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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yusuf Abdurachman
Abstrak :
Proyek infrastruktur Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera (JTTS) direncanakan membentang dari Bakauheni-Banda Aceh dengan perkiraan investasi sebesar Rp290 Triliun. Studi rekayasa nilai tambah dilakukan pada proyek JTTS dengan menambahkan enam fungsi, yaitu integrasi jalur sepeda motor, pengembangan rest area, integrasi dry port, integrasi kereta median tol, pengembangan area periwisata dan penambahan jaringan fiber optik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan finansial dari rekayasa fungsi tambah proyek JTTS. Analisis kelayakan dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan sistem dinamik terhadap tiga skenario tarif. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil Internal Rate of Return untuk ketiga skenario tarif, yaitu 8.28%, 12.71% dan 13.77%.
Infrastructure project of Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) are planned stretch from Bakauheni to Banda Aceh with an estimated investment of IDR 290 Trillion. Value Engineering studies have been done on the project JTTS by adding six additional functions, that are integration of the motor bike paths, rest area development, integration of the dry port, rail way integration on median toll, development of tourism areas, and integration of fiber optic networks . The study aims to determine the financial feasibility of the additional functions JTTS. The feasibility analysis is performed using a dynamic systems approach to the three tariff scenarios. The study got the results that Internal Rate of Return for the three tariff scenarios are 8.28%, 12.71% and 13.77%.;
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifa Eka Rozani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana dampak pembangunan jalan tol trans-Sumatera terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Lampung. Dengan menggunakan data dari 15 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Lampung dalam rentang waktu 2012 – 2021 serta metode analisis Difference in Difference (DiD), hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jalan tol trans-Sumatera berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Lampung. Lebih lanjut, dampak dari jalan tol tersebut lebih tinggi di kabupaten/kota yang dilalui oleh jalan tol dibanding di kabupaten/kota yang tidak dilalui oleh jalan tol. Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa saat jalan tol sudah beroperasi, dampaknya lebih tinggi dibanding saat jalan tol masih dalam tahap konstruksi. ......This study aims to analyze the impact of the construction of the trans-Sumatera toll road on economic growth in Lampung Province. Using data from 15 regencies in Lampung Province during 2012 – 2021 and the Difference in Difference (DiD) analysis method, the results of the study show that the trans-Sumatera toll road has a significant positive effect on the economic growth of regencies in Lampung Province. Furthermore, the impact of these toll roads is higher in regencies that are traversed by toll roads than regencies that are not traversed by toll roads. In addition, the results of the study also indicate that the impact of the toll road is higher when it is already operational, compared to when it is still in the construction phase.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Sunandar
Abstrak :
[Trans Sumatera dengan Pendekatan Value Engineering. Perencanaan proyek infrastruktur JTTS menghabiskan investasi sebesar Rp 340 Triliun. Investasi sebesar itu hanya membangun Jalan Tol konvensional yaitu kendaraan golongan 1 sampai 5, seharusnya besarnya investasi tersebut mendapat nilai tambah multi fungsi. Untuk mendapatkan nilai tambah, metode rekayasa nilai (value engineering) mengidentifikasi fungsi-fungsi, menciptakan gagasan kreatif dan inovatif. Pengembangan fungsi dasar dari JTTS sebagai fungsi transportasi golongan 1 sampai 5 diawali dengan pendekatan ranking PDRB dan jumlah penduduk, pengembangan wilayah Sumatera dengan location quotient, ditambah dengan fungsi pariwisata, telekomunikasi fiber optic, integrasi median tol dengan kereta api, integrasi jalur sepeda motor, integrasi dengan pelabuhan sungai, perkebunan karet, integrasi pipa migas serta service dan rest area. Dengan adanya penambahan fungsi tersebut dapat menambah manfaat proyek infrastruktur Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera. ......Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.;Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.;Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project., Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent Vincent
Abstrak :
Rencana pembangunan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera mengalami permasalahan dalam hal kesenjangan pendanaan. Skema land lease diajukan dalam penelitian sebagai model pendanaan alternatif. Penelitian difokuskan pada pengembangan kebijakan land lease pada proyek jalan tol. Penelitian terdiri dari tiga research question. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan in-depth interview yang dilakukan dua tahap. Metode analisis data yang digunakan untuk dalam penelitian ini adalah Social Network Analysis SNA dan Soft System Methodology SSM . Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa diperlukan pembentukan Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur tentang pendanaan land lease, dan didukung dengan transformasi fungsi dan kelembagaan Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara LMAN dalam fungsi mengelola pendanaan land lease.
