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Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan rumah kost di Provinsi DKI Jakarta sangat pesat. Dari bidang real estate, rumah kost telah dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu peluang bisnis yang muncul akibat besarnya tenaga kerja dan belum memadainya penyediaan hunian di sekitar pusat-pusat kegiatan oleh pemerintah. Pemerintah (Pusat dan Provinsi DKI Jakarta) ? dengan produk perumahan yang ada baik tapak atau pun susun, beli atau pun sewa ? masih terfokus pada penyediaan hunian bagi keluarga saja. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah bahwa rumah kost merupakan salah satu tipe properti yang efektif untuk dikembangkan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka mengatasi kebutuhan hunian sewa di sekitar pusat-pusat kegiatan di Jakarta. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jakarta Pusat dan terdiri atas dua tahap kajian pengembangan produk properti rumah kost menjadi rumah susun kost, yaitu melalui studi preferensi rumah kost dan studi perbandingan dengan rumah susun yang ada; serta kajian kelayakan profit dan benefit melalui simulasi return on investment dan cost-benefit analysis. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa rumah kost hadir karena merupakan bagian dari siklus hidup manusia dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kelompok pada suatu tahap hidup, yaitu lajang dan pasangan menikah tanpa anak. Kesesuaian tersebut antara lain: lokasinya yang dekat dengan tempat kegiatan penyewa, harganya yang terjangkau, dan luasan ukuran kamar yang tidak terlalu besar. Sedangkan hasil simulasi menunjukkan, selain manfaat yang didapat, rumah susun kost dapat memberikan pemasukan yang dapat digunakan untuk biaya operasionalnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa rumah susun kost tepat dan layak dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta untuk mengatasi kebutuhan hunian sewa di sekitar pusat-pusat kegiatan di Jakarta.
The growth of rumah kost1 development in DKI Jakarta Province is high. In real estate, rumah kost has been considered as one of business opportunities as an effect of high amount of labor and the lack of housing provision by government around city centers because the Government (Central and Jakarta) - focuses only on providing shelter for families. The hypothesis of this reasearch is that rumah kost is a type of property that is effective to be developed by the government to address rental housing needs around city centers in Jakarta. The research was carried out in Central Jakarta and divided into two stages of development of product property from rumah kost into a new type of multi-family housing units - rumah susun kost: through the study of preferences of rumah kost and comparison study to existing multi-family public housing; and also through financial and social feasibility study by doing return on investment and costbenefit analysis simulation. The findings are that rumah kost exists because it is a part of life-cycle and is corresponding with the needs of group of people at a certain stage of life ? singles and married couples without children ? such as: the needs of being near to the location of activity/workplace and the needs of having affordable rental price and not too large size of the units. The simulations showed that beside the benefits, the provision of rumah susun kost has potency in generating revenue that can be used for operational costs. From these, it can be concluded that rumah susun kost is suitable for Jakarta and is feasible to be developed by Government of DKI Jakarta Province.;The growth of rumah kost1 development in DKI Jakarta Province is high. In real estate, rumah kost has been considered as one of business opportunities as an effect of high amount of labor and the lack of housing provision by government around city centers because the Government (Central and Jakarta) - focuses only on providing shelter for families. The hypothesis of this reasearch is that rumah kost is a type of property that is effective to be developed by the government to address rental housing needs around city centers in Jakarta. The research was carried out in Central Jakarta and divided into two stages of development of product property from rumah kost into a new type of multi-family housing units - rumah susun kost: through the study of preferences of rumah kost and comparison study to existing multi-family public housing; and also through financial and social feasibility study by doing return on investment and costbenefit analysis simulation. The findings are that rumah kost exists because it is a part of life-cycle and is corresponding with the needs of group of people at a certain stage of life ? singles and married couples without children ? such as: the needs of being near to the location of activity/workplace and the needs of having affordable rental price and not too large size of the units. The simulations showed that beside the benefits, the provision of rumah susun kost has potency in generating revenue that can be used for operational costs. From these, it can be concluded that rumah susun kost is suitable for Jakarta and is feasible to be developed by Government of DKI Jakarta Province., The growth of rumah kost1 development in DKI Jakarta Province is high. In real estate, rumah kost has been considered as one of business opportunities as an effect of high amount of labor and the lack of housing provision by government around city centers because the Government (Central and Jakarta) - focuses only on providing shelter for families. The hypothesis of this reasearch is that rumah kost is a type of property that is effective to be developed by the government to address rental housing needs around city centers in Jakarta. The research was carried out in Central Jakarta and divided into two stages of development of product property from rumah kost into a new type of multi-family housing units - rumah susun kost: through the study of preferences of rumah kost and comparison study to existing multi-family public housing; and also through financial and social feasibility study by doing return on investment and costbenefit analysis simulation. The findings are that rumah kost exists because it is a part of life-cycle and is corresponding with the needs of group of people at a certain stage of life – singles and married couples without children – such as: the needs of being near to the location of activity/workplace and the needs of having affordable rental price and not too large size of the units. The simulations showed that beside the benefits, the provision of rumah susun kost has potency in generating revenue that can be used for operational costs. From these, it can be concluded that rumah susun kost is suitable for Jakarta and is feasible to be developed by Government of DKI Jakarta Province.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neysa Dianesdhika Jasrul
Abstrak :
