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Maya Anindiya
Abstrak :
[Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi merupakan salah satu bidang yang rawan untuk terjadinya kontaminasi silang antara pasien-dokter gigi, pasien-pasien dan pasien perawat. Kontrol Infeksi dapat mencegah terjadinya infeksi silang. Tujuan: Melihat hubungan Pengetahuan, Perilaku dan Faktor Lingkungan terhadap keberhasilan upaya Kontrol infeksi pada Mahasiswa Program Profesi Fakultas Kedokteran gigi Univesritas “x” di Jakarta. Metode: Metode penelitian yang digunakan cross sectional dengan Model penelitian Sequential Explonatory design. Penelitian dilakukan pada Mahasiswa Program Profesi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas “X” di Jakarta yang sudah melewati pendidikan profesi selama 2 (dua) semester, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 101 mahasiswa. Hasil: Upaya Kontrol Infeksi pada Mahasiswa Program Profesi Fakultas Kedokteran gigi universitas “X” di Jakarta masih kurang baik.Ini dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, perilaku dan faktor lingkungan masih kurang baik dan mempunyai p value < 0,05 sehingga mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap upaya kontrol infeksi. Kesimpulan: Pengetahuan dan Perilaku dapat ditingkatkan dengan membentuk program yang berisikan promosi kesehatan dalam bentuk poster-poster, standart operasional prosedur berdasarkan standard precautions dan seminar-seminar bagi mahasiswa program profesi fakultas kedokteran gigi;Background: Dentistry is one of a science which has a high sensitivity to caused cross-contamination between the patient-dentist, patient-patient and patient-nurse. Infection control may prevent cross-infection. Objective: Knowing the relationship between Knowledge, Behavior and Environmental Factors with successfull of Infection Control by the students of Professional Program Study of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas "x" in Jakarta. Methods: The method used is cross sectional with research model Sequential Explonatory Design. The study which has the total sample of 101 students was conducted and involved the students of Professional Program Study of the Faculty of Dentistry, University "X" in Jakarta, which has passed the professional education for two (2) semesters. Results: Infection Control Efforts conducted by the student of Professional Program Study Faculty of Dentistry, University "X" in Jakarta is not maximal. It was affected by the Knowledge, Behavior and Environmental Factors which not good enough and has a p value <0.05 and therefore has a significant relationship which infection control effort. Conclusion: Knowledge and Behavior can be improved by establishing a program containing health promotion in the form of posters, standard operating procedures based on standard precautions and seminars for the students of Professional Program Study of the faculty of dentistry., Background: Dentistry is one of a science which has a high sensitivity to caused cross-contamination between the patient-dentist, patient-patient and patient-nurse. Infection control may prevent cross-infection. Objective: Knowing the relationship between Knowledge, Behavior and Environmental Factors with successfull of Infection Control by the students of Professional Program Study of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas "x" in Jakarta. Methods: The method used is cross sectional with research model Sequential Explonatory Design. The study which has the total sample of 101 students was conducted and involved the students of Professional Program Study of the Faculty of Dentistry, University "X" in Jakarta, which has passed the professional education for two (2) semesters. Results: Infection Control Efforts conducted by the student of Professional Program Study Faculty of Dentistry, University "X" in Jakarta is not maximal. It was affected by the Knowledge, Behavior and Environmental Factors which not good enough and has a p value <0.05 and therefore has a significant relationship which infection control effort. Conclusion: Knowledge and Behavior can be improved by establishing a program containing health promotion in the form of posters, standard operating procedures based on standard precautions and seminars for the students of Professional Program Study of the faculty of dentistry.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Bidan memiliki risiko tinggi tertularnya Healthcare-Associated Infections HAIs pada saat merawat pasien. Umumnya risiko penularan infeksi yang dihadapi bidan adalah pada saat kontak dengan darah dan cairan tubuh. Pada tahun 2015, terjadi 250 kasus kecelakaan kerja termasuk didalamnya kejadian tertusuk jarum. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik dengan desain penelitian potong lintang dan jumlah sampel 130 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, kuisioner dan pengamatan, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bekasi. Hasil: Sebanyak 73 56,2 responden patuh, sedangkan sisanya 57 43,8 responden tidak patuh. Rata-rata tingkat kepatuhan responden terhadap prosedur kewaspadaan standar sebesar 88,7 dengan tingkat kepatuhan responden tertinggi adalah kepatuhan dalam pembersihan lingkungan area kerja sebesar 89 100 responden dan tingkat kepatuhan terendah adalah kepatuhan terhadap penggunaan APD sebesar 52 55,3 responden. Faktor yang paling berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kepatuhan bidan dalam menerapkan kewaspadaan standar adalah usia > 40 tahun OR = 2,64, IK 95 = 1,08-6,49 , sarana prasarana lengkap di kamar bersalin OR = 6,26, IK 95 = 2,74-14,30 dan poli KIA-KB OR = 5,84, IK 95 = 2,56-13,32 , peraturan dan SOP lengkap di poli KIA-KB OR = 2,04, IK 95 = 1,01-4,13 , masa kerja ? 5 tahun OR = 4,92, IK 95 = 2,11-11,49 , status kepegawaian PNS OR = 3,21, IK 95 = 1,56-6,64 dan beban kerja rendah OR = 2,95, IK 95 = 1,25-6,96 , sedangkan faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah sarana prasarana lengkap di kamar bersalin OR = 5,46, IK 95 = 2,31-12,89 dan masa kerja ? 5 tahun OR = 4,12, IK 95 = 1,67-10,18 . Kesimpulan: Ketersediaan sarana prasarana merupakan faktor paling dominan yang berhubungan dengan perilaku bidan terhadap kepatuhan penerapan kewaspadaan standar. Kata Kunci: Bidan, darah dan cairan tubuh, Healthcare-Associated Infections HAIs , kewaspadaan standar.
Background Midwives have a high risk of contracting Healthcare Associated Infections HAIs when treating patients. Generally, the risk of transmission of infections that the midwife encounters is at the time of contact with blood and body fluids. In 2015, there are 250 cases of occupational accidents including the incidence of needle puncture. Methods The type of the study was analytic descriptive with cross sectional study design and total sample of 130 people. Data was collected by interview, questionnaire and observation, while secondary data was obtained from the profile of Bekasi District Health Office. Result The result shows that 73 56.2 respondents are obedient, while the rest of about 57 43.8 respondents are not. The average level of compliance of respondents to standard awareness procedure is 88.7 with the highest number of compliance of about 89 100 respondents is in cleaning work area environment and the lowest one is adherence to use of Personal Protective Equipment PPE equal to 52 55.3 of respondents. Factors significantly correlated with midwife adherence in applying standard precautions were age 40 years OR 2.64, IK 95 1.08 6.49 , complete infrastructure in the delivery room OR 6.26, IK 95 2.74 14.30 and maternal, child health and family planning MCH FP poly OR 5.84, IK 95 2.56 13.32 , complete rules and Standard Operating Procedures SOPs in maternal, child health and family planning MCH FP poly OR 2.04, IK 95 1.01 4.13 , duration of work 5 years OR 4.92, IK 95 2.11 11.49 , employment status of civil servants OR 3.21, IK 95 1.56 6.64 and low work load OR 2.95, IK 95 1.25 6.96 , with the most influential factors were complete infrastructure in the delivery room OR 5.46, IK 95 2.31 12.89 and duration of work 5 years OR 4.12, IK 95 1.67 10.18 . Conclusion The availability of infrastructure facilities is the most dominant factor that relates to midwives behavior on compliance to standard precautions. Keywords Blood and body fluids Healthcare Associated Infections HAIs midwives standard precautions.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang :Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut ISPA merupakan salah satu dari penyakit nosokomial Healthcare Acquired Infections HAIs , namun seringkali para petugas medis hanya menggunakan masker dalam rangka mencegah ISPA. Petugas kesehatan diharuskan untuk melakukan kewaspadaan standar kepada seluruh pasien. Metode :Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif yang dilakukan di RS. S pada bulan Desember 2016. Sampel terbagi menjadi dua kelompok, masing-masing kelompok yang patuh cuci tangan dan kelompok yang tidak patuh cuci tangan. Angka kejadian ISPA dipantau selama 3 bulan pada masing-masing kelompok. Variabel yang diteliti adalah kepatuhan cuci tangan, pekerja yang bertugas di area berisiko tinggi, umur, masa kerja, jenis kelamin, status gizi, profesi pekerjaan, dan kebiasaan merokok. Hasil :Dari total 429 sampel, didapatkan 39 kejadian ISPA 9,1 . Faktor umur, masa kerja, jenis kelamin, status gizi, kebiasaan merokok tidak berpengaruh terhadap insiden ISPA. Karyawan yang bekerja di area berisiko tinggi berpengaruh terhadap kejadian ISPA p = 0,021, RR 0,38, 95 IK 0,165 ndash; 0,866 . Pekerjaan sebagai penunjang medis p = 0,043, RR 8,53, 95 IK 1,073 ndash; 67,946 dan dokter umum p = 0,037, RR 9,86, 95 IK 1,150 ndash; 84,562 memiliki pengaruh terhadap insiden ISPA. Kesimpulan dan saran.Pekerja yang bertugas di area berisiko tinggi memiliki pengaruh terhadap kejadian ISPA p = 0,021, IK95 0,165 ndash; 0,866 , dan dapat mengurangi risiko terkena ISPA hingga 62,1 . Pencegahan ISPA harus dilakukan sesuai dengan cara transmisi penyakit, yaitu dengan melakukan kewaspadaan standar sesuai dengan jenis penyakit.
