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T. M. Marini
"Tujuan : Mengetahui korelasi antara kadar vitamin E dengan jumlah limfosit CD4 penderita HIV/ AIDS
Tempat : Klinik Kelompok Studi Khusus AIDS Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/ RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Metodologi : Penelitian potong lintang pada 52 penderita HIV/ AIDS , berusia 20-40 tahun. Data yang diambil meliputi data demografi, infeksi oportunistik, asupan energi asupan lemak dengan metode food recall 1x24 jam, asupan vitamin E dengan food frequency questionnaire (F Q) semikuantitatif, kadar vitamin E plasma dan hitung limfosit CD4. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson.
Hasil : Subyek terdiri dari 44 orang laki-laki dan 8 orang perempuan, median usia 26 tahun, 75% berpendidikan sedang, 63,5% berpenghasilan di bawah UMP, 59,6% tidak merokok, 80,77% golongan IDU, 82,7% AIDS, 80,8% dengan IO. Rerata IMT 19,53 kg/m2 dan 53,8% termasuk normal , rerata asupan energi 1574,1 ± 198,48 kkal, rerata asupan lemak 31,17 ± 7,26%, median asupan vitamin E 10,00 ± 1,82 mg/ hari, dan 84,6% memiliki asupan vitamin E kurang. Nilai median kadar vitamin E plasma 22,59 (11,08-70,24) µmol/L dan 90,4% subyek memiliki kadar vitamin E normal. Didapatkan korelasi positif bermakna antara asupan lemak dengan kadar vitamin E plasma(r=0.307, p-0.027*) dan antara asupan vitamin E dengan jumlah CD4 (r=0.363, p=0.008*). Tidak ada korelasi antara IMT dengan limfosit CD4 (r-0.210, p=0.135), asupan vitamin E dengan kadar vitamin E plasma (r-0.222, p=0.114), kadar vitamin E plasma dengan jumlah limfosit CD4(r= 0.028, p'.843).
Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar vitamin E plasma dengan jumlah CD4 penderita HIV/ AIDS.

Objective : To investigate the correlation between plasma vitamin E concentration and the number of CD4 lymphocytes count in HIV/ AIDS patients
Method : This was a cross-sectional study involving 52 HIVIAIDS patients, aged 20-40 years in University of Indonesia AIDS Working Group (POKDIKSUS) Clinic at Dr Ciptomangunkusumo General Hospital Jakarta. Data were collected including demographic characteristic, energy and fat intake by the 24-hour dietary recall method, vitamin E intake using FFQ semi quantitative method, vitamin E plasma concentration and CD4 lymphocytes count. Statistical analysis was carried out using Pearson's correlation test to investigate the correlation between vitamin E plasma concentration and the number of CD4 lymphocytes count in HIVIAIDS patients.
Result : The subjects were comprised 44 men and 8 women with median of age 26 years. 75% of the subjects were in middle education level; 63.5% were earned under Jakarta's minimum wages; 59.6% were non-smoker; 80.77% were IDU; 82.7% were infected by AIDS; and 80.8% with opportunistic infection. The BMI mean was 19.53kg/m2 of which 518% were normal. The mean of daily energy intake was 1574.11 ± 198.48 kcal, the mean of fat intake was 31.17 ± 7.27%, the median of vitamin E intake 10.00 (7.67- 15.38) mgld and 84.6% had a low vitamin E intake. The median value of vitamin E plasma level was 22.59 (11.08-70.24) µmol/L and 90.4% of subjects had normal vitamin E plasma concentration. There was a significant correlation of fat intake with vitamin E plasma concentration (r=0.307, p=0.427*), also of vitamin E intake with CD4 lymphocytes count (r 0.363, p-0.008*). But, there was no correlation of BMI with CD4 lymphocytes count (r0.210, p=0.135), of vitamin E intake with vitamin E plasma concentration (r=0.222, p=0.114), also the concentration of vitamin E plasma with CD4 lymphocytes count (r= 0.028, p=0.843).
Conclusion: No correlation was found between plasma vitamin E concentration and CD4 lymphocytes count in HIV/ AIDS patients..
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anne Rivaida
"Tujuan: Mengetahui korelasi antara kadar sang (Zn) plasma dengan jumlah Iimfosit CD4 penderita HIV/AIDS.
Tempat: Poliklinik Kelompok Studi Khusus (Pokdisus) AIDS Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta.
