Muh Amrin Amin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya resiko gangguan keamanan yangdialami oleh hotel yang mampu mengancam kelangsungan bisnis jasa hoteltersebut. Oleh karena itu, fokus utama penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan manajemensekuriti hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta, mengingat potensi gangguankeamanan yang mungkin terjadi di hotel tersebut yang disebabkan oleh letak hotelyang berada di kawasan sentra bisnis yang paling strategis di kota Jakarta, sertaseringnya hotel tersebut dijadikan tempat menginap pejabat tinggi negara yangsangat memerlukan pengamanan yang ketat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahmenjelaskan manajemen sekuriti di hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta danmerumuskan strategi pengembangan sistem manajemen sekuriti di hotel RitzCarlton Pacific Place Jakarta. Teori yang digunakan sebagai pisau analisis dalampenelitian ini adalah teori manajemen, teori manajemen pengamanan, teorimanjemen risiko, teori manajemen strategik, teori pengamanan fisik, teori crimeprevention through enviromental design. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitiankualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwapelaksanaan manajemen sekuriti di hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta sudahdilaksanakan dengan baik, namun masih terdapat potensi gangguan keamanan yangberasal dari citra hotel, bahwa hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta berpotensimenjadi tempat dilakukannya kejahatan seperti kejahatan prostitusi. Strategipengembangan sistem manajemen sekuriti di hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific PlaceJakarta yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi potensi terjadinya kejahatan di hoteltersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara melakukan kerjasama antara pihakmanajemen pengamanan hotel Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta dengan pihakKorps Brimob Mabes Polri dan masyarakat. Saran dari hasil penelitian ini adalahdiharapkan pihak manajemen pengamanan hotel dapat melakukan analisa resikopotensi gangguan keamanan berdasarkan perkembangan kejahatan perhotelan yangada di seluruh dunia agar pihak manjemen hotel dapat mengatasi permasalahantersebut lebih dini
This research is motivated by the emergence of the risk of security disturbanceexperienced by the hotel that is able to threaten the continuity of the hotel servicesbusiness. Therefore, the main focus of this research is the implementation ofsecurity management of the Ritz Carlton Pacific Place hotel in Jakarta, given thepotential security disturbances that may occur in the hotel caused by the locationof the hotel located in the most strategic business centers in the city of Jakarta. Thepurpose of this research is to explain security management at Ritz Carlton PacificPlace Hotel Jakarta, explain the evaluation result security system at Ritz CarltonPacific Place Hotel Jakarta and formulate development strategy securitymanagement system at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Hotel Jakarta. Theories used asa knife analysis in this study are management theory, security management theory,risk management theory, strategic management theory, physical security theory,crime prevention through enviromental design theory and SWOT analysis theory.This type of research is qualitative research with analytical descriptive type. Theresults of this study indicate that the implementation of physical securitymanagement at the Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Hotel Jakarta has been wellimplemented. Based on the evaluation of the implementation of physical securitysystem at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place hotel in Jakarta, it is known that there ispotential for security disturbance that comes from the image of the hotel, that RitzCarlton hotel Pacific Place Jakarta has potential to become a place of crime suchas crime of prostitution. Strategy of development security management system atRitz Carlton Pacific Place Hotel Jakarta that can be done to overcome the potentialfor crime in the hotel can be done by way of cooperation between the managementof hotel security Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta with Korps Brimob Mabes Polriand community. Suggestions from the results of this study is expected the hotelsecurity management can conduct risk analysis potential security disturbancesbased on the development of crime hotels around the world for the hotelmanagement can overcome these problems earlier.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library