Background Acute Respiratory Infections ARI is one of nosochomial infection included in Healthcare Acquired Infections HAIs , most of the health care workers only uses mask as preventive measure. Health care workers should do the standard precautions to all the patients. Methods A retrospective cohort study was done on a hospital during December 2016. The population was divided into 2 groups. Group 1 was those who perfectly washed their hands, and group 2 was those who did not perfectly washed their hands, and will be looked 3 months forward to see the incidens of ARI. The variables analyzed were the complience of hand washing, workers at high risk services, age, work hour, gender, nutritional status, profession and smoking habit. Results From 429 subjects in this study, there were 39 incidence of ARI 9.1 . Age, work hour, gender, nutritional status and smoking habit had no effect towards the incidence of ARI. Workers at high risk services had effects towards the incidence of ARI p value 0.021, RR 0.38, CI95 0,165 ndash 0,866 .The profession of medical support p value 0.043, RR 8.53, CI95 1,073 ndash 67,946 and general practitioner p value 0.037, RR 9.86, CI95 1,150 ndash 84,562 were more prone to ARI. Conclusion and recommendation Workers at high risk services had effect towards the incidence of ARI. Prevention against ARI had to be done as how the diseases were transmitted. By increasing the standard precautions awareness of medical personal to a certain diseases.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Sahara
Abstrak :
Kewaspadaan Universal/Standar direkomendasikan untuk mencegah pajanan penyakit infeksi lewat darah seperti HIV, Virus Hepatitis B, dan Virus Hepatitis C di pelayanan kesehatan. Di RS PMI Bogor, kepatuhan penerapan Kewaspadaan Universal/Standar diantara perawat dan bidan adalah rendah, dilihat dari kasus kecelakaan tertusuk jarum suntik yang terjadi diantara perawat tahun 2009-2011, masing-masing 6, 4, dan 8 kasus. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Sebanyak 100 self administered questionnaires disebarkan dan hanya 82 kuesioner lengkap yang kembali. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kepatuhan perawat dan bidan dalam penerapan Kewaspadaan Universal/Standar dan faktor ? faktor yang berhubungan. Dalam penelitian ini, hanya 52,4 % perawat dan bidan yang memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang baik. Dari hasil uji chi square, variabel yang secara signifikan berhubungan dengan kepatuhan penerapan Kewaspadaan Universal/Standar adalah iklim keselamatan kerja dan pelatihan dan ketersediaan APD. Peneliti menyarankan diadakan pelatihan dan sosialisasi SOP dan kebijakan terkait kewaspadaan universal. Universal/Standard Precautions are recommended to prevent blood-borne infections (e.g. HIV, HBV, and HCV) exposure in health care setting. Compliance with Universal/Standard Precautions among nurses and midwives is suboptimal at PMI Hospital, Bogor. It was showed from needle stick injury cases occurred among nurses each of 6, 4, and 8 cases in 2009 ? 2011. This research is descriptive using cross sectional design. A total of 100 self administered questionnaires were distributed to nurses and midwives, and 82 completed questionnaires were returned. The purpose of this study is to find out compliance rate with Universal/Standard Precautions among nurses and midwives and factors related. In this research, only 52.4 % nurses and midwives who had a high compliance rate. Based on chi square test, safety climate and training and availability of PPE were significantly associated with compliance to Universal/Standard Precautions. The researcher suggests establishing the training and socializing SOP and policy related to Universal/Standard Precautions
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library