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Ronny Pratama
Abstrak :
Sektor jasa dewasa ini telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat seiring dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan masyarakat dunia. Sebagai negara berkembang, walaupun Indonesia bukanlah masyarakat industri tetapi pemakaian jasa itu sendiri menempati tempat yang tak kalah pentingnya bagi kesuksesan suatu bisnis. Jasa mover sendiri di Indonesia belum sepenuhnya diketahui oleh orang awam. Kata mover itu sendiri diartikan sebagai seseorang yang memindahkan barang. Jadi jasa mover yang dimaksud pada pembahasan ini meliputi bidang jasa yang berhubungan langsung dengan proses pemindahan itu sendiri seperti, pergudangan, packaging, transportasi dan freight forwarding. Dalam hal ini, mover hanya berorientasi pada 'benda' dan bukannya pada 'orang' seperti layaknya travel atau biro perjalanan. Tesis ini membahas mengenai strategi pemasaran dengan mengambil studi kasus di perusahaan jasa pengiriman PT. AEROTRANS. Tujuan penelitian ini selain untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran jasa pengiriman PT. AEROTRANS berdasarkan segmentasi, target, posisi, juga untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran PT. AEROTRANS berdasarkan siklus kehidupan usaha produk. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, permasalahan dalam tesis ini dirumuskan sebagai berikut : strategi pemasaran yang paling tepat untuk PT. AEROTRANS agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing dan berkembang di masa yang akan datang. Dalam melakukan penelitian, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran yang lebih mendalam dan lengkap dari suatu objek yang diteliti tanpa mementingkan generalisasi secara luas. Analisis data dilakukan berdasarkan analisis PLC (Product Life Cycle). Sebelum suatu strategi pemasaran disusun, perusahaan harus siap dengan perencanaan rincian dari bauran pemasarannya. Dalam studi kasus ini, strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan menggunakan konsep bauran pemasaran 7 P yaitu produk (product), harga (price), distribusi (place), promosi (promotion), manusia (people), proses (process) dan pelayanan konsumen (customer service) Strategi pemasaran yang sudah diterapkan oleh PT. AEROTRANS yaitu: (1) Strategi pemasaran untuk produk yang dilakukan oleh PT. AEROTRANS adalah dengan melakukan diferensiasi produk, (2) Strategi pemasaran untuk harga, PT. AEROTRANS menetapkan harga dengan harga yang berlaku (going-rate pricing), (3) Strategi pemasaran untuk promosi, bauran promosi yang dipakai adalalah penjualan personal (personal selling) dan hubungan masyarakat yang di dalamnya termasuk kegiatan publisitas, (4) Strategi pemasaran untuk distribusi yaitu dengan menggunakan saluran langsung dari produsen ke konsumen, delivery service, serta distribusi selektif yang membatasi jumlah outlet, dan (5) Strategi pemasaran untuk manusia (pegawai) adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dan training, serta kompensasi yang sesuai untuk pegawai. Setelah dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis PLC (Product Life Cycle) yang diukur dengan metode Polli & Cook, maka didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa jasa pengiriman PT. AEROTRANS berada dalam tahap kedewasaan yang menurun (decaying maturity stage). Karena itu alternatif strategi yang disarankan yang sesuai dengan posisi produk pada saat ini diantaranya adalah dengan modifikasi pasar, produk, dan bauran pemasaran. Modifikasi pasar dilakukan dengan cara membuat layanan SDS (Same Day Service) yang artinya kiriman sampai pada hari yang sama untuk kota-kota di tingkat kotamadya dan kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia, modifikasi bauran pemasaran dilakukan dengan mencakup modifikasi atas harga dan promosi. Modifikasi harga dilakukan dengan cara menurunkan harga, sedangkan modifikasi promosi dilakukan dengan mempergunakan strategi promosi lain seperti periklanan serta promosi penjualan untuk membantu memperkenalkan jasa pengiriman ini.