The development of Trans Sumatera Toll Road is experiencing problems with the financial gap. The land lease scheme was proposed in the study as an alternative funding model. The study focused on land lease policy development on toll road projects. The study consisted of three research questions. The data was collected by in depth interview conducted in two stages. Data analysis methods used for this research are Social Network Analysis SNA and Soft System Methodology SSM . The result of the research concludes that it is necessary to establish a Government Regulation PP governing land lease funding, and supported by transformation of function and institutional of State Asset Management Institution LMAN in the function of managing land lease funding.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rifqy
Abstrak :
Pulau Sumatera merupakan lokomotif perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia pada wilayah barat, sehingga berkembangnya perekonomian di Pulau Sumatera menjadi salah satu syarat keberlanjutan perekonomian di Indonesia bagian barat dan perekonomian Indonesia pada umumnya. Oleh karena itu, bila pembangunan di Pulau Sumatera mengalami stagnasi, maka perkembangan daerah-daerah di sekitarnya pun akan terhambat. Guna_meningkatkan kelancaran pergerakan barang dan orang serta distribusi di Pulau Sumatera, pemerintah pusat mendorong pembangunan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera (“JTTS”). Dalam pelaksanaannya, pengusahaan JTTS ini ditugaskan kepada PT Hutama Karya (Persero) (“HK”) melalui Peraturan Presiden. Namun secara finansial JTTS belum layak, sehingga beroperasinya 5 (lima) ruas JTTS berdampak pada menurunnya kinerja HK dikarenakan besarnya beban bunga yang harus ditanggung perseroan. Salah satu solusi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dilakukan asset recycle atau pelepasan aset (divestasi) atas JTTS yang telah beroperasi. Valuasi dengan metode real option memperhatikan fleksibilitas arus kas atas volatility bisnis jalan tol dalam kurun waktu tertentu yang dinyatakan dalam binomial step nodes. Dengan batasan bahwa nilai divestasi minimal 1 (satu) kali dibandingkan dengan nilai yang telah diinvestasikan oleh perseroan (par value), option to wait dapat membantu manajemen dalam pengambilan keputusan divestasi ruas operasi secara bersamaan pada kurun waktu tertentu hingga mencapai minimal par value. ......The Sumatra island is a locomotive for the development of the Indonesian economy in the western region, so that economic development on the Sumatra island is one of the conditions for economic sustainability in western Indonesia and the Indonesian economy in general. Therefore, if development on the Sumatra stagnates, the development of the surrounding areas will also be hampered. In order to improve the smooth movement of goods and people as well as distribution on the Sumatra island, Indonesia government is initiate for the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road ("JTTS"). In practice, this JTTS concession was assigned to PT Hutama Karya (Persero) (“HK”) through a Presidential Regulation. However, financially JTTS is not yet feasible, so the operation of 5 (five) JTTS segments has an impact on the decline in HK's performance due to the large interest expense that must be borne by the company. One solution that can be done is to do asset recycling or divestment of JTTS assets that are already operating. Valuation using the real option method takes into account the flexibility of cash flows over the volatility of the toll road business within a certain period of time expressed in binomial step nodes. With the limitation that the divestment value is at least 1 (one) time compared to the value that has been invested by the company (par value), the option to wait can assist management in making decisions on divestment of operating segments simultaneously in a certain period of time until it reaches a minimum par value.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilman Wardhana
Abstrak :
Dalam rangka peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan upaya percepatan proyek infrastruktur, salah satu nya adalah Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera. Hal ini diharapkan mampu membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan konektivitas di pulau Sumatera. Pulau Sumatera merupakan wilayah yang memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang melimpah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan industri berbasis sektor unggulan di Kawasan Sumatera bagian Utara, yaitu Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam dan Provinsi Sumatera Utara, untuk meningkatkan potensi penggunaan Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera. Penetapan fokus industri dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis location quotient dengan mempertimbangkan indikator pengembangan wilayah berupa distribusi Produk Domestik Regional