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Mutia Almira Rachmazamiati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan antara voice efficacy dan psychological safety dengan employee voice behavior dengan persepsi bawahan terhadap perilaku etis atasan sebagai moderator. Employee voice behavior diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur dari Van Dyne dan LePine (1998), psychological safety diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikembangkan oleh Edmondson (1999), dan persepsi bawahan terhadap perilaku etis atasan diukur melalui Ethical Leadership Scale (Brown, Treviño, & Harrison, 2005). Hasil analisis menggunakan 244 data peer-report employee voice behavior dari sampel penelitian yaitu karyawan level pelaksana di Direktorat Jenderal Y menunjukkan bahwa voice efficacy berhubungan dengan employee voice behavior (𝛽=0,139;𝑝<0,05). Akan tetapi penelitian ini tidak menemukan dukungan bahwa psychological safety berhubungan dengan employee voice behavior (𝛽=0,006;𝑝>0,05) maupun efek moderasi persepsi bawahan terhadap perilaku etis atasan pada hubungan antara voice efficacy dan employee voice behavior (𝛽=−0,108;𝑝>0,05) . Sebanyak 7,3% varians dari employee voice behavior dapat dijelaskan oleh model penelitian ini. Dari segi teoretis, penelitian ini menyarankan untuk mengadakan penelitian longitudinal dan mengontrol variabel lain yang berhubungan dengan employee voice behavior. Dari segi manajerial, penelitian ini memberikan saran kepada manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dengan membuat desain organisasi maupun coaching yang dapat meningkatkan employee voice behavior karyawan di dalam organisasi.
This study investigates the relationship between voice efficacy and psychological safety with employee voice behavior and the role of subordinate perceptions of supervisor’s ethical behavior as a moderator to voice efficacy- employee voice behavior relationship. Employee voice behavior was measured using the scale developed by Van Dyne and LePine (1998), psychological safety was measured by scale developed by Edmondson’s (1999), and subordinate perceptions of supervisor’s ethical leadership was measured using Ethical Leadership Scale (Brown, Treviño, & Harrison, 2005). The analysis using 244 peer-reported employee voice behavior data from Direktorat Jenderal Y shows that voice efficacy is related to employee voice behavior (𝛽=0,139;𝑝<0,05). The results also show that there is no relationship between psychological safety and employee voice behavior(𝛽=0,006;𝑝>0,05), neither the subordinate perceptions of supervisor’s ethical behavior moderates relationship between voice efficacy and employee voice behavior (𝛽=−0,108;𝑝>0,05). Moreover, 7,3% variance of employee voice behavior can be explained by the research model. From the theoretical side, this research suggests future research to consider longitudinal design and controlling for more employee voice behavior related factors. From the managerial side, this research suggests the Human Resource Management to establish the organization design and coaching that enables employee voice behavior., This study investigates the relationship between voice efficacy and psychological safety with employee voice behavior and the role of subordinate perceptions of supervisor’s ethical behavior as a moderator to voice efficacy- employee voice behavior relationship. Employee voice behavior was measured using the scale developed by Van Dyne and LePine (1998), psychological safety was measured by scale developed by Edmondson’s (1999), and subordinate perceptions of supervisor’s ethical leadership was measured using Ethical Leadership Scale (Brown, Treviño, & Harrison, 2005). The analysis using 244 peer-reported employee voice behavior data from Direktorat Jenderal Y shows that voice efficacy is related to employee voice behavior (𝛽=0,139;𝑝<0,05). The results also show that there is no relationship between psychological safety and employee voice behavior(𝛽=0,006;𝑝>0,05), neither the subordinate perceptions of supervisor’s ethical behavior moderates relationship between voice efficacy and employee voice behavior (𝛽=−0,108;𝑝>0,05). Moreover, 7,3% variance of employee voice behavior can be explained by the research model. From the theoretical side, this research suggests future research to consider longitudinal design and controlling for more employee voice behavior related factors. From the managerial side, this research suggests the Human Resource Management to establish the organization design and coaching that enables employee voice behavior.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatmawati Indah Purnamasari
