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Melissa Wijaya
Leadership is the main factor that leads to a business success in general and automotive workshop business specifically. Previous study stated that there was a relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and employee performance in producing extra effort attitude and effectiveness. This study seeks to investigate this relationship using Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form-5X from Bernard Bass. A total of fifty respondents from STAR MOTOR company, comprising of two groups, were used to see the results. Simple regression analyses were used to measure the relationships between the leadership factors and the measured outcomes of extra effort and effectiveness. The results showed transactional leadership style was positively associated with employees? extra effort. Additional analysis between dimensions of transactional leadership and extra effort showed significant relationships between contingent reward and management by exception active with extra effort. Moreover, there is significant relationship between transformational leadership with extra effort. Additional analysis between dimensions of transformational leadership and extra effort showed significant relationships between individual consideration and inspirational motivation with extra effort. The results also showed transactional leadership style was positively associated with employees? effectiveness. Additional analysis between dimensions of transactional leadership and effectiveness showed significant relationships between contingent rewards and management by exception active with effectiveness. Furthermore, there is significant relationship between transformational leadership with effectiveness. Additional analysis between dimensions of transformational leadership and effectiveness showed significant relationship between individual considerations with effectiveness. The result showed transactional is the dominant leadership in STAR MOTOR company. However, laissez-faire is more dominant than transactional leadership."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pri Desta Yudha
Leadership becomes the mam factor contributing for a company to
increase its competitive advantage. In consulting company it has become the
nature that the profile of the leader with capability and style of the leadership will
give impact on company durability in rapidly changing and global competitive
environment. The research uses Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire-5X form to
determine correlation and relationship between transformational, transactional and
passive-avoidant-laissez-faire leadership style of the leader in PT. MUC Global
and the outcomes of the leadership (transformational, transactional and passive
avoidant laissez-faire). SPSS uses calculation and analysis of the research data
with descriptive statistics, regression and multcollineatity. SPPS process found
that transformational leadership especially inspirational motivation is the most
significant on extra effort and satisfaction. Transactional leadership especially
management by exception-active has the most significant on effectiveness."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihombing, Cynthia Lestari
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana kecepatan integrasi dari perusahaan paska akuisisi berpengaruh terhadap komitmen karyawan dengan gaya kepemimpinan sebagai variable moderatingnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat ukur berupa kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 92 responden yang berasal dari karyawan yang terlibat dalam perusahaan yang diakuisisi. Perusahaan yang dipilih sebanyak 3 perusahaan berasal dari industri media dan asuransi.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kecepatan integrasi memiliki hubungan dan pengaruh terhadap komitmen afektif dari karyawan pada proses integrasi paska akuisisi. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan variabel moderating yaitu gaya kepemimpinan. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 20.0 menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan integrasi dengan komitmen afektif karyawan akan semakin kuat ketika dipengaruhi oleh gaya kepemimpinan transformasional.

This study dealt with how integration speed on post-acquisition integration process influences employee commitment with the effect of leadership style as moderating variable. This study was a qantitative research using a questionairre as measurement instrument distributed to 92 respondents coming from employees who are involved in the acquired company. Three selected companies coming from media and insurance industry.
The result of this study found that integration speed has correlation and influence on affective employee commitment in the post-acquisition integration process. This research also aimed to identify moderating variable i.e leadership style. Data processing using SPSS 20.0 suggested that relation between integration speed and affective employee commitment would be stronger when it was influenced by transformational leadership style.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Skripsi ini membahas pengaruh antara gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan gaya kepemimpinan transaksional terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengukur gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan gaya kepemimpinan transaksional terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Penelitian dilakukan kepada karyawan PT PJB UP Muara Karang. Setelah dilakukan uji regresi berganda, diketahui bahwa gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan gaya kepemimpinan transaksional memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. Untuk dapat terus maju dan berkembang, pemimpin PT PJB UP Muara Karang perlu terus menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dan transaksional, sehingga kepuasan kerja karyawan PT PJB Muara Karang dapat terus ditingkatkan.

