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Ronnie Higuchi Rusli
Abstrak :
Penambahan kekuatan pada keramik dengan cara sintering memainkan peranan yang penting didalam pembuatan bahan keramik lantai guna memproduksi produk keramik yang dapat diandalkan pada teknik sipil. Hal ini tidak lain berdasar pada suatu kenyataan bahwa transpor elemen material didalam strukturmikro selama proses sintering diakibatkan oleh proses difiisi permukaan dan difusi didalam kisi kristal. Proses difusi inilah yang menentukan penambahan kekuatan pada bahan keramik pada industri konstruksi sipil. Didalam penelitian ini struktur dari elemen material dalam bentuk bubuk sebagai bahan dasar dan juga bahan aditif berupa slag dianalisa dengan teknik difraksi sinar-x. Keramik bubuk dan aditif slag dicampur dengan perbandingan 5-50% untuk mempelajari efek dari proses sintering. Penambahan kekuatan pada keramik diamati berdasarkan beberapa indikator seperti penyusutan volume, porositas, uji kekerasan, dan kekasaran permukaan. Setelah bahan disintering sampai temperatur 1000° C bahan dianalisa dengan bantuan teknik difraksi sinar-x untuk mengetahui struktur kristal serta transformasi struktur mikro. Hasil analisa difraksi sinar-x menunjukkan bahan dasar keramik terdiri dari silika dan albit, sedangkan bahan aditif terdiri dari NiAs2. Keramik yang mempunyai porositas terrendah, kekerasan tertinggi, penyusutan volume tinggi dan kekasaran permukaan yang baik didapat dengan penambahan bahan aditif sebesar 5%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa mekanisme penguatan pada keramik terjadi karena terbentuknya albit sebagai hasil penambahan aditif NJAs2 sebesar 5%.
Ceramic strengthening and sintering process plays important role in the fabrication of ceramic tile as well as to produce reliable ceramic products for civil engineering application. This stem from the fact that microstructures elemental materials transport during sintering process by surface and lattice diffusion governed the strengthening mechanism. In these studies, structure of elemental materials in the form of powder ceramic as well as its additive (slag) has been analysed by x-ray diffraction technique. Powder ceramic, and slag additive is mixed all together with a ratio of 5-50% in order to determine the result of sintering process. Strengthening was observed and analysed base on several indicators such as; volume shrinkage, porosity, hardness, and surface roughness. After sintering at temperature of 1000 °C, the product is analysed with x-ray diffraction technique to determine phase change as well as microstructures transformation.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Village as "self governing Society: has to be existed as local government community with its uniqueness based on its origin and customs and traditions. As a community based on customs and traditions with its traditional characteristic, institutions which are at village cannot able to move dynamically in order to push the village to be more modern and self sustainable. The village is in a dilemmatic position between demand of a dynamic change of government and its traditional position. In one hand there are pressure and demand so that the village possess accelaration's ability and responsive to the demand of government change to be more modern and self sustainable, in other hand the village is a enslaved by its own disability, both in human and financial resources aspect, in order to response those demand and dynamic change. Finally the village in thta static condition is disposed to be left behind in every change. By strengthening the institutions which are in the village, it can be expected that the static condition can be changed toward a more dynamic ad self sustainable movement without leaving behind the especial characteristic of the village as traditional community with its own origin.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Cahyanto
Abstrak :
Tesis ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi sumatif Program Penguatan PUK di Solo dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Tujuannya yaitu mengukur indikator outcome dan menganalisis faktor faktor yang memengaruhi pencapaian outcome berdasarkan aspek process dan input. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara univariat dan bivariat dengan tabel silang Chi Square dan Tau Kendall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator outcome belum tercapai. Faktor faktor dalam aspek proses yang memengaruhi outcome yaitu kemampuan identifikasi dan mengatasi masalah kualitas produksi volume usaha inovasi usaha laba pameran serta keikutsertaan dalam pelatihan. Faktor input yang memengaruhi outcome yaitu usia dan pendidikan responden.
