengan individu lain (McConnell, 2002). Salah satu intervensi untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi dan komunikasi anak dengan ASD adalah Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT). PRT menekankan pentingnya peran dan keterlibatan orangtua dalam proses pelaksanaan intervensi. Studi ini meneliti tentang efektivitas pelatihan PRT terhadap orangtua untuk meningkatkan interaksi sosial anak usia prasekolah dengan ASD.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan peningkatan pada kemampuan interaksi sosial anak, terutama dalam respon sosial. Namun demikian, hasil ini tidak bermakna signifikan secara klinis. Kemungkinan hal ini berkaitan dengan tingkat penguasaan orangtua terhadap teknik PRT yang berada di bawah kriteria keberhasilan, periode pelatihan yang relatif singkat, keterampilan dan penguasaan pelaksana intervensi dalam penerapan PRT dan lainnya.

Social interaction is defined as reciprocal social behavior that occured as a result of an initiation-response sequence (Kamps et al., 1992). Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) demonstrate some delays, deficits, or atypical characteristics in the frequency, type and quality of social interactions and social relationships with other individuals (McConnell, 2002). Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) is one of the intervention that has been used to enhance socialization and communication skills in children with ASD. It focuses on the importance of parents role and engagement. This study examined the effecftiveness of parent training using the principles of PRT to increase social interaction of a preschool child with ASD.
The result indicated the increased in the participant's social interaction skills, especially in the participant ability to respond socially. However, the overall improvement in the participant social interaction is not clinically meaningful. This may happen due to several factors; the level of parent implementation of PRT techniques was fall below the mastery level; short duration of training, the interventionist knowledge, and skills in implemented the PRT, etc.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides an extensive overview of curricula and instructional strategies for teaching children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It offers an empirically solid framework for designing and developing interventions for learners along the autism spectrum by reducing skill deficits and enhancing learner strengths while being flexible enough to allow for individual differences. The book discusses key concepts in educating individuals with ASD as they impact the processes of syllabus building, from planning goals and objectives to generating content choosing appropriate teaching strategies, and assessing progress. Chapters detail curriculum designs in academic areas such as language skills, science, and social studies, as well as functional skills, including independent living, career development, and preventing social victimization. The book concludes with recommendations for future interventions and curricula-building. Among the topics covered: Communication and autism spectrum disorder. Mathematical problem-solving instruction for students with ASD. Visual arts curriculum for students with ASD. How to build programs focused on daily living and adult independence. Sexuality education for students with ASD. Curricula for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder�is a must-have resource for�researchers, graduate students, and clinicians and related therapists and professionals in clinical child�and school psychology, childhood/​special education, social work, developmental psychology, behavioral therapy/​rehabilitation, and child and adolescent psychiatry.��."
New York: Springer, 2017
616.858 82 CUR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sansiviera Mediana Sari

Tesis ini berawal dari sebuah hipotesis yang mengatakan bahwa anak dengan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) mengalami gangguan bahasa secara semantik atau disebut sebagai defisit semantik.  Berdasarkan pengamatan awal  di sekolah Cahaya Didaktika yang mengamati dua anak ASD ringan berusia 16 dan 11 tahun disimpulkan bahwa dua anak ASD sudah memiliki konsep kata.  Data dari pengamatan awal tidak mencukupi untuk membuktikan hipotesis defisit semanti. Karena data awal tidak mencukupi untuk membuktikan hipotesis defisit semantik, tesis ini memperluas penyelidikan sebelumnya dengan tes pengetahuan leksikal breadth dan leksikal depth guna menjawab hipotesis defisit semantik.

 Rangkaian tes dilakukan yang terdiri atas tes pengetahuan leksikal breadth melalui tugas pemilihan leksikal dan tes pengetahuan leksikal depth melalui tugas definisi kata yang dilakukan terhadap dua anak ASD dan membandingkan dengan grup kontrol berusia sama dengan usia mental ASD yaitu 8 tahun dan 10 tahun. Stimulus terdiri atas 39 kata dan 39 pseudoword dengan kriteria pemerolehan leksikal anak usia 5 tahun, kelas kata verba dan nomina, dan bersuku kata dua. Data tersebut diolah dengan uji statistik Wilcoxon,  klasifikasi definisi kata dari  Hadley, Dickinson, Hirsh-Pasek, dan Golinkoff (2015) dan taksonomi semantik dari De Deyne dan Storms (2008). Berdasarkan dari hasil rangkaian tes pengetahuan leksikal breadth dan depth ditemukan bahwa anak ASD dalam penelitian ini  mengalami defisit semantik dengan ditandai pengetahuan leksikal breadth dan depth yang lemah.

