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Abstrak :
Diare merupakan salah satu prioritas program pemberantasan penyakit menular di Indonesia. Dimana angka kesakitan diare pada semua golongan umur masih tinggi yaitu 280 per 1000 penduduk, episode diare pada balita 1,5 kali per tahun, sedangkan angka kematian balita karena diare 2,5 per 1000 balita yang merupakan penyebab kematian nomor 2 pada balita. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 4 Kecamatan (Bangkinang Barat, Bangkinang, Kampar dan Tambang) Kabupaten Kampar, dengan alasan masih tingginya kejadian diare, dimana pada tahun 2001 terdapat 1.200 balita (53,38%) menderita diare dari keseluruhan balita yang menderita diare pada 13 Kecamatan di Kabupaten Kampar. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku hidup bersih keluarga dan balita, faktor keluarga ibu balita serta faktor sanitasi lingkungan dengan kejadian diare pada balita, unit analisanya adalah keluarga yang mempunyai anak umur lebih dari 1 tahun sampai dengan kurang dari 5 tahun (balita). Adapun desain penelitiannya adalah " Kasus Kontrol " dengan jumlah sampel kelompok kasus sebanyak 137 responden dan kontrol juga sebanyak 137 responden. Dari 19 sub hipotesis yang diajukan, ternyata hanya 10 sub hipotesis yang terbukti berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kejadian diare pada balita, sedangkan faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kejadian diare pada balita adalah tempat pembuangan sampah yang tidak baik dengan risiko (OR) sebesar 3,27. Hasil analisis model akhir dengan interaksi menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang secara bersama-sama berhubungan dengan kejadian diare pada balita adalah interaksi kebiasaan balita menghisap jari tangan/mainan dengan tempat pembuangan sampah yang tidak baik, pendapatan keluarga rendah dan pengetahuan kesehatan rendah dengan risiko (OR) masing-masing sebesar 3,56 , 2,08, dan 1,82. Kepada Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kampar disarankan perlu adanya penyuluhan yang lebih menekankan pada aspek kesehatan lingkungan, kebersihan perorangan dan penyakit diare itu sendiri dengan model dan bahasa yang lebih mudah dipahami dan dimengerti. untuk menarik partisipasi masyarakat dalam hal pembuangan sampah yang baik dan benar perlu adanya bantuan stimulan tempat pembuangan sampah yang memenuhi syarat sesuai dengan kondisi daerah setempat.
Diarrhea is one of priority program to eliminate disease contaminate in Indonesia. Wherever the number of diarrhea disease is high, 280 per 1000 population, diarrhea episode for children under five years old 1,5 diarrhea per year and then the number of disease cause of diarrhea is 2,5 per 1000 children under five years old which the two number of souse for them. This research have done in four sub district (Bangkinang Barat, Bangkinang, Kampar and Tambang) Kampar regency, the reason is diarrhea disease still high, wherever in year 200I has 1.200 children under five years old (53,38%) diarrhea disease from at all the area is 13 sub district in Kampar regency. In general the purpose of this research is to know how far the relationship sanitation of life family, family mother of children under five years old and sanitation environment with diarrhea to children under five years old, unit of analysis is family have children under five years old. The design of research is "Case Control" whit sample the case is 137 respondents and the control is 137 respondents. From 19 sub hypothesis, just I0 sub hypothesis have correlation, it means that diarrhea disease to children under five years old, however the dominant factor is throw rubbish place is not good with odds ratio (OR) is 3,27. The last of technique analysis with interaction that are together to relationship diarrhea disease to children under five years old is finger calculate or toy with rubbish throw place is not good, family in come is low too with odds ratio (OR) they are 3,56 , 2,08 and 1,82. It is necessary that Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kampar give explanation focusing on environmental health, personal hygiene and diarrhea with simpler language so that it will be easier to be understood. To attract the society's attention on appropriate disposal waste a stimulant which is qualified is needed.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Campak adalah penyakit virus akut(paramyxavirus) sangat mudah menular melalui udara atau kontak langsung namun tergolong penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi. Di Indonesia penyakit campak telah masuk pada tahap reduksi dengan cakupan imunisasi (>90 %) namun Case fatality rate (CFR) eukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 1,7 - 2,4 oleh karena itu penelitian kearah mencari faktor penyebab penyakit campak pads balita dalam hal ini dibatasi pada faktor kesehatan lingkungan dan karakteristik anak balita yang berkaitan dengan kejadian penyakit campak pada balita menjadi sangat beralasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi frekwensi, hubungan dan mencari model faktor kesehatan lingkungan (16 variabel) dan karakteristik anak balita (5 variabel ) dengan kejadian penyakit campak pada balita. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Garut dengan metode kasus kontrol, jumlali sampel masing masing 150 kasus dan 150 kontrol total 300 sampel (1:1), rentang waktu antara Bolan Juli 2000 aid Bulan Desember 2001. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 21 Variabel yang dilakukan uji hubungan bevariat ada 15 variabel yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan p 0.05 (hipotesis ditolak). Dan 5 variabel p > 0.05 (hipotesis gagal ditolak). Model akhir tanpa interaksi didapat lima variabel utama yang berhubungan dengan kejadian campak adalah Imunisasi nilai B (3.340), Jendela (1.468), Vit A ( 1.319), Kepadatan ( 0.885) dan Cahaya (0.846) dengan konstanta -5.218. Faktor paling dominan adalah imunisasi dengan OR 28.228 pada CI 95 % 11.789-67.588, sedangkan setelah melalui uji interaksi terdapat dua variabel tunggal dan 2 yang berinteraksi yaitu 1286 (Imunisasi), 1,393 (Cahaya by Jendela), 0.933 (Kepadatan), dan 0.947 (Cahaya by Vit A) dengan konstanta -3.951 faktor paling dominan yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian campak adalah Imunisasi dengan nilai B = 3.951 dengan QR = 26.72 nilai C195 % = 11.301-63.201 Untuk aplikasi penanganan program ini tentu memerlukan strategi khusus, yang intinya perlu pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat yang komprehensif berupa pelayanan promosi dan pencegahan berupa pelayanan intensif pelaksanaan imunisasi dan pemberian vitamin A serta melaksanakan perbaikan kesehatan lingkungan fisik rumah terutama sistem pencahayaan, jendelanisasi, dan pengurangan kepadatan kamar. ...... Measles is an accute viruses deseases (paramyxovirus)_ It is very easy infected to other people direct contact, but can be prevented by immunization. In Indonesia measles deseases is in reduction phase with immunimtion trap >90 %, but the Case fatality rate (CFR) is high between 1.7 - 2.4. There efor the study to find the risk factor of measles on childhood in this case is limited on environtmenal health factor and the characteristic of childhood that is associated with measles incidence of childhood is very reasonable. The purpose of this study is to know the distribution anda freqkfency, the association and find the environment health factors model (16 variables) and characteristik of childhood (5 variable) with the measles incidence on Childhood at Garut District 2000-2001 year. This study was being done at Garut district using case control method_ The sample of this study is 300 ehilldhood (150 cases and 150 control) the study last from July 2000 --- Descember 2000. The result of this study showed that from 21 variable there is 16 variabels is significant because p < 0.05. The multivariate final model are : immunization B velue (3.340), Windows (1.468), Vit A ( 1.319), Crowding ( 0.885) and Lighting (0.846), constanta -5.218. The strenght of Factor is immunization with OR 28.228 at CI 95 % 11389-67.588. Interaksi test result is 3.286 (Imunisation), 1.393 (Light by windows), 0.933 (Croeding, and 0.947 (Lighting by Vit A), constanta -3.951 and strenght factor is Imunisation with B value = 3.951 , OR = 26.72 Cl 95 % = 11.301-63.201 Sugestion for program Aplication cocerning measles program in Garut District is a comprehensif action, covering Promotion, prevention, Curative dan Rehabilitation. The priority program are Immunization programe, Vitamin A, and Rehabilitation of Window, sistem of Lighting Room and reduction of Ovbercrowding.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 8197
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penyalkit demam berdarah merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia, yang cenderung semakin Iuas distribusinya sejalan dengan meningkatnya mobilitas dan kepadatan penduduk. Seluruh wilayah Indonwia mempunyai resiko untuk kejangkitan penyakit DBD, dikarenakan memiliki koudisi lingkungan yang sama sebagai kesatuan wilayah ekologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan kejadian demam berdarah dengan lingkungan fisik mmah meliputi lingkungan dalam rumah, linglcungan luar mmah. Suhu, pencahayaan, kelembaban dan keberadaan jentik sedangkan karakteristik individu meliputi umur, pendidikan, perilaku , pengctahuan. Rancangan penelitian ini adalalah kasus kontrol dengan menggunakan analitik. Sebagai rcspondennya adalah orang yang terkena penyakit DBD yang telah di diagnosis doktcr dan uji laboratolium IgG dan IgM , sorta kontrol adalah tetanga penderita di wilayah Kota metro, dcngan jumlah 100 kasus dan 100 kontrol. Data di ambil dengau wawancara, obscrvasi dan melakukan pengukuran. Data-data yang terkumpul di olah dengan tahapan editing data, coding data, entry data, cleaning data. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis univariat, bivariat dengan uji kai kudrat, dan multivamiat dengan regresi logistik. Di dapatkan hasil akhir ada hubungan yang bcrmakna antara kejadian DBD dengan keheradaan jentik, kejadian DBD dcngan umur, kejadian DBD dengan kelembaban dan kejadian DBD dengan pendidikan. Faktor yang dominan terhadap kejadian DBD adalah faktor jentik. Dari hasil yang di dapat disarankan pada pemerintah daerah untuk dapat melihat kcberadaan jentik melalui Angka bebas jentik, indeks house dan kontainer serta melaksanakan trias UKS pada anak sckolah yaim pendidikan kesehatan, pelayanan keschatan dan pembinaan lingkungan sekolah sehat scrta mcmbuat prioritas program pada daerah endemik, pendidikan rcndah Serta daerah yang banyak anak-anak. Sedangkan pada Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas diharapkan ada kerjasama dengan BMG, melaksanakan pendidikan kesehatan melalui kader dan melaksanakan 3 M secara intensif, dan untuk peneliti diharaikan ada penelitian lebih lanjut. ......Dengue Fever is one of public health problems in Indonesia, its distribution tends to wider due to the increasing of mobility and population density. All of Indonesian’s area is having risk of dengue fever infection, because it has similar environmental condition as united of ecological zone. The research aimed to know the relation between dengue fever case with housing environment covers internal house environment (indoor), extemal house environment (outdoor), temperature, lighting, humidity and mosquito larva existence while respondent characteristic covers age, education, behavior, and knowledge. The research methodology is analytical case control. People who have been diagnose having dengue fever by the doctor and IgG and IgM laboratory test as respondents I case, while control is the neighbor of the patient at Metro City, there is 100 case and 100 control. Data collected by interview, observation and measurement. The collected data processed with several steps: data editing, data coding, data entry, and data cleaning. Furthermore it analyzed with univariate analysis and bivariate with chi square and multivariate with logistic regression. The research final result show that there is a significant relation between; dengue fever case with mosquito larva existence, dengue fever case with age, dengue fever case with humidity, and dengue fever case with education. The most dominant factor toward dengue fever case is the mosquito larva. From the obtained result its suggest to the government to observe the mosquito larva trough the mosquito larva level, housing index and container and held the Trias UKS at school; health services, health education, and the founding of school environmental and make priority programs at endemic area, low education, and children areas. While the Health Department and Public Health Center expected to cooperate with BMG, to held health education trough forming of cadre and conduct 3M intensively and to conduct further research.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Respiration illness has some different symptoms basically is caused of irritation, failure of transparent muccociliari, more rekresi lender and respiration stricture. Children under tive years old at Primary Heath Care of Pangkalan Kerinci in Pelalawan District risk of respiration problem and based on result of annual report at Primary Health Care, respiration trouble illness is the tirst of ten illnesses at this area. lt is because of most public spend 90 % their time in room (house). Therefore research is pointed by the way of looking for relationship between PMN rate at house, house physical environment factor and children under tive years old characteristic which related to respiration problem occurrence becoming a reason. WHO estimated that there were 400-500 millions people who faced air pollution problem of variation room including headache, head cold, drought red lane, drought coughs, eye irritation, skin irritation, influenza, breathless and tuberculosis. This research purpose to know prevalence between respiration problem illness among children under tive years old, relationship of PMN rate at house, house physical environment factor (10 variables) and children under tive years old characteristic (5 variables) with respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old, and looking for factor which is most dominance effect of respiration problem illness among children under tive years old at Primary Health Care of Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan District in Riau Province, time period of Measurement appliance which is used to measure PM", rate at house consists of Haz Dust Sampler, EPAM S000 model, temperature by thennometer, dampness by hygrometer, illumination by luxmeter, and appliance which is used to get primary data of children under tive years old characteristic by questionnaire and checklist. 