This thesis is a study summative evaluation PUK Strengthening Program in Solo with a quantitative approach. The goal is to measure outcome indicators and analyzes the factors that influence the achievement of outcomes based on aspects of the process and input. The analysis was done by means of univariate and bivariate with cross table Chi Square and Kendall Tau. The results showed that the outcome indicators has not been achieved. Factors that influence the outcome of the process aspect are ability to identify and solve problems quality of production volume of business business innovation profit exhibitions as well as participation in training Input factors affecting outcome that is age and education of respondents.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indri Wahyuni
Abstrak :
Ada 4 (empat) program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja di Setjen MPR yaitu 1. Memperkuat akuntabilitas kinerja instansi; 2. Membantu pegawai untuk melaksanakan tugas, rencana dan tujuan dalam rangka mendukung pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran instansi; 3. Melakukan penilaian unit kerja dengan menggunakan instrumen yang berbasis kinerja; dan 4. Melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas LAKIP dan menyampaikannya secara tepat waktu. Hasilnya menunjukkan, bahwa masih perlu peningkatan dalam kualitas program melalui keterlibatan pimpinan dan semua unit kerja dalam penyusunan Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi Setjen MPR Tahun 2015-2019 dan sistem pengelolaan kinerja organisasi berbasis teknologi informasi yang terpadu dan dapat diakses secara berkala oleh semua unit kerja. Selain menganalisis program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja, tesis ini menggunakan 11 (sebelas) dimensi dari konsep Will Artley (2001) untuk melihat lingkungan akuntabilitas di Setjen MPR. Hasilnya, dari sebelas dimensi, Setjen MPR telah memasukkan 7 (tujuh) dimensi dalam program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja yaitu Kepemimpinan, Kepercayaan, Transparansi, Kejelasan, Kepemilikan, Konsistensi dan Tindak Lanjut. Masih ada 4 (empat) dimensi yaitu Hubungan Timbal Balik, Persamaan, Keseimbangan dan Konsekuensi yang belum ada. Ke depannya, harus dilakukan penyusunan kebijakan dan program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja yang memasukkan 11 (sebelas) dimensi dari Will Artley (2001) tersebut, sehingga terbentuk lingkungan akuntabilitas yang lebih baik di Setjen MPR.
There are four programs for strengthening performance accountability in The Secretariat General of MPR: 1. Strengthening the organization?s performance accountability; 2. Helping employees plan and work in reaching the organization?s goals; 3. Performance appraisal; and 4. Raising the performance report quality and delivering on time. The results show that the programs need more involvement of the leader and all departments for making the Road Map of Bureaucratic Reform in The Secretariat General of MPR Year 2015-2019 and in the management of performance accountability based on the integrated and accessible information technology system. Besides an analysis of the programs for strengthening performance accountability, this thesis also uses eleven dimensions from Will Artley (2001) to see the accountability environment in The Secretariat General of MPR. The result is seven out of eleven dimensions already included in the programs for strengthening performance accountability, which are leadership, trust, transparency, clarity, ownership, consistency and follow-up. There are still four dimensions that are not in the programs, which are, reciprocation, equity, balance and consequences. In the future, the policy and programs for strengthening performance accountability must include the eleven dimensions from Will Artley (2001) to make a better accountability environment in The Secretariat General of MPR.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutahaean, Serri
Abstrak :
Kepala ruang berkontribusi dalam pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi PPI di ruang rawat, tetapi kenyataannya masih belum melakukan peran dan fungsinya dalam PPI. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh penguatan peran dan fungsi karu terhadap pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi di Rumah Sakit RS . Metoda yang digunakan adalah dengan desain kuasi eksperimen. Responden terdiri dari 5 kepala ruang, dan 34 perawat pelaksana dari kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh yang signifikan penguatan peran dan fungsi karu terhadap kepatuhan pelaksanaan PPI antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol p 0,03; ? 0,05 . Rekomendasi Penguatan peran dan fungsi karu diharapkan mendapatkan dukungan dari manajemen keperawatan, kepala ruang dan pelaksana pelayanan untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan perawat terhadap pelaksanaan PPI sebagai dasar meningkatkan mutu pelayanan keperawatan di RS.
