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Ditemukan 41 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dadang Gunawan
"Visual communications services are now making a significant impact on modern society. Videoconferencing, HDTV and Multimedia are just examples where this technology is being used to good effect. Communicating using video signals does, however, require a large volume of data to be transmitted, and even with modern high-bandwidth communication links this can be expensive. This requires the implementation of efficient image or video coding and compression schemes. This paper presents image compression schemes using wavelet transform. This paper also highlights the importance of the four most desirable characteristics for use in digital signal processing, namely orthonormality, compactness, regularity or smoothness and symmetry or anti-symmetry. Some of these characteristics are mutually exclusive and require design compromise. From the simulation results it can be seen that for equal total length of the analysis (decomposition) and synthesis (reconstruction) filters, biorthonormal wavelets performs much better than the ortlionormal wavelet (i.e. asymmetrical wavelets). This performance is not only in terms of a higher WPSNR but also in terms of the quality of reconstructed image."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Noise presence in real world data signal is inevitable. Under ideal conditions, this noise may decrease to such negligible levels so data obtained might be consideret not corrupted by noise...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syayid Anwar Sukarno
"Formasi Keutapang yang berada pada Cekungan Sumatera Utara merupakan salah satu cekungan back-arc di Indonesia yang sudah memproduksi minyak dan gas. Dalam penelitian ini, formasi Keutapang didominasi oleh litologi perselingan batupasir dan batuserpih. Metode Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) dan metode atribut RMS Amplitude digunakan untuk pemetaan reservoir batupasir karena dapat memetakan lapisan tipis dan efektif terhadap perubahan kontras amplitude.
Hasil dari penerapan (CWT) pada frekuensi 30 Hz dapat memetakan dengan baik kemenerusan lapisan batupasir pada Formasi Keutapang. Untuk hasil analisa atribut RMS Amplitude dengan jendela 20 ms dapat memetakan sebaran batupasir dengan baik. Respon RMS Amplitude tinggi merupakan batupasir sedangkan untuk batuserpih ditunjukkan dengan daerah RMS Amplitude rendah. Interpretasi distribusi reservoar batupasir dari (CWT) dan atribut RMS Amplitude dihasilkan sebagai pengendapan channel.

Keutapang Formation located in North Sumatera basin is one of the back arc basin in Indonesia which has produced oil and gas. In this research, Keutapang formation dominated by sandstone and shale lithology. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and RMS Amplitude attribute method used for sandstone reservoir mapping because it can map out a thin layer and effective to amplitude contrast changing.
The result of (CWT) apllication in 30 Hz frequency could map well on the sandstone layer continuity in Keutapang Formation. For RMS amplitude attribute analysis result with 20 ms window can map out the distribution of sandstone well. High amplitude RMS response is sandstone while shale showed by Low Amplitude RMS area. The interpretation of sandstone reservoir distribution of and RMS Amplitude attribute generated as the channel sedimentation.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haidar Firdaus Avicienna
"Keberadaan noise pada data magnetotellurik dapat membiaskan hasil interpretasi. Noise ini dapat eliminasi dibutuhkan remote station yang jauh dar lokasi pengukuran dan bebas dari interferensi. Remote station diasumsikan bahwa terbebas dari noise, sehingga data dari remote station dapat digunakan untuk mereduksi noise pada stasiun pengukuran. Akan tetapi penambahan remote station ini akan meningkatkan biaya operasional eksplorasi dan juga akan membutuhkan banyak waktu serta sulit untuk mencari lokasi yang terbebas dari noise, terutama pada eksporasi geothermal dikarenakan area di Indonesia yang biasanya memiliki medan dan akses sulit dilalui. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan teknologi yang dapat mengreduksi noise pada data magnetotellurik dan meningkatkan kualitas data sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya dan waktu dalam eksplorasi. Melalui metode continuous wavelet transform, data magnetotellurik yang terkontaminasi noise dapat direduksi tanpa ada bantuan remote station dan akan menyebabkan eksplorasi geothermal menjadi lebih efisien. Metode continuous wavelet transform mengolah data magnetotelurik berupa time series domain yang masih belum difilter dan mengubah data time series domain tersebut ke dalam time-frequency domain. Pengubahan menjadi time-frequency menggunakan metode continuous wqavelet transform untuk dianalisis keberadaan noisenya pada frekuensi dan waktu kemunculan noise yang kemudian dihilangkan. Data yang telah dihilangkan akan dapat diolah menjadi apparent resistivity dan fase vs frekuensi. Hasil filter yang telah dilakukan dibandingkan dengan pengolahan software komersil. Dimana filter berhasil menghilangkan keberadaan noise transient yang muncul dengan kisaran frekuensi 30-400 Hz dan kemunculan selama 0.2-0.4 detik. Sehingga filter ini dapt menjadi alternatif lain dalam penghilangan noise pada data magnetotelurik.

