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Moh Taufik Muttaqin
Abstrak :
Pengurangan hambatan xanthan gum dalam larutan air telah dipelajari sebagai fungsi konsentrasi dengan menggunakan pipa acrylic yang telah dilakukan pengkasaran menggunakan pasir pada bagian dalam pipanya. Percobaan dilakukan dengan mengukur pressure drop. Tujuan penelitian untuk menyelidiki pengurangan gesekan dalam pipa acrylic dengan penambahan xanthan gum dalam larutan air. Pipa acrylic dengan diameter 12 mm digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan variasi konsentrasi larutan xanthan gum 150 ppm, 300 ppm dan 400 ppm. Percobaan dilakukan dari bilangan Reynolds rendah hingga tertinggi 38767,28. Penulis mengamati rasio penurunan hambatan maksimum yaitu sebesar 75,68% pada bilangan Reynolds 16415,99 pada pipa acrylic diameter dalam 12 mm dengan larutan xanthan gum konsentrasi 400 ppm. Penurunan koefisien gesek mengindikasikan keefektifan fluida uji sebagai drag reduction agent yang dapat dilihat dari koefisien gesek terhadap garis grafik Blasius. ......The drag reduction of xanthan gum in aqueous solutions of was studied as a function of concentration with threacrylic pipes apparatus. Experiments were carried out by measuring the pressure drop. The purpose of this research is to investigate the reduction of pressure drop in a acrylic pipe with the addition fiber in aqueous solution. Circular pipe with diameter of 12 mm are used in this study. Concentration of pandan fibers solutions are 150 ppm, 300 ppm and 400 ppm. Experimental was conducted from low to high Reynolds number up to 38767,28. We observed a maximum drag reduction ratio of 75,68 % at Reynolds number about 16415,99 with xanthan gum solutions concentration of 400 ppm. The pressure drop measurements indicate the effectiveness of xanthan gum as drag reduction agent which can be seen of drag coefficient curve compare to Blasius curve.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Ika Mayasari Atmaputri
Abstrak :
Pare (Momordica charantia Linn.) merupakan tanaman obat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit, salah satunya diabetes melitus. Komponen bioaktif dari pare yang mempunyai efek hipoglikemik yaitu karantin (C32H53O6), yang merupakan campuran dari dua komponen steroidal saponin, dan diketahui agak sukar larut dalam air. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efek antidiabetes fraksi diklormetana buah pare pada tikus diabetes yang diinduksi dengan streptozotosin serta pembuatan mikrosfer fraksi diklormetana buah pare menggunakan metode semprot kering. Fraksi tersebut diperoleh dengan cara partisi ekstrak etanol menggunakan diklormetana dan air secara berturut-turut. Fraksi yang diperoleh kemudian dikarakterisasi dan diuji aktivitas antidiabetesnya. Mikrosfer fraksi diklormetana buah pare dibuat dengan metode semprot kering menggunakan xanthan gum dan gum arab sebagai polimer penyalut. Mikrosfer yang diperoleh kemudian dievaluasi meliputi bentuk dan morfologi, efisiensi penjerapan, distribusi ukuran partikel, dan profil disolusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian fraksi diklormetana buah pare dengan dosis 20, 40, dan 60 mg/kgBB secara per oral selama 3 minggu dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah puasa tikus diabetes. Fraksi dengan dosis 40 mg/kgBB merupakan fraksi yang paling efektif karena dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah puasa tikus sebesar 58,46-88,90%, dengan nilai Area Above Curve 1324,38 mg.hari/dl. Mikrosfer yang dihasilkan berupa serbuk halus berwarna kekuningan, berbentuk bulat dengan permukaan tidak rata. Efisiensi penjerapan diperoleh sebesar 35-46% dan memiliki diameter 26,7-36,6 µm. Jumlah fraksi diklormetana yang terlepas dari mikrosfer dalam medium air selama 6 jam sebesar 98,46-100,37%. Formula mikrosfer F3 dengan perbandingan zat aktif : polimer (1:3), terpilih sebagai formula mikrosfer terbaik.
