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"The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) aims to provide a broad perspective for
evaluating and improving education. This assessment also ranks the participant countries based on their performance
and makes inferences about factors affecting achievement and learning. However, the study may not function as it was
expected because of differences in curricular, cultural, or language settings among countries. Consequently, this
challenges assumptions about measurement equivalency. The present study aims to assess the equivalency of
mathematics items on the TIMSS (2007) study across Australian and Indonesia. Students’ responses were subjected to
Rasch analysis to determine DIF items. The results revealed that many items of mathematics tests are problematic
because they showed significant bias. The study also found that Australian students performed better and found
mathematics items on the test easier than their Indonesian counterparts did. Several factors such as curricular
differences, methods used to solve mathematics problems, availability of textbooks and teachers’ quality might explain
the existence of DIF between the countries. These findings indicate that serious limitations of using TIMSS results in
comparing the performance of students across countries. Thus, further empirical evidence is needed before TIMSS 2007
results can be meaningfully used in research.
The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) bertujuan menyediakan perspektif yang luas
dalam mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. TIMSS juga merangking negara-negara peserta studi
berdasarkan kemampuan serta membuat prediksi tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi capaian belajar siswa
mereka. Akan tetapi, karena perbedaan kurikulum, budaya atau bahasa dari negara-negara tersebut, TIMSS ini tidak
berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan. Akibatnya, kondisi ini menantang asumsi-asumsi tentang pengukuran yang
ekuivalen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keekuivalenan soal-soal matematika dari studi TIMSS 2007 dengan
menggunakan jawaban siswa Australia dan Indonesia. Rasch analisis digunakan untuk menemukan soal-soal yang bias.
Hasil analisis menujukkan bahwa banyak soal matematika dalam studi TIMSS 2007 bermasalah karena soal tersebut
memperlihatkan bias yang signifikan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kemampuan siswa Australia lebih baik dari
siswa Indonesia. Soal matematika terlihat lebih mudah bagi siswa Australia dibandingkan bagi siswa Indonesia.
Perbedaan kurikulum sekolah, metode dalam pemecahan masalah dan ketersediaan buku dan kualitas guru diduga
sebagai faktor penyebab munculnya DIF item. Temuan-temuan dalam penelitian ini mengindikasikan adanya
keterbatasan yang serius dalam menggunakan hasil studi TIMSS untuk membandingkan negara-negara peserta studi.
Oleh karena itu, bukti-bukti empiris lainnya sangat diperlukan sebelum hasil studi TIMSS 2007 dapat digunakan
dengan bermakna sebagai dasar penelitian."
STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena. Mathematics Department, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melysa Martha Auliasari
"Tes pilihan ganda merupakan tes yang sering digunakan guru untuk menilai kinerja peserta tes. Jenis penilaian ini dapat mengukur kemampuan reseptif siswa. Tes pilihan ganda dapat digunakan untuk mengukur pengetahuan membaca, mendengarkan dan tata bahasa (Brown dan Hudson: 1998, hal.659). Tidak hanya batang soal, jumlah pilihan jawaban juga dapat menentukan kualitas tes, terutama jumlah distraktor. Distraktor adalah pilihan jawaban yang salah di setiap item pilihan ganda. Semakin banyak distraktor yang diberikan tidak serta merta berarti tes tersebut memiliki tingkat kesukaran dan diskriminasi yang baik. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengujian dua tes pilihan ganda yang memiliki tiga pilihan, terdiri dari satu jawaban dan dua distraktor dan empat pilihan, terdiri dari satu jawaban dan tiga distraktor. Tes pilihan ganda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes pilihan ganda bahasa Mandarin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi tentang jenis tes pilihan ganda bahasaMandarin mana yang lebih efektif dalam hal jumlah pilihan jawaban yang digunakan, sehingga pembuat tes dapat membentuk tes pilihan ganda bahasa Mandarin dengan kualitas yang lebih baik. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode campuran dengan menggabungkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Instrumen data penelitian ini adalah dua tes Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) tingkat 4 dan hasil wawancara dengan dua puluhpartisipan. Hasil tes dianalisis menggunakan konsep metode klasik item facility dan itemdiscrimination (Brown dan Abeywickrama, 1950) serta menggunakan metode modern aplikasi pemodelan Rasch. Kedua metode ini digunakan untuk membuat analisis lebih akurat. Hasil analisis dibandingkan dan disajikan dengan table t-test. Setelah itu, data hasil wawancara juga disajikan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian ketiga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan jumlah pilihan jawaban yang berbeda pada tes pilihan ganda bahasa Mandarin tidak berpengaruh pada tingkat kesukaran dan diskriminatif pada tes. Hasil wawancara partisipan menunjukkan bahwa partisipan lebih menyukai tes pilihan ganda bahasa Mandarin dengan tiga pilihan jawaban karena dengan jumlah pilihan jawaban yang lebih sedikit berarti mereka harus memahami karakter Han yang lebih sedikit juga. Selain itu, penggunaan tiga pilihan dapat menghemat waktu pembuat tes dalam membuat tes pilihan ganda bahasa Mandarin.