Abstrak :
Ibu menjadi rekan diskusi utama bagi remaja dalam menyiapkan perencanaan karir pada masa transisi. Meskipun beberapa penelitian menemukan hubungan antara dukungan ibu dan salah satu dari 4 dimensi adaptabilitas karir, belum ada penelitian yang dapat menjelaskan dukungan seperti apa dan bagaimana mekanisme yang menjelaskan keterlibatan ibu dalam mengembangkan adaptabilitas karir remaja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah kongruensi karir antara remaja dan ibunya berhubungan dengan adaptabilitas karir. Dalam menjelaskan hubungan kedua variabel, penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh mediasi dari identitas vokasional. Sebanyak 297 siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan kelas 12 mengisi kuesioner yang berisi Adolescent-Mother Career Congruence Scale, Vocational Identity Scale, Inventori Adaptabilitas Karir, dan Data Demografi. Hasil dari analisis regresi dengan PROCESS membuktikan bahwa adolescent-mother career congruence berkorelasi positif dengan adaptabilitas karir (b = 0.80, t(294) = 4.51, p < 0.001). Di sisi lain, efek mediasi dari identitas vokasional tidak terbukti dalam penelitian ini (b = 0.01, 95% CI [-0.01, 0.08]).Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kesempatan kepada pengujian empiris lainnya tentang kualitas dari adolescent-mother career congruence seperti apa yang dapat mengembangkan identitas vokasional remaja. Diskusi teoritis dan implikasi praktis dari hasil temuan penelitian ini akan didiskusikan. ......Mother become major partners who help adolescents to prepare for career planning during career transitions. Although several studies found relationship between mother support and each of 4 dimension of career adaptability, there is no study could explain what type of support and in which mechanism mother get involved to develop adolescent?s career adaptability. This study aimed to test whether career congruence between adolescent and their mother related to career adaptability. To explain the relationship between those two variables, this study also aimed to ascertain the mediation effect of vocational identity. 297 participants of 12th grade vocational high school students completed questionnaires on Adolescent-Mother Career Congruence Scale, Vocational Identity Scale, Career Adaptability Inventory, and demographics. The result of regression analysis using PROCESS confirmed that adolescent-mother career congruence associated positively with career adaptability (b = 0.80, t(294) = 4.51, p < 0.001). In the other side, the mediating effect of vocational identity were not proven in this study (b = 0.01, 95% CI [-0.01, 0.08]). These findings warrant further empirical examination of the quality of adolescent-mother career congruence on behaves to develop adolescent?s vocational identity. Theoretical and applied implications of the finding in this study are discussed.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilman Irianto
Abstrak :
Terdapatnya pertentangan antara identitas sebagai pemimpin yang harus menampilkan perilaku agentic seperti agresif, asertif dan independen dengan identitas sebagai wanita yang harus menampilkan perilaku communal seperti peduli, perhatian dan dependen pada seorang pemimpin wanita menyebabkan munculnya identity conflict. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan positive gender identity, stereotype threat, dan leadership self efficacy dengan identity conflict serta hubungan antara identity conflict terhadap life satisfaction pada pemimpin wanita. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan self report melalui survey online dengan sampel pemimpin wanita di Indonesia N=151 . Pengumpulan data dilakukan dalam dua tahap dimana tahap pertama mengukur variabel dependen, dan tahap kedua untuk memperoleh data dari variabel independen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara positive gender identity, stereotype threat, dan leadership self efficacy terhadap identity conflict. Serta terdapat hubungan antara identity conflict terhadap life satisfaction.
