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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rachmat Susanto
"Penyandang hipertensi banyak yang beralih dari terapi medik ke terapi komplementer. Banyak terapi komplementer yang sudah dilakukan namun pada kenyataannya masih menunjukkan effect size yang relatif kecil dalam penurunan tekanan darah, penurunan level stress dan peningkatan retensi short term memory. Kondisi ini menunjukkan belum tuntasnya penanganan hipertensi. Metode penelitian Tahap I Identifikasi jenis intervensi dan uji coba pada 164 responden penyandang hipertensi. Tahap II dilakukan uji coba Model Intervensi Keperawatan Ramah Hipertensi pada 40 responden. Hasil Tahap I diperoleh tiga jenis terapi komplementer yaitu progressive muscle relaxation, aroma lavender dan terapi warna hijau. Tahap II diperoleh hasil pengaruh Model Intervensi Keperawatan Ramah Hipertensi terhadap penurunan sistolik sebesar -16,90 mmHg dengan effect size 0,78 (sedang) dan p value < 0,005. Penurunan diastolik sebesar -12,45 dengan  effect size 0,90 (besar). Penurunan level stress -4,92 dengan effect size 0,82 (besar). Peningkatan retensi short term memory sebesar +2,33 dengan effect size 0,78 (sedang). Kesimpulan Model Intervensi Keperawatan Ramah Hipertensi berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tekanan darah, penurunan level stress dan peningkatan retensi short term memory.

Many people with hypertension are switching from medical therapy to complementary therapy. Many complementary therapies have been implemented but in fact they still show relatively small effect sizes in reducing blood pressure, reducing stress levels and increasing short term memory retention. This condition indicates the incomplete management of hypertension. Phase I research methods Identify the types of intervention and trials on 164 respondents with hypertension. Phase II, a hypertension-friendly nursing intervention model was tested on 40 respondents. The results of there search in Phase I obtained three types of complementary therapies namely progressive muscle relaxation, lavender aroma, and green color therapy. In Phase II, the results of the effect of the Hypertension Friendly Nursing Intervention Model on systolic reduction of -16.90 mmHg with an effect size of 0.78 (moderate). The diastolic reduction is -12.45 with an effect size of 0.90 (large). Stress level decreases up to -4.92 with effect size 0.82 (large). Short-term memory retention increases by +2.33 with an effect size of 0.78 (moderate) and p-value<0.005. In conclusion,the Hypertension-Friendly Nursing Intervention Model affects the  decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in stress levels, and increase retention of short-term memory."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia K
"Bencana menyebakan kematian, kehilangan dan kesakitan meningkat. Di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 saja terdapat 5.395 jiwa meninggal dan hilang; luka 19.610 orang; penduduk yang terdampak dan mengungsi 603.873 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model pelatihan keperawatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menangani kegawatdaruratan pascagempa. Penelitian memakai metode riset operasional dengan dua tahap penelitian. Tahap I: pengembangan model melalui penelitian phenomenology dengan metode wawancara mendalam diikuti diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD), studi literatur dan konsul pakar. Tahap II: validasi model dengan desain true eksperimental blok control alokasi. Wawancara mendalam mendapat 9 partisipan dan FGD 10 partisipan. Didapatkan Model Pelatihan ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, kesiapan dan kesediaan perawat. Intervensi dilakukan selama satu bulan dengan jumlah sampel total 124 perawat. Pelatihan memakai zoom meeting serta aplikasi ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ yang diunduh di Play Store. Uji T-test dan General Linear Model repeated measure membuktikan Model Pelatihan ‘Aku Sigap Bencana” meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan, pengetahuan, kesiapan dan kesediaan (p value < 0,05) dan memiliki ketahanan lebih lama (p value <0,05). Faktor perancu tidak mempengaruhi hasil yang didapat (p value > 0,05). Rekomendasi Model ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ dapat dipakai untuk pelatihan perawat di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Rumah Sakit diseluruh Indonesia agar kemampuan menangani korban dan kesediaan hadir pascagempa meningkat.