'l`his research used a cross sectional design which participating population of 615 Head of Family (KK) by sample number of 261 children under five years old, where data was collected at the same time of PMN, rate, house physic environment and children under five years old characteristic and there were not respiration problem illness occurrence among children under five years old. Based on research result which has been done it was indicated that: l). Prevalence of children under tive years old who faced of respiration problem illness was 78,2 % _ 2). Children under five years old house with PMN rate which did not fulfill requirement was 55,6 %, 3). There is no meaning ditference of PM", rate at house (p value = 0,393) with respiration problem among children under tive years old. 4). Habit of children under tive years old out of house has a meaning difference of respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old by p- value = 0,007 and OR = 2,59 (95 % CI: 1,333-5,083). Children under ive years old who are out of house have risk of respiration problem illness 2,59 times compared with children under tive years old are out of house for long time. 5). Factor which is most dominance influencing respiration problem iilness occurrence among children under five years old are usage of fuel for cooking and children under tive years old who are out of house. Children under tive years old who are out of house have risk of respiration problem illness 2,59 times compared with children under five years old who are at house for long time, and also usage of fuel for cooking which became smoke has risk 2,32 times of reqriration problem illness compared with usage of Riel for cooking which did not become smoke (gas and electricity). 6). Probability of respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old where they used fuel which will become smoke at their house and children under five years oId who have habit out of house 83,5 %. 7). Children under five years old who used fuel for cooking which became smoke (wood, charcoal and kerosene) and many activities of children under tive years old out of house have probabiiity of respiration problem illness occurrence 1,5 times bigger than children under five years old which used fuel for cooking which did not become smoke (gas and electrics) and many activities of children under five years old out of house.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Margono
Abstrak :
DKI Jakarta menunjukkan sebanyak 46% dari kasus-kasus penyakit adalah penyakit gangguan pernapasan (ISPA 43%, iritasi rnata l,7% dan asma 1,3%) yang terkait dengan kualitas udara ambien yang tidak memenuhi baku umum dimana polusi udara di DKI Jakarta mengalami fluktuasi dengan beberapa parameter telah melewati nilai ambang batas seperti Ozon, N02 dan nilai ISPU menunjukan bahwa selama setahun hanya terhitung 22 hari udara Jakarta berkualitas baik, 95 hari dinyatakan tidak sehat, dan selebihnya 233 hari berkualitas sedang. Studi ekologi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kualitas udara ambien, kondisi meteorologi., dan kejadian ISPA, mempelajari kecenderungan perubahan kualitas udara ambien, kondisi meteorologi dan mempelajari hubungan antara kondisi meteorologi dengan kualitas udara ambien serta mempelajari hubungan antara kualitas udara ambien, kondisi meteorologi dengan kejadian ISPA. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas udara ambien menggunakan : FH6-I (5-ray absorbtfon), APSA-360 (Fluorescence UV), APOA-360 (Chelwninescence) dan NDR sedangkan untuk kondisi meteorologi adalah Tennometer; Hygromeierg Cup anenmmeter dan Global Star Pymnameter. Populasi yang dilibatkan sebanyak 820 data rata-rata harian kualitas udara ambien, kondisi meteorologi dan ISPA dengan sampei sebesar 118 data rata-rata mingguan kualitas udara ambien, kondisi meteorologi dan ISPA. Dalam kurun waklu 2006 - Maret 2008 diperolch konscntrasi rata-rata PMN; 65,9 pg/m3, so; 31,1 pg/mi, co 1,1 pg/ma, 0, 51,4 pg/m3, NO; 31,6 pg/ma dan niiai ISPU 72,3. Sedangkan rata-rata suhu 27,6°C, kelembaban 75,6 %, arah angin l54,5° , kecepatan angin 0,7 mls, radiasi matahari l12,0 W/m2 Serta rata~rata angka ISPA sebanyak 54 kejadian. Hubungan kualitas udara ambien dcngan ISPA didapatkan bahwa SO; mempunyai korelasi positif tcrhadap angka ISPA. PM|0_ 03, ISPU mempunyai korelasi negatif terhadap angka ISPA. Hubungan kondisi meteorologi dengan ISPA didapatkan bahwa kelembaban, arah angin