The presence of noise in magnetotelluric data can produce a bias in its interpretation. To eliminate this noise, a remote station that is far from interference is needed. Assuming that the remote station is almost free from noise, the data from remote station can be used to reduce the noise from measurement station. However, adding an additional station means there will be an increase in exploration cost. Also, adding a remote station itself can be challenging and time-wasting since finding an area that is free from interference is quite hard to do, especially for geothermal exploration area in Indonesia that usually have difficult terrain and access. To answer this, we need a technology that can reduce noise from magnetotelluric data and improve the data quality while keeping the cost and time of exploration as low as possible. By using continuous wavelet transform method, the noise from magnetotelluric data can be reduced without the need to use a remote station which makes exploration becomes more efficient. The continuous wavelet transform method processes magnetotelluric data from unfiltered time series domain and changes the domains time series data into a time-frequency domain. Changing processes to a time-frequency uses the continuous wavelet transform method to analyze the existence of the frequency and time of occurrence of noise which is then removed. Data that has been removed will be processed into apparent resistivity and phase vs frequency. The filter results have been done compared to commercial software processing. Where the filter successfully eliminates the presence of transient noise that appears with a frequency range of 30-400 Hz and emergence for 0.2-0.4 seconds. So this filter can be another alternative in noise removal in magnetotelluric data."
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhanystika Dica Dwiyanti
"Lapangan Talavera seluas 230km2 adalah lapangan migas yang berada di Cekungan Sumatera Utara yang merupakan salah satu cekungan mature di Indonesia. Lapangan ini diduga memiliki fitur stratigrafi berupa chanel dan delta dengan perlapisan batu pasir yang tipis sehingga tidak dapat terdeteksi dalam peta seismik konvensional.
Dalam penelitian ini dipilih atribut seismik dekomposisi spektral berbasis Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) yang dapat mengekstrak informasi frekuensi dari peta seismik fungsi waktu menjadi peta fungsi waktu-frekuensi. Hasilnya diharapkan akan dapat digunakan untuk mendelineasi fitur stratigrafi dan mengetahui penyebaran lapisan batu pasir (batuan reservoar). Sementara atribut RMS amplitude digunakan untuk melihat distribusi kandidat reservoar sekaligus menjadi data pembanding dan pendukung informasi yang didapat dari atribut dekomposisi spektral. Pada akhirnya, hasil penellitian ini akan sangat berguna bagi perhitungan cadangan rinci, yang akan sangat tergantung pada geometri dan kualitas reservoar. Selain itu, juga akan berguna bagi perencanaan produksi pada fase eksploitasi.
Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan tiga fasies reservoar dan hubungan korelasi yang kuat antara metode dekomposisi spektral dengan ekstraksi atribut RMS amplitude. Dengan atribut RMS amplitude dapat dilihat distribusi reservoar berdasarkan tingginya nilai amplitudo. Sementara untuk delineasi batu pasir secara lebih rinci diperoleh dari hasil analisa dekomposisi spektral.

Talavera is a 230km2 area of the oil and gas field located in the North Sumatra Basin, which is one mature basins in Indonesia. This field has allegedly stratigraphic features such as channels and delta sandstone with thin bedding that can not be detected in conventional seismic map.
In this study, seismic attribute spectral decomposition based on Continuous Wavelet Transform ( CWT ) is selected to extract the frequency information from the seismic map time domain becomes a seismic map time - frequency domain. The results are expected to be used to delineate the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of feature layers of sandstone (reservoir rock) . While the RMS amplitude attribute is used to look at the distribution of the reservoir as well as a candidate benchmark data and supporting information obtained from spectral decomposition attributes. In the end, this study results will be useful for a detailed calculation of reserves, which will depend on the geometry and quality of the reservoir. In addition, it will also be useful for the planning of production in the exploitation phase.