Metodologi: Penelitian potong lintang dilakukan pada 52 orang penderita HIV/AIDS. Wawancara dilakukan pada subyek penelitian untuk mendapatkan data demografi, infeksi oportunistik, asupan energi dan asupan Zn. Data asupan energi didapatkan dengan metode food recall 1x24 jam, sedangkan data asupan Zn didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode FFQ semikuantitatif selama satu bulan terakhir. Status gizi ditentukan berdasarkan IMT. Pemeriksaan laboratorium yang dilakukan meliputi pemeriksaan kadar Zn plasma dan jumlah limfosit CD4. Untuk mengetahui korelasi dipergunakan uji korelasi Pearson dan Spearman-Rank.
Hasil: Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 44 orang laki-laki dan delapan orang perempuan, terbanyak berada pada rentang usia 20-29 tahun (80,8%), dengan rerata usia 26,4613,60 tahun, 75% berpendidikan sedang, 63,5% berada di bawab upah minimum propinsi (UMP), Rerata IMT 19,5512,83 kg/m2, 53,8% subyek termasuk kriteria berat badan normal. Nilai rerata asupan energi subyek adalah 1574,11 ± 198,48 kkal/hari, 82,7% subyek mempunyai asupan energi kurang. Rerata asupan Zn 6,9810,92 mglhari, dan 94,2% subyek mempunyai asupan Zn kurang. Median kadar Zn plasma 13,63 (11,26-44,98) µmol/L, 17,3% subyek mengalami defisiensi Zn. Median jumlah limfosit CD4 81 (2-747)/µL., 75% subyek mernpunyai jumlah Iirfosit CD4 < 200/µL. Sebagian besar (80,8%) subyek mengalami infeksi oportunistik, berdasarkan pola infeksi oportunistik, terbanyak adalah kandidiasis orofaring (55,8%). Didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara kadar Zn plasma dengan jumlah limfosit CD4 (r=0,29;p=0,04), dan korelasi tidak bermakna antara asupan Zn dengan kadar Zn plasma (r=0,07; p=0,65) serta antara status gizi (IMT) dengan jumlah limfosit CD4 (r=0,2 I ; p=1,13).
Kesimpulan: Didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara kadar Zn plasma dengan jumlah Iimfosit CD4 (r=0,29; p=0,04)

Objective: To investigate the correlation between plasma zinc (Zn) concentration and the number of CD4 lymphocytes count in HIV/AIDS patients
Methods: This was a cross sectional study of 521-I1V/AIDS patients. Interviews were done to get data about demographic characteristics, opportunistic infections, energi intake and Zn intake. The daily energy intake was assessed using 24h food recall method, while dietary Zn intake was assessed by using semiquantitative FFQ method. Nutritional status was determined BM1. Laboratory examination was done to assess plasma Zn concentration and CD4 lymphocytes count. Pearson's and Spearman's-Rank correlation tests were used to determine the correlation.
Subjects: consisted of forty four (84,6%) males and eight (19,2%) females, most of the subjects were in the 20-29 years old range (80,8%), with mean age of 26,46+3,60 years. Most subjects (75%) had medium education level and 33 subjects (63,5%) were earning under LIMP. Mean value of BMI was 19,55+2,83 kglm2 and based on the BMI levels, most of the subjects were normal (53,8%). Mean daily energy intake were 1574,11 ± 198,48 kcal, 82,7% had Iow energy intake. Mean Zn intake was 6,98 ± 0,92 mg/day, and 94,2% had low Zn intake_ Median plasma Zn concentration was 13,63 (11,26 - 44,98) /µL and 17,3% of subjects had low plasma Zn concentration. Median of CD4 lymphocytes count was 81 (2-747)//µL, 75% subjects had CD4 lymphocytes count < 200//µL, 80,8% subjects had opportunistic infections, and the most prevalent was oesophageal-orofaryng candidiasis (55,8%). There was a significant correlation between Zn plasma level and CD4 lymphocytes count r=0,29; p = 0,04). No significant correlation were found between Zn intake and plasma Zn concentration (r=0,07; p=0,65) and between BMI and CD4 lymphocytes count (r=0,21; p=0,13).
Conclusion: There was significant correlation between Zn plasma level and CD4 lymphocytes count (r = 0,29; p = 0,04).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margareth Joice Widiastuti
"Tujuan: Penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar vitamin E serum dan aktivitas superoxide dismutase (SOD) eritrosit pada penderita HIV/AIDS.
Bahan dan cara: Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada pasien rawat jalan di klinik Pokdisus, RSUPNCM Jakarta selama akhir Februari 2013 sampai bulan Maret 2013. Subyek diperoleh dengan metode consecutive sampling. Sebanyak 52 subjek memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, rekam medis, dan pengukuran antropometri untuk menilai status gizi, dan pemeriksaan laboratorium yaitu kadar vitamin E serum dan aktivitas SOD eritrosit.