Recently, service sector has been improving greatly along with world's society welfare improvement. As a developing country, Although Indonesia is not an industrial society but using the service has positioned an important rank for success of a business. Mover service in Indonesia has not been known well by people in general. The word 'mover' itself is defined as someone who moves goods or things. So mover service which is meant here is covering service sector that relates with the movement itself directly such as, warehousing, packaging, transportation, and freight forwarding. In this case, mover is only oriented to 'goods' not to 'person' as we know travel or travel bureau. Nowadays business environment keeps changing according to business growth so that could create threatened to company. In anticipating this threatened we need to determine some steps of countering. This thesis is discussing about the marketing strategic at AEROTRANS Co. Ltd., a courier service company, based on their segmentation, target and position including their product life cycle. That, mover service in Indonesia is getting better along with economic activity and the beginning of free trade market. There will be more competitors whether inside or outside the country which operate their business in Indonesia. To win the competition, strategy is needed according to criterion of technique, economics, financial, managing skill properly in quality as market demand. Based on those things, problems in this thesis is formulated as follow: 'What kind of marketing strategy should be of AEROTRANS Co. Ltd. In order to increase the power of competition and able to develop in the future'. Objective of the research is analyzing AEROTRANS Co. Ltd. Condition as a mover service company which is much influenced by dynamic external environment and its internal environment which is still tend to less dynamic and some limitation of sources. Giving a whole perspective of analysis about opportunities that could be benefited in order to complete in winning the competition in that mover service industry. Research methodology that is used in writing this thesis is descriptive analysis, by data collecting technique through bibliography study and field study with a deep interview. Data analysis is performed through Product Life Cycle (PLC) analysis. Prior to preparing a marketing strategy, a company shall be ready with the detailed planning of its marketing mix. In the case study, the marketing strategy applied incorporates the marketing mix concept called 7P's namely product, price, place, promotion, people, process and customer service. The Marketing strategy already implemented by includes : (1) Marketing strategy for the products performed by AEROTRANS Co. Ltd. is through product differentiation, (2) Marketing strategy for price, AEROTRANS Co. Ltd. applies the price now prevailing (going-rate pricing), (3) Marketing strategy for promotion: the promotion mix applied is personal selling and mass communication which includes publicity, (4) Marketing strategy for distribution is through incorporating direct channel from the producer to the consumer, called delivery service, and selective distribution which limits the number of outlets, and (5) Marketing strategy for the people (employees), which is through giving training plus compensation in compliant with the employees. After being analyzed using PLC (Product Life Cycle) analysis and measured with Polli and Cook method, it's concluded that the mover service produced by AEROTRANS Co. Ltd. is now in the decaying maturity stage. Therefore, the alternative strategy suggested, which will be appropriate with the product position at this time includes, among others, modifying the product, market and marketing mix. Market adjustment modifying can be done to increase the customer volume. Product adjustment modifying can be done by same day service that means the send at arrive same day for cities at district and regency level in Indonesia, Marketing mix adjustment modifying can be done by decreasing the price, while promotion modifying can be done by using another promotion strategies, such as : advertising and personal selling. The aim is to promote the product to the market or customer.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Vanny Marianta
Abstrak :
Pada saat sekarang ini baik organisasi swasta maupun milik pemerintah menghadapi sebuah situasi atau lingkungan yang tidak menentu, rnembingungkan dan penuh ancaman. Perubahan yang signifikan dapat berasal dari beberapa sumber, termasuk adanya pembahan kebijakan kesehatan tekanan ekonomi maupun tekanan pasar dalam Penelitian ini meneliti tentang aplikasi sebuah aiat fonnulasi rencana strategi yaitu Product Life Cycle. Konsep PLC adalah menunjukkan karakteristik atas variabel-variahei yang diteliti dan memberi alternative strategi utama pada setiap fasenya. Variabel tersebut adalah sales (pendapatan), profit, competitors, dan capital access dari RSDS. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian operasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa RSDS berada pada fase Growth pada kursus PLC. Dan strategi alternatif utama adaJah market development, product development, dan market penetration, yang dikembangkan menjadi beberapa altematif strategi. Sebagai kesimpulan atas penelitian ini ada1ah dipero1ehnya strategi terpilih yaitu pengadaan paket medical check up bagi perusahaan. Keputusan tersebut dihasilkan dalam sebuah diskusi Concessus Decision Making Group (CDMG). ......At no previous time have both public and private health care institutions face a more turbulent,- confusing, and threatening environment. SJgnificant change wiH come from many sources, including health care reform policy intemalional as weli as domestic economic and market forces. demographic shifts lind lifestyle changes. and technological advanced within the health care industry. A health care organizations is influenced both by This research is an operational research by using qualitative and quantitative approach. The data comes from primer and secunder data. As the result, Duren Saw1t Hospital is at the Growth Stage at the PLC curve. And the major alternative strategies are market development, product development, and market penetration. They are devetoped to be some alternative strategies and the conclusion of this research is that the main strategy for Duren Sawit Hospital is making the medical check up package for companies. The decision is achieved by Concessus Decision Making Group (CDMG).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhe Yudhi Kurniawan
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palmer, Doc
Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1999
R 658.202 PAL m
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas strategi cross media integration yang dilakukan Koran Sindo (MNC Grup) terhadap media – media tidak sejenis di MNC Grup kaitannya terhadap product life cycle Koran Sindo sebagai media cetak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan disain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan cross media integration memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan pendapatan Koran Sindo. Diharapkan strategi ini memperkaya strategi manajemen media yang sudah ada dan diharapkan mampu menahan laju penurunan pendapatan lebih cepat, khususnya industri media cetak.