From the results of this study, the three reservoir facies and a strong correlation between the spectral decomposition method with RMS amplitude attribute extraction are detected. With RMS amplitude attribute can be seen by the high value of reservoir distribution amplitude . As for the delineation of sandstone in more detail the results obtained from the spectral decomposition analysis.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prajanto Wahyu Adi
"This paper proposed a hybrid watermarking method that used dither quantization of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on average coefficients of Integer Haar Wavelet Transform (IHWT). The wa-termark image embeds through dither quantization process on singular coefficients value. This sche-me aims to obtain the higher robustness level than previous method which performs dither quanti-zation of SVD directly on image pixels value. The experiment results show that the proposed method has proper watermarked images quality above 38dB. The proposed method has better performance than the previous method in term of robustness against several image processing attacks. In JPEG compression with Quality Factor of 50 and 70, JPEG2000 compression with Compression Ratio of 5 and 3, average filtering, and Gaussian filtering, the previous method has average Normalized Correla-tion (NC) values of 0.8756, 0.9759, 0.9509, 0.9905, 0.8321, and 0.9297 respectively. While, the pro-posed method has better average NC values of 0.9730, 0.9884, 0.9844, 0.9963, 0.9020, and 0.9590 respectively.
Paper ini mengusulkan metode watermarking yang menggabungkan kuantisasi dither SVD pada nilai koefisien rata-rata IHWT. Citra watermark disisipkan melalui proses kuantisasi dither pada nilai koe-fisien singular. Skema ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh tingkat ketahanan yang lebih tinggi dari meto-de sebelumnya yang melakukan kuantisasi dither SVD secara langsung pada nilai piksel citra. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mempunyai kualitas citra ter-watermark yang layak diatas 38dB. Metode yang diusulkan mempunyai kinerja lebih baik dari metode sebelumnya da-lam hal ketahanan terhadap beberapa serangan citra. Dalam kompresi JPEG dengan Quality Factor 50 dan 70, kompresi JPEG2000 dengan Compression Ratio 5 dan 3, average filtering, dan gaussian filte-ring, metode sebelumnya menghasilkan nilai Normalized Correlation (NC) rata-rata berturut-turut se-besar 0.8756, 0.9759, 0.9509, 0.9905, 0.8321, dan 0.9297. Sementara, metode yang diusulkan meng-hasilkan nilai NC rata-rata yang lebih baik sebesar 0.9730, 0.9884, 0.9844, 0.9963, 0.9020, dan 0.9590 berturut-turut."
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Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Faculty of Computer Science, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauhan Handay Pugar
"Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penelitian algoritma enkripsi citra menggunakan compressive sensing dan sistem chaotic telah banyak dikembangkan. Dengan memanfaatkan properti yang kompleks dari ergodisitas, tidak mudah untuk diprediksi, dan sensitifitas terhadap keadaan awal dari suatu sistem chaotic, suatu sistem chaotic dapat digabungkan dengan compressive sensing. Banyak algoritma enkripsi yang menggunakan sistem chaotic pada dimensi rendah menanggung risiko keamanan dan ekspansi data enkripsi. Selain itu, algoritma enkripsi menggunakan compressive sensing menghasilkan citra dekripsi dengan kualitas citra yang berbeda dengan citra awal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi kelemahan ini dengan mengembangkan metode enkripsi citra menggunakan 2D Sine-Chebyshev-ICMIC Map, compressive sensing dan multi-level discrete wavelet transform. Representasi sparse dibentuk menggunakan multi-level discrete wavelet transform dengan mengelompokan koefisien wavelet. Fungsi hash SHA-256 dari citra awal digunakan untuk menghasilkan kondisi awal dari chaotic map sehingga dapat meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap serangan known-plaintext dan chosen-plaintext. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode enkripsi citra memiliki ketahanan dan keamanan dari beberapa serangan dengan hasil kompresi yang baik

In the past few years, the research in image encryption using compressive sensing and chaotic system has grown rapidly. With complex properties of ergodicity, unpredictability, and sensitivity to the initial states of chaotic system, chaotic system can be combined with compressive sensing. There are many encryption algorithm that used low-dimensional chaotic system that suffer security risks and expansion in encryption data. Furthermore, encryption algorithm using compressive sensing gives the differences between the plain image and the decrypted image. This study aims to overcome this weakness by developing image encryption method using 2D Sine-Chebyshev-ICMIC Map, compressive sensing and multi-level discrete wavelet transform by grouping the wavelet coefficient. SHA-256 hash function of the plain image is generated to calculate the initial states of chaotic system. Result from experiments shows that the enryption method has robustness and secure againts some attacks with good compression result"
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Lapangan Salemba dan Depok adalah lapangan gas yang berada di daerah Selat Madura. Pada dua sumur eksplorasi telah ditemukan akumulasi hidrokarbon gas pada Formasi Lidah yang berumur Plio-Pleistocene. Formasi Lidah didaerah studi ini diinterpretasikan sebagai sistem pengendapan channel. Permasalahan yang muncul dalam menganalisa data seismik untuk mengetahui geometri dari channel sendiri adalah adanya lapisan tipis yang tidak terdeteksi dan batas kontinuitas pelapisan yang kurang jelas. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan metode yang lebih baik untuk analisa data seismik agar masalah tersebut dapat diatasi.