The head nurses should contribute to the implementation of prevention and infection control PPI in the ward, but in reality still has not performed its role and function in PPI. This study aims to determine the effect of strengthening the role and function of head nurses on the implementation of infection prevention and control in hospitals RS . The method used is Quasi experiment design. Respondents consisted of 5 headsnurse, and 34 nurses from the intervention and control group. The result of the research shows that there is a significant influence of the strengthening of role and function of head nurseson compliance of PPI implementation p 0,03 0,05 . Recommendations Strengthening the role and function of head nurses is expected to get support from the management of nursing, head nurses and implementing services to improve the compliance of nurses to the implementation of PPI as a basis to improve the quality of nursing services in hospitals.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fatha Permana
Abstrak :
Tingginya persaingan usaha di dalam era globalisasi dan pasca pandemi Covid-19 telah mendorong perusahaan-perusahaan yang berkembang untuk meningkatkan modal usahanya dengan mengambil langkah yang dapat mengamankan posisinya untuk dapat bertahan menghadapi kondisi tersebut melalui penggabungan usaha (merger) dengan perusahaan lain. Dalam transaksi merger diharuskan menggunakan nilai pasar, namun untuk mendorong penguatan modal dan investasi dalam negeri maka Pemerintah memberikan ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai penggunaan nilai buku dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 56/PMK.010/2021 Tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 52/PMK.010/2017 Tentang Penggunaan Nilai Buku Atas Pengalihan Dan Perolehan Harta Dalam Rangka Penggabungan, Peleburan, Pemekaran, atau Pengambilalihan Usaha. Selanjutnya, transaksi penggabungan usaha tentunya berkaitan dengan Notaris karena pembuatan akta penggabungan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah meneliti mengenai Fasilitas Perpajakan terkait transaksi Merger yang dilakukan suatu badan hukum Perseroan Terbatas (PT). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah metode penelitian doktrinal yaitu dengan menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan-bahan hukum melalui studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi implikasi perpajakan atas penggabungan usaha, cara-cara Perusahaan dalam rangka penguatan modal dalam negeri serta menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi peran notaris dalam proses merger dan kontribusinya dalam memastikan keabsahan dan kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang dampak merger terkait ketentuan-ketentuan perpajakan dan pemenuhan persyaratan perpajakan penggunaan nilai buku, sehingga dapat menjadi panduan bagi regulator dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya dalam menghadapi situasi serupa di masa depan. Merger memiliki konsekuensi perpajakan untuk bebas dari pajak apabila merger dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang diatur di dalam PMK serta menjadi suatu upaya pendukung penguatan investasi dan penanaman modal dalam negeri. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga akan menyediakan wawasan tentang peran notaris dalam memfasilitasi dan memastikan kesuksesan proses merger. ......The high business competition in era of globalization and post pandemic Covid-19 has encouraged developing companies to increase their business capital by taking actions that can secure their position to survive these conditions through mergers with other companies. In merger transactions, it is required to use market value, but there are provisions governing the use of book value, this is regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 56/PMK.010/2021 concerning the Second Amendment to the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 52/PMK.010/2017 concerning the Use of Book Value for the Transfer and Acquisition of Property in the context of merger, merger, expansion, or business takeover. Furthermore, the business merger transactions are certainly related to Notaries due to the manufacture of Deed of Incorporation. The focus of this study is to examine the Tax Facility in relation to Merger transactions carried out by a Limited Liability Company (PT). The research method used in writing this thesis is a doctrinal research method, namely by using secondary data in the form of legal materials through literature studies. This research analysing and identifying the tax implications of merger, the Company's ways of strengthening domestic capital and identify the role of notaries in the merger process and their contribution in ensuring validity and compliance with applicable legal provisions. The results of this study are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the impact of mergers related to tax provisions and tax compliance requirements for the use of book value, so that it can be a guide for regulators and other stakeholders in dealing with similar situations in the future. Mergers have tax consequences to be tax free if the merger is carried out in accordance with the provisions regulated in the PMK and it is also a supporting effort for investment and strengthening domestic capital. In addition, this research will also provide insight into the role of notaries in facilitating and ensuring the success of the merger process.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renita Lavinia