Disasters can lead to death and loss. In 2018, Indonesia suffered 5.395 death and loss, 19.610 people were injured, and 603.873 lived in shelters. This study aimed to develop a training model to increase nurses’ preparedness in responding to post-earthquake emergency situations. An operational research method used consisting of two stages. Stage I: training model development using phenomenology with interviews and then followed by focus group discussions, literature review and expert consultation. Stage II: model validation using a true experiment with allocated block design. A total of nine interview participants and ten focus group discussion was included in this study. A training model named ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ developed to increase the knowledge, preparedness, and readiness of nurses. The training intervention was carried out for a month and included 124 nurses. It was delivered using zoom meeting and an application of ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ that can be downloaded from the Play Store. T-test and General Linear Model repeated measure approved that ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ significantly increased knowledge, preparedness, readiness and willingness of nurses (p value < 0,05) and have longer resilience (p value <0,05). Confounding factors were not influence the result (p value > 0,05). The training model ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ can be used to train nurses working at primary care centres and hospitals across Indonesia to increase nurses’ knowledge and willingness in responding to post-earthquake emergency situations."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angka kejadian kanker payudara di Indonesia tertinggi diantara jenis kanker pada
wanita dengan prevalensi nyeri diperkirakan 40-89%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
mengembangkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan dengan strategi
coaching dan mengidentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap derajat nyeri, kenyamanan, dan
kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui dua tahap,
yaitu tahap 1 berupa penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan pengembangan model, serta
tahap 2 berupa penelitian kuasi eksperimen pre-post test control group design.
Metode sampling tahap 1 digunakan purposive sampling dengan 11 partisipan. Tahap
2 sampel dipilih secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 64 responden (32 pasien
kelompok intervensi dan 32 pasien kelompok kontrol). Hasil penelitian tahap satu
teridentifikasi 12 tema dan dihasilkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan
beserta perangkatnya. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh
yang signifikan dari model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan dengan strategi
coaching terhadap penurunan derajat nyeri, peningkatan kenyamanan, peningkatan
status fungsional dan perbaikan status gejala pasien kanker payudara. Namun, tidak
ada pengaruh pada status kesehatan/kualitas hidup global. Rekomendasi penelitian
hendaknya perawat menerapkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan
sebagai bentuk nyata pengelolaan nyeri kanker secara holistik dalam pelayanan

Incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia is still the highest among the other type of
cancer deseases on women with the prevalence of pain estimated from 40 ? 89
per cent. The purpose of this research was to develop model of pain management
based on comfort with coaching strategy and identify its effect on pain severity,
comfort, and quality of life patient breast cancer. This study was conducted in two
stages. The first stage was descriptive qualitative research and the development of
model. The second stage was quasi-experimental research with pre - post test control
group design. The sampling method that used to stage 1 was purposive sampling
with 11 partisipants. Sampling method on stage 2 this study was consecutive
sampling with 64 breast cancer patients (32 respondents as intervention group and 32
respondents as control group). The first stage of the study resulted 12 themes and has
resulted the model of pain management based on comfort and its devices. The second
stage of research proved that there were significance effects from the model of pain
mnagement based on comfort with coaching strategy toward decreasing pain
severity, increasing comfort and functional status, and repairing symptom status for
breast cancer patients. However, there was no effect on global health status/quality of
life. This study recommends that nurse should apply the model of pain management
based on comfort as a concrete holistic cancer pain management in setting practice of
nursing care."
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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Hapsari Retno Agustiyowati
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model perilaku adaptasi pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis serta mengidentifikasi efektifitas model terhadap respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, pengetahuan dan sikap. Penelitian ini merupakan riset development yang dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap satu mengidentifikasi masalah melalui penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif tentang pengalaman hidup pasien dengan penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis, dilanjutkan membuat solusi dengan mengembangkan model perilaku adaptasi pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis. Penelitian tahap dua quasi eksperimen dengan desain pre-test-post-test with control group untuk melihat efektifitas model pada 70 pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis 38 orang kelompok intervensi dan 32 orang kelompok kontrol . Hasil penelitian tahap satu berupa buku model dan panduan implementasi, materi pembelajaran perilaku adaptasi untuk perawat pelaksana, serta booklet perilaku adaptasi untuk pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan kelompok intervensi memiliki respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, serta pengetahuan dan sikap yang lebih baik dibanding kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah model perilaku adaptasi pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis efektif terhadap respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, pengetahuan dan sikap. Saran melakukan sosialisasi model, advokasi ke unit terkait, aplikasi dalam asuhan keperawatan pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis. Kata kunci: model perilaku adaptasi, respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis

The purpose of this study is to develop a model of adaptation behaviors for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis and identify the effectiveness of the model towards physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, knowledge and attitude of the patients. The study is a development research done in two stages. Stage one is identification of the issues through qualitative study according to descriptive phenomenology approach related to patients rsquo life experiences with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis, continued by the development of a model of adaptation behaviors for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis as a solution to the issue. Stage two is a quasi experiment according to pre test post test with control group design to observe the effectiveness of the model in 70 patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis 38 subjects in the intervention group and 32 subjects in control group . The result of stage one study is a model book and implementation guideline, adaptation behaviors learning material for caregiver nurse and basic adaptation behaviors booklet for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis. The result of stage two study proved that the intervention group has a physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, knowledge and attitude better than the control group. In conclusion, the constructed model of adaptation behaviors for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis is effective towards physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, knowledge and attitude of the patients. Suggestions for model dissemination, advocacy to related units, application in nursing care in patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis. Keywords Model of adaptation behaviors, physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, chronic kidney disease pre dialysis"
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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aliana Dewi

Disertasi Keperawatan, 20 Juni 2019

Aliana Dewi
Pengembangan Instrumen Pengkajian Psikososial Pasien Di Intensive Care Unit
Pasien di ruang Intensive Care Unit (ICU) mengalami masalah kesehatan baik fisik
maupun psikososial. Pengkajian psikososial merupakan aspek yang penting dalam
mengetahui kebutuhan dan masalah pasien sehingga memudahkan dalam memberikan
terapi dan perawatan pada pasien di ICU. Sampai saat ini belum ada instrumen untuk
mengukur psikososial pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah tersusunnya pengembangan
instrument pengkajian psikososial pasien di Intensive Care Unit. Penelitian ini
menggunakan desain operational research dengan 3 tahapan. Tahap pertama yaitu dari 15
partisipan didapatkan 5 aspek psikososial dengan 25 item pernyataan yaitu ansietas,
depresi, keputusasaan, ketidakberdayaan dan deprivasi. Tahap kedua melakukan
konsultasi dengan 11 pakar didapatkan 25 item pernyataan. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji
validitas dan reliabilitas berdasarkan uji alpha cronbach didapatkan hasil untuk bahasa
0, 997 dan untuk konten 0,976. Tahap ketiga dilakukan uji coba instrumen oleh 100 orang
perawat dan didapatkan hasil 66% pasien mengalami masalah psikososial. Tersusun
instrumen pengkajian psikososial dengan 25 item pernyataan sehingga disarankan
instrumen pengkajian ini dapat menjadi instrumen dalam mengkaji pasien di ruang ICU.

