ABSTRAKPendampingan, supervisi, dan bimbingan yang kurang dari kepala ruang dapat
mempengaruhi kepatuhan penggunaan masker dan sarung tangan oleh perawat.
Upaya untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan tersebut dapat dilakukan melalui penguatan
peran interpersonal kepala ruang dengan pendekatan teori Peplau. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh penguatan peran
interpersonal kepala ruang dengan pendekatan teori Peplau terhadap penerapan
SPO penggunaan alat pelindung diri perawat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode
pre-eksperimental design, one group pre and post test without control. Sampel
penelitian sebanyak 38 tindakan keperawatan dan kolaborasi medis dengan teknik
incidental sampling dan analisis paired t-test.Hasil penelitian menunjukan
perlakuan penguatan peran interpersonal teori Peplau meningkatkan kepatuhan
penerapan SPO penggunaan APD secara bermakna (p = 0,001). Implikasi
penelitian dapat meningkatkan keselamatan perawat yang berimbas keselamatan
pasien, sebagai evidence base nursing, bahan ajar pendidikan dan pengembangan
teori keperawatan. Diperlukan kebijakan, dan pendampingan dari pimpinan
keperawatan, serta pengembanganmelalui workshop sebagai salah satu
kompetensi pemimpin keperawatan.
ABSTRACTThe lack of mentoring, supervision and guidance from the head nurses can
influence the nurses? compliance to use masks and gloves. One effortto improve
this compliance is by strengthening the interpersonal roles of head nurses using
Peplau?s theoretical approach. The purpose of this study was to identify the
impacts of strengthening the interpersonal roles of head nurses using Peplau?s
theoretical approach on the implementation of Standard Operating Procedure
(SPO) of nurses? Personal Protective Devices (PPD). This study useda
quantitative method of pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and posttest
design without control. The samples were 38 nursing procedures and medical
collaborations which were taken incidentally and analyzed using paired t-test. The
results showed that the intervention of strengthening the interpersonal roles of
head nurses using Peplau?s theoretical approach significantly improved the
compliance on the implementation of SPO of PPD (p =0.001). The findings of this
study can be used to improve the safety of nurses, which will affect the patient
safety, function as evidence-based nursing, and contribute to the teaching
materials for nursing education and the development of nursing theory. Policies
and supervisions from nursing leaders are required as well as development efforts
through workshops as a competence of nursing leaders"