mempunyai korelasi positif terhadap angka ISPA. Suhu, radiasi matahari mempunyai korelasi negatif terhadap angka ISPA. Hubungan kondisi meteorologi dengan kualiaias udara ambien didapatkan bahwa suhu mempunyai korelasi poritifdengan PMN, 03, N01 dan ISPU. Kelembaban mempunyai korelasi negatif dengan PM|g, 03, N02 dan ISPU, arah angin mempunyai korelasi PM|0, CO, 03, NCQ, ISPU, kecepatan angin mempunyai korelasi negatif dengan PMN), CO. 01, N02, ISPU, radiasi matahari mempunyai konelasi negatif dengan CO, radiasi matahari mempunyai korelasi positif dengan ISPU. Disimpulkan bahwa dalam kurun waklu 2006 - Mamet 2008 didapatkan pola angka ISPA mengikuti pola konsentrasi kualitas udara ambien dan kondisi meteorologi hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya hubungan S0;, dan S0;*O3 Serta SO2*Suhu secara bersamaan mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap ISPA dengan nilai koeiisicn korclasi sebesar 0,616 dan nilai koefisien determinasi Sebesar 0,379 (kuat). Dengan demikian SO;, SO1*O3, dan SO;*Suhu secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ISPA Namun konscmrasi CO, N02 , kecepatan angin tidak berhubungan denan kejadian ISPA di DKI Jakarta.
DKI Jakarta indicated 46% of disease cases were respirations problems (ISPA 43%, eye irritation of l,7% and asthma of 1,3%) related to ambient air quality which did not fulfill standard quality where air pollution in DKI Jakarta experienced fluctuation with a few parameter have passed boundary threshold value like Ozone, N02 and ISPA value indicated that Jakarta air had a good quality for 22 days each year, it was not health for 95 days, and it was a medium quality for 233 days. This purpose of ecology study to identity an outdoor air quality, meteorology condition, and ISPA occurrence, studying a change tendency of outdoor air quality, meteorology condition and studying related between meteorology condition of outdoor air quality and also studying related between meteorology condition of outdoor air quality and ISPA occurrence. Measurement instruments which are used for measuring outdoor air quality such as FI-I6-l (B-ray absorption), APSA-360 (Fluorescence UV), APOA-360 (Cheluminescence) and NIDR while the instruments which are used for measuring meteorology condition such as Thermometer, Hygrometer Cup Anemometer and Global Star Pyranometer. Populations which are participated amount of 820 data on daily average of outdoor air quality, meteorology condition and ISPA by samples amount of ll8 data on weekly average of outdoor air quality, meteorology condition and ISPA. At period of 2006 - March 2008 obtained average concentrations were PM10 65,9p g/rn3,SO1 31,1p g/rn3, co up g/ms, 03 51,4u6§/ma, NO; 3l,6p g/m3 and ISPU value '?2,3. While temperature average was 27, C, dampness was 7S,6%, wind direction is l54,5°, wind velocity was 0,7 mls, sun radiation was 1l2,0 Wim! and also mean number of ISPA was amount 54 occurrences. Related between outdoor air quality and ISPA indicated that S02 has a positive correlation of ISPA number. PMN, 03, ISPU have negative correlations of ISPA number. Related between meteorology condition and ISPA indicated that dampness, wind direction have positive correlations of ISPA number. Temperature and sun radiation have negative correlations of ISPA number. Related between meteorology condition and outdoor air quality indicated that temperature has positive correlations of PM10, 03, NO; and ISPU. Dampness has negative correlation with PM1u, Og, NO; and ISPU, wind direction has correlation PMID, CO, 03, NO2, ISPU, wind velocity has negative correlation of PMN, CO, 03, N02, ISPU, sun radiation has negative correlation of cobalt, sun radiation has positive correlation of ISPU. It was concluded that at period of 2006 - March 2008 indicated ISPA number pattern follow pattem concentration of outdoor air quality and this meteorology condition was proved by the existence of related between SO; SO1* SO; and SO2* temperature, at the same time, it has a big effect of [SPA by correlation ooeflicient value was 0,616 and determination coefficient value was 0,379 (strong). Therefore S0;, S0;=, and SO# temperature, at the same time, it has an effect of ISPA significantly. But concentration of CO, NOQ, wind velocity does not relate to ISPA occurrence in DKI Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Firdaus
Abstrak :