Disertasi Keperawatan, 20 Juni 2019

Aliana Dewi
Developing Psychosocial Assesment Instrument in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Intensive Care Unit patients experience physical and psychosocial health problem.
Psychosocial assessment is an important aspect to understand the need and patient
problems thus management and treatment in ICU are delivered easily. Nowdays, there is
lack of psychosocial assessment tools for ICU patients in Indonesia. The aim of this
research is to develop a psychosocial assessment tools for the intensive car unit
patients. This research used operational research design with 3 stages. First stage found 5
(five) psychosocial aspect from 15 respondents including anxiety, depression, hopeless,
powerlessness and deprivation. On the second stages, the aspect were reviewed by 11
experts and found 25 items for psychosocial assessment tools. The validity and realibility
of the instrumenwere checked with alpha cronbach’s 0.997 and
0.976 respectively for languages and content analysis.Furthermore, the instrumenwas used
to assess psychosocial aspect of ICU patient. Total of 100 nurses carry out the
assessment and found that 100% patients were experienced psychosocial problems. The
instrumenconsisted of 25 items statement to be used as a mean to assess psychosocial
aspect of ICU patients.

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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengukuran kinerja perawat dalam sistem layanan kesehatan merupakan hal yang tidak terpisahkan dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas dan citra keperawatan. Ruang perawatan intensif sebagai bagian dari layanan kesehatan yang memiliki karakteristik ruang perawatan berbeda dengan unit lainnya, hingga saat ini belum memiliki instrumen untuk mengukur kinerja perawat pelaksana. Tujuan penelitian terwujudnya instrumen pengukuran kinerja perawat pelaksana ruang perawatan intensif rumah sakit di Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan desain research and development, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 722 perawat pelaksana yang ditentukan dengan teknik total sampling. Penilaian kinerja perawat pelaksana diperoleh melalui penilaian diri sendiri, atasan, dan sejawat. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan uji pakar didapatkan nilai Content Validity Index 0.78 untuk keterwakilan, dan 0.70 untuk kejelasan. Nilai validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen berdasarkan uji Alpha-Cronbach untuk penilaian diri sendiri antara 0.25-0.56, dengan reliabilitas 0.86, untuk penilaian pimpinan diperoleh nilai antara 0.73-0.93, dengan realibilitas 0.95, dan penilaian sejawat nilainya antara 0.52-0.83 dengan reliabilitas 0.97. Hasil uji Goodness of Fit menyatakan model fit dengan data, ditunjukkan dengan nilai RMSEA (≤005) untuk evaluasi diri 0.045, atasan 0.05, dan sejawat 0.075. Selanjutnya, hasil penghitungan koefisien loading factor untuk penilaian diri sendiri diperoleh 14 butir pernyataan valid (> 0.5), sedangkan atasan dan sejawat hanya 7 butir pernyataan yang valid. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan semua butir valid mengukur satu hal yang sama, yaitu kinerja perawat pelaksana. Simpulan penelitian bahwa instrumen yang telah dikembangkan dan diberi nama Instrumen WIDA (Work performance Instrument of intensive care nurses Direct Assessment) ini dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja perawat pelaksana di ruang perawatan intensif rumah sakit. Rekomendasi ditujukan kepada Direktorat Keperawatan Kementrian Kesehatan, instrumen WIDA dapat digunakan sebagai alat pengukur kinerja perawat di ruang intensif berbagai rumah sakit di Indonesia.

