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Ferika Puspitasari
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai keikutsertaan Indonesia dalam World Trade Organilaion (WTO) ya ng berimpli kasi sangal besar terhadap keberadaan lapangan kerja di Indonesia. Oleh karena itulah dalam penelitian ini akan dirumuskan beberapa masalah tentang Bagai mana Pengaturan Perdagangan lnternasional Jasa Tenaga Kerja terutama mengenai Market Access dan Domestic Regulation dalam lingkup General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) di WTO.Selain itu juga akan dipaparkan apakah pembukaan Market Access melalui studi offer dibidang jasa tenaga kerja asing di Indonesia tclah sesuai dengan kepentingan nasional pada umumnya serta bagaimanakah kontribusi positif serta permasalahan penggunaan Tenaga Kcrja Asing dalam sektor perba nkan dan hubungannya dengan kepcntinganjas.a tenaga kerja di Indonesia pada khususnya.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa markel access bagi tenaga kerja asing di sektor perbankan Indonesia hanya terbuka bagi level manager dan direktur ke alas sehingga sccara kepentingan nasional Indonesia masib melindungi keberadaan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Selain i tu sebagai kom pensasi terhadap penggunaan tenaga kerja asing, perusahaan diwa]ibkan un tu k.men unjuk tenaga kerja Indonesia pendamping dcngan tujuan ada sebuah transfer of knowledge yang bermanfaat bagi tenaga kerja Indonesia lainnya.

The focus of this studies concerning about the joined oflndonesia to World Trade Organitation which has an implication on the labour market in Indonesia. Because of that this study wi ll take the topic as the problem solver about how does General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) regulate the Manpower lntemalional trade especially on the market access a nd Movement of Natural Persons. This study also focus op the Indonesian National Objecti ve Policy on the National Manpower in the relation with that market access.
The study shows that the market access for banking sector's foreign workers only openc for the director, commisioner, a nd the branch manager of foreign banking in Indonesia and get the fact that the use of that foreign workers must give a transfer of knowledge for Indonesia Worker during the job."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izaldi Fikri Muhammad
"an di Indonesia, karena merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperkuat perbankan Indonesia dan memberikan peluang bagi perbankan Indonesia untuk bersaing di kancah internasional. Akuisisi bank telah ada dan diatur sejak tahun 1999 dengan lahirnya Peraturan Pemerintah No. 28 tahun 1999 tentang Penggabungan, Peleburan, dan Akuisisi Bank. Namun integrasi bank merupakan hal yang relatif baru, apalagi dibandingkan dengan akuisisi, dan dengan telah dialihkannya tugas pengaturan dan pengawasan bank dari Bank Indonesia ke OJK, maka telah dibuat peraturan baru yang tentunya akan merubah bagaimana hal tersebut semula. Sebelumnya, untuk akuisisi dan integrasi bank, kami sekarang mengacu pada POJK No. 41/POJK.03/2019 tentang Penggabungan, Konsolidasi, Akuisisi, Integrasi dan Konversi Bank Umum. Tesis ini berfokus pada konsep akuisisi dan integrasi oleh bank asing serta potensi masalah hukum dan dampak dari tindakan tersebut. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif. Sejalan dengan semakin populernya akusisi dan integrasi bank asing, regulasi dan pengawasan oleh OJK juga perlu disempurnakan, dan juga harus diperhatikan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap pihak-pihak terkait. Oleh karena itu penulis merekomendasikan kepada OJK dan pihak terkait untuk memperbaharui undang-undang terkait yang sudah ketinggalan zaman, namun tidak lupa juga memperhatikan isu hukum atau dampak yang ditimbulkannya.