The thesis discusses about strategy of cross media integration and its implementation on Koran Sindo with others media in MNC Group. The research uses qualitative approach with descriptive design. The study states cross media integration has a significant influence on the increase in revenue Koran Sindo. This strategy is expected to enrich the media management strategy that already exist and are expected to restrain the rate of decline in revenue faster , especially the print media industry
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Spency Dolly
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hasi! analisis produk RSIA Budi Kemuliaan dalam Product Lgfe Cycle atau Siklus Hidup Produk. Produk yang diteliti adalah produk rawat jalan (pribadi, berjenjang, UGD) dan produk KBKO (Kamar Bersalin, Kamar Opcrasi). Variabel yang digunakan adalah variabel sales, revenue, congvetimrg technology, dan Investmen! in Research & Development. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian operasional dengan pcndekatan kunatitatif dan kualitatifi Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa poliklinik be;ienjang,klinik gigi, poliklinik sore, UGD , kamar bersalin dan kamar operasi mengalami fase growrh. Sedangkan poliklinik pribadi mengalami fase malure. Penclili menyarankan agar rumah sakit dapat membuat rencana strategi yang tepat dari analisis dan alternatif strategi yang diberikan. ......The focus of this study is to analize Budi Kemuliaan hospital’s product with product life cycle tools. The products are policlinic for the outpatient ( general, specialist and emergency room), birthing room and operation room. This research is operational research with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The result of this study that general policlinic, afternoon policlinic, dental clinic, emergency room and birthing room have a growth stage. They are different with specialist clinic that has mature stage. Because of that, the researcher suggests that Budi Kemuliaan hospital make a strategic plan based on that facts. Which can help them growth larger than they were right now.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dadat Sunardi
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boyd, Sarah B.
Abstrak :
Life-cycle assessment of semiconductors presents the first and thus far only available transparent and complete life cycle assessment of semiconductor devices. A lack of reliable semiconductor LCA data has been a major challenge to evaluation of the potential environmental benefits of information technologies (IT). The analysis and results presented in this book will allow a higher degree of confidence and certainty in decisions concerning the use of IT in efforts to reduce climate change and other environmental effects. Coverage includes but is not limited to semiconductor manufacturing trends by product type and geography, unique coverage of life-cycle assessment, with a focus on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of energy and global warming missions for CMOS logic devices, life cycle assessment of flash memory and life cycle assessment of DRAM.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isnaeni Achdiat
Abstrak :
Perusahaan menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk berbagai hal khususnya meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi, agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing. Namun investasi dalam teknologi informasi umumnya tidak murah, dan karena itu manajemen perlu memastikan bahwa sasaran penggunaan teknologi informasi tersebut dapat atau telah tercapai. IT audit merupakan salah satu cara untuk memberikan keyakinan mengenai hal ini. Selain jasa audit laporan keuangan, pada umumnya Kantor Akuntan Publik juga memberikan jasa-jasa lain, diantaranya adalah jasa IT Audit. Upaya pengembangan jasa- jasa lain dalam KAP ini sangat menarik untuk dicermati, karena jasa-jasa tersebut bukan merupakan bisnis inti dari KAP. Salah satu yang menarik untuk dicermati adalah upaya pengembangan jasa IT Audit pada KAP XYZ, dimana KAP XYZ sendiri mengalami pertumbuhan yang luar biasa yaitu mulai dari memiliki karyawan sekitar 100 orang di tahun 1992 menjadi sekitar 1.500 di tahun 2010, melalui berbagai proses, termasuk diantaranya merger. Penelitian dilakukan pada KAP XYZ, yang telah mengembangkan IT Audit Group dari sejak tahun 1996. Pendekatan penelitian adalah dengan mempelajari laporan-laporan IT Audit Group dan melakukan analisa terhadap berbagai kasus yang telah dihadapi, terkait dengan penugasan seperti Data Analysis, Computer Fraud, IT Governance dan Security Review. Disamping itu, dilakukan kajian mengenai teori Product Life Cycle terhadap pengembangan IT Audit Group atas dua jenis kelompok jasa IT Audit Group, yaitu internal dan eksternal. Ilustrasi analisa SWOT juga dipaparkan, sebagai pembahasan penyusunan rencana bisnis pengembangan IT Audit Group. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa perkembangan IT Audit Group di KAP XYZ sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan KAP itu sendiri, yaitu merger, dan lahirnya regulasi-regulasi baru yang terkait dengan IT, termasuk diantaranya Sarbanes Oxley dan juga regulasi khusus mengenai IT yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia. Namun demikian, seperti layaknya suatu produk, jasa IT Audit yang diberikan oleh IT Audit Group untuk kebutuhan internal, sebagai bagian dari audit laporan keuangan, pada akhirnya mengalami masa maturity. Pada fase ini, IT Audit Group diharapkan dapat melakukan terobosan-terobosan baru, dan khususnya mengembangkan lebih lanjut jasa IT audit kepada pihak eksternal. Analisa pengembangan IT Audit juga dilakukan dengan melihat aspek manusia (SDM), yang merupakan faktor terpenting dalam strategi pengembangan group IT Audit di KAP XYZ. Berdasarkan upaya pengembangan SDM IT Audit Group dan kasus-kasus yang dihadapi dapat diidentifikasi beberapa karakteristik keahlian yang perlu dimiliki oleh IT Audit Group. Karakteristik ini tidak hanya terkait dengan perlunya dibangun suatu kompetensi yang sesuai jenis jasa yang diberikan, melainkan juga aspek non-teknis lain misalnya kemampuan komunikasi dan kepemimpinan. ......Company uses IT for many purposes, especially effectiveness and efficiency, to increase their level of competitiveness. The investment in IT is not cheap, and therefore management must assure that the initial objective of investing in IT can be achieved. IT Audit is one of the method to assist management to provide assurance of the success of their investment in IT. Besides financial statements audit, Audit Firm also provides other services such as IT audit. Observing the firm practice to develop other services like this would bring up some valuable and unique insights, because they are not the core business of the Audit Firm. It is interested to understand the way this non-core service, IT Audit Group is being developed, along the way the Firm itself experiencing a significant growth from having employee of around 100 in 1992, to 1,500 in 2010, including through mergers. The observation is made to KAP XYZ, which started the development of IT Audit Group in 1996. The research is based on analysing the reports and also analysis to various cases encountered in the assignments, such as Data Analysis, Computer Fraud, IT Governance dan Security Review. Additionally, further analysis is conducted using Product Life Cycle Theory and the two types of IT Audit Services in KAP XYZ (Internal and External). An illustration of the SWOT analysis is also explained as part of the discussion of formulating IT Audit Group business plan. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the development of IT Audit Group in KAP XYZ is significantly influenced by the growth of the KAP itself, i.e. merger, and the introduction of new regulations relating to IT, including among others, Sarbanes Oxley and specific regulation such as those issued by Bank Indonesia. As like a product, however, the IT Audit Service that is provided to the internal, has entered its maturity phase. In this phase, the IT Audit Group is expected to come up with breakthrough and especially to further develop the potential of its special IT Audit Services, to the external. An analysis of the development of IT Audit Group is also made through assessment of people aspect, which is one of the most important factor in the strategy of IT Audit Group. Based on the assessment and also dealing with various cases, we can identify some competency characteristics that must be possessed by the IT Audit Group. These characteristics are not only related to the importance of building up skills relating to types of assignment, but also those non-technical aspects such as communication skills and leadership.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This open access book summarizes research being pursued within the Manutelligence project, the goal of which is to help enterprises develop smart, social and flexible products with high value added services. Manutelligence has improved Product and Service Design by developing suitable models and methods, and connecting them through a modular, collaborative and secure ICT Platform. The use of real data collected in real time by Internet of Things (IoT) technologies underpins the design of product-service systems and makes it possible to monitor them throughout their life cycle. Available data allows costs and sustainability issues to be more accurately measured and simulated in the form of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Analysing data from IoT systems and sharing LCC and LCA information via the ICT Platform can help to accelerate the design of product-service systems, reduce costs and better understand customer needs. Industrial partners involved in Manutelligence provide a clear overview of the project’s outcomes, and demonstrate how its technological solutions can be used to improve the design of product-service systems and the management of product-service life cycles.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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