Ni Made Agustinawati W
Abstrak :
Aktii'vitas antiinikroba penisilifla terletak pada
keutuhan cinciri j3-laktam. Gugus karbonil pada cincin K
laktam mempunyai frekuensi yang spesifik pada 1780 - 1770
ci -( -. Penelitian mi Kan memarfaatkan kespesifikan resapan
pacla ciaerah inframerah mi dalain analisis
kuarititatif derivat penisi1irta
Tujuah pertelitiari ml adalah membandingkan has 11
penetapan kadar secara spektrofotoineti inframerah dengan
potensi ainoksisilina dan untuk merigetahui sejauhmana suhu
dan iamanya pemanasari berpengaruh terhadap kadar dan
potensi amoksisiiiria, dergan cara memariaskannya pada suhu
40°C dan 60°C selama 10 menit, 20 menit, 40 meriit, 1 jam,
2 jam, 4 jam, 8 jam, 16 jam, 1 han, 2 han, 4 han, 8
han, 15 han, dan I bul an. Hasil pemanasan tersebut
dipeniksa kadarnya secara sp .ektrofotometni inframerah
menggunakan teknik tab1et 1 KBr -dan potensinya. Penetapan
potensi dilakukan dergan uiietoda difusi. Sebagai reservoir
larutan ataoksisilina di.gunakan silinder besi tahan karat,
derigan kuman uji Sarciri.a lutea ATCC 9341 'pada medium 11.
Dari pengujian statistik terhadap amoksisilina baku,
ternyata ads korelasi antara hasil penetapan kadar secara
spektrofotoirietni inframerah dengari poterisi amoksisilina.
Penetapan kadar amoksisilina akibat pemanasan cenderung
membenikan hasil lehih tinggi dibandingkan dengan potensi, disebabkan karena •hasil urai yang terbentuk
rnengganggu pada penetapan kadar secara inframerah Oleh
sebab itu, metoda spektrofotometri infrarnerah han ya dapat
digunakan untuk penetapan kadar amoksisilina yang belum
mengalami penguraian.
......The activity of penicillin antimicrobial is in the totality of
P-lactam ring. The group of carbonyl in P-lactam has a spesific
vibration of frequency, that is 1780 - 1770 cm. This study will
take the advantage of this spesific penetration on the infra red
area in quantitative analysis of penicillin's derivate.
The aim of this study is to compare the fixing of concentration
with infra red spectrophotoinetry and amoxycillin 's potency and also
we want to know how far the temprature and duration of heating
influence the concentration and amoxycillin's potency, by heating it
at 400C and 60°C in 10 minutes, 20 minutes,40 minutes, an hour, 2
hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 16 hours, a day, 2 days, 4 days, 8 days and
a month. The concentration of the heating's results were examined
with infra red speetrophotometry using Or pellet and tested for its
potency. Diffusion method is used to settle the potency. An anti corrosion
cylindrical iron with Sarcina lutea A1YX 9341 microbe in
stage-11 is used as the reservoir of amoxycillin solution.
Statistically test to standard of amoxycillirz, we see there is
a correlation between fixing the concentration with infra red
spectrophotoinetry and ainoxycill in's potency. The fixing of
ainoxycillin's concentration caused by heating is higher if we
compare with potency, it's because of the degradation formed
influenced it. Therefore infra red speetrophotometry method is used
just for fixing the concentration of undegr&Iated amoxyciilin
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library