There is a contradiction between identity as a leader who must display agentic behavior likes agressive, assertive, and independent with an identity as a woman who must display communal behavior likes caring, watchfulness, and dependent in female leaders leads to the emergence of an identity conflict. This research aims to examine the relationship between positive gender identity, stereotype threat, and leadership self efficacy towards identity conflict and identity conflict toward life satisfaction on woman leader. The method used to measure the variables in this study using self report through online survey with sample of female leaders in Indonesia N 151 . The data collected into two times. Time 1 collect data on the dependent variable, and time 2 to collect data from independent variable. The result shows that there is correlation between positive gender identity toward identity conflict, stereotype threat toward identity conflict, leadership self efficacy toward identity conflict, and identity conflict toward life satisfaction.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widawati Hapsari
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai anteseden work passion masih jarang dilakukan, padahal passion memiliki dampak besar pada keluaran pekerjaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara person-organization fit dan work passion harmonious dan obsessive work passion dengan efek mediasi komitmen afektif. Data yang terkumpul sebanyak 180 responden, yang merupakan karyawan tetap yang bekerja di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah self-report, sedangkan analisis efek mediasi menggunakan PROCESS MACRO dari Hayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara person-organization fit dengan harmonious work passion dimediasi secara parsial oleh komitmen afektif. Sementara itu hubungan antara person organization fit dan obsessive work passion tidak dimediasi oleh komitmen afektif. ......Previous studies showed that passion has significant impact on work related behavior, yet little scholarly work has addressed how passion is attained. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the mediation effects of affective commitment on person organization fit and work passion harmonious and obsessive work passion . Data were obtained from a sample of 180 full time worker from various private industries and state owned enterprises in Indonesia. The data was measured with self report, and the hypotheses were analyzed using PROCESS MACRO by Hayes. The result showed that affective commitment mediated partially the relationship between person organization fit and harmonious work passion. Meanwhile the affective commitment did not mediate the relationship between person organization fit and obsessive passion.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soraya Arifianti
Abstrak :
Intellectual Humility (IH) merupakan suatu sifat kebajikan yang baru-baru ini dikembangkan dalam bidang ilmu psikologi dan dipercaya dapat membantu para siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) mengelola dirinya saat bertemu dengan perbedaan berpendapat. Dewasa ini, alat ukur The Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale (CIHS) telah teruji secara komprehensif mampu mengukur konsep IH yang terdiri atas empat aspek yang berbeda, yaitu; Independence of Intellect and Ego (IIO), Openness to Revising One’s Viewpoint (OROV), Respect for Others’ Viewpoints (ROV), Lack of Intellectual Overconfidence (LIO). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengadaptasi alat ukur CIHS ke dalam versi bahasa Indonesia pada siswa SLTA di Indonesia. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap berdasarkan pedoman adaptasi alat ukur dari International Test Commission (ITC). Penelitian ini melibatkan 411 partisipan berusia 14-19 tahun (M = 16.10) dipilih melalui convenience sampling. Prosedur pengujian reliabilitas dan validitas melalui internal consistency dan confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) telah dilakukan. Hasil perhitungan reliabilitas menunjukkan alat ukur CIHS versi Bahasa Indonesia tidak memiliki item-item dengan nilai konsistensi internal yang tinggi, baik secara keseluruhan maupun pada dua aspek yang termasuk di dalamnya. Sementara itu, hasil uji validitas dengan menggunakan CFA menunjukkan model good fit, dengan memenuhi 2 dari 3 kriteria yang berlaku. Pengembangan alat ukur ini masih diperlukan terutama dalam meningkatkan nilai reliabilitasnya. Meskipun demikian, alat ukur CIHS versi Bahasa Indonesia valid dalam mengukur konstruk Intellectual Humility. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan penelitian adaptasi alat ukur, pengembangan konstruk Intellectual Humility di kemudian hari, serta pengembangan lebih jauh dari penelitian ini dapat membantu guru dan para psikolog sekolah dalam proses asemen pengukuran Intellectual Humility untuk pengembangan karakter siswa SLTA di Indonesia. ......Intellectual Humility (IH) is a virtue that was recently developed in the field of psychology and is trusted to be able to help high school students manage themselves when facing disagreements. Currently, The Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale (CIHS) has been tested comprehensively to be able to measure the IH which consists of four different aspects, namely; Independence of Intellect and Ego (IIO), Openness to Revise Someone's Point of View (OROV), Respect for Other Perspectives (ROV), Lack of Too Intellectual Trust (LIO). The purpose of this study was to adapt the CIHS into an Indonesian version for secondary school students in Indonesia. The quantitative research method was carried out in several stages based on the guidelines for adapting measuring instruments from the International Test Commission (ITC). This study involved 411 participants aged 14-19 years (M = 16.10) who were selected by convenience sampling. The procedure for testing the reliability and validity through internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out. The results of reliability calculations show that the Indonesian version of the CIHS does not have items with high internal consistency, both as an overall score and on the two aspects included in it. Other than that, the results of the validity test using the CFA showed a good fit, by meeting 2 of the 3 criterions. The development of this measurement is still needed, especially in increasing its reliability score. However, the Indonesian version of the CIHS is valid in measuring the construct of intellectual humility. The results of this study can be used as a reference for measuring instrument adaptation research, the development of the intellectual humility construct in the future, and further development of this study can assist teachers and school psychologists in the process of measuring Intellectual Humility for building characters of secondary school students in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Larissa Amira Giyani
Abstrak :
Menjalin hubungan romantis adalah salah satu tugas perkembangan yang khas dari dewasa muda. Hubungan romantis yang memuaskan, berkaitan dengan berbagai dampak positif dan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya pola attachment. Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya telah dilakukan untuk menjelaskan mekanisme yang mendasari hubungan yang kuat antara pola attachment dan kepuasan hubungan. Selain dipengaruhi oleh attachment, kepuasan hubungan juga dipengaruhi oleh self-compassion yang dapat memfasilitasi individu untuk bersikap positif di dalam hubungan romantisnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah self-compassion memediasi hubungan antara pola attachment (avoidant dan anxious attachment) dengan kepuasan hubungan romantis pada dewasa muda yang berpacaran. Penelitian kuantitatif ini memiliki sampel partisipan sebanyak 441 dewasa muda (18-30 tahun). Pola attachment diukur menggunakan Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised; self-compassion dengan Self- Compassion Scale; dan kepuasan hubungan dengan Relationship Assessment Scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-compassion berperan sebagai mediator bagi hubungan antara avoidant attachment dan kepuasan hubungan, namun bukan sebagai mediator antara anxious attachment dan kepuasan hubungan. Implikasi penelitian ini adalah pola insecure attachment memiliki dampak yang kuat pada rendahnya kepuasan hubungan romantis. ......Having a romantic relationship is one of the developmental task characteristics of young adults. Forming a satisfying romantic relationship is related to numerous positive effects and influence by several factors, one of them is attachment style. Previous studies have investigated the underlying mechanism between the strong association of attachment and relationship satisfaction. Apart from being influenced by attachment, relationship satisfaction is also influenced by self-compassion, which facilitates individuals to act positively in their romantic relationships. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether self-compassion mediates the association between attachment style (avoidant and anxious attachment) and romantic relationship satisfaction among dating young adults. This quantitative research has 441 sample of young adults age 18-30. Attachment style is measured with Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised; self-compassion with Self-Compassion Scale; and relationship satisfaction with Relationship Assessment Scale. The result of this study shows that self-compassion act as a mediator for the association between avoidant attachment and relationship satisfaction, while not as a mediator between anxious attachment and relationship satisfaction. The implication of this study is that insecure attachment style has a strong negative effect towards relationship satisfaction
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aflah Zakinov Irta
