ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas kepuasan perusahaan freight forwarder sebagai salah satu
pengguna jasa terhadap pelayanan di pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, serta
mengidentifikasi atribut-atribut pelayanan di pelabuhan dengan menggunakan
dimensi pelayanan Zeitahml-Parasuraman yaitu dimensi reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empaty dan tangible. Kemudian didapatkan prioritas pelayanan di
pelabuhan yang harus diperbaiki dengan menggunakan Importance Performance
Analysis (IPA) dan metode Potential Gain in Customer Value (PGCV). Berdasarkan
penelitian ini, didapatkan tujuh atribut prioritas perbaikan yaitu lapangan parkir
untuk truk petikemas, lapangan penumpukan petikemas, pelayanan yang cepat
tanggap,tingkat kerusakan kargo, tata ruang pelabuhan, pelayanan operator bongkar
muat, dan akses jalan.
ABSTRACTIn this study discusses the freight forwarder company?s satisfaction as one of the
service users at Port of Tanjung Priok, and identify the attributes of service at the
port by using the Zeitahml-Parasuraman?s service dimensions are reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, empaty and tangible. And then it gets the priority service
at the port to be fixed by using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and
Potential Gain in Customer Value (PGCV) method. Based on this study, we get
seven attributes with importance to be fixed are the parking lot for truck container,
container stacking area, fast service response, Level of damage to cargo,the port
layout, Stevedoring and cargodoring service, and access roads."