Bruto, sektor potensi dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia. Industri yang sudah ditetapkan kemudian diestimasi biaya awal yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan industri nya dengan pendekatan benchmarking dan survei harga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan industri berbasis sektor unggulan di Kawasan Sumatera bagian Utara diestimasikan memerlukan biaya awal sebesar Rp 15,998,182,018,281.70 untuk 4 jenis industri yaitu industri pengolahan padi, pengolahan kelapa terpadu, pengolahan makanan, dan pengolahan kelapa sawit. Rencana lokasi pabrik untuk industri pengolahan padi, pengolahan kelapa terpadu, dan pengolahan kelapa sawit menggunakan data produktivitas dari masing – masing komoditas sektor unggulan. Untuk rencana lokasi pabrik dari industri pengolahan makanan menggunakan data jumlah pasar yang ada. ......In order to increase economic growth, the Government of Indonesia is making efforts to accelerate infrastructure projects, one of which is the Trans Sumatera Toll Road. This is expected to help increase economic growth and connectivity on the island of Sumatera. Sumatera Island is an area that has abundant natural resource potential. This study aims to develop leading sector-based industries in the Northern Sumatera Region, namely the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatera Province, was carried out to increase the potential use of the Trans Sumatera Toll Road. Determination of industrial focus is carried out using location quotient analysis by considering regional development indicators in the form of Gross Regional Domestic Product distribution, sector potential and the Human Development Index. The industry that has been determined is then estimated the initial costs required for the development of the industry using a benchmarking approach and a price survey. The results show that the development of leading sector-based industries in the Northern Sumatera Region is estimated to require an initial cost of Rp. 15,998,182,018,281.70 for 4 types of industry, namely rice processing industry, integrated coconut processing, food processing, and palm oil processing. The factory location plan for the rice processing, integrated coconut processing, and palm oil processing industries uses productivity data from each of the leading sector commodities. For the plan of the location of the plant from the food processing industry using data on the number of existing markets.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasian Laurentius Tonggo
Abstrak :
Lansia merupakan golongan masyarakat yang kerap kesulitan dalam menggunakan teknologi komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengalaman dan hambatan yang dialami lansia Kristiani ketika mengikuti ritual ibadah daring menggunakan media berbasis teknologi akibat kondisi pandemi yang terpaksa membuat kegiatan ibadah tatap muka ditiadakan. Konsep digital divide, digital religion, ritual, serta teori kesempurnaan media digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menelaah permasalahan tersebut. Dengan menggunakan strategi penelitian fenomenologi deskriptif, peneliti mewawancarai enam lansia di Stasi St. Laurensius Parung Panjang, Kabupaten Bogor, yang bersedia menjadi informan. Para informan menonton tayangan ibadah dari beragam kanal gereja yang ada di YouTube. Hasil menunjukkan beberapa temuan. Mayoritas informan sudah menggunakan media berbasis teknologi dalam kegiatan sehari-hari, namun masih menemui kendala akibat kurangnya keahlian, akses, hingga penurunan kemampuan fisik dan kognisi. Para informan pun akhirnya harus mengandalkan bantuan dari orang lain. Selain itu, mayoritas informan merasakan ritual ibadah daring belum bisa membawa kekhusyukan penuh. Hal ini membawa pemaknaan ritual ibadah daring menjadi hal yang banal dan tidak sepenuhnya membawa kesenangan. Secara akademis, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memperluas khazanah pengetahuan mengenai digital divide dan digital religion di Indonesia, sementara secara praktis penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi masukan untuk pengembangan penyajian ibadah daring khususnya bagi lansia. ......Senior citizens are a group of people who often encounter difficulties in using communication technology. This study aims to examine the experiences and obstacles experienced by Christian senior citizens when participating in online worship rituals using technology-based media due to the pandemic, which forced face-to-face worship activities to be abandoned. This study uses the concepts of digital divide, digital religion, ritual, and the theory of media richness to examine these problems. Using a descriptive phenomenological research strategy, the researcher interviewed six senior citizens who are members of the St. Laurensius Parung Panjang Church, Bogor Regency, and are willing to be informants. The informants watched worship programs from various church