Dalam tesis ini, analisa data seismik metode dekomposisi spektral dengan algoritma Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) digunakan karena hasilnya dapat memberikan gambaran yang lebih baik dalam penyebaran ketebalan dan diskontinuitas geologi. Selain itu juga digunakan metode inversi seismik untuk mengetahui penyebaran impedansi akustik yang merupakan sifat fisis batuan.
Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa metode dekomposisi spektral dan inversi seismik telah berhasil membantu dalam mendeliniasi geometri channel Formasi Lidah. Penampang dekomposisi spektral merepresentasikan ketebalan dan diskontuniuitas geologi dari reservoir batupasir Formasi Lidah. Distribusi frekuensi pada reservoir direpresentasikan pada nilai frekuensi 10, 20, dan 30 Hz. Pada inversi seismik, penampang impedansi akustik merepresentasikan litologi bawah permukaan. Distribusi impedansi akustik pada reservoir mempunyai nilai rata-rata 15000 - 19700 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)), sedangkan pada non-reservoir mempunyai nilai impedansi akustik lebih dari 19700 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)).

Salemba and Depok fields are a gas field which located in the Madura Strait. Two exploration wells have been discovered hydrocarbons accumulation of gas in the Lidah Formation aged Plio-Pleistocene. Lidah Formation in the study area was interpreted as channel depositional environment. The problem that then arises in analyzing seismic data to predict the channel geometry is undetected thin layer and unclear reservoir continuity. Therefore, the better method to analyze the seismic data is needed to solve the problem.
In this thesis, seismic data analysis spectral decomposition method with Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) is used because the results can provide a better map of the thickness distribution and geological discontinuities. This thesis is also used seismic inversion method to know the acoustic impedance distribution as the physical properties of rocks.
The result of this study shows that the spectral decomposition method and seismic inversion has helped to delineate the channel geometry of Lidah Formation. The section of spectral decomposition represents thickness and geological discontinuity in Lidah Formation. Frequency distribution in the reservoir has an average of 10, 20, and 30 Hz. In the seismic inversion, the section of acoustic impedance represents the subsurface lithology. Acoustic impedance distribution in the reservoir has an average of 15,000 - 19,700 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)), whereas in nonreservoir having an acoustic impedance more than 19,700 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)).
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amalia Azlin
"[Lapangan X merupakan lapangan mature yang berada di Cekungan Sumatera Tengah. Lapangan ini memiliki struktur antiklin produk dari reverse oblique-slip fault yang membentuk zona patahan di sisi Barat Lapangan X. Zona ini terbukti menghasilkan hidrokarbon ditunjukan oleh sumur produksi X-027, X-153 dan X 154. Sehingga zona patahan ini memiliki potensi untuk di eksplorasi lebih lanjut. Namun, kondisi seismik di zona ini chaotic sehingga sulit untuk menginterpretasikan zona patahan. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode geoelectric IVEL dan continuous wavelet transform (CWT) untuk mendapatkan informasi keberadaan hidrokarbon di
zona patahan Lapangan X. Geoelectric IVEL (Inversion Vertical Electrical Logging) menggunakan metode vertical sounding schlumberger yang diolah untuk menghasilkan penampang resistivitas medium. Hasil penampang resistivitas medium pada penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya kemiripan nilai resitivitas dengan nilai log resistivitas sumur untuk zona reservoar 350sd dan 550sd (10-20 ohmm). Nilai resistivitas ini terlihat juga di zona patahan yang dijadikan indikator hidrokarbon. Hasil dalam domain kedalaman membantu dalam interpretasi kedalaman reservoar di zona patahan. Analisis continuous wavelet transform (CWT) pada penelitian ini menunjukan amplitudo tinggi pada frekuensi rendah 5-20 Hz dan merupakan indikasi adanya hidrokarbon. Amplitudo tinggi pada frekuensi rendah telihat juga di zona patahan, pada posisi dimana IVEL menunjukan nilai resistivitas sebagai indikator.