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran norma deskriptif dan trait kepribadian dalam menjelaskan perilaku melawan arah yang dilakukan oleh pengendara sepeda motor di Jakarta. Norma deskriptif merupakan faktor eksternal, dan trait kepribadian sebagai faktor internal yang diduga berkaitan dengan perilaku melawan arah pada pengendara sepeda motor. Penelitian sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa diantara lima trait kepribadian Big Five, trait extraversion dan conscientiousness yang banyak ditemukan memengaruhi perilaku melawan arah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasional, yang dilakukan terhadap 156 partisipan yang memiliki SIM C aktif dan berdomisili di Jakarta. Instrumen pengukuran terdiri dari lima skenario untuk mengukur norma deskriptif dan terkait perilaku melawan arah, dan skala lapor diri Big Five yang telah didaptasi kedalam Bahasa Indonesia untuk mengukur trait extraversion dan conscientiousness. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa secara simultan norma deskriptif, trait extraversion dan trait conscientiousness memprediksi perilaku melawan arah. Namun, berdasarkan uji regresi berganda hanya norma deskripif yang berperan secara signifikan dalam memprediksi perilaku melawan arah. Di sisi lain, trait kepribadian extraversion dan conscientiousness tidak berperan secara signifikan dalam memprediksi perilaku melawan arah. Implikasi dari hasil temuan ini adalah diperlukan adanya upaya yang serius dari pemangku kebijakan untuk menggalakkan berlakunya norma deskriptif dalam menertibkan perilaku melawan arah pada pengendara sepeda motor. ......This study aimed to investigate the role of descriptive norms and personality traits in affecting the riding against the direction (counterflow riding behavior) among motorcycle riders in Jakarta. In affecting the counterflow riding behavior, the descriptive norms were perceived as external factors whereas the personality traits as internal factors. Previous studies found that two of the five personality traits in the Big Five, i.e. extraversion and conscientiousness traits affected counterflow riding behavior. This study was a correlational study, followed by 156 participants who live in Jakarta and have an active riding license (SIM C). The measurement instrument consists of five scenarios to measure descriptive norm concerning counterflow riding behavior, and the Indonesian adapted version of the Big Five self-report to measure extraversion and conscientiousness traits. The results proved that simultaneously descriptive norms, trait extraversion and trait conscientiousness predict opposing behavior. However, multiple regression shows only descriptive norms have a significant role in predicting opposing behavior. On the other hand, extraversion and conscientiousness personality traits did not play a significant role in predicting counterflow riding behavior. The implication of this study is that the policymakers should enact the descriptive norms to discipline the riding behavior against the direction.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fikri Yafie
Abstrak :
Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang melibatkan pengendara sepeda motor di Indonesia didominasi oleh pengendara dewasa muda. Salah satu faktor penyebab kecelakaan dari sisi manusia adalah kemampuan untuk mempersepsi bahaya (hazard perception ability). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara visual spatial ability sebagai salah satu komponen kognitif yang berperan di dalam mengendara dan hazard perception ability. Penelitian ini melibatkan 130 pengendara sepeda motor berusia 17-34 tahun (Mean usia = 21.56, SD = 2.36). Partisipan diminta untuk mengisi alat ukur visual spatial ability yang terdiri atas tes card rotation untuk mengukur kemampuan spatial orientation, dan tes paper folding untuk mengukur kemampuan visualization, dan juga alat ukur hazard perception ability yang terdiri atas tes hazard detection, dan tes threat appraisal yang diberikan secara daring (dalam jaringan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif antara komponen visual spatial ability dan hazard perception ability. Semakin tinggi kemampuan spatial orientation dan visualization pengendara sepeda motor, semakin tinggi kemampuan hazard detection dan threat appraisal yang dimiliki. Implikasi dari temuan ini adalah adanya peluang mengukur hazard perception ability pada mereka yang akan mengambil Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) dengan mengukur visual spatial ability jika pengukuran terhadap hazard perception ability tidak dapat dilaksanakan. ...... Young adult riders dominate traffic accidents that involved Indonesian motorcyclists. One of the human factors which can potentially cause an accident is hazard perception ability. This study aims to investigate the role of visual-spatial skill as one of the cognitive components, which plays a role in hazard perception ability while riding on the road. The participants of this study are 130 motorcyclists aged 17-34 years old (Mage = 21.56, SD = 2.36). The participants were asked to fill in visual-spatial ability measurement tools that consisted of rotation card test to measure spatial orientation ability, and paper folding test which measured visualization ability. Also, they were asked to fill in a hazard perception ability test that consisted of hazard detection test, and threat appraisal test. All tests were done online. The results of this study show that there is a positive relationship between visual spatial ability component and hazard perception ability. The higher the motorcyclists' spatial orientation and visualization skills, the higher the hazard detection and threat appraisal abilities. The implication of these findings is the opportunity to measure hazard perception ability on driving license test takers by measuring visual-spatial skill if hazard perception ability measurement cannot be conducted.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winantami Ayu Arimbi Wibowo
