Eric Fernardo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh faktor sosiologis agama, suku, jenis kelamin, dukungan primary group, faktor psikologis orientasi isu, orientasi kandidat, identifikasi partai politik, faktor pilihan rasional prospective voting, retrospective voting dan faktor politik uang terhadap perilaku memilih generasi Z kelahiran 1995-2009. Riset ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan populasi penelitian yang dapat dijangkau peneliti yakni, mahasiswa-mahasiswi aktif S1 FISIP UI angkatan 2014-2017. Hasilnya faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan meningkatkan kecenderungan memilih adalah orientasi kandidat-santun, orientasi isu-sama, identifikasi partai politik-sama, tidak melakukan-politik uang, prospective issues-beri janji, retrospective issues-cemerlang, jenis kelamin laki-laki, agama sama. Sementara faktor yang berpengaruh signifikan menurunkan kecenderungan memilih adalah orientasi kandidat-arogan, retrospective issues-kontroversial, orientasi isu-beda, identifikasi partai politik-beda, prospective issues-tidak janji.
This study examines the influence of sociological factors religion, ethnicity, gender, primary group support , psychological factors issue orientation, candidate orientation, political party identification, rational choice factors prospective voting, retrospective voting and money politics factor on voting behavior of generation Z birth 1995 2009. This research uses experimental methods with accessible experimentally population i.e. FISIP UI undergraduate student batch 2014 2017. Result of the factors that significantly increase tendency to vote are candidate orientation urbane, issue orientation same, political party identification same, not doing money politics, prospective issues give promises, retrospective issues brilliant, gender male, religion same. While factors that significantly decrease tendency to vote are candidate orientation arrogant, retrospective issue controversial, issue orientation different, political party identification different, prospective issues no promises.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library