Acquisition and integration of banks have been popularized in Indonesia for quite some time, as it is one way to strengthen Indonesian banks and give Indonesian banks a chance to compete on an international stage. Bank acquisitions have been around and regulated since 1999 with Government Regulation No. 28 of 1999 regarding Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Banks. However, bank integration is a relatively new thing, especially compared to acquisition. As the regulatory and supervisory duty of banks has been transferred from Bank Indonesia to OJK, new regulations have been made, which would give a change to how it was back in the day. For acquisition and integration of banks, we now mainly refer to POJK No. 41 of 2019 regarding Merger, Consolidation, Acquisition, Integration, and Conversion of Commercial Banks. This thesis focuses on the concept of acquisition and integration by foreign banks and the potential legal issues and impacts of such acts. This thesis uses the juridical-normative research method. As the act of acquisition and integration of foreign banks becomes more popularized, regulations and supervision by OJK should also be improved, and it should also be kept in mind how it would affect relevant parties. For that reason, the author recommends that OJK and relevant parties update the outdated relevant laws and not forget to take care of the legal issues or impacts from it."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Dea Alih Swasana
Kebijakan kepemilikan asing pada Perbankan Indonesia telah diatur oleh Pemerintah melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan.
Melalui undang-undang ini, kesempatan bagi investor asing untuk memiliki saham perbankan ataupun mendirikan bank di Indonesia semakin terbuka. Kuatnya kepemilikan asing pada suatu bank berpotensi menghambat proses pengawasan pada bank yang bersangkutan serta berlangsungnya praktik good governance. Lebih jauh, praktik tersebut juga berpotensi mengganggu stabilitas sistem keuangan secara keseluruhan dan mengancam bagi ketahanan ekonomi negara Indonesia. Penelitian melakukan analisis terhadap kebijakan kepemilikan asing pada sektor perbankan di Indonesia terhadap ketahanan ekonomi negara dengan melakukan narrative policy framework analysis dan stakeholder analysis. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Risalah Rapat Proses Perubahan Undang- Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 menjadi Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitik terhadap data yang diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan analisis terhadap subyek penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa pembukaan kesempatan kepemilikan asing dalam perubahan undang-undang merupakan solusi jangka pendek yang diberikan pemerintah. Kondisi krisis yang dialami negara Indonesia memaksa pemerintah untuk segera melakukan perubahan undang- undang untuk dapat menarik investor asing, dengan tujuan memperkuat struktur permodalan perbankan. Kebijakan kepemilikan asing pada perbankan Indonesia yang terlalu terbuka dapat menimbulkan beberapa peluang resiko bagi ketahanan ekonomi negara. Kekhawatiran adanya dominasi oleh pihak asing juga telah disampaikan oleh fraksi-fraksi yang tidak sependapat dengan pemerintah terhadap perubahan undang-undang perbankan. Analisis resiko yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini telah menunjukkan bahwa skala tingkat resiko kebijakan kepemilikan asing hingga 99 persen berada pada tingkat resiko yang menengah dan tinggi. Analisis stakeholder menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah dan DPR merupakan pihak
yang memiliki kepentingan dan kekuatan yang besar dalam kebijakan kepemilikan asing pada sektor perbankan Indonesia. Pemerintah dan DPR perlu melakukan kajian kembali terhadap undang-undang perbankan yang saat ini sudah digunakan selama 21 tahun.

Foreign ownership policy in Indonesian Banking has been regulated by the
Government through Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan. Through this law, the opportunity for foreign investors to own banking shares or establish a bank in Indonesia is increasingly open. The strong foreign ownership in a bank has the potential to hinder the supervision process of the bank concerned and the practice of good governance. Furthermore, this practice also has the potential to disrupt financial system stability as a whole and threaten the economic resilience of the Indonesian state. Research conducted an analysis of foreign ownership policies in the Indonesian banking sector towards the country's economic resilience by conducting a narrative policy framework analysis and stakeholder analysis. The data used in this study is the Minutes of Meeting on the Process of Amending Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 into Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan. Research is descriptive analytical on data obtained from the results of observations, interviews, documentation, and analysis of research subjects. Based on the results of the study it was found that the opening of opportunities for foreign ownership in changing laws was a short-term solution provided by the government. The crisis conditions experienced by the Indonesian state forced the government to immediately amend the law to be able to attract foreign investors, with the aim of strengthening the banking capital structure. Foreign ownership policies in Indonesian banks that are too open can pose several risk opportunities for the country's economic resilience. Concerns about domination by foreign parties have also been conveyed by factions who disagree with the government regarding changes to the banking law. The risk analysis carried out in this study has shown that the scale of the risk level of foreign ownership policy up to 99 percent is at the level of medium and high risk. Stakeholder analysis shows that the Government and Parliament are parties that have a large interest and strength in foreign ownership policies in the Indonesian banking sector. The