Setiap negara memiliki tanggung jawab untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan hunian yang berkualitas bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) dalam bentuk pelaksanaan program perumahan terjangkau. Meskipun program-program perumahan terjangkau marak diadakan di berbagai negara, terdapat beragam permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaannya. Di Indonesia sendiri, pembiayaan perumahan terjangkau dengan berbagai program bantuan pembiayaan yang ada tergolong belum terjangkau, terutama bagi MBR. Makalah ini menganalisis faktor-faktor utama penyelenggaraan perumahan guna merancang Rencana Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Program Perumahan Terjangkau sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan penyediaan perumahan dan aksesibilitas pembiayaan perumahan bagi MBR. Pada makalah ini, faktor-faktor utama penyelenggaraan perumahan dianalisis menggunakan Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) untuk menentukan hubungan timbal balik antara faktor-faktor tersebut. Hasil analisis tersebut pun menjadi masukan terhadap Rencana Keterlibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Program Perumahan Terjangkau untuk meningkatkan penyediaan perumahan dan aksesibilitas pembiayaan perumahan bagi MBR yang dirancang menggunakan pendekatan Manajemen Pemangku Kepentingan. ......Every country has a responsibility to meet the need for quality housing for low-income earners by implementing affordable housing programs. Although affordable housing programs are widely implemented in various countries, there are various problems faced within the implementation. In Indonesia, affordable housing finance with various existing financing assistance programs is classified as unaffordable, especially for low-income earners. This paper analyzes the main factors that are most influential towards affordable housing program problems in order to design an Affordable Housing Program Stakeholder Engagement Plan as an effort to improve housing provision and accessibility of housing finance for low-income earners. In this paper, the main factors of housing management are analyzed using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) to determine the interrelationships between these factors. The results of the analysis also become input for the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the Affordable Housing Program to improve housing provision and the accessibility of housing finance for low-income households, which is designed using a Stakeholder Management approach.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Nandini Prameswari
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 2013, pemerintah menerbitkan regulasi mengenai pengembangan kendaraan bermotor roda empat hemat energi dan harga terjangkau (KBH2). Regulasi tersebut bertujuan untuk mendorong penggunaan kendaraan bermotor yang ramah lingkungan dan mendukung konservasi energi dari sektor transportasi. KBH2 disebut kendaraan yang ramah lingkungan karena adanya persyaratan konsumsi minimal bahan bakar yang harus dipenuhi. KBH2 termasuk dalam program Low Carbon Emission Vehicle (LCEV) yang diimplementasikan untuk mendukung komitmen Indonesia dalam nationally determined contribution (NDC) sebagai akibat ratifikasi Persetujuan Paris. Namun, seringkali penerapan dari suatu regulasi tidak berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengetahui, memahami, sekaligus menganalisis penerapan regulasi KBH2 terhadap komitmen Indonesia dalam NDC, dilakukan penelitian secara analisis yuridis mengenai hubungan antara kedua hal tersebut, serta dilakukan wawancara kepada pihak dari Kementerian Perindustrian sebagai pihak yang mengatur mengenai ketentuan pengembangan KBH2. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan regulasi KBH2 belum mendukung komitmen Indonesia dalam NDC dan belum sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Apabila regulasi KBH2 terus diberlakukan, pemerintah harus melakukan beberapa perbaikan yang berkaitan dengan penerapan regulasi tersebut. ......In 2013, the government issued a regulation regarding the kendaraan bermotor roda empat hemat energi dan harga terjangkau (KBH2). The regulation aims to encourage the use of motorized vehicles that are environmentally friendly and to support energy conservation from the transportation sector. KBH2 is called an environmentally friendly vehicle due to the minimum fuel consumption requirements that must be met. KBH2 is included in the Low Carbon Emission Vehicle (LCEV) program which is implemented to support Indonesia's commitment in the nationally determined contribution (NDC) as a result of the ratification of the Paris Agreement. However, often the implementation of a regulation does not work in accordance with the objectives that are intended to be achieved. Therefore, to find out, understand, and analyze the implementation of KBH2 regulation to Indonesia's commitments in the NDC, a juridical analysis of the relationship between the two matters was conducted, and an interview was also conducted with a representation from the Ministry of Industry, who regulates the provisions regarding the development of KBH2. The result showed that the implementation of KBH2 regulation has not supported Indonesia's commitment in the NDC. Thus, if the KBH2 regulation will continue to be implemented, the government must make some improvements relating to the implementation of the regulation.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Adisyah Maulidina
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Plaza Indonesia On4 yang terletak di lantai 4-6 mal Plaza Indonesia merupakan bagian dari mal yang didedikasikan untuk pangsa pasar kaum muda. Sayangnya, antusiasme sasaran khalayak masih rendah untuk menjadikan Plaza Indonesia On4 sebagai preferensi mal premium yang sebenarnya masih sesuai dengan kemampuan finansial mereka. Oleh karena itu, kesadaran diri sasaran khalayak akan keinginan mereka untuk terkesan eksklusif dengan biaya pengeluaran yang masih terjangkau bagi mereka harus dapat dijawab dengan adanya Plaza Indonesia On4. Dengan demikian, trafik kunjungan diharapkan meningkat. Program kampanye yang akan dijalankan adalah aktivitas online dan offline yang memiliki keterlibatan tinggi hanya dengan anggaran Rp 835.350.000. Signifikansi kepengunjungan akan dimonitor dan dievaluasi selama periode kampanye.
ABSTRACT Plaza Indonesia On4 located on the 4th-6th floor of Plaza Indonesia mall is part of the mall dedicated to the youth market. Unfortunately, target audience`s enthusiasm is still low to make Plaza Indonesia On4 as a preference of premium mall that is actually still suit to their financial capability. Hence, target audience`s self-awareness of their desire to be exclusive with the spending remains affordable for them has to be able to be answered by Plaza Indonesia On4`s presence. Thus, the visitor traffic is expected to increase. Campaign program to be run are online and offline activities that have high-engagement only with IDR 835.350.000. budget. The visitation significance will be monitored and evaluated during campaign period.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library