Karina Putri Prarahmadanty
Abstrak :
Program Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat merupakan salah satu program prioritas Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi karena bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran dunia kerja kepada mahasiswa. MSIB termasuk dalam program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka yang diatur dalam Permendikbudristek Nomor 53 Tahun 2023 tentang Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi. Universitas Indonesia mendapatkan Anugerah Pengirim Magang Kampus Merdeka terbanyak pada Tahun 2023 dari Direkrotat Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mengenai implementasi Program Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat di Indonesia menggunakan teori implementasi kebijakan “Strategic Action Field Framework for Public Policy” oleh Stephanie Moulton dan Jodie R. Standfort. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif post positivist, Teknik pengumpulan data melalui data primer dengan wawancara mendalam serta data sekunder dengan studi literatur, serta analisis yang bersifat kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat di Universitas Indonesia sudah baik karena Universitas Indonesia telah membuat kebijakan turunan berupa Peraturan Nomor 24 tahun 2022 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Program Sarjana dan Buku Pedoman Pelaksanaan MBKM di Universitas Indonesia. Adapun, terdapat unit yang menjadi koordinator untuk mengelola dan memastikan bahwa seluruh pihak yang ada di Universitas Indonesia berusaha untuk mendukung dan mengimplementasikan program Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat dengan optimal. Meskipun begitu, terdapat beberapa catatan penting seperti proses sistem sks yang belum selaras dari tiap program studi, pola kerja CIL (Center of Independent Learning) yang belum terbentuk, dan program studi yang belum informatif. Peneliti merekomendasikan untuk mengadakan survey kepada mahasiswa agar memberikan penilaian kepada program studi sebagai bahan evaluasi kinerja selama mengimplementasikan program Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat di Universitas Indonesia.
......The Internship Program and Certified Independent Study are among the priority programs of the Directorate of Higher Education, Research, and Technology as they aim to provide students with insights into the working world. MSIB is part of the Independent Campus Freedom to Learn program regulated by the Minister of Education and Culture and Minister of Research and Technology Regulation Number 53 of 2023 on Quality Assurance of Higher Education. In 2023, the Universitas Indonesia received the most Internship Campus Freedom awards from the Directorate of Higher Education, Research, and Technology. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the implementation of the Internship Program and Certified Independent Study in Indonesia using the policy implementation theory "Strategic Action Field Framework for Public Policy" by Stephanie Moulton and Jodie R. Standfort. The research method employed is qualitative post positivism, with data collection techniques involving primary data through in-depth interviews and secondary data through literature studies, along with qualitative analysis. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of the Internship Program and Certified Independent Study at the University of Indonesia is well-executed, given that the university has established derivative policies such as Rector Regulation Number 24 of 2022 on the Implementation of Bachelor's Programs at the University of Indonesia and the Guidelines for Implementing MBKM at the University of Indonesia. There is a coordinating unit responsible for managing and ensuring that all stakeholders at the University of Indonesia strive to support and optimize the implementation of the Internship Program and Certified Independent Study. However, there are some notable points such as the lack of alignment in the credit system processes across different study programs, the undeveloped CIL (Centre of Independent Learning) work pattern, and the lack of informativeness in some study programs. The researchers recommend conducting a survey among students to gather feedback on study programs as an evaluation tool for performance during the implementation of the Internship Program and Certified Independent Study at the University of Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library