Hidrocarbon X field is a mature field in Central Sumatera Basin. It has anticline structure as a result of reverse oblique-slip fault that produces fault zone in the North side of X Field. It is proved hydrocarbon with the production well X-027, X-153 and X-154. However, it is very difficult to interpret the fault zone with the available seismic data because of the chaotic seismic condition in fault zone. This study uses Ivel Geoelectric method and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) to get hydrocarbon indicator in fault zone. Geoelectric IVEL (Inversion Vertical Electrical Logging) using vertical sounding schlumberger is processed to get medium resistivity section. Medium resistivity section from geoelectrical IVEL at reservoir zone showes similar resistivity value with resistivity log (10-20ohm) for reservoar 350sd and 550sd. This value is showed in fault zone as hydrocarbon indicator. Medium resistivity geoelectrical IVEL is depth domain. It is helpful for interpretation of reservoir depth at fault zone, that is not able to be done by seismic. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) showes high amplitude at low frequency (5-20Hz) as hydrocarbon indicator. High amplitude at low frequency is showed in fault zone where IVEL showes the hydrocarbon indicator;X field is a mature field in Central Sumatera Basin. It has anticline structure as a
result of reverse oblique-slip fault that produces fault zone in the North side of X Field. It is proved hydrocarbon with the production well X-027, X-153 and X-154. However, it is very difficult to interpret the fault zone with the available seismic data because of the chaotic seismic condition in fault zone. This study uses Ivel Geoelectric method and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) to get hydrocarbon indicator in fault zone. Geoelectric IVEL (Inversion Vertical Electrical Logging) using vertical sounding schlumberger is processed to get medium resistivity section. Medium resistivity section from geoelectrical IVEL at reservoir zone showes similar resistivity value with resistivity log (10-20ohm) for reservoar 350sd and 550sd. This value is showed in fault zone as hydrocarbon indicator. Medium resistivity geoelectrical IVEL is depth domain. It is helpful for interpretation of reservoir depth at fault zone, that is not able to be done by seismic. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) showes high amplitude at low frequency (5-20Hz) as hydrocarbon indicator. High amplitude at low frequency is showed in fault zone where IVEL showes the hydrocarbon indicator;X field is a mature field in Central Sumatera Basin. It has anticline structure as a result of reverse oblique-slip fault that produces fault zone in the North side of X Field. It is proved hydrocarbon with the production well X-027, X-153 and X-154. However, it is very difficult to interpret the fault zone with the available seismic data because of the chaotic seismic condition in fault zone. This study uses Ivel Geoelectric method and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) to get hydrocarbon indicator in fault zone. Geoelectric IVEL (Inversion Vertical Electrical Logging) using vertical sounding schlumberger is processed to get medium resistivity section. Medium resistivity section from geoelectrical IVEL at reservoir zone showes similar resistivity value with resistivity log (10-20ohm) for reservoar 350sd and 550sd. This value is showed in fault zone as hydrocarbon indicator. Medium resistivity geoelectrical IVEL is depth domain. It is helpful for interpretation of reservoir depth at fault zone, that is not able to be done by seismic. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) showes high amplitude at low frequency (5-20Hz) as hydrocarbon indicator. High amplitude at low frequency is showed in fault zone where IVEL showes the hydrocarbon indicator.;X field is a mature field in Central Sumatera Basin. It has anticline structure as a
result of reverse oblique-slip fault that produces fault zone in the North side of X Field. It is proved hydrocarbon with the production well X-027, X-153 and X-154. However, it is very difficult to interpret the fault zone with the available seismic because of the chaotic seismic condition in fault zone. This study uses IVEL Geoelectric method and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) to get hydrocarbon indicator in fault zone. Geoelectric IVEL (Inversion Vertical Electrical Logging) using vertical sounding schlumberger is processed to get medium resistivity section. Medium resistivity section from geoelectrical IVEL at reservoir zone showes similar resistivity value with resistivity log (10-20ohm) for reservoar 350sd and 550sd. This value is showed in fault zone as hydrocarbon indicator. Medium resistivity geoelectrical IVEL is depth domain. It is helpful for interpretation of reservoir depth at fault zone, that is not able to be done by seismic. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) showes high amplitude at low frequency (5-20Hz) as hydrocarbon indicator. High amplitude at low frequency is showed in fault zone where IVEL showes the hydrocarbon indicator, X field is a mature field in Central Sumatera Basin. It has anticline structure as a
result of reverse oblique-slip fault that produces fault zone in the North side of X
Field. It is proved hydrocarbon with the production well X-027, X-153 and X-154.