Hasil: Sebagian besar subjek adalah laki-laki (51,9%), usia rata-rata adalah 34 ± 4,84 tahun. Malnutrisi terjadi pada 55,8% dari subyek dan semua subyek (100%) memiliki asupan vitamin E yang kurang dari Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, sebagian besar subjek telah mendapatkan terapi ARV (94,2%). Jumlah CD4 <200sel/uL ditemukan pada 17 subyek (32,7%). Kadar vitamin E serum yang rendah didapat pada semua subyek (100%) dengan nilai rata-rata kadar vitamin E serum 3,84 (1,77-7,32) umol / L, sementara aktivitas SOD eritrosit yang cukup ditemukan pada 53,8% dari subyek dengan nilai rata-rata 1542,1 ± 281,04 U / g Hb.
Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar serum vitamin E dan aktivitas SOD ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. (R = 0,047, p = 0,742).

Objective: The aim of this cross sectional study was to find a correlation between serum level of vitamin E and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in HIV/AIDS patients.
Material and method: Data collection was conducted at Pokdisus outpatient clinic, RSUPNCM Jakarta, from late February 2013 to March 2013. Subjects were obtained with the consecutive sampling method. A total of 52 subjects had met the study criteria. Data were collected through interviews, medical records, and anthropometry measurements to assess the nutritional status, and through laboratory examination (i.e. serum level of vitamin E and erythrocyte SOD activity).
Results: The majority of the subjects were male (51,9%) with a mean age of 34 ± 4.84 years. Malnutrition occured in 55.8% of the subjects and all subjects (100%) had vitamin E intake that is less than the Indonesian recommended dietary allowance (RDA). In this study, most subjects had already been on ARV therapy (94.2%). Low CD4 cell count was found in 17 subjects (32.7%). Vitamin E deficiency was found in all subjects (100%) with a median value of serum level of vitamin E of 3.84 (1.77 to 7.32) μmol / L, while normal SOD activity was found in 53.8% of the subjects with a mean value of 1,542.1 ± 281.04 U / g Hb.
Conclusion: No significant correlation between serum level of vitamin E and SOD activity was found in this study (r = 0.047, p = 0.742).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Dewi Rosady
"Infeksi HIV menghasilkan radikal bebas yang merusak sel dan berbagai organ tubuh. Antioksidan berperan penting untuk mengatasi kerusakan akibat radikal bebas. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian bersama untuk mengetahui korelasi kadar antioksidan (beta karoten, vitamin C, E dan seng) dengan kadar SOD pada penderita HIV/AIDS di Pokdisus AIDS FKUI/RSUPNCM, Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan sejak akhir bulan Februari 2013 sampai Maret 2013 dengan metode consecutive sampling, didapatkan 52 orang subyek memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan median usia subyek 33 (24-40) tahun dengan 51,9% laki-laki. Sebanyak 94,2% subyek mendapatkan terapi anti retrovirus. Nilai median jumlah limfosit T CD4+ adalah 245 (50-861) sel/µL dan 63,5% subyek berada pada kelompok CDC II. Status gizi 84,6% subyek normal dan lebih dengan nilai median 21,4 (14,4-32,4) kg/m2. Nilai rerata asupan energi subyek 1850,8±454,6 kkal/hari, 76,9% subyek memiliki asupan energi kurang dari kebutuhan total harian. Nilai Median asupan lemak subyek 51,4 (22-129,4) gram/hari dan 63,5% subyek memiliki asupan lemak kurang dari energi total. Semua subyek memiliki asupan serat yang kurang dari angka kecukupan serat, nilai rerata asupan serat subyek adalah 8,6±3,6 gram. Nilai rerata asupan beta karoten subyek 10,92±4,37 mg/hari, 88,5% memiliki asupan beta karoten cukup. Nilai median kadar beta karoten subyek 0,21 (0,01-0,72) µmol/L dan 76,9% subyek memiliki kadar beta karoten rendah. Rerata kadar SOD subyek sebesar 1542,1±281 U/gHb dan 53,8% subyek memiliki kadar SOD normal. Tidak didapatkan korelasi bermakna antara kadar beta karoten dengan SOD pada penderita HIV/AIDS (r=-0,174, p=0,217).