government and the House of Representatives need to review the banking laws that have been used for 21 years."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didit Widiana
"Tesis ini membahas struktur mikro pasar valuta asing menggunakan data transaksi harian perdagangan mata uang Dolar Amerika Serikat (USD) terhadap Rupiah (IDR) selama periode Agustus sampai Oktober 2008. Komponen struktur mikro pasar valuta asing mencakup frekuensi dan volume perdagangan serta pergerakan harga, lmplikasi variabel struktur rnikro pasar pada rnanajemen risiko direfleksikan dalam perbandingan volatilitas komponen tersebut saat pasar dalam kondisi normal dan tidak normal melalui pendekatan Valut at Risk (VaR).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (I) volume perdagangan cenderung tinggi pada pembukaan dan penutupan pasar dan membentuk pola U-shaped, (2) volume perdagangan tinggi pada hari Selasa dan pada hari-hari berikutnya cenderung menurun hingga Jumat (3) volatilitas pada pasar tidak normal 4 sampai 5 kali dari pasar normal dan tidak berpola U-shaped, (4) pengendali pasar selama periode observasi didominasi oleh bank asing dan bank pemerintah.

This study focus on the microstructure of foreign exchange markets using a daily transaction data set from American Dollar (USD) against Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) in periods of August to October 2008. The microstructure of foreign exchange markets variables are trading frequency and volume behavior, and price changes. The implication of these variables to market risk management is reflected on its volatility comparison between normal markets and abnormal markets using Value at Risk approach.
The results show that (l) a U-shaped pattern in volume during trading day, that is, volume is highest at the beginning and the end ofthe trading day (2) the trading volume is different within and across days. This research provide of an inverted U-shaped in volume across days. Tuesday has the lowest volume, and on the next days until Friday, volume tends decrease, (3) the volatility of abnormal markets is 4 to 5 times than normal markets. The market makers are relatively denominated by foreign banks and goverment banks.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Varian Arditya
"Indonesia merupakan lokasi yang menarik bagi investor asing, sehingga mendorong liberalisasi di sektor perbankan di Indonesia. ketika dominasi bank asing di Indonesia semakin menguat, ada banyak kecemasan terjadi di dalam negeri. Pertama, ada kecemasan bahwa masuknya bank milik asing dapat meningkatkan persaingan di industri perbankan domestik Indonesia. Kedua, masuknya bank asing yang dianggap terkait dengan kurangnya penyediaan kredit untuk usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki apakah masalah tersebut dapat dibenarkan atau tidak, dengan memanfaatkan pengalaman Indonesia dengan liberalisasi di sektor perbankan.

Indonesia has become an interesting location for foreign investor, resulting in a fully liberalization of banking sector in Indonesia. While the domination of foreign banks in Indonesia become stronger, there has been much anxiety happening within the country. First, there is an anxiety that the entry of foreign-owned banks may increase the competition in Indonesia’s domestic banking industry. Second, foreign bank entry are thought to be associated with less provision of credit to small medium enterprises (SMEs). This paper aims to investigate whether the mentioned issues can be justified or not, by making use of Indonesian experiences with liberalization on its banking sector.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tania Widya Putri
"Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) merupakan perjanjian pertanian yang merupakan bagian dari perjanjian mengenai aspek khusus dari Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia atau World Trade Organization (WTO) yang mulai berlaku sejak 1 Januari 1995. AoA bertujuan untuk melakukan reformasi kebijakan perdagangan di bidang pertanian dalam rangka menciptakan suatu sistem perdagangan pertanian yang adil dan berorientasi pasar. AoA menetapkan sejumlah peraturan pelaksanaan tindakan perdagangan di bidang pertanian termasuk pengaturan mengenai impor beras, terutama yang menyangkut akses pasar, bantuan domestik dan subsidi eskpor. Kesepakatan internasional yang disepakati Indonesia khususnya dalam bidang perdagangan beras tidak hanya diatur oleh AoA namun Indonesia juga memiliki kesepakatan impor beras yang berlaku secara regional yang diatur dalam AFTA. Sebagai anggota WTO, Indonesia berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan akses pasar dan mengurangi subsidisubsidi yang mendistorsi perdagangan melalui Schedule of Commitment masingmasing negara yang sudah dituangkan ke dalam peraturan nasional Indonesia. Dalam menjalankan komitmen-komitmennya pada AoA khususnya dalam menjalankan komitmen untuk membuka akses pasar, Indonesia mengalami dampak baik maupun buruk bagi keadaan beras di Indonesia. Dari uraian diatas,penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh AoA terhadap pembukaan akses pasar khususnya pada sektor impor beras di Indonesia.

Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is an agreement that explores the field of agriculture and it is a part of special aspect agreement from the World Trade Organization (WTO). It is immediately enforced, right after January 1st 1995 after the ratification of the WTO Agreement in Marrakesh. The purpose of the AoA is
to reform public policies regarding agricultural products in order to create a fair and market-oriented agricultural trade system. AoA sets out some implementing regulation of international trade in the field of agriculture that includes some regulations regarding rice import, especially concerning market access, domestic
support and export subsidies. Indonesia, up until now, has participated in many international agreements involving the trade of rice. Beside what is regulated under the AoA, Indonesia also has some commitments involving rice imports under the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA). Based on the AoA and AFTA,
WTO Members, including Indonesia, has agreed to increase their market access and reducing subsidies that can distort the practice of international trade. Those commitments had been set out in the Schedule of Commitment of each country,
including Indonesia. In applying its commitments regarding rice import under AoA, especially to open its market access, Indonesia has both negative and positive impacts on the availability of rice in Indonesia. Therefore, this research is
pursued to find out the implications of the AoA with regards to the opening of Indonesia’s market access, especially in the sector of rice import in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ines Stephanie
"Tenaga kerja asing (TKA) adalah orang asing yang bukan berasal dari Indonesia, tetapi melakukan kegiatan bekerja di wilayah Indonesia. Filosofi dasar penggunaan TKA adalah sebagai serangkaian upaya untuk meningkatkan investasi, alih teknologi dan alih keahlian kepada tenaga kerja lokal, serta perluasan kesempatan kerja, oleh karena itu investasi asing di Indonesia sepenuhnya ditujukan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia. Di satu sisi keberadaan para TKA dibutuhkan untuk transfer skill and technology, tetapi disisi lain keberadaan para TKA membuat kemungkinan pelanggaran yang dilakukan semakin besar terlebih saat adanya kebijakan pembebasan visa. Alih-alih untuk meningkatkan devisa dari turis asing, TKA ternyata melakukan kegiatan bekerja. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dari banyaknya kasus pelanggaran TKA yang ditemui tidak memiliki izin bekerja. Sejak dikeluarkannya Peraturan Presiden Nomor 20 Tahun 2018 tentang Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing, proses perizinan penggunaan TKA menjadi lebih disederhanakan. Tetapi, dalam pasal 33 pada peraturan tersebut disebutkan adanya koordinasi dalam pengawasan. Pengawasan bertujuan untuk tetap menjaga kedaulatan bangsa dan negara. Melalui koordinasi diharapkan pengawasan para TKA menjadi lebih optimal dan menekan kasus pelanggaran TKA yang terjadi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma post-positivist, dan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini mengaitkan pelaksanaan koordinasi yang terjadi di Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM dengan teori Skala Kebijakan Koordinasi oleh Les Metcalfe (1994). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, koordinasi yang telah dibangun cukup kuat antar kementerian didukung dengan instrumen komunikasi yang digunakan dan keberadaan TIMPORA, tetapi program-program sinergitas yang dicanangkan oleh Menteri Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia dan Menteri Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia belum selesai dikembangkan sehingga menghambat dalam optimalisasi pengawasan dan masih besarnya ego sektoral yang ada di lingkungan kementerian.

