Wulan Tristiyanti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Sindrom Down merupakan penyakit genetik yang dapat
menyebabkan keterlambatan perkembangan motorik, bahasa, kognitif, dan
psikososial. Periode perkembangan anak dalam tiga tahun pertama kehidupan
sangat penting, karena merupakan dasar untuk hasil perkembangan selanjutnya.
Sampai saat ini belum dilakukan penelitian yang menghubungkan kemampuan
motorik pasien sindrom Down dengan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya.
Mengingat prevalensi anak sindrom Down yang cukup banyak di Indonesia, dan
belum didapatkan data tersebut maka penelitian dilakukan pada anaksindrom Down
sehingga anaksindrom Down mendapatkan hasil optimal dari program intervensi
yang dijalankan
Tujuan : Mengetahui karakteristik pertumbuhan dan perkembangan motorik anak
sindrom Down serta faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat perkembangan motorik kasar
untuk menentukan kemampuan anak, kebutuhan terapi dan meningkatkan kualitas
Metode: Studi potong lintang deskriptif dan analitik selama Agustus sampai
September 2015 pada 103 anak sindrom Down usia 6 bulan - 3 tahun di Poli Anak
dan Poli Rehabilitasi medic Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Data
orang tua didapat dari autoanamnesis dan pencarian rekam medis, data
antropometrik berupa beratbadan, tinggi badan dan lingkar kepala diplot pada kurva
pertumbuhan khusus anak sindromDown, perkembangan motorik kasar dinilai
berdasarkan milestone khusus anak sindrom Down.
Hasil penelitian : Sejumlah 103 subjek (56 laki-laki, 47 perempuan) memenuhi
kriteria inklusi. Median subjek adalah 12 bulan. Jumlah subjek yang mengalami
gizi baik dan gizi kurang hampir sama. Mikrosefali dialami oleh sebagian kecil
subjek 10 (9,6%). Anak sindrom Down dengan tipe klasik ditemukan pada sebagian
besar pasien sebanyak 99 (96%) dan tipe translokasi sebanyak 4 (3,9%).
Keterlambatan motorik ringan dialami oleh 69,2% subjek, keterlambatan motorik
sedang 16,3%, dan keterlambatan motorik ringan 13,5%. Hasil analisis multivariate
memperlihatkan faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan keterlambatan motorik
adalah lingkar kepala (p=0,011; OR 6,852; IK95% 1,565-30,038), riwayat asfiksia
(p=0,009; OR 4,033; IK95% 1,427-11,4), dan frekuensi program stimulasi
(p=0,006; OR 3,845; IK95% 1,460-10,125).
Kesimpulan : Lingkar kepala, riwayat asfiksia, dan frekuensi program stimulasi
merupakan faktor risiko keterlambatan perkembangan motorik anak sindromDown.ABSTRACT
Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed
motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the
first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until
recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities
Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of
child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that
correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that
they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted.
Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with
Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which
to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service.
Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with
Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and
Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
(RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents
(auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body
weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth
curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were
assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes.
Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions.
Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and
malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with
classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were
4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate
motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%.
Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were
head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of
asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation
programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125).
Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of
stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed
motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the
first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until
recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities
Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of
child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that
correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that
they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted.
Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with
Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which
to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service.
Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with
Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and
Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
(RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents
(auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body
weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth
curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were
assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes.
Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions.
Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and
malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with
classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were
4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate
motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%.
Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were
head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of
asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation
programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125).
Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of
stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed
motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the
first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until
recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities
Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of
child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that
correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that
they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted.
Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with
Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which
to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service.
Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with
Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and
Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
(RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents
(auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body
weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth
curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were
assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes.
Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions.
Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and
malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with
classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were
4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate
motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%.
Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were
head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of
asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation
programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125).
Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of
stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed
motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the
first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until
recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities
Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of
child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that
correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that
they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted.
Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with
Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which
to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service.
Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with
Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and
Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
(RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents
(auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body
weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth
curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were
assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes.
Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions.
Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and
malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with
classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were
4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate
motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%.
Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were
head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of
asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation
programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125).
Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of
stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes. ;Background : Down Syndrome is one of genetics disease that could cause delayed
motoric, language, cognitive, and psycho-social development. Development of the
first three years of life is crucial, because it is a basic for further development. Until
recently, there are not study which conducted to correlates motoric capabilities
Down Syndromes patients to factors that interfere its. In Indonesia, prevalence of
child with Down Syndromes is quite high, there are no data depicted that
correlation;hence, this study was conducted in child with Down Syndromes so that
they obtained optimal outcome from intervention program conducted.
Aim: To know characteristics of motoric growth and development in children with
Down Syndromes and factors interfere degree of gross motoric development which
to determine children?s capability, needs therapy, and improves quality of service.
Methods : A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to 103 children with
Down Syndromes aged 6 months ? 3 years old in Pediatrics Outpatient Clinics and
Medical Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinics of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
(RSCM) during August to September 2015. Data were obtained by their parents
(auto-anamnesis) and medical records, anthropometric data comprised body
weight, body height, and head circumference which were plotted to special growth
curve of children with Down Syndromes, gross motoric developments were
assessed by special milestone of children with Down Syndromes.
Results : One hundred and three subjects were fulfilled as inclusion criterions.
Median subject was twelve months. Amount of subjects with good nutrition and
malnutrition were equal. Subjects with microcephaly were 10 (9.6%). Children with
classical type of Down Syndromes were 99(96%) and translocation type were
4(3.9%). Children with mild motoric development were 69.2%, intermediate
motoric development were 16.3%, and severe motoric development were 13.5%.
Multivariate analysis showed risk factors correlates to motoric development were
head circumference (p=0,011; OR 6,852; CI 95% 1,565-30,038), history of
asphyxia (p=0,009; OR 4,033; CI 95% 1,427-11,4), and frequency of stimulation
programs (p=0,006; OR 3,845; CI95% 1,460-10,125).
Conclusion : Head circumference, history of asphyxia, and frequency of
stimulation programs were risk factors of motoric development in children with Down Syndromes.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library