Free radicals formed on the course of HIV infection can cause cellular and multiple organ damage. Antioxidants play an important role to minimize damage caused by these free radicals. This research is done using cross sectional design and is part of a joint study to assess the correlation between antioxidants (beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, and zinc) and SOD levels in HIV/AIDS patients at Pokdisus AIDS FKUI/RSUPNCM, Jakarta. The study is done from late February 2013 to March 2013 using consecutive sampling method, 52 subjects matched the study’s criteria. Study shows the age median value is 33 (24-40) years old, with 51.9% male. As much as 94.2% subjects were receiving anti retroviral therapy. Median value of CD4+ T lymphocyte count is 245 (50-861) cell/µL, 63.5% subjects belong in the CDC II category. Nutritional status for 84.6% subjects was normal and overweight with median value of 21.4 (14.4-32.4) kg/m2. Mean score for energy intake is 1850.8±454.6 kcal/day and as much as 76.9% subjects have energy intake less than total daily requirement. Median value of fat intake is 51.4 (22-129.4) grams/day and 63.5% subjects have fat intake less than total energy. All subjects were found to have fiber intake less than individual fiber requirement with mean score of 8.6±3.6 grams. Subjects’ mean score for beta-carotene is 10.92±4.37 mg/day and 88.5% of the subjects have adequate beta-carotene intake. Median value of beta-carotene level is 0.21 (0.01-0.72) µmol/L and 76.9% subjects have low beta-carotene level. SOD level mean score is 1542.1±281 U/gHb, 53.8% subjects had normal SOD level. This study found no significant correlation between beta-carotene and SOD levels in HIV/AIDS patients (r=-0.174, p=0.217)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laura Triwindawati
"Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kadar vitamin C serum
dengan kadar SOD eritrosit pada penderita HIV/AIDS . Penelitian dilakukan di UPT
HIV RSUPNCM Jakarta mulai bulan Februari sampai Maret 2013. Penelitian ini
merupakan studi potong lintang terhadap 52 orang penderita HIV. Data yang diambil
meliputi data karakteristik subyek berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin dan pendidikan,
asupan energi, asupan vitamin C, status gizi, riwayat pengobatan ARV, jumlah
limfosit T CD4. Dilakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium untuk mengukur kadar vitamin
C serum dan kadar SOD eritrosit. Analisis korelasi menggunakan uji Pearson dengan
kemaknaan p<0,05. Hasil: Subyek penelitian 25 perempuan dan 27 laki-laki, rerata
usia 33,60±4,84 tahun. 80,8% berada dalam rentang usia 30–40 tahun dan 82,7%
berpendidikan sedang. Asupan energi 76,9% kurang dengan rerata untuk perempuan
1700,41±316,25kkal/hari dan rerata laki-laki 1996,33±525,72kkal/hari. Asupan
vitamin C 100% kurang dengan rerata untuk perempuan 46,62±15,66mg/hari dan
laki-laki 46,97±13,39mg/hari. Status gizi 44,2% cukup dan 40,4% lebih dengan rerata
IMT 21,98±3,48kg/m2. Sebanyak 94,2% sudah mendapat ARV dan jumlah limfosit T
CD4 terbanyak berada pada kategori II CDC (200–499sel/?L) yaitu sebanyak 63,5%
dengan median 245(50–861)sel/?L. Kadar vitamin C serum sebanyak 92,3% dalam
kategori rendah dengan median 0,23(0,10–0,56)mg/dL. Kadar SOD eritrosit
terbanyak (53,8%) dalam kategori normal dengan rerata 1542,10±5,42U/gHb.
Terdapat korelasi negatif lemah yang tidak bermakna antara kadar vitamin C serum
dengan kadar SOD eritosit (r= −0,109 dan p=0,442)

The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between serum vitamin
C concentration and erythrocyte SOD concentration of HIV/AIDS patients. Study
was conducted at UPT HIV/AIDS RSUPNCM from February to March 2013. The
study was a cross sectional study of 52 HIV/AIDS patients. Data collected including
subject characteristic age, sex, education, energy intake by food record 2x24 hour,
vitamin C intake by FFQ semikuantitatif, nutritional status, history of ART, and CD4
lymphocyte count. Conducted laboratory tests to measure serum vitamin C
concentration and erythrocyte SOD concentration. Statistical analysis was done using
Pearson’s correlation test.
Result: Subject consisted of 27 men and 25 women, mean of age 33.60±4.84years
old. 80.8% age in range 30–40years old. 82.7% were medium education level. 76.9%
subject had low energy intake, mean 1700.41±316.25kcal/day for women and mean
1996.33±525.72kcal/day for men. 100% subject had low vitamin C intake with mean
46.62±15.66mg/day for women and 46.97±13.39mg/day for men. . Nutritional status
of 44.2% had normal and 40.4% over enough with a mean BMI 21.98±3.48 kg/m2.