This thesis started from the hypothesis that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) suffers from semantic language disorder or semantic deficit. Based on preliminary observation conducted on two children with mild ASD studying at Cahaya Didaktika school (aged 16 and 11 years old), it is concluded that the children have word concepts. However, because data from the preliminary observation is not enough to prove the existence of semantic deficit, this thesis extends the previous investigation by utilizing the lexical breadth and depth tests.The tests comprise lexical knowledge breadth test through Lexical Decision Task and lexical knowledge depth test through word definition that are done by two mild ASD children and control groups matched on the mental age of the ASD children, which are 8 and 10 years old. The stimuli are 39 words with Age of Acquisition of 5 years old and 39 corresponding pseudowords, including verbs and nouns and having two syllables. Data are then analyzed statistically by and are classified according to the word definition classificationof Hadley, Dickinson, Hirsh-Pasek, and Golinkoff (2015) and De Deyne & Storms (2008) semantic taxonomy. The results demonstrate that children with ASD suffers from semantic deficit which are characterized by lack of breadth and depth their lexical knowledge."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nilam Salma Anisa
"Museum sebagai Pendidikan informal seharusnya bersifat inklusif bagi siapa saja, termasuk anak-anak penderita autisme. Pada umumnya, penderita Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tidak memiliki kemampuan dalam menyesuaikan diri terhadap rangsangan cahaya seperti orang normal pada umumnya. Disisi lain, pencahayaan memiliki peranan penting bagi museum agar informasi yang disampaikan dapat dimengerti oleh pengunjung. Setiap museum memiliki sistem pencahayaan yang bervariasi dalam memamerkan objek pamernya, baik dari segi tipe penerangan, distribusi cahaya, teknik peletakkan, hingga iluminansi yang berbeda-beda. Saat menerima rangsangan cahaya, penderita autisme cenderung merasakan kondisi hipersensitivitas (terlalu sensitif) dan hiposensitivitas (tidak sensitif) yang mempengaruhi cara mereka bertingkah laku. Berangkat dari kondisi tersebut, karya tulis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah museum yang sudah ada pada saat ini sudah memenuhi kebutuhan bagi penderita Autism Spectrum Disoder (ASD) dengan menganalis 2 museum anak yang ada di Indonesia yaitu Museum Penerangan dan Museum Geologi berdasarkan studi literatur. Hasil studi kasus yang telah dilakukan penulis menunjukan pada setiap museum masih belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan penderita autisme secara sepenuhnya. Sehingga perlu diterapkannya strategi pencahayaan yang bersifat dinamis dan penyinaran dengan standar iluminansi yang sesuai bagi penderita autisme, agar dapat menunjang keberhasilan kegiatan museum yang bersifat inklusif bagi siapa saja.

Museum as informal education should be inclusive for everyone, including children with autism. In general, people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) do not have the ability to adjust to light stimuli like normal people in general. On the other hand, lighting has an important role in museums so that the information conveyed can be understood by visitors. More over, each museum has a lighting system that varies in exhibiting its objects, both in terms of lighting types, light distribution, placement techniques, and different illuminations. When receiving light stimuli, people with autism tend to feel the conditions of hypersensitivity (too sensitive) and hyposensitivity (not sensitive) that affect the way they behave. Based on these conditions, this paper aims to determine whether the existing museums currently meet the needs of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by analyzing 2 children's museums in Indonesia, the Museum Penerangan and the Museum Geologi based on literature studies. The result of the case studies show that each museum is still not able to fully meet the needs of people with autism. So it is necessary to implement a dynamic lighting strategy and lighting with appropriate illuminatio"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kroncke, Anna P.
"This book examines current and emerging techniques for the dynamic and evolving field of autism assessment. It provides a detailed, research-based discussion of the latest innovations in assessment from a practical perspective accumulated from decades of autism assessment and treatment training and experience in both educational and clinical settings. The book provides personal insights into the engaging and intriguing autism population and case studies of children who have captured the hearts and minds of clinicians nationwide. As the rates of autism have grown more than 10-fold during the past decade, researchers have questioned whether unclear diagnostic guidelines may be to blame for the high numbers of recently diagnosed children. Rather, the authors argue, tighter agreed upon methods for diagnosis of autism have allowed for more accurate identification of children who indeed require supportive treatments and therapies. This unique volume provides readers with clarity about best-practice assessment approaches from sequential and pragmatic perspectives as well as an understanding of critical issues and hurdles in ascertaining the appropriate diagnosis. In addition, myriad potential comorbid conditions or differential diagnoses are addressed. This book is a must-have resource for clinicians and practitioners as well as researchers and graduate students in the fields of child and school psychology, behavioral therapy, social work, psychiatry, pediatrics, forensic psychology, and educational and healthcare policy"--Publisher's description."
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2016
616.858 82 KRO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
[Place of publication not identified]: Blurb, 2018
616.858 82 OCC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This randomized group experiment compared the efficacy of 2 communication interventions (Responsive Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching [RPMT] and the Picture Exchange Communication System [PECS]) in 36 preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders. Each treatment was delivered 3 times per week, in 20-min sessions, for 6 months. The results revealed that the RPMT facilitated the frequency of generalized turn taking and generalized initiating joint attention more than did the PECS. The latter effect occurred only for children who began treatment with at least some initiating joint attention. In contrast, the PECS facilitated generalized requests more than the RPMT in children with very little initiating joint attention prior to treatment. These effect sizes were large."
JCCP 74 (1-3) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Volkmar, Fred R.
"Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are in constant need of information about every aspect of their child's development. Now the task of understanding and managing their child's general health and medical care is made much easier with Healthcare for Children on the Autism Spectrum -- the first book for parents to focus on this important subject. While a child with autism can be as healthy as any other, autism creates challenges, such as sensory issues and communication difficulties, that become a factor when considering almost all healthcare decisions. Dr. Volkmar, a leading authority on autism and director of the Developmental Disabilities Clinic and Research Program at the Yale University Child Study Center, and Dr. Wiesner, a pediatrician with a special interest in the field, offer parents and healthcare providers accessible, comprehensive information on a wide array of medical, nutritional, and behavioral concerns. Parents can find answers to help them understand symptoms and behaviors, guidelines to evaluate medications and alternative therapies, and tips to make doctor and dentist visits more manageable. There is also useful advice on how to forge a strong parent-doctor partnership, which is the cornerstone to any child's good health. This is an essential medical reference for all families, no matter where their child may fall on the autism spectrum"
New York: Woodbine House, Bethesda, MD, 2004
649.154 VOL h
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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