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia Linn.) is a medicinal plant which can be used to treat various diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. Its bioactive compound, which is having hypoglycemic activity is charantin (C32H53O6), a mixture of two streroidal saponin compounds and slightly soluble in water. This study was aimed to investigate the antidiabetic effect of dichloromethane fraction from bitter melon fruits on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, prepare the microspheres of dichloromethane fraction from bitter melon fruits using spray drying method and evaluate the obtained microspheres. The dichloromethane fraction was obtained by partition of the ethanolic extract using dichloromethane and water, respectively. The fraction was then characterized and evaluated for antidiabetic activity. The dichlormethane fraction was microencapsulated by spray drying method using xanthan gum and acacia gum as a coating polymer. The microspheres were then evaluated for their shape and morphology, entrapment efficiency, particle size distribution, and dissolution profile. The results showed that administration of dichlormethane fraction of bitter melon fruit at oral doses of 20, 40, and 60 mg/kg body weight for 3 weeks could reduce fasting blood glucose levels of diabetic rats. The fraction at a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight was the most effective one that showed 58.46-88.90% reduction of fasting blood glucose levels with Area Above Curve value of 1324.38 mg.day/dl. The obtained microspheres were yellowish powder and have spherical shape with irregular surface morphology. The entrapment efficiency was in the range of 35-46% and diameter of 26.7-36.6 µm. Percentage of dichloromethane fraction released from microspheres in water medium for 6 hours was 98.46-100.37%. Formula F3 of which ratio of fraction : polymer (1:3) was selected as the best microspheres formula.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Laura Rachmawati
Abstrak :
Insulin oral adalah alternatif pemberian insulin yang ideal karena nyaman bagi pasien. Kendala pada pemberian insulin oral adalah bioavailabilitas yang rendah. Bioavailabilitas insulin oral dapat ditingkatkan dengan penggunan nanopartikel berbasis polimer alami. Nanopartikel ini dapat diperoleh dari polimer sambungsilang gom xantan dan gom akasia dengan natrium trimetafosfat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan sediaan insulin oral dari nanopartikel gom xantan dan gom akasia tersambungsilang. Pada penelitian ini nanopartikel insulin diperoleh dengan mencampur koloid gom xantan dan gom akasia dengan perbandingan 1:1 yang kemudian direaksikan dengan natrium trimetafosfat dalam suasana basa. Larutan insulin dalam HCl dimasukkan ke dalam koloid polimer dan dikeringkan dengan metode kering beku, sehingga diperoleh serbuk nanopartikel insulin. Serbuk nanopartikel insulin dikarakterisasi meliputi derajat substitusi DS , diameter partikel, efisiensi penjerapan, daya mengembang, uji pelepasan obat di in vitro, uji stabilitas dan uji in vivo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nanopartikel insulin yang terbentuk memiliki DS: 0,08 ndash; 0,10 dengan kadar obat 26,11 - 48,73 . Selain itu, nanopartikel insulin yang diperoleh memiliki nilai Dv90: 547 nm ndash; 746 nm, dan daya mengembang sebesar 2,9 kali dan 3,4 kali di dalam HCl pH 1,2 dan dapar fosfat pH 6,8. Hasil uji disolusi menunjukkan bahwa dalam 3 jam telah dilepaskan insulin sebanyak 78,42 - 85,67 . Hasil uji stabilitas pada suhu 4 oC menunjukkan bahwa kadar insulin dalam nanopartikel adalah 68,82 - 80,19 pada minggu ke-12. Hasil uji invivo menunjukkan bahwa pemberian nanopartikel insulin dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah sebesar 29,72 pada menit ke-120 dan memiliki bioavailabilitas sebesar 83,33 . Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa nanopartikel gom xantan dan gom akasia tersambungsilang berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai sistem penghantaran insulin oral.