Multiple choice test is a test that is often used by teachers to assess test takers’ performance. This type of assessment can measure students' receptive abilities. Multiple choice tests can be used to measure reading, listening and grammar knowledge (Brown and Hudson: 1998, p.659). Question stems as well as the number of options can determine the quality of the test, in particular the number of distractors or the wrong options in each multiple choice item. The more choices provided in the test do not necessarily mean that the test has a good level of difficulty and discrimination. This study focuses on examining two multiple choice tests that have three options, consisting of one answer and two distractors and four options, consisting of one answerand three distractors. The multiple choice tests used in this study are Chinese multiple choice tests. The purpose of this research is to provide information on which type of Chinese multiple choice test is more effective in terms of the number of optionsused, so test makers can make a Chinese multiple choice test with better quality. This research method is a mixed method by combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The data instruments of this research are two tests of Chinese language Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) level 4 and interview results with twenty participants. The test results are analyzed using the classical method concept of item facility and item discrimination (Brown and Abeywickrama, 1950) and also using the modern method of Rasch model application. These two methods are used to make the analysis more accurate. The results of the analysis were compared and presented with a t-test table. After that, the data from the interviews were also presented to answer the third research question. The results showed that the use of different numbers of options in the Chinese multiple choice tests had no effect on the level of difficulty and discrimination on the test.. The results of the participant interviews show that the participants prefer to have a Chinese multiple choice test with three options because a fewer number of options means they have to understand fewer Han characters. In addition, the use of three options can save the test writer’s time in writing Chinese multiple choice tests."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mieska Despitasari
"Penguatan sistem kesehatan memerlukan upaya terfokus pada pelayanan promotif dan preventif di puskesmas sebagai pemberi layanan primer. Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan (SDMK) puskesmas memegang peranan penting dalam kinerja pelayanan puskesmas karena SDMK puskesmas yang bahagia dapat bekerja lebih produktif. Setidaknya terdapat tiga masalah SDMK puskesmas, yaitu maldistribusi, beban kerja berlebih, dan regulasi kepegawaian yang menimbulkan berbagai persepsi. Ketiganya berpotensi menyebabkan turunnya tingkat kebahagiaan. Diperlukan pengukuran indeks kebahagiaan yang dapat secara berkala dipantau sehingga dapat segera dilakukan intervensi yang tepat setiap saat.
Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data sekunder yang menggunakan data Riset Ketenagaan di Bidang Kesehatan tahun 2017. Risnakes adalah survey nasional SDMK yang diselenggarakan oleh NIHRD MoH. Jumlah responden yang terlibat dalam total coverage survey ini adalah 249.910 orang. Instrumen kebahagiaan pada Risnakes 2017 mengacu pada instrumen Survey Pengukuran Tingkat Kebahagiaan Badan Pusat Statistik yang mengadaptasi konsep better life index OECD.