This study discusses the influence between transformational leadership style and transactional leadership style about employee job satisfaction. This study is a quantitative study that used questionnaires to measure the transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style on employee job satisfaction. This study was conducted to employee of PT. PJB UP Muara Karang. After regression measurement, it is known that the transformational leadership and transactional leadership style has a significant impact on job satisfaction. The Management of PT. PJB UP Muara Karang must apply the transformational and transactional leadership style so the satisfaction of employee of Pt. PJB UP Muara Karang can be improved."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edy Wibawa
"Sebagai salah satu Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) bidang keimigrasian dalam lingkungan Departemen Hukum dan HAM yang berada di bawah dan bertangung jawab langsung kepada Kepala Kantor Wilayah Departemen Hukum dan HAM DKI Jakarta, Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan dituntut untuk lebih meningkatkan kemampuannya, terutama dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan keimigrasian dalam wilayah kerjanya secara tanggap dan akurat tanpa mengabaikan prinsip kehati-hatian sehubungan dengan maraknya kejahatan TOC dan terorisme. Sebab salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah melalui pencatatan yang cermat pemberian paspor kepada penduduk dan dokumen izin tinggal bagi bukan penduduk. Dalam konteks tersebut dituntut kinerja pegawai Kantor Imigrasi yang tinggi, untuk melakukan pengawasan tanpa mengabaikan pelayanan. Sistem dan prosedur sudah dapat berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Namun jika kinerja pegawai cenderung lemah dan pengawasan yang dijalankan relatif "longgar", maka sisdur cenderung kurang berjalan sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Menghadapi tuntutan pelayanan yang berhubungan dengan keimigrasian diperlukan penanganan oleh seorang pemimpin yang prima, mempunyai kemampuan dan keterampilan teknis dalam memimpin organisasi. Kondisi ini tidak terlepas dari definisi kepemimpinan itu sendiri yang tidak selalu pararel dengan kedudukan dalam struktur organisasi.
Selain model kepemimpinan, faktor lain yang diduga berpengaruh adalah kepuasan kerja pegawai. Kepuasan kerja seorang pegawai yang melaksanakan pekerjaan sesuai dengan jenis pekerjaan yang menjadi tugasnya akan tampak dari hasil kerjanya. Apakah pegawai sudah merasa puas atas hasil pekerjaan maupun imbalan serta kondisi di tempat kerja. Ketika seorang pegawai merasa tidak puas dengan apa yang diberikan oleh organisasi kepadanya, maka umumnya pegawai tidak akan menunjukkan kinerja yang tinggi.
Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut di atas, maka pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Bagaimanakah gambaran kinerja pegawai dalam memberikan pelayanan di Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan?
2. Apakah kepuasan kerja pegawai mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai dalam memberikan pelayanan tersebut?
3. Apakah model kepemimpinan turut mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai?
Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian survey, yaitu metode penelitian yang menggunakan instrumen kuesioner sebagai komponen utama pengumpulan data, maka diharapkan pengaruh Model Kepemimpinan dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai Kanim Jakarta Selatan dapat terungkap. Sebab metode ini diharapkan dapat menggambarkan, menuturkan dan menafsirkan keadaan subyek atau obyek penelitian sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan data dan fakta yang ditemukan. Hasil pengukuran kinerja pegawai yang dilakukan secara self assessment, pada umumnya adalah baik. Namun demikian perlu disadari bahwa pengukuran kinerja pegawai ini relatif sederhana dibanding dengan model pengukuran yang lainnya, sehingga harus dipahami secara proporsional. Model kepemimpinan yang ada di Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan sudah mengarah kepada model yang efektif, walaupun nilai rata-rata ini masih merupakan batas bawah, namun dapat menjadi modal yang cukup untuk mengembangkan model ini lebih lanjut. Model ini merujuk kepada tingkat pelaksanaan tugas praktis dan berorientasi kepada pencapaian hasil pelayanan yang berarti sesuai dengan kebutuhan unit pelaksana teknis (UPT). Sedangkan untuk kepuasan kerja pegawai di Kanim Jakarta Selatan pada dasarnya menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pegawai relatif kurang puas.
Untuk pengujian hipotesa, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:
1. Tidak ada hubungan antara mode! kepemimpinan sebagai variabel (Xi) dan Kinerja Pegawai (Y).
2. Ada hubungan antara Kepuasan Kerja sebagai variabel (X2) dengan Kinerja Pegawai (Y). Kuat hubungan antara kedua variabel ini cenderung "sedang".
