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Tachrul Tjondro
Abstrak :
Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk rnengoptimalkan program talent management di dalam suatu sistem pengembangan SDM. Program talent management berdasarkan hasil pcnilaian kinerja tahunan dan asesmen kompetensi mengumpulkan karyawan potensial dan kompeten kedalam kelompok talent pool. Model nperasionl pemecahan masalah pengoperasiaon talent management menggunakan infotrnasi yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wrwancara dengan karyawan yang terlibat dalam talent pool maupun yang bukan, para atasan dan para pengelola program pengembangan SDM , serta berdasarkan pada beberapa refcrensi yang berhubungan dengan Human Resource Management. kompetensi, talent management, teori motivasi expectancy dari Vroom (1964) dan expectancy - value dari Atkinson(l978). Dari analisis metode SWOT terhadap hasil wawancara dan observsi disimpulkan bahwa keluhan karyawan dari kelompok talent pool, non talent pool, pcngclola talent management dan para atasan terdapat kendala pada faktor komunikasi, komitmen para pimpinan dan sistem pengolah data. Dua rekomendasi solusi yang ditawarkan adalah 1) melakukan pcrbaikan sektoral dad setiap program kegiatan pengembangan SDM 2) membangun terlebih dahulu sistem yang tcrintegrasi sehingga pelaksanaan sektoral kegiatan pengembangan SDM tidak menghadapi kendala operasional. Pcmilihan solusi sangat terganttmg pada sudut kepentingan perusahaan saat ini dalam menetapkan prioritas perbaikan.
The goal of final assignment/paper is to optimize the talent management program in a system of human resource development program. The talent management program is based on a yearly perfonnancc appraisal. Competency assessment is also done oi' which result classifies potential and competent employees into a talent pool. Operational model to solve the implementation of talent management problem is done by using the infomation which is collected through an interview and observation. Its result is involved in a talent pool and non talent pool, the superior and the Talent Management Department Staffs. Theoretical approaches usecl human resource management, competency, talent management, motivation of expectancy (Vroom, 1964) and expectancy - value (Atkinson,l978). Based on SWOT analysis, the result of interview and observation concluded that there were grievances of the people from talent pool, non talent pool, the superior and the staffs of Talent Management Department which encountered any obstacle factors in communication, superior commitment and data infomation system. Two alternative recommendations are proposed : 1) To improve parallel the each step from the development activities, 2) To develop integrated system first to make easy the implementation of operational system. The choice of the altemative depends on the company policy.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cynthia Murniati H. S.
Abstrak :
Pada penelitian ini dibahas tentang rencana program pendidikan dan pelatihan karyawan Rumah Sakit Bogor Medical Center untuk tahun 2013-2014 menuju Hospital Service Excellence. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada tiga orang informan serta telaah data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa perencanaan program pelatihan dapat lebih efektif jika mengikuti konsep tahapan program pelatihan dari Tovey dengan lebih tajam pada identifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan dan mengembangkan Unit Diklat agar berfungsi aktif dalam perencanaan yang mendukung pengembangan SDM RS Bogor Medical Center. ...... In this study discussed about the plan educational programs and employee training Bogor Medical Center Hospital for the years 2013-2014 towards Hospital Service Excellence. This study is a qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews to three informants and review of secondary data. The results suggest that the planning of the training program can be more effective if it follows the concept stages of a training program by Tovey with sharper identifying training needs and develop Education and Training Unit that is active in supporting the development of human resource planning Bogor Medical Center Hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harsuko Riniwati
Malang: Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2016
658.3 HAR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asih Setiawati
Abstrak :
Corporate University (CorpU) mulai menjadi wacana penting dalam pengembangan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di Indonesia sejak tahun 2014, walau begitu masih sedikit penelitian empiris mengenai tipe organisasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor pendorong dan penghambat kesuksesan pelaksanaan CorpU di instansi pemerintah di Indonesia. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan tinjauan literatur, data dikumpulkan dari 21 artikel ilmiah penerapan CorpU di Indonesia, yakni dikumpulkan dari lembaga yang telah atau sedang menerapkan CorpU di Indonesia. Literatur kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk menemukan tema terkait faktor pendorong dan penghambat implementasi CorpU. Hasil menunjukkan adanya sejumlah faktor pendorong dan penghambat pelaksanaan CorpU di lembaga pemerintahan di Indonesia. Faktor pendorong tersebut, di antaranya (a) ketersediaan SDM; (b) tolok ukur; (c) pengalaman dalam blended learning; (d) penyemangat institusional, dan (e) dukungan manajemen puncak. Sementara itu, terdapat lima faktor penghambat terpenting adalah (a) lemahnya jaringan dan kemitraan; (b) lemahnya manajemen pengetahuan; (c) kurangnya inovasi; (d) ketakutan akan perubahan, dan (e) tanggung jawab administratif yang tidak jelas. Hasil penelitian ini dapat membantu lembaga pemerintahan untuk mengembangkan CorpU sebagai strategi pengembangan SDM di lembaga, guna beradaptasi dengan pengetahuan yang berkembang cepat dan kebutuhan SDM yang dimiliki. Selain itu saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya diberikan dalam aspek metodologis, terkait pentingnya penelitian kuantitatif serta faktor-faktor yang berdampak terhadap efektivitas dan efisiensi CorpU.