Oral insulin is an ideal alternative of insulin delivery method because it is convenient for the patient. One obstacle to the oral administration of insulin is its low bioavailability. Oral insulin bioavailability can be enhanced by the use of natural polymer based nanoparticles. Nanoparticle drug delivery system could be prepared by a cross linked polymer, which was composed of xanthan gum and acacia gum, and a cross linking agent of sodium trimetaphosphate. The aim of the present study was to produce insulin nanoparticles using the cross linked polymer of xanthan gum and acacia gum for oral delivery. In this study, insulin nanoparticles were prepared by mixing xanthan gum and acacia gum colloid with the ratio 1 1 and using sodium trimetaphosphate as a cross linking agent in bases condition. Afterwards, insulin solution in HCl was added into the colloid, and then dried to produce the insulin nanoparticles. Insulin nanoparticles powder was characterized in terms of degree of substitution DS , entrapment efficiency, particle size, swelling ability, in vitro release study, stability and in vivo study. The results showed that the substitution degree of the croslinked polymer of insulin nanoparticles was 0.08 ndash 0.10 and the entapment efficiency was 26.11 48.73 . Moreover, Dv90 of insulin nanoparticles was 547 nm 726 nm and the swelling ability was 2.9 and 3.4 fold in HCl solution pH 1.2 and phosphate buffer pH 6.8, respectively. According to the release study, the insulin nanoparticles provided the insulin release of 78.42 85.67 within 3 hours. Furthermor, the stability study at 4 oC showed that the remaining insulin was 68.82 80.19 during 12 weeks. Insulin nanoparticles could reduced glucose blood level on diabetic rat model up to 29.72 at minute 120 after treatment and had bioavailability of 83.33 . In conclusion this work demonstrate that the insulin nanoparticles composed of the cross linked polymer of xanthan gum acacia gum might be a potential oral insulin delivery.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Laopra Nindyakirana
Abstrak :
Penghantaran insulin melalui paru merupakan rute alternatif penghantaran secara sistemik untuk mengatasi masalah injeksi insulin dan degradasi enzimatik pada bentuk sediaan oral. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan mikropartikel insulin menggunakan kompleks poliion kitosan dan xanthan gum yang kemudian ditambahkan dengan manitol untuk menjaga stabilitas insulin selama proses. Mikropartikel insulin dibuat dengan metode gelasi ionik antara kitosan dan xanthan gum yang kemudian dikeringkan dengan freeze dryer dengan penambahan larutan manitol. Mikropartikel insulin dikarakterisasi meliputi rendemen, ukuran dan morfologi partikel, spektrum inframerah (IR), efisiensi penjerapan, indeks polidispersitas, potensial zeta, dan stabilitas selama 12 minggu. Selain itu, uji pelepasan obat secara in vitro dilakukan dalam buffer.
Delivery of insulin through the lungs is an alternative route of delivery systemically to overcome the problem of insulin injection and enzymatic degradation in oral dosage forms. The purpose of this study was to obtain insulin microparticles using the chitosan polyion complex and xanthan gum which were then added to mannitol to maintain insulin stability during the process. Insulin microparticles are made by the method of ionic gelation between chitosan and xanthan gum later dried with a freeze dryer with the addition of mannitol solution. Insulin microparticles characterized include yield, particle size and morphology, infrared spectrum (IR), adsorption efficiency, polydispersity index, zeta potential, and stability for 12 weeks. In addition, the drug release test in vitro was carried out in a buffer.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adila Kestibawani
Abstrak :
Metode pengeringan beku digunakan untuk menyiapkan matriks kitosan-xanthan gum bermuatan ekstrak kunyit, kulit manggis, dan jahe untuk pemberian oral. Metode ini dapat meminimalisir kehilangan senyawa bioaktif selama persiapan dan dapat memberikan yield dan pemuatan yang tinggi. Kurkumin pada kunyit, α-mangostin pada kulit manggis, dan 6-gingerol pada jahe termasuk kedalam senyawa fenolik, maka dari itu memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang bermanfaat bagi Kesehatan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan formulasi suplemen dengan pelepasan lambat sampai ke daerah usus halus, dimana penyerapan senyawa bioaktif dapat terjadi secara maksimal. Teknik enkapsulasi digunakan untuk melindungi ekstrak senyawa bioaktif dilepaskan didaerah yang ditargetkan. Teknik enkapsulasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pembentukan