3. Hubungan Model Kepemimpinan sebagai variabel (X,) dan Kepuasan Pegawai (X2) terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y) menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara ketiga variabel ini.
Pentingnya pengukuran kinerja pegawai terkait denyan perannya yang sentral dalam mendukung kinerja manajemen secara keseluruhan, sehingga kinerja pegawai perlu dievaluasi secara akurat dan adil sebagai basis untuk berbagai strategi dalam menghargai pegawai, dan pengembangan kinerja mereka. Organisasi seharusnya merancang evaluasi kinerja pegawai dalam jangka periode tertentu bagi pegawai untuk kepentingan peningkatan kerjasama dan memecahkan masalah secara kreatif dan inovatif. Pada dasarnya setiap organisasi harus selalu meningkatkan kualitas kepemimpinan yang ada guna meningkatkan pula kinerja manajemen dan kinerja pegawai. Dalam konteks inilah pengembangan model kepemimpinan yang efektif menjadi penting bagi kepentingan peningkatan kinerja. Kepemimpinan bukan sekedar atasan yang menduduki jabatan struktural semata, melainkan bagaimana cara menggerakkan sumber daya manusia yang ada untuk secara bersama-sama mencapai tujuan organisasi secara efektif, efisien dan legal.

As one of the Technical Implementing Unit (UPT) on immigration in the Department of Law and Human Rights and responsible directly to the Head of District Office of Department of Law and Human Rights DKI Jakarta, the Office of Immigration South Jakarta is demanded to increase its performance, especially in giving immigration service to the public, they must respond and act accurately without loosing the standard of cautious because of the case of TOC and terrorism. One of the solutions is through good recording when they give passport to people and residential document for expatriate.
In that context, employee's good performance is needed to do monitoring without loosing good services. Hence, even the monitoring procedure from their supervisor is weak, the system and procedure can effectively continue as expected. In other side, if the employee's performance tends to decline and the monitoring procedure is also not tied up, thus the system and procedure tend to be unsuccessful. Facing the demand of good services relate to the immigration a good leadership is needed, who has ability and skill to manage the organization. This condition also depends on the definition of the leadership itself which does not always parallel with position in the structure of the organization.
Beside style of leadership, other influential factor is employee's job satisfaction. Their satisfaction in doing their duty is reflected from their work. Even it is a must that they do their official duty, but the supervisor in the organization must perceive any situation that can influence their staffs? performance. Do they satisfy with their work, its compensation and also the environment of their work place? When an employee feels unsatisfied with the compensation from the organization, normally they will work inadequately.
Base on those assumptions, the main problem in the research are:
1. How is the description of the employee's performance in the District Office of Immigration in South Jakarta?
2. Do job satisfaction influence employee's performance in giving services in the office?
3. Is style of leadership also influence employee's performance?
Using survey, a research with questionnaire as its instrument to collect data and other variables and correlation analyses, it is expected that the influence of style of leadership and job satisfaction on employee's performance will be identified. This method is expected to describe, recognize and interpret the condition of the subject or object of the research based on founded data and facts.
The result of the self assessment analyzes is generally good. However, it must be considered that the measurement of the employee's performance is relatively simple compare to other measurement methods, thus it must be considered proportionally. Style of leadership in the office is performance-enhancing skill, and even the average value is at the minimum value, it can be a raw model for further development. This model relates to the practical job and outcome oriented suitable with the organization's objective. For job satisfaction in the office, generally the result shows that it is relatively unsatisfied.
The result also shows the hypotheses analysis that:
1. There is no relation between style of leadership as variable (X1) and employee's performance (Y).
2. There is a relation between job satisfaction (X2) and employee's performance (Y). the strenght of relation between those two variables is moderate.
3. There is no relation between style of leadership as variable (X1) and job satisfaction (X2) with employee's performance (Y).
The importance of employee's performance measurement relates to its significant role in supporting the performance of the management as a whole, thus the performance of the employee must be evaluated accurately as a basis of compensation strategy. The organization should develop an evaluation on employee's performance in a certain period in order to increase the team work and solving problem capacity creatively and innovative.