The assessment of nursing work performance in health care system may influence the improvement of quality and image of nursing working performance. Intensive care unit has specific service that differs from general and other unit in the hospital, and yet has not had a nursing work performance tool to measure their staff within the unit. The purpose of this study was to establish a Nursing Work Performance assessment tool in Intensive Care in Indonesia. This study used a research and development design, and 722 staff nurses were recruited as respondents using a total sampling method. The tool was developed for three types of assessment head nurse, peer & self evalution. Based on an expert review, it was found that. Content Validity Index score is 0.78 for representation, and 0.70 for clarity. The validity score Alpha- Cronbach) for self assessment between 0.25-0.56, and reliability of 0.86. The head nurse assessment had scores between 0.73-0.93, and the reliability of 0.95, whereas the peer assessment score between 0.52-0.83, and the reliability 0.97. The result of Goodness of Fit showed that RMSEA (≤0.05) for self assessment is 0.045, the head nurse assessment is 0.05, and the peer assessment is 0.075. Further,the result of loading factor for self assessment found 14 statement items are valid (> 0.5), whereas the head nurse and the peer assessment are only 7 statement items valid. Those valid items measure the same variable which is nursing work performance. Conclusion: this study had succeeded to establish a valid instrument to measure nursing work performance in intensive care which named as WIDA (Work performance Instrument of intensive care nurses Direct Assessment). A recomendation is directed to Directorate of Nursing at Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia to utilize the instrument of WIDA as a tool to measure Nursing work performance in variety hospital in Indonesia."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinulingga, Elysabeth
"Latar belakang: Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) mengalami berbagai masalah setelah terdiagnosa HIV baik secara fisik maupun psikososial. Hal ini menyebabkan ODHA menutup diri agar mereka tak diketahui orang lain karena merasa terstigma. Masalah ini dapat berlanjut ODHA menstigma dirinya dan dapat menularkan HIV lagi bagi pasangannya atau orang lain. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh model intervensi spiritual peka budaya Karo dan menguji model tersebut. Metode penelitian: Tahap I: penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Selanjutnya dikembangkan model intervensi spiritual peka budaya Karo. Mengembangkan intervensi menggunakan metode PATH (Problem – Analysis – Test – Help) yang diusulkan oleh Buunk dan Vugt (2008). Tahap II: uji coba model dengan quasi experiment with control group design. Jumlah sampel kelompok intervensi 60 orang dan 60 orang kelompok kontrol. Hasil: hasil penelitian tahap I di penelitian kualitatif dihasilkan 14 thema, dan hasil kualitatif didapatkan Odds Ratio (OR) dari variable Religiusitas adalah 3,5 (5%CI: 2,324-5,329), artinya warga jemaat GBKP yang religiusitas nya kuat akan mempunyai odds (berisiko) mencegah perilaku penularan HIV sebesar 3,5 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan warga jemaat GBKP yang tidak memiliki Religiusitas kuat di Kabupaten Karo. Lalu model ini dikembangkan berdasarkan teori cultural care dan masukan dari para pakar. Hasil tahap II: Uji korelasi kanonikal secara kolektif fungsi kanonikal signifikan dengan nilai p = 0,0001 di fungsi 1 dan 0,003 di fungsi 2. Kesimpulan: ada hubungan yang kuat antara intervensi spiritual peka budaya Karo terhadap stres dan stigma. Artinya pemberian intervensi model spiritual peka budaya Karo dengan menambah pengetahuan, dukungan sosial dan dukungan keluarga dapat mengurangi stres dan stigma sebesar nilai korelasinya. Rekomendasi: akan dilakukan studi lanjutan tanggapan perawat untuk persfektif ke ODHA.