94.2% had ART and 63.5% lymphocyte count at category II CDC with mean
245(50–861)cell/?L. 92.3% subyek had low serum vitamin C concentration with
median 0.23(0.10–0.56)mg/dL. 53.8% subject had normal erythrocyte SOD
concentration with mean 1542.10±5.42U/gHb. There was no correlation between
serum vitamin C and erythrocyte SOD. (r=−0.109 and p=0.442)
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iva Novita Sah Bandar
"Latar Belakang : Masalah pada penderita infeksi HIV/AIDS umumnya dimulai pada saat terjadi penurunan hitung CD4, yaitu salah satunya infeksi oleh Candida spp. Penurunan hitung CD4 menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan keseimbangan ekologi Candida, sehingga menimbulkan peningkatan kolonisasi, yang merupakan awal dari suatu kandidosis. Korelasi antara hitung CD4 dengan peningkatan intensitas kolonisasi Candida pada rongga orofaring penderita infeksi HIV/AIDS belum pernah diteliti sebelumnya.
Tujuan : Mengetahui korelasi antara hitung CD4 dengan intensitas kolonisasi Candida pada rongga orofaring penderita infeksi HIV/AIDS, mendapatkan angka proporsi kandidosis orofaring serta mengetahui gambaran spesies Candida yang menyebabkan kandidosis orofaring pada penderita infeksi HIV/AIDS.
Metodologi : Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada penderita infeksi HIV/AIDS yang datang dan dirawat di poliklinik dan bangsal perawatan Perjan RSCM, untuk dilakukan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, hitung CD4 dan pemeriksaan biakan sekaligus identifikasi spesies Candida dengan media CHROMagar®. Dilakukan pengolahan data untuk mencari proporsi kandidosis orofaring serta mengetahui gambaran spesies Candida yang menyebabkan kandidosis orofaring pada subyek serta uji korelasi sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian.
Hasil : Selama periode September 2004-Januari 2005 terkumpul 60 penderita infeksi H1V/AIDS yang terdiri dari 52 laki-laki (86,7%) dan delapan perempuan (13,3%), dengan kelompok usia terbanyak 20-30 tahun (51 orang, 85%). Transmisi virus HIV terbanyak ditemukan pada pengguna narkoba intavena (45 orang, 75%), diikuti hubungan seksual (11 subyek, 18,3%). Nilai tengah hitung CD4 subyek adalah 100 sel/µl, dengan rentang antara 2-842 sel/µl. Proporsi kandidosis orofaring pada penelitian ini adalah 63,3% (IK 95% = 51,1 - 75,5). Nilai tengah jumlah koloni Candida dari satu sampel kumur adalah 159,5 koloni/100µl dengan rentang 0-900 koloni/100/µl. Dan 59 isolat Candida pada penelitian ini ditemukan 74,58% diantaranya adalah C. albicans. Spesies Candida non C albicans yang ditemukan antara lain C. krusei, C. parapsilosis dan C. tropicalis. Didapatkan korelasi yang bermakna antara hitting CD4 yang rendah dengan jumlah koloni Candida yang tinggi pada rongga orofaring subyek (r = -0,756).
Kesimpulan. Terdapat korelasi negatip yang cukup kuat (r = -0,756) antara hitung CD4 dengan intensitas kolonisasi Candida pada rongga orofaring penderita infeksi HIV/AIDS. Proporsi kandidosis orofaring pada penelitian ini adalah sebesar 63,3%, dengan spesies terbanyak yang ditemukan pada rongga orofaring subyek adalah C. albicans.

Backgrounds: Problems for HIV-infected/AIDS patients usually start at the time when CD4 decreases. One of the problems is Candida spp. infection. The decreasing of CD4 count causes imbalance of Candida ecology and it increases colonization, which is the starting point of candidacies. Correlations between CD4 count and intensity of Candida colonization?s in the oropharynx of HIV-infected/AIDS patients has never been studied before.
Objectives: To know the correlations between CD4 count and intensity of Candida colonization?s in the oropharynx of HIV-infected/AIDS patients, to get the proportion of oropharyngeal candidacies (OPC), and to know what kind of Candida species that causes oropharynx candidacies of HIV-infected/AIDS patients.
Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted to HIV-infected Aids patients who came as outpatients and inpatients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. The patients were interviewed, physically examined, their CD4 counts were checked, and their mouth rinse samples were taken to be cultured. Candida species was identified in CHROMagar® media. Data were processed to find proportion of OPC and to know the Candida species that causes OPC in the subjects of this study. Correlation test were also performed.