channels on YouTube. The results show several findings. The majority of informants have already utilised technology-based media in their daily activities, but still encounter obstacles due to lack of skill, access, to decreased physical and cognitive abilities. In the end, the informants had to rely on help from other people. In addition, the majority of informants feel that online worship rituals have not been able to bring full solemnity. This brings the meaning of online worship rituals to be banal and not entirely fun. Academically, this research is expected to expand the wealth of knowledge regarding the digital divide and digital religion in Indonesia, while practically this research is expected to provide input for the development of online worship services, especially for the senior citizens.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reisha Ananda Putri
Abstrak :
Mendorong proses percepatan proyek strategis nasional, beberapa ruas proyek jalan tol Trans Sumatera menggunakan metode kontrak rancang bangun yang memadukan beberapa tahapan menjadi proses paralel yang diharapkan dapat mempersingkat waktu konstruksi. Namun pada pelaksanaannya, masih ditemukan fenomena keterlambatan proyek dari waktu yang telah disetujui pada kontrak awal yang dapat menyebabkan pembengkakan biaya serta hilangnya peluang untuk mengerjakan proyek lain. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan proses pengendalian yang baik sebagai salah satu fungsi dari kegiatan manajemen konstruksi untuk meminimalisasi segala penyimpangan yang dapat terjadi selama proses berlangsungnya proyek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6th Edition. Studi literatur dilakukan untuk penyusunan variabel, lalu dilakukan validasi pakar, pilot survey, penyebaran kuesioner utama kepada responden, kemudian dievaluasi dengan analisa komparatif, deskriptif, uji validitas dan reliabilitas, korelasi, analisa faktor dan regresi linier. Diperoleh tiga faktor risiko yang paling signifikan yaitu: kurangnya pengendalian terhadap persiapan proyek termasuk pembebasan lahan, pengadaan material dan alat serta perizinan menyebabkan realisasi pekerjaan yang tidak sesuai ; kurangnya kejelasan dan kelengkapan dokumen pelaksanaan sehingga terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan kondisi riil ; serta data perencanaan yang kurang akurat serta perubahan desain yang cukup sering ditengah pekerjaan. Dari persamaan regresi, terlihat faktor risiko berkorelasi dengan kinerja waktu dan faktor risiko menurunkan kinerja waktu. ......Encouraging the process of accelerating national strategic projects, several sections of the Trans Sumatra toll road project use a design and build contract method that combines several stages into a parallel process which is expected to shorten construction time. However, in practice, there is still a phenomenon of project delays from the time agreed upon in the initial contract which can lead to cost overruns and lost opportunities to work on other projects. Therefore, a good control process is needed as a function of construction management activities to minimize any deviations that can occur during the project process. This study uses the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) 6th Edition approach. Literature study was carried out for the preparation of variables, then expert validation, pilot survey, distribution of the main questionnaire to respondents were carried out, then evaluated by comparative, descriptive analysis, validity and reliability testing, correlation, factor analysis and linear regression. The three most significant risk factors were obtained, namely: lack of control over project preparation including land acquisition, procurement of materials and tools and permits leading to inappropriate work realization; lack of clarity and completeness of implementation documents so that there are discrepancies with real conditions; and less accurate planning data and frequent design changes in the middle of work. From the regression equation, it can be seen that risk factors correlate with time performance and risk factors decrease time performance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Panji Abdu Tsani
Abstrak :