However, it is very difficult to interpret the fault zone with the available seismic data
because of the chaotic seismic condition in fault zone. This study uses Ivel
Geoelectric method and Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) to get hydrocarbon
indicator in fault zone.
Geoelectric IVEL (Inversion Vertical Electrical Logging) using vertical sounding
schlumberger is processed to get medium resistivity section. Medium resistivity
section from geoelectrical IVEL at reservoir zone showes similar resistivity value
with resistivity log (10-20ohm) for reservoar 350sd and 550sd. This value is showed
in fault zone as hydrocarbon indicator. Medium resistivity geoelectrical IVEL is
depth domain. It is helpful for interpretation of reservoir depth at fault zone, that is
not able to be done by seismic. Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) showes high
amplitude at low frequency (5-20Hz) as hydrocarbon indicator. High amplitude at
low frequency is showed in fault zone where IVEL showes the hydrocarbon indicator]
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fidia Triani
Spektrum 1087.7-1092.3 MHz telah dialokasikan untuk global flight tracking pada
World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15). ADS-B adalah suatu sistem
broadcast pada pesawat terbang yang memberikan informasi mengenai posisi
pesawat (latitude dan longitude), altitude, velocity, aircraft ID, dan informasi
lainnya yang didapat dari sistem on-board. Metode implementasi ADS-B pada
pesawat adalah dengan mengirimkan pesan data yang diformat pada Mode S
transponder melalui frekuensi 1090 MHz. Terdapat kemungkinan untuk
memanfaatkan frekuensi 1090 MHz sebagai pembawa transmisi Voice Cockpit
Recording (VCR) dari pesawat ke satelit. Tesis ini membuat simulasi tentang
speech compresion untuk voice cockpit recording menggunakan Discrete Wavelet
Transform. Hasil kompresi di transmisikan ke satelit menggunakan frekuensi ADSB.
Kualitas suara yang diterimakan pada receiver diuji menggunakan Mean
Operation Score. Simulasi menghasilkan bahwa Daubechies12, Coiflet5, Symlet10
dan Biorthogonal2.6 mempunyai nilai Ratio Compression and PSNR yang terbaik.
Hasil MOS rata-rata menunjukkan bahwa file hasil transmisi memiliki derau dan
sedikit menggangu. Dari hasil simulasi BER dan pengujian MOS maka kompresi
dengan mother-wavelet Daubechies12 mempunyai hasil yang terbaik. Disimpulkan
bahwa kompresi dengan teknik Discrete Wavelet Transform dapat digunakan untuk
mengirim voice cockpit recording dengan frekuensi ADS-B ke satelit

Spectrum 1087.7-1092.3 MHz had been allocated to global flight tracking civil
aviation. Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) is an aircraft
technology to broadcast information such as latitude, longitude, altitude, velocity,
and also the aircraft identity to the satellite using mode S transponder with 1090
MHz center frequency. There?s an opportunity to utilize 1090 MHz as the
transmission carrier of Voice Cockpit Recording (VCR) from aircraft to satellite.
This paper investigates voice cockpit recording simulation using Discrete Wavelet
Transform based compression technique. The compressed voice was transmitted to
the satellite using ADS-B frequency. The received sound was also tested by Mean
Operation Score. The simulation found that Daubechies12, Coiflet5, Symlet10 and
Biorthogonal2.6 has the best result of Ratio Compression and PSNR. From the
BER simulation result and average MOS results have indicated that Daubechies12
has the best results. It concluded that speech compression with Discrete Wavelet
Transform can be used for sending the voice cockpit recording over ADS-B via
satellite reception."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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