Sumedang: Puslatbang Pkasn Lan, 2022
JWK 25:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghalih Widyo Nugroho
Abstrak :
Polri Sebagai institusi yang memegang peranan dalam memelihara keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, menegakkan hukum dan memberikan perlindungan, pengayoman dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Dalam Reformasi Birokrasi Polri secara berkelanjutan selalu melakukan perubahan baik dari segi struktural, instrumental dan cultural, dan salah satu aspek pentingnya adalah bidang sumber daya manusia. Hal ini termasuk dalam hal penempatan personel pada suatu jabatan baik sebagai bentuk promosi, penyegaran maupun demosi yang sesuai dengan kapabilitas dan kemampuannya. Untuk mengetahui kompetensi setiap personelnya, Polri melakukan penilaian menggunakan metode Assessment Center kepada setiap personelnya sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Kapolri Nomor 5 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Asssessment Center Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, dengan tujuan untuk menganalisa terkait Implementasi Assessment di Polda Kep. Bangka Belitung, Keterkaitan Assessment dengan penempatan jabatan dan Dampak Assessment terhadap personel dan organisasi. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pertama pelaksanaan Assesment Center pada Polda Kep. Bangka Belitung belum berjalan secara optimal, dikarenakan dukungan anggaran yang terbatas. Kedua Assessment tidak selalu terkait dengan penempatan jabatan personel, hal tersebut dikarenakan masih ada kebijakan pimpinan dan faktor lain yang mempengaruhi dalam penempatan jabatan personel. Ketiga bahwa Assessment yang tidak sesuai ketentuan akan memberikan dampak pada pembinaan karier personel yang kurang adil serta terkesan subyektif (sudah mengikuti Assessment jabatan tertentu tapi tidak menjabat dalam jabatan tersebut, belum mengikuti Assessment jabatan tertentu tapi sudah menjabat dalam jabatan tersebut dan tidak pernah ikut Assessment juga tidak menjabat) serta Reformasi Organisasi Polri tidak tercapai dengan baik. ......POLRI is a civil institution have an important role maintaining security, social order, law enforcement and providing protection and service to the community. Bureaucratic Reform of the Indonesian National Police Have an impact on changing structures, instrumental and cultural, one of the important aspects is human resources. This includes the replacement of personnel in a matched position either as a form of promotion, refreshment, or demotion in accordance with their capabilities and abilities. To find out the competency of each personnel, Polri has been conducting an assessment using the Assessment Center method for each personnel as stipulated in the Chief of Police Regulation Number 5 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of the Assessment Center for the Indonesian National Police. This research used qualitative approach conducted by collecting data in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation, with the aim of analyzing related to the Implementation of the Assessment at Regional Police of Kep. Bangka Belitung, Linkage of Assessment with position placement and Assessment Impact on personnel and organizations. The result found that first, the implementation of the Assessment Center at Regional Police of Kep. Bangka Belitung has not run optimally, due to limited budget support. Secondly, Assessments are not always related to the placement of personnel positions, this is because there are leadership policies and other factors that influence the placement of personnel positions. Third, Assessment that is not in accordance with the provisions will have an impact on personnel career development that is unfair and seems subjective (already taking an Assessment for a certain position but not serving in that position, has not taken part in an Assessment for a certain position but has already served in that position and has never participated in an Assessment either not serving).