kompleks polielektrolit. Kitosan dipilih sebagai drug carrier karena memiliki sifat biodegradabel, biokompatibel, non-toksik dan mukoadesif, namun mudah larut pada kondisi asam. Xanthan gum (XG) digunakan sebagai polimer aditif karena dapat melindungi kitosan dalam suasana asam. Seluruh formulasi memiliki yield diatas 90% dan pemuatan sekitar 12% (ekstrak kunyit), 1% (ekstrak jahe), dan 8% (ekstrak kulit manggis). Penambahan XG dapat membuat pelepasan senyawa bioaktif menjadi lebih lambat. Formulasi dengan 0,1XG merupakan yang paling baik untuk dijadikan suplemen antioksidan, karena dapat menahan pelepasan pada medium SGF dan paling banyak melepas senyawa bioaktif di SIF. ......Freeze drying method is used to prepare the chitosan-xanthan gum (XG) matrices containing turmeric, mangosteen peel, and ginger extracts for oral administration. This method can minimize loss of bioactive compounds (BC) during preparation and provide high yield and loading. Curcumin in turmeric, α-mangostin in mangosteen peel, and 6-gingerol in ginger are phenolic compounds that have antioxidant activity which is beneficial to human health. The purpose of this study is to obtain extended release supplement formulations for small intestine, where absorption of BC can occur optimally. Encapsulation techniques can protect the BC to be released in targeted area, encapsulation technique used in this study is the formation of polyelectrolyte complex. Chitosan chosen as a drug carrier, because its biodegradable, biocompatible, non-toxic and mucoadesive properties, but dissolved under acidic conditions. XG is used as an additive polymer because it can protect chitosan at acidic condition. All formulations have yields above 90% and loading around 12% (turmeric), 1% (ginger), and 8% (mangosteen peel). The addition of XG can extend the release of BC. Formulation with 0.1XG is the best to be used as an antioxidant supplement, because it sustained the release in SGF Medium and releases the most bioactive compounds in SIF.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Minyak atsiri pada jahe (Zingiber officinale) dan nilam (Pogostemon cablin) berturut-turut memiliki khasiat sebagai antioksidan dan astringent. Penggunaan minyak atsiri secara langsung pada kulit kurang praktis, oleh karena itu perlu dibuat sediaan yang sesuai, yaitu dalam bentuk krim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sediaan krim yang stabil yang mengandung campuran minyak jahe dan minyak nilam. Formulasi krim dibuat dengan Emulgade®F sebagai emulgator dengan variasi konsentrasi Emulgade®F yaitu, 5; 10; dan 15%. Uji stabilitas pada krim dilakukan dengan tiga metode yaitu, uji stabilitas mekanik (sentrifugasi); penyimpanan pada suhu rendah (4+2oC), suhu kamar (25+2oC), dan suhu tinggi (40+2oC) selama 12 minggu; dan cycling test. Parameter dalam menilai kestabilan dari krim adalah organoleptis, fase emulsi, pH, viskositas, dan distribusi ukuran globul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula yang mengandung Emulgade®F sebesar 10% b/b memiliki kestabilan krim paling baik dengan selisih pH pada minggu ke-0 dan minggu ke-12 0,15% pada suhu kamar, 3,81% pada suhu rendah, dan 2,74% pada suhu tinggi, juga distribusi ukuran globul dan viskositas yang stabil. Pada penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa formulasi krim yang stabil didapatkan pada konsentrasi Emulgade®F 10% b/b., Essential oil of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) respectedly, have efficacy as an anti oxidant and as an astringent. The use of essential oils directly on the skin less practical, therefore it needs to make in a friendly dosage forms, that is cream. The purpose of this research is to create a stable formulation of the creams that contain ginger oil and patchouli alcohol. Cream formulation made with Emulgade®F as an emulsifier, with variations concentrations of Emulgade®F ie, 5; 10; and 15%. Stability test of the cream made with the three methods, namely, mechanical stability test (centrifugation); storage at low temperature (4+2°C), room temperature (25+2°C) and high temperature (40+2°C) for 12 weeks; and a cycling test. Parameter in assessing the stability of the cream is organoleptic, separation phase ofemulsion, pH, viscosity, and the globule size distribution. The results showed that formula containing Emulgade®F of 10% w/w has the best stability with pH difference at week 0 and week 12 0.15% at room temperature, 3.81% at low temperatures, and 2.74% at high temperatures, as well globule size distribution and viscosity. In this study concluded that a stable cream formulations obtained at concentrations Emulgade®F 10% w/w.]
[, Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosalia Mita Ayu Ramadhan
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memformulasikan dan mengamati karakteristik dari hidrogel yang terbuat dari nanoemulsi ekstrak manggis. Sifat hidrofobik dari bioaktif yang terkandung dalam manggis, yaitu alfa-mangostin, membuatnya tidak cocok untuk diformulasikan langsung menjadi gel. Maka, bioaktif ini diformulasikan menjadi nanoemulsi terlebih dahulu. Kemudian, nanoemulsi O/W yang stabil digabungkan dengan gel base; atau disebut juga dengan hidrogel, yang diperoleh dengan melarutkan xanthan gum ke dalam air, membentuk nanoemulgel. Nanoemulgel diketahui memiliki sifat yang lebih baik dalam aplikasi kulit, penetrasi, dan stabilitas; dan dikonfirmasi melalui penelitian ini. Formulasi nanoemulgel yang mengandung xanthan gum, nanoemulsion, dan phenoxyethanol didapati memiliki warna putih susu, homogen, dan stabil pada kondisi akselerasi; 5 jam sentrifugasi pada 3750 rpm dan siklus suhu pada -10?C dan 25?C, yang setara dengan stabilitas selama satu tahun. Nanoemulgel terbukti memiliki sifat penetrasi ke dalam kulit yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan nanoemulsi. Dari 3 formulasi, formulasi 1 dengan jumlah xanthan gum yang paling sedikit 1.0 w/w memiliki kemampuan penetrasi yang lebih baik. Aktivitas antibakteri dan antioksidan dari formulasi juga di evaluasi.
The objective of this study is to formulate and characterize hydrogel of mangosteen extract nanoemulsion. The hydrophobic nature of the bioactive, namely alpha mangostin, make it unable to be directly formulated into a gel. Thus, it was first formulated into nanoemulsion. This stable O W nanoemulsion was then incorporated with the gel base, which was obtained by dissolving xanthan gum into water, to form a nanoemulgel. Nanomulgel claims to provide better skin application property, penetration, and stability, and was confirmed through this study. The gel formulations containing xanthan gum, nanoemulsion, and phenoxyethanol were white, homogeneous and stable under accelerated conditions 5 hours of centrifugation at 3750 rpm and temperature cycling at 10 C and 25 C, which equals to 1 year stability. Better skin penetration was attained from nanoemulgel formulations compared to nanoemulsion. Out of the three, formulation 1 with the least amount of xanthan gum 1.0 w w , has better penetration ability. Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of the formulation was also evaluated.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Risma Wati
Abstrak :
Tablet lepas lambat merupakan tablet yang didesain untuk melepaskan zat aktif secara perlahan-lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan mengkarakterisasi eksipien sambungsilang dari koproses xanthan gum-gum akasia CL-Ko-XGGA sebagai matriks sediaan tablet lepas lambat dengan gliklazid sebagai model obat. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA merupakan hasil sambungsilang dari eksipien koproses xanthan gum-gum akasia Ko-XGGA menggunakan natrium trimetafosfat dengan perbandingan masing-masing eksipien, yaitu 1:2, 1:1, dan 2:1. Eksipien Ko-XGGA dan CL-Ko-XGGA dikarakterisasi secara fisika, kimia, dan fungsional. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 memiliki derajat substitisi DS berturut-turut 0,067; 0,082; 0,088, serta kekuatan gel sebesar 14,03; 17,27; 20,70 gF. Eksipien tersebut memiliki sifat alir dan kemampuan mengembang yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan eksipien Ko-XGGA. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA diformulasikan dalam tablet lepas lambat sebagai matriks dengan metode granulasi basah dan seluruh formula memenuhi persyaratan evaluasi tablet. Pelepasan gliklazid dari tablet F1-F6 dalam medium dapar fosfat pH 7,4 natrium lauril sulfat 0,2 selama 12 jam menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat diperlambat dan dapat digunakan selama 8 hingga 32 jam. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam sediaan tablet lepas lambat eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 2:1 memiliki kemampuan menahan pelepasan obat lebih baik dari eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 1:2 dan 1:1.