Basically, every organization must always develop the quality of leadership in order to advance its management's and employee's performance. In this context, the development of a leadership model which is effective is important. Leadership is not only a problem of structural supervisor or functionary, but also a mechanism of how to exaggerate the human resource to obtain the organization's objective effectively, efficiently and legally.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paulina Hani Rusmawati
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh transformational leadership terhadap
kinerja anggota organisasi yang dimediasi oleh variabel komitmen organisasi dan work
engagement. Pendekatan yang dipakai untuk melakukan penelitian ialah pendekatan
kuantitatif, pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner dalam
bentuk skala likert. Responden dalam penelitian ini ialah pegawai PT Kereta Api
Indonesia Daerah Operasi 5 Purwokerto yang berjumlah 115 orang. Teknik analisis data
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan structural equation modeling
(SEM) melalui aplikasi program smartPLS. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa
transformational leadership memiliki pengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung
terhadap kinerja anggota organisasi, variabel work engagement mampu memediasi
pengaruh secara tidak langsung antara transformational ledership dengan kinerja para
anggota organisasi. Sedangkan variabel komitmen organisasi tidak dapat memediasi
hubungan antara variabel kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap kinerja pegawai.

The purpose of this research is to analyze how the influence of transformational
leadership on organizational member performance is mediated by variable organizational
commitment and work engagement. The approach used to conduct research is a
quantitative approach, research data collection is carried out through questionnaires in the
form of a Likert scale. Respondents in this research were 115 employees of PT Kereta
Api Indonesia Daerah Operasi 5 in Purwokerto. The data analysis technique used in this
study is using structural equation modeling (SEM) through the application of smartPLS
programs. This study found that transformational leadership has a direct or indirect
influence on organizational member performance, the work engagement variable is able
to mediate the indirect influence between transformational ledership and the performance
of organizational members. While the organizational commitment variable cannot
mediate the relationship between transformational leadership variables on employee

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Do Anh Dung
In today?s challenging and turbulent world, strategic management prescribes
organizations to develop resources and capabilities in order to gain competitive
advantage. The central question has been how to find ways and means to improve the
performance of the organization. Among many capabilities which could be developed
by the organization, the ability of the leaders to motivate and/or inspire members ofthe
team and/or workers to perform in their jobs and beyond the scope of their jobs, is
being researched here.
This dissertation studies how leadership by focusing at the bottom level of the
organization and by using various influence tactics, can create Organizational
Citizenship Behavior among the employees; in so doing, it could increase the overall
performance of the organization. The research is done in a Indonesian entity, a publicly
listed distribution company of a large pharmaceutical business group, operating through
40 branches across Indonesia, from Banda Aceh to J ayapura. The target population for
research is 460 marketing Eelds and staff members of the company, who have filled-in
some comprehensive questionnaires.
The research combines and extends three existing theories, the Leader-Member
(LMX) Theory, the lntluence Theory, and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB) Theory. It also utilized eleven (11) influence tactics, and the OCB related to the
organization. The dissertation contirms this new extension of theories by demonstrating
the existence of the linkages (or mediations) between various variables of the model. It
has tested fifteen (15) sets of hypotheses. Most of the hypotheses have been confirmed
and the relationships between the variables are signiiicant.
Throughout the research, it was found that some speciitic iniluenee tactics
(inspirational appeal, personal appeal, consultation, collaboration, rational, appraising,
ingratiation, exchange or legitimation) are the most effective tactics used by the leaders
to motivate the subordinates performing in their jobs, and beyond the scope of their
jobs (OCR). The subordinates may help their colleagues; they may participate in many
social or informal activities beneficial to the organization culture; they may try to
protect the assets or properties of the organization, etc. With such an extraordinary
performance, they will contribute in their aggregate efforts to increase the level of
performance of the company as a whole. Other influence tactics such as coalition and
pressure do not develop OCB.
Equally important, it was demonstrated empirically that the ranking of OCB-
Organjzation Indexes is significantly correlated with the ranking of Total Sales of the
40 business units. It means that OCB-Organization can create high Total Sales, and
therefore high organization performance.