Introduction: People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) experience various problems after being diagnosed with HIV, both physically and psychosocially. These problems cause PLWHA to close themselves so that they are not known to others because they feel stigmatised. This problem can cause PLWHA to continue stigmatising themselves and transmit HIV again to their partners or other people. This study aimed to develop a Karo culture-sensitive spiritual intervention model to prevent HIV stigma. Methods: Phase I: this study uses qualitative and quantitative research design. Furthermore, a model of spiritual intervention sensitive to Karo culture was developed. Develop interventions using the PATH (Problem – Analysis – Test – Help) method proposed by Buunk and Vugt (2008). Phase II: model trials with quasi-experiment with control group design. The total sample of the intervention group was 60 people and 60 people of the control group. Result: the results of the phase I study in the qualitative study produced 14 thema, and the qualitative results obtained the Odds Ratio (OR) of the Religiosity variable was 3.5 (5%CI: 2,324-5,329), meaning that GBKP congregation residents whose religiosity is strong will have odds (risk) of preventing HIV transmission behavior by 3.5 times higher than GBKP congregation residents who do not have strong religiosity in Karo Regency. Then this model was developed based on the theory of cultural care and input from experts. Phase II results: Test the canonical correlation collectively of significant canonical functions with p values = 0.0001 in function 1 and 0.003 in function 2. Conclusion: there is a strong link between Karo culture's sensitive spiritual interventions to stress and stigma. This means that the intervention of the Karo culturally sensitive spiritual model by increasing knowledge, social support and family support can reduce stress and stigma by the correlation value. Recommendation: a follow-up study of nurse responses to effectiveness to PLHIV will be carried out."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Retno Sulistyaningsih
"Hemodialisis merupakan salah satu terapi pengganti ginjal yang efektif dan paling banyak digunakan. Pasien harus patuh terhadap regimen terapi karena dapat mempengaruhi sukses hemodialisis, menurunkan mortalitas dan morbiditas. Belum ada instrumen baku untuk mengukur kepatuhan ini. Penelitian bertujuan menghasilkan instrumen kepatuhan regimen terapi yang valid dan reliabel di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dua tahap. Tahap pertama yaitu diperolehnya susunan butir - butir instrumen dan tahap kedua diperolehnya instrumen valid dan reliabel. Untuk mencapai tujuan pertama dilakukan telaah literatur, studi kualitatif dan konsultasi pakar. Untuk tahap kedua dilakukan uji instrumen kepada 120 pasien hemodialisis menggunakan total sampel. Hasil penelitian tahap pertama diperoleh 60 butir instrumen (nilai koefisien validitas isi berkisar 0,78 sampai dengan 1). Hasil uji confirmatory analysis factor (CFA) diperoleh 35 butir instrumen valid dan reliabel terdiri dari 5 komponen yaitu kepatuhan melaksanakan HD sesuai program, pengobatan, pembatasan cairan, diet dan aktivitas fisik. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan hasil terdapat hubungan signifikan kepatuhan dengan outcome pasien hemodialisis meliputi kepatuhan dengan IDWG (p < 0,001), frekuensi dirawat di rumah sakit (p 0,020), komplikasi intradialitik (p 0,009), namun tidak ada hubungan antara kepatuhan dengan adekuasi dialisis (p 1,000). Hasil analisis multivariat nilai odds ratio (OR) paling besar adalah variabel jarak yaitu 3,4 (95% CI: 1,16-13,23). Instrumen KeReTa HD direkomendasikan digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan pasien hemodialisis melalui asuhan keperawatan. Perawat dapat mengkaji kepatuhan pasien menggunakan instrumen ini dan menjadi dasar pengembangan intervensi keperawatan untuk pasien hemodialisis di Indonesia.

Hemodialysis is the most widely used and effective renal replacement therapies. Patient must adhere to the therapeutic regimen that can affect the success of hemodialysis, reducing mortality and morbidity. There is no standard instrument to measure this adherence. This study aims to results a valid and reliable instrument of adherence to hemodialysis therapeutic regimen in Indonesia. The research was conducted in two stages. The first is obtaining the arrangement of the items of the instrument and the second is the instrument obtained is valid and reliable. To achieve the first, literature reviews, qualitative studies and experts consultations were carried out. The second, the instrument was tested on 120 hemodialysis patients, with total sample. The first results obtained an instrument of 60 items (content validity coefficient values range 0.78 to 1). The results of the CFA analysis obtained a valid and reliable 35 items consisting adherence to HD program, medication, fluids, diet and physical activity. The results of the bivariate analysis showed the significant relationship between adherence to outcome hemodialysis patient that is IDWG (p < 0.001), frequency of hospitalization (p 0.020), intradialytic complications (p 0.009), but there was no relationship with dialysis adequacy (p 1,000). The results of multivariate analysis showed that the greatest odds ratio (OR) is the distance variable, which is 3.4 (95% CI: 1.16-13.23). The KeReTa HD instrument is recommended to be used to improve the management of hemodialysis patients through nursing care. Nurses can assess patient adherence using this instrument and become the basic for developing nursing interventions in Indonesia."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library