Results: From September 2004 until January 2005, 60 HIV-infectedlAIDS patients were included in this study. There were 52 males (86.7%) and eight females (13.3%). Majority of the patients were from 20-30 years age group (51 subjects, 85%). The most frequent transmission was among drug users (45 subjects, 75%) followed by sexual contact (11 subjects, 18.3%). The median of CD4 counts was 100 cells/µi, ranged from 2 to 842 cells/µl. Proportion of the OPC was 63.3% (Cl 95% - 51.1 - 75.5). The median of the Candida colony from mouth rinse samples was 159.5 colonies/100µl ranged from 0 to 900 colonies/100µl. From 59 Candida isolates in this study, 74.58% were C. albicans. Candida non C. albicans species that were found in this study were C krusei, C. parapsilosis and C tropicalis. There was significant correlation between low CD4 counts and high intensity of Candida colonization on the oropharynx of the subjects (r = -0.756).
Conclusion: There was strong negative correlation (r = -0.756) between CD4 count and intensity of Candida colonization in the oropharynx of HIV-infected/AIDS patients. Proportion of OPC in this study was 63.3%. The most frequent species found in the oropharynx of the subjects was C. albicans.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salli Fitriyanti
Mengetahui korelasi antara kadar vitamin E plasma dengan kadar MDA dan CRP plasma pada penderita DM tipe 2
Poliklinik Metabolik dan Endokrin Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indanesia/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
Penelitian potong lintang pads 52 orang pasien DM tipe 2. Data yang diambil meliputi data demogra5, lama menderita DM tipe 2, komplikasi DM yang ada, asupan energi, lemak, dan vitamin E dengan metode food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) semikuantitatif, data laboratorium kadar vitamin E, MDA, dan CRP plasma. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson.
Subyek terdiri dari 14 orang laki-laki dan 38 orang perempuan, dengan rerata usia 49,75 ± 5,99 tahun. Rerata lama menderita DM tipe 2 adalah 64,12 ± 60,96 bulan, 53,8% berpendidikan sedang dan tinggi, 50% berada di bawah garis kemisldnan, 79,1% telah mengalami komplikasi DM tipe 2. Rerata IMT 25,89 ± 4,89 kglm2 dan 65,4% termasuk kriteria BB lebih, rerata asupan energi 1125 ± 315,13 kkal, 61,5% mengkonsumsi lemak yang berlebih, 98,1% mempunyai asupan vitamin E yang kurang. Nilai rerata kadar vitamin E plasma 25,86 ± 5,56 p.mol/L dan 98,1% subyek mempunyai kadar vitamin E normal. Rerata kadar MDA plasma 0,38 ± 0,12 unol1L dan 94,2% subyek memiliki kadar MDA normal. Rerata kadar CRP plasma 3,88 ± 3,13 mgfL dan 46,2% subyek mempunyai kadar CRP yang tinggi. Terdapat korelasi positif lemah dan tidak bermakna (p >0,05) antara asupan lemak dengan kadar vitamin E plasma, dan antara asupan vitamin E dengan kadar vitamin E dan MDA plasma, serta korelasi negatif lemah dengan CRP plasma. Terdapat korelasi positif lemah dan tidak bermakna antara kadar HbArc dengan kadar vitamin E, MDA, dan CRP plasma. Didapatkan korelasi positif lemah dan tidak bermakna (p >0,05) antara kadar vitamin E plasma dengan kadar MDA plasma, demikian pule dengan kadar CRP plasma
Antara kadar vitamin E dengan kadar MDA plasma terdapat korelasi positif derajat lemah yang tidak bermakna (p >0,05), demikian pula antara kadar vitamin E plasma dengan kadar CRP plasma."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teti Ernawati
"Cara kerja : Selama bulan Juni hingga September 2006, 97 perempuan dengan HIV positif baik yang telah mendapat terapi ARV atau belum, mengikuti penelitian di Poliklinik POKDISUS AIDS RSCM. Data didapatkan dari status dan wawancara serta pengambilan tes Pap. Dari status diketahui kadar CD4 yang telah diperiksa terakhir. Karena masalah dana hanya diambil sepuluh sampel untuk mengetahui jenis DNA HPV serviks peserta penelitian. Dilihat jugs bagaimana karakteristik penularan HIV pada perempuan yang diteliti. Pelaporan hasil tes Pap dengan sistem Bethesda.
Hasil : Temuan tes Pap abnormal adalah 23,7%, terbanyak adalah LIS derajat rendah yakni 11,3%, diikuti ASCUS 10,3% dan LIS derajat tinggi 2,1%. Pada perempuan HIV positif yang diteliti kadar CD4 kurang dari 200 sel/mm3 adalah 40,2% ; antara 200-500 adalah 47,4% dan lebih dari 500 adalah 12,4%. Dari sepuluh peserta yang diperiksa DNA HPV diketahui enam orang didapatkan jenis high risk. Penularan infeksi HIV pada perempuan yang diteliti adalah melalui kontak seksual dengan suami pengguna putau 44,3%, suami yang multipartner 18,6%, perilaku seksual multipartner peserta penelitian sebanyak 26,8% dan peserta penelitian yang mengkonsumsi narkoba putau 10,3%.