Foreignworkers are foreignerswho are not from Indonesia, but carry out work activities in Indonesian territory. The basic philosophyofusing foreign workers is as a series of efforts to increase investment, transfer of technology and transfer of expertise to local workers, and expand employment opportunities, therefore foreign investment in Indonesia is entirely aimed at the welfare of the Indonesian people. On the one hand, the presence of foreign workers is needed to transfer skills and technology, but on the other hand the presence of foreign workers makes the possibility of violations committed even greater when there is a visa exemption policy. Instead of increasing foreign exchange from foreign tourists, the TKA turned out to do work activities. This is evidenced from the many cases of violations of foreign workers found not to have a work permit. Since the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 20 of 2018 concerning the Use of Foreign Workers, the licensing process for the use of TKA has become simplified. However, Article 33 of the regulation mentions coordination controlling. Controlling aims to maintain the sovereignty of the nation and state. Through coordination it is hoped that the supervision of TKA will become more optimal and reduce the cases of TKA violations that occur. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a post-positivist paradigm, and data collection is done through in-depth interviews and literature studies. This research links the implementation of coordination that occurs in the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with the theory of the Coordinating Policy Scale by Les Metcalfe (1994). The results showed that the coordination that had been built was quite strong between ministries supported by the communication instruments used and an exist of TIMPORA, but the synergy programs launched by the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia had not yet been developed so as to hamper the optimization of controlling and there is still a large of sectoral ego within the ministry."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dylan Thomas Carolus Lapya
"[Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisisfaktor-faktor penentu dalam penanaman modal asmg(PMA) di Industri minyak dan gas Indonesia, serta dampak yang signifikan terhadap daya saing Indonesia. Aliran FDI telah meningkat secara dramatis dalam dua tahun terakhir. Namun, distribusi FDI sangat tidak merata dan persaingan antar negara untuk menarik investor asing sangatlah tinggi. Model konseptual dan hipotesis penelitian dikembangkan dan kerangka teori yang sudah ada. Data utama dikumpulkan melalui survei berbasis
kuantitatif, total 245 responden terlibat dalam penelitian mi yang merupakan karyawan yang bekerja di perusahaan minyak dan gas asing yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Analisis deskriptif disajikan untuk mengeksplorasi kinerja keseluruhan daya saing negara, serta hubungan antar variabel. Untuk meneliti hubungan antara variabel penentu dan daya saing, analisis faktor dilakukan untuk tujuan pengurangan data dan mempertahankan faktor terkuat. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan analisis regresi berganda. Penelitian menunjukkan Pemerintah, Infrastruktur, Lokasi dan Suinber Daya Man usia memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan daya saing Indonesia.

This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness.;This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness.;This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness., This study identifies and analyzes the determinant factors in foreign direct investment (FDI) Indonesian oil and gas and its significant impacts on Indonesia Competitiveness. The flow of FDI has increased dramatically in the last two years. However, the distribution of FDI is highly unequal and the competition among countries to attract foreign investors is high.On the basis of theoretical framework among the constructs, a conceptual model and hypotheses were developed. Primary data were collected through quantitative based survey from a total of245 samples were collected, from employee that worked in foreign oil and gas companies who operated in Indonesia. Descriptive analysis was presented to explore the overall performance of country competitiveness, as well as the relationship among variables. To investigate the relationship between FDI determinant variables and country competitiveness, factor analysis was performed for the purpose of data reduction and maintaining the strongest factor. Testing hypothesis has been done with multiple regression analysis. The findings showed Government, Infrastructure, Location and Human resources have a significant relationship with Indonesia Competitiveness.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kavin Rizqy Mubarok
"Penyediaan akses kerja bagi penyandang disabilitas di sektor publik merupakan salah satu kebijakan dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk mewujudkan pembangunan ekonomi inklusif bagi penyandang disabilitas. Kebijakan tersebut mengatur bahwa Kementerian/Lembaga dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengalokasikan formasi dan mempekerjakan penyandang disabilitas minimal 2%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses implementasi kebijakan penyediaan akses kerja bagi penyandang disabilitas di sektor publik dengan menggunakan teori Strategic Action Field Framework for Policy Implementation (SAFs) yang dikemukakan oleh Moulton & Sandfort (2017). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam sebagai sumber data primer dan studi kepustakaan sebagai data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses implementasi kebijakan sudah sesuai dengan teori Strategic Action Field Framework for Policy Implementation (SAFs), walaupun belum mencapai target 2%. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan beberapa hambatan yang memengaruhi proses implementasi kebijakan, antara lain keterbatasan formasi ASN yang dapat diisi oleh penyandang disabilitas, masih adanya instansi pemerintah yang enggan membuka formasi disabilitas dengan target 2%, kurangnya partisipasi dan kolaborasi dengan penyandang disabilitas, paradigma ableisme, tidak adanya sistem reward and punishment bagi instansi pemerintah terkait, belum adanya modul rekrutmen khusus penyandang disabilitas, hingga kurangnya koordinasi mengenai urgensi dan pemahaman akan pentingnya pembangunan inklusif bagi penyandang disabilitas diantara masing-masing instansi.