The contribution to the advancement of strategic management are (1) a new
extension of theories by combining three existing theories, (2) the practical
implementation of the Endings of this research in the day to day leadership and
management of a business organization, with focus at the bottom level, (3) the first
time application of such model in Indonesia, and (4) the opportunity to generalize the
application of the extension of theories, leading to a possible new theory to be called
?LMX-Organization Perfomance Theory?, and further practical implications, the result
of which would contribute meaningfully to the improvement in the quality of
management of organizations."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratama Syawalludien Hadar
Penggunaan Tim Virtual menjadi lebih signifikan dikarenakan oleh perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) terutama di bisnis multinasional. Di situasi ini, kultur berperan penting dalam gaya-gaya kepemimpinan ?Tim Virtual? karena perbedaan latar belakang. Gaya kepemimpinan dibedakan menjadi kepemimpinan berorientasi tugas dan kepemimpinan berorientasi hubungan yang dimoderasi oleh nilai-nilai kultur. Saya mengembangkan enam hipotesis untuk menjelaskan pengaruh kultur terhadap hubungan antara gaya kepemipinan dan keefektifan dalam Tim Virtual. Kepemimpinan berorientasi tugas lebih cocok di dalam Tim Virtual dan dampak kultur di tim semacam ini tidak signifikan.

The use of a virtual team is more significant because of the development of ICT technologies especially in multinational business. In this situation, culture plays an important role in leadership styles of virtual team because of different cultural background. Leadership styles are distinguished into task-oriented and relations-oriented leadership which are moderated by cultural values. I developed six hypotheses to explain the influence of culture on the relationship between leadership style and virtual team effectiveness. Task-oriented leadership is preferable in virtual team and cultural impact in this team is not significant."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Juwitasari
Penelitian ini menganalisa tentang hubungan gaya kepemimpinan Ketua Departemen
dengan kinerja karyawan tenaga kependidikan di Departemen Manajemen Fakultas
Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan pendekatan
kuantitatif, jenis penelitian berdasarkan tujuan yaitu penelitian deskripsi. Hasil dari
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan memiliki hubungan yang
signifikan dan kuat dengan kinerja karyawan, dimana bila gaya kepemimpinan Ketua
Departemen bertambah baik maka kinerja karyawan akan menjadi lebih baik dan bila
gaya kepemimpinan Ketua Departemen bertambah buruk maka kinerja karyawan
tenaga kependidikan juga menjadi semakin buruk. Peneliti menyarankan Ketua
Departemen sebaiknya dapat menerapkan satu gaya kepemimpinan yang tepat, yang
diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan yang sedang menurun.

This research analyze for correlation between the leadership style of Head
Departement with staff's performance of employees in the Department of
Management Faculty of Economic, University of Indonesia. This research is
descriptive with quantitative approach. This research result to indicate that leadership
style has a significant relationship with the performance of employees, where the
leadership style of Head Department gets better then the employee's performance will
be better and if the leadership style of Head Department of worsening the
performance of employees also become increasingly worse. Researchers suggest Head
of Department should be able to apply the appropriate leadership style, which is
expected to improve the performance of the employee who is on the decline.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Aini Hidayah
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh Digital Leadership Capability terhadap Employee Innovation Performance dengan mediasi Digital Platform Capability pada perusahaan teknologi di Daerah Khusus Jakarta. Dengan metode kuantitatif dan analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada karyawan tetap yang menggunakan platform digital dalam pekerjaan mereka. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuantitatif melalui kuesioner terstruktur, dan teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan metode non-probabilitas purposive sampling. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 192 orang. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Digital Leadership Capability memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Employee Innovation Performance, baik secara langsung maupun melalui mediasi Digital Platform Capability. Temuan ini menegaskan bahwa pengembangan kepemimpinan digital yang efektif dapat mendorong kolaborasi digital, meningkatkan keterampilan karyawan, dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang mendukung inovasi yang lebih cepat dan efisien di era transformasi digital.

This study analyzes the influence of Digital Leadership Capability on Employee Innovation Performance with the mediation of Digital Platform Capability in technology companies located in Daerah Khusus Jakarta. Using a quantitative method and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires to permanent employees who utilize digital platforms in their work. Data collection was conducted quantitatively using structured questionnaires, and the sampling technique employed was non-probability purposive sampling. The study involved a total of 192 respondents. The results show that Digital Leadership Capability has a significant influence on Employee Innovation Performance, both directly and through the mediation of Digital Platform Capability. These findings emphasize that effective digital leadership development can promote digital collaboration, enhance employee skills, and create a work environment that supports faster and more efficient innovation in the era of digital transformation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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