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menjelaskan proses pemberdayaan keluarga dalam program Penguatan Keluarga pada warga desa binaan SOS Children’s Villages di desa Rancamaya Kabupaten Bogor, serta untuk mendeskripsikan kendala-kendala selama proses pemberdayaan keluarga dalam program Penguatan Keluarga pada warga desa binaan SOS Children’s Villages di desa Rancamaya Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa proses pemberdayaan keluarga yang dilakukan oleh edukator dan relawan sudah dapat memberikan perubahan di desa Rancamaya khususnya bagi pendidikan anak. Walaupun masih ada kendala-kendala selama proses pemberdayaan keluarga baik itu berasal dari internal keluarga maupun eksternal keluarga. ......This study aimed to describe the family empowerment process of Family Strengthening  program in Rancamaya, Bogor, as well as to describe the obstacles during the family empowerment process of Strengthening Families program in Rancamaya, Bogor. This research is a qualitative descriptive interpretative. The results of this study explains that the family empowerment process performed by the educator and volunteer was able to give change in Rancamaya especially for children's education. Although there are still obstacles during the process of family empowerment whether from internal or external families.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajun Hariono
Abstrak :
Indonesia area extremely vulnerable to earthquake. earthquakes have caused thousands of casualties, destruction and damage to thousands of infrastructure, as well as trillions of rupiah of funds for rehabilitation and reconstruction. Prevention of damage due to ground movement can be done through good structural design and construction process. one of structural system type that is widely used in Indonesian building houses were confined masonry system. based on seismicity experience, ductility is a very important parameter to ensuring the safety of structure. results of this study will be used as an alternative technology of confine masonry ductility enhancement in structural design process. research methodology was experimental testing and numerical analysis. experiment testing was lateral cyclic full scale. analyzed aspects of the test results were: strength, stiffness and ductility.Test specimen were three pieces, namely: conventional model (K), strengthening horizontal model (H) and strengthening diagonal model (D). From the results of testing and data analysis known that the performance of strength, stiffness and ductility of H model is superior to other models.
Jakarta: Pusat Litbang Perumahan dan Permukiman, 2016
JURPEM 11:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagalung, Simon Sumanjoyo
Abstrak :
The problem of public services capacity, such as budget, infrastructure, and social capital in regions, is a threat to the social conditions of the community if serious efforts are not anticipated by the local government. Therefore, it needs an alternative model as an option to address the problem of capacity. This study seeks to illustrate the efforts of new autonomous local governments in building public service capacity in new autonomous regions to identify the dynamics of sustainable public service capacity building in new autonomous regions and to design a model of the sustainable public service capacity building to strengthen the autonomous region. This model tries to achieve an intergenerational aspect of development. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach that combines secondary data and primary data. Data were collected from three local governments with best practices in public service capacity management. The data were analyzed using an interactive model. The research showed that when the program capacity is well designed, it will produce good program sustainability capabilities as well, otherwise if the program capacity faces many obstacles and it will produce poor sustainability capabilities. The strengthening of innovative programs in the public service sector needs to adopt the role model of public sector innovation initiative. The model emphasizes the importance of identifying the role of innovation that is designed in a program to the real problems faced so that later public confidence about the urgency of innovation can be achieved.
Jakarta: Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs, 2018
351 JBP 10:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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