Proyek Jalan Tol Trans-Sumatera (JTTS) direncanakan dibangun sepanjang 2.732 kilometer dari Aceh hingga Lampung dan diperkirakan menelan biaya sebesar Rp. 330 triliun. Rekayasa nilai tambah dilakukan pada Proyek JTTS dengan menambahkan enam fungsi, yaitu integrasi jalur sepeda motor, pengembangan rest area, integrasi dry port, integrasi kereta median tol, pengembangan area pariwisata dan penambahan jaringan fiber optik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendefinisikan jenis skema pembiayaan dan skema kelembagaan Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta pada Proyek JTTS. Analisis skema pembiayaan dilakukan melalui pengembangan berbagai skenario terhadap pembagian antara penyediaan dana dari pemerintah dan swasta pada tahap biaya konstruksi (initial cost), biaya pemeliharaan (operation & maintenance cost) dan pembagian pada pemasukan dana dari pengguna (revenue). Dari 36 skenario yang dihasilkan didapatkan skema pembiayaan dengan Initial Cost Sharing pemerintah 60 % dan swasta 40 %, Operation and Maintenance Sharing pemerintah 50 % dan swasta 50 %, dan Revenue Sharing pemerintah sebesar 50 % dan swasta 50 % yang dapat menghasilkan IRR 12,86 %, serta dihasilkan skema kelembagaan dengan membentuk Joint Venture. ...... Trans Sumatera Toll Road Project (JTTS) planned to be built along 2,732 kilometers from Aceh toLampung and is estimated to cost Rp. 330 trillion. Value Engineering is conducted at the project by adding six functions, which are integration of the motor bike paths, rest area development, the integration of the dry port, rail integration highway median, the development of tourism area and the addition of a fiber optic network The study aims to determine the optimal financing scheme and ideal institutions scheme based on Public-Private Partnership of JTTS Project. Analysis financing scheme involves by dividing the assuming scenario between the provision of funds from the government and private sectors at the stage of initial cost, operation & maintenance cost, and revenue sharing funds from the user. From 36 scenarios, a financing scheme with government Initial Cost Sharing 60% and 40% private, Operation and Maintenance Sharing 50% government and 50% private, and Revenue Sharing governments and the private sector by 50% to 50% with the IRR of 12.86%, and institutional scheme obtained by forming a Joint Venture.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abraham Anwar
Abstrak :
Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT) pemegang konsesi pada Jalan Tol Trans-Sumatera (JTTS) menghadapi beberapa tantangan, sehingga membutuhkan sumber pembiayaan dan pendapatan alternatif , salah satunya melalui skema land value capture. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis critical success factor terhadap keberhasilan penerapan penerapan land value capture pada Jalan Tol Trans-Sumatera Ruas Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar. Melalui studi literatur, diperoleh 40 success factor dalam 5 kategori dan 14 kriteria keberhasilan penerapan land value capture pada infrastruktur transit di berbagai negara yang divalidasi oleh para pakar kedalam konteks Jalan Tol Trans-Sumatera. Success factor tervalidasi diproses melalui penilaian pakar menggunakan Metode Delphi, sehingga diperoleh 5 success factor dengan peringkat tertinggi di masing-masing kategori sebagai critical success factor penerapan land value capture pada KPBU Penugasan Jalan Tol Trans-Sumatera berdasarkan konsensus pakar. Berikutnya dilakukan analisis hubungan antar variabel yang diperoleh dari pemodelan PLS-SEM. Berdasarkan analisis hubungan pada model, diperoleh hubungan antar 5 variabel/kategori success factor antara lain Kebijakan Pemerintah (X1), Model Bisnis BUJT (X2), Manajemen Aset/Properti (X3), Lingkungan Investasi yang Mendukung (X4), serta Perencanaan Land Value Capture dan Kondisi Spesifik Proyek (X5); terhadap variabel Keberhasilan Penerapan Land Value Capture (Y1) pada KPBU Penugasan Jalan Tol Trans-Sumatera. ......The Concession Companies of the Trans-Sumatera Toll Road (TSTR) under the state-owned enterprise (SOE) face several challenges, requiring alternative sources of financing and income, one of which is land value capture (LVC)-based area development. This study aimed to identify and analyze critical success factors required to implement land value capture on the Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar Section of the Trans-Sumatera Toll Road. Through literature study, 40 success factors in 5 categories and 14 success criteria of land value capture implementation on rail-based infrastructure in various countries validated by experts in the context of the Trans-Sumatera Toll Road. Validated success factors were processed through a series of expert assessments using the Delphi-Method questionnaires, resulting in 5 success factors with the highest ratings in each category as critical success factors required to implement land value capture in the SOE Assignment of Trans-Sumatera Toll Road based on the experts' consensus. Afterward, the relationship between variables was obtained from the PLS-SEM modeling and analyzed. The relationship model analysis resulting in inter-variable/ categories relationship includes Government Policy (X1), BUJT Business Model (X2), Asset/Property Management (X3), Supporting Investment Environment (X4), and Land Value Planning Project Specific Capture and Conditions (X5); on the variable Implementation of the Implementation of Land Value Capture (Y1) on the SOE Assignment of the Trans-Sumatera Toll Road PPP.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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