Loading and unloading activity at port of Boom Baru in Palembang reached mean number 8264.892 ton each year. This caused happening of particulate contamination which can cause of the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. This study aim is to know PM10 exposure to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble for loading and unloading worker at Port of Boom Baru in Palembang. In this study, variables of temperature, dampness and wind velocity are studied and their effect for PMI0 concentration, while variables of PM10 concentration, age, work time, nutrition status, smoking habit and usage of self protective device (APD) are checked and their effect for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. PM1o concentration is used for analyzing effect of particulate contamination for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. This study used a retrospective cohort study design for calculating Relative Risk (RR) to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble as result of PM1o exposure and also another factors. Data analysis which has been done consisting of univariate analysis (descriptive), bivariate (kai square test and t-test) and multivariate (multiple linear regression and multiple logistic regression). Data analysis result indicated the existence of PM,o concentration related to temperature variable (p = 0,022), dampness (p = 0,002) and wind velocity (p = 0,006). While data analysis for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble with PM16 concentration variable (p = 0,001), age (p = 0,011), work time (p = 0,044) and smoking habit (p = 0,000). From all factors which related significantly, smoking habit is a dominant factor which affecting for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. Therefore, factors which affected for occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble must be lessened, especially for smoking habit.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Firdaus
Abstrak :
Aktivitas bongkar muat di pelabuhan Boom Baru Palembang yang mencapai rata-rata angka 3.264.892 ton/tahun, hal ini memungkinkan teejadinya pencemaran partikulat yang dapat menyebabkan kejadian gangguan saluran pemapaaan non inreksi. Penelitian ini untuk mengetabui pajanan PM10 terhadnp kejadian gangguan saluran pemapasan non infeksi padn tenaga kerja bongkar muat di pelabuhan Boom Baru Pelembang. Dalam penelitian ini variable suhu, kelembaban dan keeepatan angin diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap konsentrasi PM10, sedangkan variable konsentrasi PM10 umur, masa kerja,. status gizi, kebiasaan merokok dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap kejadian gangguan saluran pernapasan non infeksi. Konsentrasi PM1o digunakan untuk menganalisa efek pencemaran partikulat. Terhadap kejadian gangguan saluran pernapasan non infeksi. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan disain restrospective cohort study untuk menghitung Risiko Relatif (RR) pada kejadian gangguan saluran pernapasan non infeksi akibat pajanan PM 10 serta faktor-faktor lain. Analisa data yang dilakukan mencakup analisa univariat (deskriftif), bivariate (uji kai kuadrat dan t-test) dan multivariate (regresi linier ganda dan regresi logistik ganda). Hasil analisa data menunjukkan hubungan konsentrasi PM 10 dengan variabel suhu (p=0,022), kelembaban (p=0,022) dan kecepatan angina )p=0,006). Sedangkan analisa data kejadian gangguan saluran pernapasan non infeksi dengan variabel koosentmsi PM..(p 0,001), umur (p 0,011), masa kerja (p 0,044) dan kebiasaan merokok (p 0,000). Diantara faktor-faktor yang berhubungan secara signifikantersebut; kebiasaan merokok merupakan faktor dominan, yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian ganggnan saluran pernapasan non infeksi. Oleh karena itu faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian ganggnan saluran pernapasan non infeksi harus di kurangi, terutama terhadap kebiasaan merokok. ......Loading and unloading activity at port of Boom Barn in Palembang reached mean number 3.264.892 ton eaob year. This caused happening of particulate contamination which can cause of the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. This study aim is to know PM1o exposure to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble for loading and unloading worker at Port of Boom Baru in Palembeng.ln this study, variables of temperature, dampness and wind velocity are studied and their effect for PM10 coneentration while variables of PM1o concentration, age. wotk time. nutrition status. smoking habit and usage of self protective device (APD) are checked and their effect for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. PM10 concentration is used for analyzing effect of particulate contamination for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. This study used a retrospective cohort study design for calculating Relative Risk (RR) to occurrence of non infection-habit is a dominant factor which affecting for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. Therefore., factors which affected for occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble must be lessened, especiaUy for smoking habit.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library