Evaluasi instrumen kebahagiaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pemodelan Rasch. Model kebahagiaan dikembangkan dengan analisis faktor dan pemodelan Rasch. Validitas konkuren model kebahagiaan dinilai dengan menggunakan dua konstruk relevan yaitu kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja. Indeks kebahagiaan diperoleh melalu pemodelan Rasch dan dibuat peringkat tingkat kabupaen/kota serta provinsi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh parameter evaluasi instrumen (item fit, outfit meansquare, point measure correlation, wright map, DIF, unidimensionalitas, rating scale analysis, cronbach alpha, dan separation index ) bernilai baik. Hasil pemodelan dengan analaisis faktor menunjukkan hasil bahwa model kebahagiaan terbentuk dari 18 indikator yang mengelompok menjadi 4 dimensi yaitu retensi, kesehatan, sosial, dan insentif dengan nilai total variance explained 59,61%. Model secara statistik dinyatakan memiliki validitas konkuren karena berhubungan dengan kepuasan dan motivasi kerja dalam model regresi linear berganda. Rata-rata tingkat kebahagiaan individu SDMK puskesmas di Indonesia adalah 0,6542 ± 0,1040. Berdasarkan provinsi, DKI Jakarta menempati posisi tertinggi indeks kebahagiaan SDMK puskesmas, sementara posisi terendah adalah Kalimantan Utara. Berdasarkan kabupaten/kota, peringkat tertinggi indeks kebahagiaan diduduki oleh Kabupaten Sumba Barat dan terendah Kabupaten Nduga.
Diperlukan pengukuran kebahagiaan secara berkala pada SDMK puskesmas agar dapat segera diintervensi apabila terjadi masalah. Dengan demikian kinerja pelayanan puskesmas menjadi optimal dan berdampak pada peningkatan status kesehatan masyarakat.

Health system strengthening requires efforts focused on promotive and preventive services at the puskesmas as the primary health care provider. Human Resources for Health (HRH) plays an important role in the performance of puskesmas because happy HRH can work more productively. At least, there are three potential problems related to Puskesmas’ HRH nowadays, namely maldistribution, excessive workload, and ambiguous staffing regulations. All problems are potential to decrease HRH level of happiness. It is necessary to measure the happiness index which can be periodically monitored so that appropriate interventions can be made at any time.
This research was a secondary data analysis that used Risnakes 2017 data. Risnakes was a national HRH survey held by National Health Research and Development (NIHRD MoH) with 249,910 respondents involved. The happiness instrument Risnakes 2017 refers to the Central Statistics Agency’s (BPS’s) happiness survey which adapts OECD better life index concepts.
Evaluation of the happiness instrument was carried out using Rasch modeling. The happiness model was developed by factor analysis and Rasch modeling. The concurrent validity of the happiness model was assessed using two relevant constructs, namely job satisfaction and work motivation. The happiness index was obtained through Rasch modeling and rankings were made at the district/city and provincial levels.
The results showed that all instrument evaluation parameters (item fit, outfit mean square, point measure correlation, wright-map, DIF, unidimensionality, rating scale analysis, Cronbach alpha, and separation index) were good. The happiness model was formed from 18 indicators grouped into 4 dimensions, namely retention, health, social, and incentives. The total variance explained was 59.61%. The model was statistically stated to have concurrent validity because it relates to job satisfaction and motivation in a multiple linear regression model. The average happiness level of puskesmas’ HRH in Indonesia was 0.6542 ± 0.1040. Based on the province, DKI Jakarta occupies the highest position in the HRH happiness index. While North Kalimantan was the lowest. Based on districts/cities, West Sumba Regency has the highest happiness index and the lowest was Nduga Regency.