Providing access to work for persons with disabilities in the public sector is one of the policies and efforts made by the government to realize inclusive economic development for persons with disabilities. The policy regulates Ministries/Agencies and Local Governments to allocate formations and employ persons with disabilities at least 2%. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the policy implementation process for providing access to work for persons with disabilities in the public sector using the Strategic Action Field Framework for Policy Implementation (SAFs) theory proposed by Moulton & Sandfort (2017). This study uses a post-positivist approach, with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews as the primary data source and literature study as secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the policy implementation process is in accordance with the Strategic Action Field Framework for Policy Implementation (SAFs) theory, although it has not yet reached the 2% target. The results of the study also found several obstacles that influenced the policy implementation process, including the limited number of ASN formations that could be filled by persons with disabilities, government agencies still reluctant to open disability formations with a target of 2%, lack of participation and collaboration with persons with disabilities, ableism paradigm, not the existence of a reward and punishment system for relevant government agencies, the absence of a special recruitment module for persons with disabilities, to the lack of coordination regarding the urgency and understanding of the importance of inclusive development for persons with disabilities among each agency."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gema Adzan Akbar Fibriano
"Penggunaan tenaga kerja asing merupakan salah satu sarana yang dapat digunakan oleh berbagai perusahaan atau badan hukum di Indonesia sebagai bagian dalam menjalankan usaha mereka, terutama bagi perusahaan yang bergerak pada kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi yang memiliki peran signifikan dalam ekonomi Indonesia. Sarana tersebut disediakan oleh pemerintah dengan harapan akan terlaksana percepatan pembangunan nasional dan membantu jalannya usaha. Sehingga perlu dipahami terlebih dahulu mengenai berbagai ketentuan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang penggunaan tenaga kerja asing pada kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi, serta implementasi dan dampak atas penggunaan tenaga kerja asing tersebut. Skripsi ini akan menganalisis mengenai berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dalam penggunaan tenaga kerja asing, terutama dalam kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi dan akan melihat data statistik atas penggunaan tenaga kerja asing tersebut secara keseluruhan di Indonesia dan pada beberapa perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi yang spesifik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena Indonesia memiliki potensi sumber daya manusia yang tinggi berkat populasinya, namun penggunaan tenaga kerja asing dapat menimbulkan masalah bagi para calon pekerja Indonesia, terutama di kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi, sehingga perlu dilihat secara hukum ketentuan yang mengatur serta implementasinya.

The use of foreign labor is one of the many tools that various companies or legal entities in Indonesia can use to conduct their businesses, particularly those that operate in upstream petroleum and natural gas activities, which play an important role in the Indonesian economy. The government provides these facilities in the aim that they would help accelerate national growth and corporate operations. As a result, it is critical to grasp the numerous statutory regulations governing the use of foreign workers in upstream petroleum and natural gas operations, as well as the execution and consequences of such usage. This thesis will examine the various laws and regulations that govern the employment of foreign workers, particularly in upstream oil and gas business operations, as well as statistical data on the utilization of foreign workers in Indonesia as a whole and in several specific oil and gas firms. As a result, this study will employ normative juridical methodologies. The research was carried out because Indonesia has a large human resource potential due to its population, but the use of foreign workers can cause problems for prospective Indonesian workers, particularly in upstream petroleum and natural gas business activities, so it is necessary to examine the legal provisions and their implementation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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