Kesimpulan Temuan tes Pap abnormal terbanyak adalah LIS derajat rendah yakni 11,3%. Kadar CD 4 sebagian besar perempuan dalam penelitian ini adalah kurang dari 500 sel per mm3 (87,6%). Enam dari sepuluh peserta penelitian yang diperiksa DNA HPV didapatkan jenis high risk (risiko tinggi). Karakteristik penularan infeksi HIV terbanyak pada perempuan yang diteliti adalah penularan melalui kontak seksual dengan suami yang telah terinfeksi HIV Iebih dulu 62,9%.

Objective: to investigate Pap smear test result of the HIV positive women at POKDISUS AIDS RSCM.
Method: Between June and September 2006, 97 HIV-positive women from POKDISUS AIDS RSCM policlinic were enrolled. Some of the women have received the ARV treatment, while some others have not. Data were obtained from the medical records, interview and Pap test of the participant. From the medical records, the last CD4 level was obtained. Causes of financial problem only ten experiment samples were collected to investigate the type of cervical HPV DNA. It was also inspected how the HIV transmission characteristic of the women involved. The Pap's test report was using the Bethesda system.
Result: the Pap test outcome shown: abnormal 23.7%, consisting: LGSIL 11.3%, followed by ASCUS 10.3% and HGSIL 2.1%. At the HIV positive women, the CD4 level less than 200 cells/mm3 is 40.2%; ranges between 200 - 500 cells/mm3 is 47.4% and more than 500 is 12.4%. From the 10 (ten) participants investigated, it is known that 6 (six) of them got the high-risk type. The transmission of HIV infection of the participants: through the sexual activity of the drug/putaw abuse spouses is 44.3%, through the sexual activity of the multipartners spouses is 18.6%, and by the multipartners sexual activity is 26.8% and by the drug/putaw abuse is 10.3%
Conclusion: the Pap test outcome shown the most occurrences is L;GSIL 11.3%, the CD4 level of the HIV positive women is mostly less than 500 cells/mm3 (86,7%). Further, 6 (six) out of 10 (ten) participants investigated got the high-risk type. Most of the transmission of HIV infection of the participants is through the sexual activity of the drug/putaw abuse spouses, who have been infected already.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurani Fauziah
"Latar Belakang: Akne vulgaris AV adalah peradangan kronis pilosebasea yang terutama dijumpai pada remaja dan dewasa muda. Peranan diet pada patogenesis AV terus menjadi perdebatan. Salah satu mikronutrien yang diduga berperan dalam patogenesis AV adalah vitamin A atau retinol.
Tujuan: Mengetahui kadar retinol serum dan korelasinya dengan derajat keparahan AV, serta asupan vitamin A pasien AV.
Metode: Studi potong lintang dengan 20 subjek penelitian SP yang direkrut secara consecutive sampling. Kadar retinol serum diukur menggunakan high performance liquid chromatography HPLC, sedangkan asupan vitamin A dinilai dengan metode food frequency questionnaire FFQ semikuantitatif.
Hasil: Rerata kadar retinol serum kelompok AVR, AVS, dan AVB yaitu 0,962 SB 0,145 mol/L, 0,695 SB 0,054 mol/L, dan 0,613 SB 0,125 mol/L. Terdapat korelasi bermakna antara kadar retinol serum dengan derajat keparahan AV r = -0,798, p = 0,000. Rerata asupan vitamin A per hari pada kelompok AVR, AVS, dan AVB sebesar 476,21 SB 221,32 g, 823,71 SB 221,32 g, dan 780,99 SB 530,45 g.
Simpulan: Kadar retinol serum ditemukan rendah pada kelompok AVS dan AVB. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan semakin rendah kadar retinol serum, semakin berat derajat keparahan AV. Tidak terdapat perbedaan asupan vitamin A di antara ketiga kelompok.

Background: Acne vulgaris AV is a chronic inflammation of pilosebaceus that is primarily found in adolescents and young adults. The role of diet in the pathogenesis of AV continues to be a debate. One of micronutrients alleged in the pathogenesis of AV is vitamin A or retinol.
Objective: This study aims to know the levels of serum retinol and its correlation with the degree of severity of the AV, as well as the patient 39 s intake of vitamin A.
Method: This cross sectional study included 20 subjects divided into mild, moderate, and severe groups based on Lehman rsquo s classification. Serum retinol levels measured using high performance liquid chromatography, whereas the intake of vitamin A was assessed by semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire method.
