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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pendampingan, supervisi, dan bimbingan yang kurang dari kepala ruang dapat
mempengaruhi kepatuhan penggunaan masker dan sarung tangan oleh perawat.
Upaya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui penguatan
peran interpersonal kepala ruang dengan pendekatan teori Peplau. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh penguatan peran
interpersonal kepala ruang dengan pendekatan teori Peplau terhadap penerapan
SPO penggunaan alat pelindung diri perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
pre-eksperimental design, one group pre and post test without control. Sampel
penelitian sebanyak 38 tindakan keperawatan dan kolaborasi medis dengan teknik
incidental sampling dan analisis paired t-test.Hasil penelitian menunjukan
perlakuan penguatan peran interpersonal teori Peplau meningkatkan kepatuhan
penerapan SPO penggunaan APD secara bermakna (p = 0,001). Implikasi
penelitian dapat meningkatkan keselamatan perawat yang berimbas keselamatan
pasien, sebagai evidence base nursing, bahan ajar pendidikan dan pengembangan
teori keperawatan. Diperlukan kebijakan, dan pendampingan dari pimpinan
keperawatan, serta pengembanganmelalui workshop sebagai salah satu
kompetensi pemimpin keperawatan.

The lack of mentoring, supervision and guidance from the head nurses can
influence the nurses? compliance to use masks and gloves. One effortto improve
this compliance is by strengthening the interpersonal roles of head nurses using
Peplau?s theoretical approach. The purpose of this study was to identify the
impacts of strengthening the interpersonal roles of head nurses using Peplau?s
theoretical approach on the implementation of Standard Operating Procedure
(SPO) of nurses? Personal Protective Devices (PPD). This study useda
quantitative method of pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and posttest
design without control. The samples were 38 nursing procedures and medical
collaborations which were taken incidentally and analyzed using paired t-test. The
results showed that the intervention of strengthening the interpersonal roles of
head nurses using Peplau?s theoretical approach significantly improved the
compliance on the implementation of SPO of PPD (p =0.001). The findings of this
study can be used to improve the safety of nurses, which will affect the patient
safety, function as evidence-based nursing, and contribute to the teaching
materials for nursing education and the development of nursing theory. Policies
and supervisions from nursing leaders are required as well as development efforts
through workshops as a competence of nursing leaders"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Yulvi Azni
"Gastritis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Helicobacter Pylori, pola makan tidak teratur, kebiasaan hidup yang buruk, stimulasi makanan, dan stres yang berlebihan. Masalah psikososial yang sering menyertai gastritis adalah ansietas dan ketidakefektifan koping individu. Kedua masalah ini perlu mendapatkan intervensi keperawatan, salah satunya dengan terapi suportif. Tujuan karya ilmiah ini untuk memberikan gambaran penerapan terapi suportif pada 20 klien gastritis dengan masalah ansietas dan ketidakefektifan koping individu berbasis komunitas menggunakan pendekatan Teori Interpersonal Peplau. Terapi suportif diberikan kepada 3 kelompok klien dewasa (setiap kelompok terdiri dari 6-7 individu). Intervensi diberikan sebanyak 4 pertemuan dari mulai 30 Maret sampai 28 April dengan rata-rata pertemuan 45-60 menit. Hasil pengukuran pre dan post menunjukkan pemberian terapi suportif pada klien gastritis dengan pendekatan Teori Interpersonal Peplau dapat menurunkan tanda dan gejala koping individu khususnya pada tanda gejala afektif 95%. Perubahan afektif terjadi dikarenakan selama proses terapi suportif klien diberi kesempatan yang sama untuk mengungkapkan perasaan dan pengalaman yang dialami, serta bisa saling sharing dan diskusi yang terdapat pada fase eksploitasi. Terapi suportif direkomendasikan dilakukan oleh perawat spesialis jiwa untuk meningkatkan koping individu klien gastritis dan Teori Peplau sebagai peningkatan dalam proses interpersonal yang terapeutik dalam keperawatan jiwa.ildren with ASD. Method: The design of this study was a pre-post test analysis. The subjects are children aged 6-10 years who had been diagnosed as GSA by a pediatric neurology consultant and attended the Anakku Clinic Check My Child (CMC) Kayu Putih, Anakku Clinic BSD Serpong, Pondok Pinang, Depok, Bekasi, as well as Anakku Pulomas School within period of April until June 2023. The sampling method was consecutive sampling method. It required total of 33 subjects for 80% power, 5% significance level, 1 point of effect size along with pre-estimated 20% drop out. Firstly, we formulated an animation video-modeling of bathing activity along with its checklist evaluation instrument. The checklist consisted of 20 sequences shown in video-modeling of bathing. Subjects were mandated to watch the video-modeling minimum once a day for duration of 4 weeks. Subjects with the video exposure less than 75% were excluded from the analysis. The evaluation was conducted by adding 1 point for each sequence activity performed by ASD child, without any verbal instructions nor motoric prompts. Pre-test score is the sum of the bathing activity checklist before subject was exposed with the video-modeling, meanwhile the post-test score was taken after 4 weeks intervention period of video-modeling. Result: Among 35 subjects attended in the beginning of the study, only 29 children (82.8%) completed the study for 4 weeks. Most of the subjects (94.2%) were aged 6-8 years with a male and female ratio of 5:1. Median score of ASD childrens’ bathing activity before and after the video-modeling exposure is 3 (0–10) and 6 (1–17), on a scale of 20. The pre- and post-test difference is statistically significant which gives result of 3 point of difference (-4–13), on a scale of 20. Conclusion: There is a statistically significant difference between the sequence imitation skills of bathing activity in ASD children before and after using video-modeling. Further research is needed to determine the clinical significance of this value.

