Abstrak :
Salah satu tahap yang penting dalam perancangan pabrik adalah perhitungan
keekonomian yang biasanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi simulasi proses.
Beberapa penelitian terdahulu, memanfaatkan SuperPro Designer sebagai simulasi
proses, namun belum banyak yang menggunakannya pada proses produksi bioethanol
berbahan baku tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS). Pada simulasi ini, dilakukan empat
skenario proses: (1) SHF-Adsorpsi; (2) SHF-Permeasi Uap; (3) SSF-Adsorpsi; dan
SSF-Permeasi Uap, dimodelkan menggunakan SuperPro Designer yang memfasilitasi
komposisi bahan baku dan produk, ukuran unit operasi, konsumsi utilitas, estimasi
modal dan biaya operasional serta pendapatan dari produk dan coproduk. Pemodelan
didasarkan pada data yang diperoleh dari produsen ethanol, penyedia jasa teknologi,
manufaktur peralatan dan jasa engineering untuk industri. Dari hasil analisis ekonomi
hasil simulasi, skenario SSF-Permeasi Uap yang paling rendah biaya produksinya dan
dapat dikembangkan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas pada skenario
tersebut, fluktuasi harga jual bioethanol, harga tepung TKKS dan harga produksi enzim
akan mempengaruhi nilai keekonomiannya
One of the important steps in plant design is economic analysis that usually done by
using simulator process application. Many research reports have used SuperPro
Designer as simulator, but only a few used it in bioethanol production simulation
process for Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as feedstock. In this simulation, four scenario
process models: (1) SHF-Adsorption; (2) SHF-Vapor Permeation; (3) SSF-Adsorpstion;
and (4) SSF-Vapor Permeation for ethanol production from EFB were developed using
SuperPro Designer software that handle the composition of raw materials and product,
sizing of unit operations, utility consumption, estimation of capital and operating costs
and the revenues from products and coproducts. The models were based on data
gathered from ethanol producers, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
engineering working in the industry. Based on economic analysis, scenario model SSFVapor
Permeation provided cost effective and can be developed in Indonesia. It was
suggested through sensitivity analysis that, deviation bioethanol selling price, EFB
powder price and enzime production cost were necessary for bioethanol production
value.;One of the important steps in plant design is economic analysis that usually done by
using simulator process application. Many research reports have used SuperPro
Designer as simulator, but only a few used it in bioethanol production simulation
process for Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as feedstock. In this simulation, four scenario
process models: (1) SHF-Adsorption; (2) SHF-Vapor Permeation; (3) SSF-Adsorpstion;
and (4) SSF-Vapor Permeation for ethanol production from EFB were developed using
SuperPro Designer software that handle the composition of raw materials and product,
sizing of unit operations, utility consumption, estimation of capital and operating costs
and the revenues from products and coproducts. The models were based on data
gathered from ethanol producers, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
engineering working in the industry. Based on economic analysis, scenario model SSFVapor
Permeation provided cost effective and can be developed in Indonesia. It was
suggested through sensitivity analysis that, deviation bioethanol selling price, EFB
powder price and enzime production cost were necessary for bioethanol production
value., One of the important steps in plant design is economic analysis that usually done by
using simulator process application. Many research reports have used SuperPro
Designer as simulator, but only a few used it in bioethanol production simulation
process for Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as feedstock. In this simulation, four scenario
process models: (1) SHF-Adsorption; (2) SHF-Vapor Permeation; (3) SSF-Adsorpstion;
and (4) SSF-Vapor Permeation for ethanol production from EFB were developed using
SuperPro Designer software that handle the composition of raw materials and product,
sizing of unit operations, utility consumption, estimation of capital and operating costs
and the revenues from products and coproducts. The models were based on data
gathered from ethanol producers, technology suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and
engineering working in the industry. Based on economic analysis, scenario model SSFVapor
Permeation provided cost effective and can be developed in Indonesia. It was
suggested through sensitivity analysis that, deviation bioethanol selling price, EFB
powder price and enzime production cost were necessary for bioethanol production
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library