Periodic measurements of HRH happiness are needed in order to immediately intervene if a problem occurs. Thus, the performance of puskesmas services will increase and have an impact on the public health status.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesiae, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Adipradana
"Tindakan anarki sering terjadi pada suporter sepakbola, termasuk di sepakbola Indonesia. Tindakan Anarki dianggap tidak baik dan merugikan berbagai pihak dan bahkan memakan korban. Tindakan anarki sering terjadi pada berbagai kelompok suporter di Indonesia. Melalui ini penelitian, akan terlihat bagaimana perbedaan tingkat suporter anarkis di Klub sepak bola Arema, Persib, Persija dan Persebaya. Pendidikan harus bisa dicapai seseorang berperilaku baik dan tidak bertindak anarki. Dalam penelitian ini, juga akan terlihat apakah pendidikan dapat mempengaruhi level suporter sepakbola anarkis di Indonesia. Untuk mengukur tingkat anarkis, alat pengukur yang telah dimodifikasi ke model Rasch instrumen kuesioner dengan format Likert digunakan. Dengan nonparametrik Kruskal-Wallis Metode, ditemukan bahwa ada perbedaan di tingkat anarki antara suporter klub sepakbola Arema, Persib, Persija, dan Persebaya. Bisa juga dilihat itu tingkat pendidikan mempengaruhi tingkat anarki suporter. Jadi, solusi terbaik untuk mengurangi atau mungkin menghilangkan tindakan anarki di Indonesia adalah untuk meningkatkan pendidikan di Indonesia

Acts of anarchy often occur in football supporters, including in Indonesian football. Anarchy's actions are considered bad and detrimental to various parties and even take casualties. Acts of anarchy often occur in various groups of supporters in Indonesia. Through this research, it will be seen how the different levels of anarchist supporters in Arema, Persib, Persija and Persebaya soccer clubs. Education must be attainable for someone to behave well and not act anarchy. In this study, it will also be seen whether education can influence the level of anarchist football supporters in Indonesia. To measure anarchist levels, gauges that have been modified to the Rasch model of a questionnaire instrument with a Likert format are used. With the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis Method, it was found that there are differences at the level of anarchy between football club supporters Arema, Persib, Persija and Persebaya. It can also be seen that the level of education influences the level of anarchy of supporters. So, the best solution to reduce or possibly eliminate anarchy in Indonesia is to improve education in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Anwar
"The rising food price has been signaling a crisis to food insecurity among the poor since the period of 2007/2008. The poor would be in a difficult situation to allocate the budget to meet the demand for food and nonfood in daily life as the real income changes. Food insecurity measured by Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) is a most recent broadened concept of food insecurity considering the existence of anxiety to food access.
This research aims to evaluate the causal inference of food price exposure to the FIES both on simple sum namely raw score and Rasch scale, a corrected measure which assuming the same latent traits among the households. The estimation used is Pooled Ordinary Least Square through the multilevel observations and Panel Regression for regional-level data.
The main finding of this research is that the rising food price significantly affected the FIES, consistently on the raw score and Rasch scale, specifically to the vulnerable households defined by the bottom 40 percent in terms of their expenditure. The rising food price also increased the proportion of severely food insecure households at the regional level. As the heterogeneous effect through islands is also evaluated,
it's concluded that the highest effect of the rising food price to experiencing the anxiety of food insecurity belongs households located in Bali and the lowest effect belongs to households located in Java Island. Decomposing food price into rice and nonrice is solving the puzzle where and who belongs the worse effect should be. The rising rice price is affecting worse to the households in Sumatera and Papua, but on the contrary, the households in Java, Nusa Tenggara, and Sulawesi were taking benefit amid the rising rice price. The result is also serving as a baseline in evaluating the impact of such an outbreak namely Covid-19 through the channel of compensating variations regarding food insecurity. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tahira Fulazzaky