Gastritis is a disease caused by Helicobacter Pylori infection, irregular diet, poor living habits, food stimulation, and excessive stress. Psychosocial problems that often accompany gastritis are anxiety and individual coping ineffectiveness. Both of these problems need to get nursing interventions, one of which is with supportive therapy. The purpose of this scientific work is to provide an overview of the application of supportive therapy in 20 gastritis clients with community-based individual coping problems and ineffectiveness using Peplau's Interpersonal Theory approach. Supportive therapy was provided to 3 groups of adult clients (each group consisted of 6-7 individuals). The intervention was given as many as 4 meetings from March 30 to April 28 with an average meeting of 45-60 minutes. The results of pre and post measurements show that the provision of supportive therapy to gastritis clients with Peplau's interpersonal theory approach can reduce the signs and symptoms of individual coping, especially in the sign of affective symptoms 95%. Affective changes occur because during the supportive therapy process clients are given the same opportunity to express feelings and experiences experienced, and can share and discuss each other contained in the exploitation phase. Supportive therapy is recommended by psychiatric nurses to improve individual coping of gastritis clients and Peplau's theory as an improvement in the therapeutic interpersonal process in psychiatric nursing."
Depok: Fakultai Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Waluyo
"Skizofrenia adalah bentuk gangguan jiwa yang sifatnya menahun, butuh waktu lama untuk proses penyembuhannya, banyak kliennya menghentikan terapi psikofarmaka. Lamanya program pengobatan dan efek samping obat sebagai salah satu penyebab munculnya prilaku ketidakpatuhan klien terhadap program pengobatannya. Karya Ilmiah Akhir ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran manajemen kasus spesialis keperawatan jiwa pada klien dengan ketidakpatuhan minum obat melalui pendekatan konsep teori keperawatan Interpersonal Peplau dan Stress Adaptasi Stuart di ruang Dewi Amba Rumah Sakit dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Terapi Penerimaan dan Komitmen diberikan kepada 17 klien dengan ketidakpatuhan minum obat, hasil yang didapatkan Terapi Penerimaan dan Komitmen efektif meningkatkan kemampuan penerimaan dan komitmen klien terhadap program terapi psikofarmaka. Terapi Penerimaan dan Komitmen direkomendasikan sebagai terapi spesialis keperawatan jiwa yang dapat diberikan pada klien gangguan jiwa dengan ketidakpatuhan minum obat.

Schizophrenia is a form of chronic mental disorders, It took a long time for the healing process, many of the clients stop taking their drugs. The duration of treatment programs and drug side effects as one cause for non-compliance with the client's treatment program. The purpose of this scientific paper was to describe the nursing case management of the clients medication non-compliance behavior using Interpersonal Peplau and Stress Adaptation Stuart Theories at Dewi Amba nursing ward of Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital, Bogor. Acceptance and commitment therapy were conduct 17 clients. The results obtained Acceptance and Commitment Therapy effectively improve client acceptance and commitment to the medication program therapy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is recommended as therapy nursing specialists, provided to the client with a mental disorder clients who have a problem on medication noncompliance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sukma Ayu Candra Kirana
Isolasi sosial yang tidak ditangani akan menyebabkan terjadinya gejala positif seperti halusinasi dan perilaku kekerasan. Social Skills Training meningkatkan kemampuan sosialisasi klien isolasi sosial. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah penurunan tanda gejala isolasi sosial serta peningkatan kemampuan sosialisasi klien. Tujuan karya ilmiah akhir ini menggambarkan tindakan keperawatan ners spesialis pada klien isolasi sosial dengan pendekatan Model Konsep Hildegard E. Peplau dan Stres Adaptasi Stuart. Analisa dilakukan pada 40 klien di Ruang Bratasena. Hasil Social Skills Training dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sosialisasi dan penurunan tanda gejala. Berdasarkan hasil diatas perlu direkomendasikan bahwa Social Skills Training dapat dijadikan standar tindakan keperawatan ners spesialis.

Social isolation is one of negative symptom to schizophrenic client. Untreat sosial isolation cause another problem like hallucination and violent. Social Skills Training improve the social skill. The expected outcome is decrease of social isolation symptoms and increase of social skill. The purpose of this final scientific work is to describe the management of nursing care social isolation clients using Peplaus Interpersonal Model Conceptual Approach and the Stuarts Stress Adaptation. Sample of this paper is 40 clients at Bratasenas room. The results of Social Skills Training is effective increased social skill and decrease the symptomps of client. Based on the results above, Social Skills Training can be used as standard therapy of psychiatric nursing specialists"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library