Sustained release tablet is solid dosage form which is designed to release drugs slowly. This research was intended to prepare and characterize the cross linked excipient of coprocessed xanthan gum acacia gum CL Co XGGA as a matrix of sustained release tablet with gliclazide as the drug model. CL Ko XGGA excipient was cross linked results of coprocessed excipient of xanthan gum acacia gum Co XGGA using sodium trimetaphosphate, in the ratio of each excipient 1 2, 1 1, and 2 1. Co XGGA and CL Co XGGA excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionally. The degree of substitution DS of CL Co XGGA 1 2, 1 1, 2 1 excipients were respectively 0.067 0.082 0.088, and gel strength were respectively 14.03 17.27 20.70 gF. Those excipients had improved flow properties and swelling capability compared with the Co XGGA excipients. CL Co XGGA excipients were formulated in sustained release tablet as matrix by wet granulation method and all formulas passed tablet evaluation tests. The release of gliclazide from tablets F1 F6 in phosphate buffer medium pH 7.4 sodium lauryl sulphate 0.2 for 12 hours showed sustained release profile and can be used up to 8 until 32 hours. In conclusion, CL Co XGGA 2 1 excipient have better ability to retain drug release than CL Co XGGA 1 2 and 1 1 excipients in the sustained release tablets.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Unsyura Dhipa Budaya
Abstrak :
Tablet mengapung lepas lambat membutuhkan eksipien yang berfungsi sebagai matriks yang mampu mengendalikan lepasnya obat dan menfasilitasi pengapungan tablet di lambung. Salah satu eksipien yang berpotensi untuk hal tersebut adalah eksipien koproses xanthan gum ? gum akasia yang merupakan hasil modifikasi fisik dari 2 jenis polimer alam, yaitu xanthan gum dan gum akasia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh eksipien koproses xanthan gum ? gum akasia yang kemudian digunakan sebagai matriks pada formulasi tablet mengapung. Pada penelitian ini dibuat eksipien koproses xanthan gum ? gum akasia dengan perbandingan 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 dan 3:1 dan eksipien yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi sifat fisik, kimia, dan fungsionalnya.Eksipien-eksipien koproses yang dihasilkan tersebut kemudian diformulasikan menjadi sediaan tablet mengapung dengan menggunakan famotidin sebagai model obat. Tablet mengapung yang dihasilkan dievaluasi, antara lain uji kemampuan mengapung serta pelepasan obat dalam medium HCl pH 1,2 selama 8 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksipien koproses yang diperoleh berupa serbuk halus tidak berbau dan berwarna putih keabu-abuan. Selain itu eksipien koproses tersebut memiliki kemampuan mengembang yang baik, viskositas yang cukup besar dan kekuatan gel yang baik yang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai matriks tablet mengapung. Tablet mengapung F2 yang dibuat dengan menggunakan eksipien koproses Ko-XG-GA 1:2 menunjukkan karakteristik yang terbaik dengan floating lag time 8,33± 0,58 menit dan kemampuan mengapung hingga 24 jam. Profil pelepasan famotidin dari tablet mengapung yang diformulasikan dengan eksipien koproses Ko-XG-GA (F1 ? F5) menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat terkendali dengan model kinetika pelepasan orde nol dan dapat digunakan untuk pemakaian selama 32 jam. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa eksipien koproses Ko-XG-GA yang dihasilkan dapat diaplikasikan sebagai matriks sediaan tablet mengapung lepas terkendali.
Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum ? gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA 1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA (F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as matrices in controlled release floating tablets.;Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum – gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA 1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA (F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as matrices in controlled release floating tablets.;Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum – gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA 1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA (F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as matrices in controlled release floating tablets., Controlled release floating tablets required excipient which act as a matrix that can control the release of active drugs and facilitate the tablet floating in the gastric. One of the potential excipients is a co-processed excipient of xanthan gum – gum acacia, which is a physical modification of 2 natural polymers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to produce co-processed excipients of xanthan gumgum acacia, which were used as matrices in the floating tablet formulations. In this study, several co-processed excipients were prepared from xanthan gum and gum acacia in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 2:1, 1:3 and 3:1. The obtained excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionality. The co-processed excipients were then formulated as the floating tablets using famotidine as a drug model. The obtained floating tablets were evaluated in terms of the tablet floating capabilities and the drug release in HCl medium pH 1.2 for 8 hours. The results showed the co-processed excipients were fine powder, odorless and greyish white colour. The resulted excipients had good swelling index, fairly large viscosity and good gel strength; hence it was suitable applied as matrices of floating tablets. The floating tablets of F2 which was containing the co-processed excipient of Co-XGGA 1:2 had shown the best characteristics with 8.33 ± 0.58 minutes of floating lag time and 24 hours of total floating time. The release study revealed that the famotidine floating tablets which were using co-processed excipients of Co-XGGA (F1 - F5) as matrices could control drug release with zero order release kinetic and could be used for controlled release dosage forms for 32 hours. It can be concluded that the co-processed excipients of Co-XG-GA could be applied as matrices in controlled release floating tablets.]