Abstrak :
Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) lebih berisiko untuk menjadi korban bullying yang dilakukan oleh siswa reguler di sekolah inklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan antara self-esteem dan frekuensi bullying yang dilakukan terhadap siswa dengan ASD pada siswa reguler di SMPN inklusif. Seratus tiga puluh enam siswa reguler (58 laki-laki dan 78 perempuan) dari tiga SMPN inklusi di Jakarta menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Frekuensi bullying terhadap siswa dengan ASD diukur dengan menggunakan Bullying Questionnaire (BQ) yang disusun oleh Duffy (2004). Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) yang disusun oleh Rosenberg pada tahun 1965 digunakan untuk mengukur self-esteem siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan korelasi Pearson product moment diperoleh koefisien korelasi antara self-esteem dan frekuensi bullying terhadap siswa dengan ASD sebesar -0,1 dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,247 (p>0,01). Artinya, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kedua variabel. ......Preliminary study suggest that student with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) are at greater risk for being bullied by regular student in inclusvie school. The present study aimed to examine the relationship between self-esteem and frequency of bullying towards student with ASD among regular student in public inclusive junior high school. One hundred and thirty six regular students (58 boys and 78 girls) from three public inclusive junior high schools in Jakarta are participated in the study. Frequency of bullying behavior towards student with ASD was measured with Bullying Questionnaire (BQ), constructed by Duffy (2004). Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) which was constructed by Rosenberg in 1965, was used to measure student’s self-esteem. The coefficient of Pearson product moment correlation between self-esteem and frequency of bullying towards students with ASD was -0,1 with significant value 0,247 (p>0,01). It indicate that there is no significant relationship between the two variables.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catherine Intan
Abstrak :

Sebagai konsumen, tak jarang kita menemukan produk yang telah habis terjual (sold out, stock out, out of stock) masih dipasang dalam konteks pembelian. Ge, Messinger, dan Li (2009) menemukan bahwa produk sold out memberikan persepsi bahwa produk tersebut dinilai baik oleh orang lain sehingga turut meningkatkan penilaian konsumen. Ge dkk (2009) menyebut proses ini sebagai informational cascades, yang dalam ilmu psikologi lebih familiar disebut social proof. Penilaian baik akan produk sold out tersebut akan berpengaruh positif terhadap alternatif yang masih tersedia sehingga mendorong konsumen untuk membeli. Dalam studi ini, penulis memodifikasi eksperimen pertama Ge dkk (2009) untuk melihat apakah produk sold out mempengaruhi konsumen untuk membeli produk sejenis yang tersedia. Produk yang ditawarkan adalah tikar pantai berwarna biru dan hijau, dan pemasangan informasi sold out dilakukan secara counterbalanced. Hasilnya, kehadiran tikar sold out tidak mempengaruhi partisipan untuk membeli tikar sejenis yang masih tersedia. Tikar biru lebih banyak dibeli saat ditawarkan sendiri, χ2 (1, n = 66) = 9.82, p < .05, sementara pembelian tikar hijau tidak jauh berbeda saat ditawarkan sendiri ataupun saat ada tikar biru sold out, χ2 (1, n = 66) = 0.58, p = .45). Penulis menduga bahwa preferensi terhadap desain dan warna produk lebih kuat daripada produk sold out dalam mempengaruhi pilihan konsumen


As consumers, we often find products that have been sold (sold out, stock out, out of stock) were still displayed within the context of the purchase. Ge, Messinger, and Li (2009) found that sold out product gave perception that people judged it as a good product, and in turn increased consumer judgment. Ge et al (2009) called this process as informational cascades, which were more familiar as social proof in psychological study. Good judgment of sold out product then gave positive influence to another available alternatives and prompted consumers to buy. In this study, author modificated the first experiment conducted by Ge et al (2009) to see whether sold out product influenced consumers to buy similar available product. The products offered are blue and green beach mats, and sold out information given was counterbalanced. Result showed that the presence of sold out product did not affect participants to buy similar kind of mat that still available. Blue mat was purchased more when offered alone (χ2 (1, n = 66) = 9.82, p < .05), while the purchase of green mat was not much different when offered alone or when blue mat was sold out (χ2 (1, n = 66) = 0.58, p = .45). Author suspected that the preference for design and color of the product is stronger than sold out product in influencing consumer choice

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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