"Kompetensi merupakan kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki seseorang untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam bekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kesiapan guru PAUD dalam aspek kompetensi gizi dan kesehatan menurut survei daring yang diadakan oleh SEAMEO RECFON dengan melihat gambaran hasil kompetensi berdasarkan karakteristik peserta dan menilai kualitas pengukuran kompetensi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, sampel yang digunakan total sampling sebanyak 78.711 guru PAUD. Analisis meliputi analisis butir soal (tingkat kesukaran butir soal, daya pembeda soal, distribusi jawaban dan rasch model) dan analisis deskriptif terhadap karakteristik responden. Hasil penelitian terhadap butir soal didapatkan 3 item soal yang dinyatakan tidak layak, 8 item soal yang diterima dengan perbaikan, dan ke 29 soal item lainnya sudah cukup baik untuk mengukur kemampuan peserta. Pengukuran menggunakan rasch model, didapatkan keseluruha soal ujian sudah fit secara statistik dan sudah memiliki variasi tingkat kesukaran item yang baik. Hasil analisis Reliabilitas Kuder Ridchardson (KR21) sebesar 0,742 menunjukkan reliabilitas soal dapat diterima.Secara keselurahan kompetensi gizi dan kesehatan guru PAUD belum baik dengan tingkat kelulusan sebesar 33,6%, standar kelulusan menggunakan nilai cut off point 70%. Semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan persentase kelulusan semakin baik, namun tidak berlaku untuk tingkat pendidikan Doktor hal ini dikarenakan adanya kemungkinan memegang peran manajemen PAUD. Semakin lama pengalaman mengajar persentase kelulusan kompetensinya semakin baik. Domisili terbanyak yang menjadi peserta ujian tinggal di wilayah Indonesia Barat. Peserta dengan riwayat pelatihan (DIKLAT dasar dan pelatihan gizi-kesehatan) persentase kelulusannya lebih baik dibanding kelulusan peserta yang tidak ikut pelatihan. Peserta yang terlibat menjadi kader posyandu persentase kelulusan kompetensinya lebih baik dibanding persentase kelulusan guru yang bukan kader posyandu.

Competence is a basic ability that must be possessed by someone to achieve success in work.This study aims to assess the readiness of ECE teachers in nutritional and health competency aspects according to an online survey conducted by SEAMEO RECFON by looking at the picture of competency results based on participant characteristics and assessing the quality of competency measurement. This research is a study quantitative descriptive, the sample used is a total sampling of 78,711 ECE teachers. The analysis includes item analysis (item difficulty level, item discrimination, distribution answers, Rasch model) and descriptive analysis of the respondent's characteristics. The results of the research on the items obtained 3 items that were declared not feasible, 8 items were received with improvement, and the other 29 item items were good enough to measure the ability of participants. Measurement using the Rasch model, obtained all exam questions are statistically fit and already have a good variation in the level of difficulty items. The results of the Kuder Ridchardson Reliability Analysis (KR21) of 0.742 indicate the reliability of the questions is acceptable. Overall, the nutrition and health competence of PAUD teachers is not good with a graduation rate of 33,6%, the passing grade uses a 70% cut off point value. The higher the level of education the better percentage of graduation, but it does not apply to Doctoral education leves because of the possibility of holding PAUD management roles. The longer teaching experience the better percentage of graduation. Most domiciles who become test takers live in Western Indonesia. Participants with a history of training (basic training and nutrition-health training) the percentage of graduation is better than graduation of participants who did not participate in the training. Participants who were involved in becoming Posyandu cadre graduation rate were better than the graduation percentage of teachers who were not Posyandu cadres."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"universitas terbuka has been applying a test of final examination for measuring student learning outcomes. Type of final examination that developed is objective teset consisting of stem and option.option of test covering answer key and detractors. a good question should have detractors relatively homogenous, so that it is difficult to guessed by a student.criteria of good question can be determined by item anaysis with using classical test theory and modern test theory. unversitas terbuka has been doing item analysis base on classical test theory. This theory has the limitation characteristics of the index items were highly dependent on the group of test. unlike the case with modern test theory (item response theory). Item response theory is based on the ability of individual test. the purpose of this paper is to determine: 1 how the result of the final exam ite analysis using item response analysis, 2 how the comparison of the number of valid and invalid between item responseanalysis and classical teset analysis, and 3 how determine item characteristics of the items and estimate the ability of participants to the test item response using rasch model. the data used are student answers that took exams on subjects selected sample in 2009.1 and 2009.2. the total sample used by 8 subjects consisting of 16 sets of questions. the study results showed: 1 average difficulty level of the sample items was subject to items response items (rasch model) i sbetween o.618 to 1.417, 2 comparison of the results of the analysis of test items using classical analysis and the rasch model anaylysis is very significant, and 3 on the number of examinees who many (over 1.500) people, the number of percentage of items was valid by using items response analysis more than the classical analysis."
JPUT 14 : 2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library