Results: The mean serum retinol levels of mild, moderate, and severe groups were respectively 0.962 SD 0.145 mol L, 0.695 SD 0.054 mol L, and 0.613 SD 0.125 mol L. There was significant correlation between serum retinol levels with the degree of severity of the AV r 0.798, p 0.000. The mean intake of vitamin A per day of mild, moderate, and severe groups were respectively 476.21 SD 221.32 g, 823.71 SD 221.32 g, and 780.99 SD 530.45 g.
Conclusion: Levels of serum retinol found lower on the moderate and severe groups. The results has proven that the lower the levels of serum retinol, the more severe the degree of severity of the AV. There was no difference in vitamin A intake among the three groups.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halimatul Nurhikmah
Kasus HIV/AIDS dan tuberkulosis banyak diderita masyarakat perkotaan.
Penyakit pada masyarakat perkotaan berkaitan dengan karakteristik lingkungan
dan gaya hidup masyarakat perkotaan. Kasus HIV biasanya disertai dengan
berbagai infeksi oportunistik. Infeksi opportunistik yang paling banyak ditemukan
adalah tuberkulosis, diikuti dengan kandidiasis oral, dan diare. Masalah
keperawatan utama pada pasien dengan tuberkulosis adalah ketidakefektifan
bersihan jalan napas berhubungan dengan retensi sputum. Penulisan karya ilmiah
akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis intervensi mandiri keperawatan berupa
kombinasi antara anjuran minum air putih hangat, postural drainase, dan batuk
efektif untuk mengatasi masalah bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif. Intervensi
dilakukan pada pasien HIV/AIDS dengan tuberculosis di ruang rawat penyakit
dalam RSCM. Hasil dan evaluasi dari intervensi yang dilakukan yaitu
berkurangnya penumpukan sputum pada jalan napas pasien, sehingga pasien tidak
merasakan sesak seperti sebelumnya dan bisa bernapas lebih lega. Perawat
diharapkan dapat melakukan intervensi mandiri keperawatan berupa kombinasi
antara anjuran minum air putih hangat, postural drainase, dan batuk efektif
tersebut untuk membantu memperbaiki status pernapasan pasien.ABSTRACT Cases of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis affects many urban communities. Diseases
in urban communities are related to environment and lifestyle characteristics of
urban communities. HIV cases are usually accompanied by a variety of
opportunistic infections. The most common opportunistic infections is
tuberculosis, followed by oral candidiasis and diarrhea. The main nursing
problems in patients with tuberculosis is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance
related to the retention of sputum. This final scientific thesis aims to analyze the
independent nursing intervention in the form of a combination of the
recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage, and cough effectively to
address the problem of ineffective airway clearance. The intervention was
conducted in HIV/AIDS patient with tuberculosis in medical ward RSCM. The
result of interventions was reduced sputum buildup in the airway of the patient, so
the patient did not feel crowded as before and could breathe more easily. Nurses
are expected to conduct independent nursing interventions in the form of a
combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage and
effective coughing to help improve patient's respiratory status. ;Cases of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis affects many urban communities. Diseases
in urban communities are related to environment and lifestyle characteristics of
urban communities. HIV cases are usually accompanied by a variety of
opportunistic infections. The most common opportunistic infections is
tuberculosis, followed by oral candidiasis and diarrhea. The main nursing
problems in patients with tuberculosis is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance
related to the retention of sputum. This final scientific thesis aims to analyze the
independent nursing intervention in the form of a combination of the
recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage, and cough effectively to
address the problem of ineffective airway clearance. The intervention was
conducted in HIV/AIDS patient with tuberculosis in medical ward RSCM. The
result of interventions was reduced sputum buildup in the airway of the patient, so
the patient did not feel crowded as before and could breathe more easily. Nurses
are expected to conduct independent nursing interventions in the form of a
combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage and
effective coughing to help improve patient's respiratory status. ;Cases of HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis affects many urban communities. Diseases
in urban communities are related to environment and lifestyle characteristics of
urban communities. HIV cases are usually accompanied by a variety of
opportunistic infections. The most common opportunistic infections is
tuberculosis, followed by oral candidiasis and diarrhea. The main nursing
problems in patients with tuberculosis is the ineffectiveness of airway clearance
related to the retention of sputum. This final scientific thesis aims to analyze the
independent nursing intervention in the form of a combination of the
recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage, and cough effectively to
address the problem of ineffective airway clearance. The intervention was
conducted in HIV/AIDS patient with tuberculosis in medical ward RSCM. The
result of interventions was reduced sputum buildup in the airway of the patient, so
the patient did not feel crowded as before and could breathe more easily. Nurses
are expected to conduct independent nursing interventions in the form of a
combination of the recommendation to drink warm water, postural drainage and
effective coughing to help improve patient's respiratory status. "
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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