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusiana Ariani
Abstrak :
Tablet lepas lambat merupakan tablet yang di desain untuk melepaskan obat secara perlahan – lahan di dalam saluran cerna, dengan menggunakan matriks sebagai salah satu komponen utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh eksipien koproses xanthan gum – amilosa tersambungsilang (Ko-CLA6-XG dan Ko-CLA12-XG); (CL6-Ko-A-XG dan CL12-Ko-A-XG) sebagai matriks tablet lepas lambat natrium diklofenak. Eksipien Ko-CLA6-XG dan Ko-CLA12-XG merupakan hasil koproses xanthan gum dengan CLA6 dan xanthan gum dengan CLA12. Eksipien CL6-Ko-A-XG dan CL12-Ko-A-XG dihasilkan dengan cara sambungsilang dari hasil koproses xanthan gum dan amilosa menggunakan natrium trimetafosfat dengan perbandingan masing – masing eksipien yaitu 1:1, 1:2 dan 2:1. Ko-CLA6-XG, Ko-CLA12-XG, CL6-Ko-A-XG dan CL12-Ko-A-XG yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi sifat fisik, kimia dan fungsional. Ko-CLA6-XG dan Ko-CLA12-XG mempunyai derajat substitusi 0,070 dan 0,110. Eksipien CL6- Ko-A-XG 1:1, 1:2 dan 2:1 berturut – turut 0,077; 0,081 dan 0,083 serta CL12-Ko- A-XG 1:1, 1:2 dan 2:1 berturut – turut 0,113; 0,119 dan 0,122. Eksipien tersebut mempunyai kemampuan mengembang yang baik, viskositas yang cukup besar dan kekuatan gel yang baik. Tablet dengan matriks Ko-CLA6-XG, Ko-CLA12-XG, CL6-Ko-A-XG dan CL12-Ko-A-XG diformulasikan dengan metode cetak langsung dan seluruhnya memenuhi persyaratan evaluasi tablet. Profil pelepasan natrium diklofenak dari tablet yang mengandung matriks Ko-CLA6-XG (F1 – F3), Ko-CLA12-XG (F4 – F6), CL6-Ko-A-XG (F7 – F9) dan CL12-Ko-A-XG (F10 – F12) dalam medium dapar fosfat selama 8 jam, menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat diperlambat dengan kinetika pelepasan orde nol (F1 – F6, F9, F11) dan Korsmeyer-Peppas (F7, F8, F10, F12). Oleh karena itu, F1 – F6 dapat digunakan untuk sediaan lepas lambat selama 16 jam sedangkan F7 – F12 dapat digunakan untuk sediaan lepas lambat selama 32 jam.
Sustained release tablet was solid dosage form which was designed to release drugs slowly in gastrointestinal tract. This present research was intended to produce coprocessed excipient of xanthan gum-crosslinked amylose (Co-CLA6- XG and Co-CLA12-XG); (CL6-Co-A-XG and CL12-Co-A-XG) as matrix for sustained release tablet of sodium diclofenac. Co-CLA6-XG and Co-CLA12-XG were produced by coprocessing xanthan gum with CLA6 and xanthan gum with CLA12. CL6-Co-A-XG and CL12-Co-A-XG were produced from the coprocessed xanthan gum and amylose then were crosslinked with sodium trimethaphosphate. All excipient had a ratio 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1. The obtained Co- CLA6-XG, Co-CLA12-XG, CL6-Co-A-XG and CL12-Co-A-XG were characterized physically, chemically and functionally. The degree of substitution (DS) of Co-CLA6-XG and Co-CLA12-XG were 0,070 and 0,110. Then the DS of CL6-Co-A-XG 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 were respectively 0,077; 0,081 and 0,083. The DS of CL12-Co-A-XG 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 were respectively 0,113; 0,119 and 0,122. All excipients had good swelling index, high viscosity and good gel strenght. Tablets with Co-CLA6-XG, Co-CLA12-XG, CL6-Co-A-XG and CL12-Co-A-XG matrix were formulated by direct compression method and passed tablet evaluation tests. The release profile of sodium diclofenac which contained matrix from Co-CLA6- XG (F1 – F3), Co-CLA12-XG (F4 – F6), CL6-Co-A-XG (F7 – F9) and CL12-Co- A-XG (F10 – F12) in phospate buffer medium for 8 hours, showed that the sustained release profile followed zero order kinetics (F1 – F6, F9, F11) and Korsmeyer-Peppas (F7, F8, F10, F12). Thus, F1 – F6 tablet formulations could be applied as sustained release tablet formulas and could retard drug release up to 16 hours. Then F7 – F12 could be applied as sustained release tablet formula and could retard drug release up to 32 hours.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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