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
SAKTI adalah Aplikasi Keuangan yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Keuangan untuk mendukung implementasi SPAN dan diberlakukan diseluruh Kementerian/lembaga pada tahun 2022 menyatukan beberapa aplikasi satuan kerja sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi SAKTI dengan pendekatan TAM (Technology acceptance model) pada UPT Pusat Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Laut dan menganalisis kendala ataupun hambatan. Metode mixed methods adalah metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini,  dengan menggabungkan penelitian kualitatif dan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Analisa dilakukan menggunakan lima faktor TAM yaitu Persepsi kegunaan (Perceived Usefulness), Persepsi kemudahan pemakaian (perceived ease of use), Sikap (Attitude Toward Using), Niat perilaku (behavioral intention), Pemakaian aktual (actual system usage). Dengan menganalisis kelima faktor TAM ini, peneliti dapat memperoleh wawasan yang lebih komprehensif tentang penerimaan dan penggunaan aplikasi SAKTI oleh pengguna. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa implementasi SAKTI dengan pendekatan TAM (Technology acceptance model) di UPT Pusat Pengembangan SDM Perhubungan Laut secara umum mendapatkan penilaian yang baik dari pengguna, namun masih terdapat kendala dan hambatan diantaranya kualitas jaringan Internet, beban kerja yang meningkat pada beberapa bagian, pelatihan yang kurang memadai, dampak pembaruan dan maintenance. ......SAKTI is a Financial Application created by the Ministry of Finance to support the implementation of SPAN and implemented in all Ministries/agencies in 2022 bringing together several previous work unit applications. This study aims to determine the implementation of SAKTI with the TAM (Technology acceptance model) approach at the UPT Sea Transportation HR Development Center and analyze the obstacles or obstacles. The mixed methods method is the method used in this study, by combining qualitative research and quantitative research with a case study approach. The analysis was carried out using five TAM factors, namely Perceived Usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, behavioral intention, actual system usage. By analyzing these five TAM factors, researchers can gain more comprehensive insights about users' acceptance and use of the SAKTI application. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of SAKTI with the TAM (Technology acceptance model) approach at the UPT Sea Transportation HR Development Center generally gets good ratings from users, but there are still obstacles and obstacles including the quality of the Internet network, increased workload in some parts, training inadequate, the impact of renewal and maintenance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Amir Wahyudi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan proses seorang anggota Polri untuk menjadi petugas Bhabinkamtibmas serta menganalisis upaya memaksimalkan peran Bhabinkamtibmas dalam pencegahan terorisme di Polresta Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini memberikan kebaruan konsep dan pemahaman terkait Bhabinkamtibmas yaitu upaya memaksimalkan perekrutan anggota Bhabinkamtibmas dan membangun program pelatihan yang memadai terkait dengan upaya pencegahan terorisme sebagai gangguan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran terkait proses rekrutmen sesuai konsep manajemen sumber daya manusia sehingga ke depan Bhabinkamtibmas dapat menjadi sumber daya manusia Polri yang unggul yang dapat melaksanakan tugas, fungsi, dan kewenangannya terutama dalam hal deteksi dini. Untuk mengungkap tujuan penelitian ini secara utuh dan obyektif, maka penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, serta pengumpulan dokumen yang berkait dengan permasalahan penelitian. Adapun penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah Banyuwangi di mana telah ditemukan fenomena perekrutan “pengantin” atau pelaku bom bunuh diri oleh kelompok transnasional. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) proses rekrutmen Bhabinkamtibmas di Banyuwangi dilaksanakan melalui penunjukan langsung oleh atasan langsung atas kebutuhan organisasi dalam rangka pemenuhan program 1 Polisi 1 Desa; dan (2) Perlunya program pelatihan dan peningkatan kompetensi personal, kompetensi dasar, dan kompetensi manajemen bagi Bhabinkamtibmas. Program pelatihan ini dapat diperluas untuk mencakup fungsi-fungsi intelijen sehingga tugas deteksi dini Bhabinkamtibmas menjadi lebih maksimal sehingga tercipta rasa aman ditengah masyarakat. ......The study aims at detailing the process for a member of Indonesian National Police to be recruited as a Bhabinkamtibmas officer in Banyuwangi and analyzing the efforts of maximizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas officer in preventing the terrorism within the jurisdiction of Banyuwangi City Resort Police. The current study offers a new concept and understanding pertaining to Bhabinkamtibmas officer namely the efforts of maxizming the recruitment of Bhabinkamtibmas officer and of providing sufficient training programs that are related to the efforts of preventing terrorism as a disturbance to the public order and security. The review within the study is expected to describe the process of recruitment in accordance with the concept of human resources management so that in the future the Bhabinkamtibmas officer can be the excellent human resources who can execute their duty, function and authority mainly in terms of early detection. In order to achieve the objectives of the study through the complete and objective manner, the researcher has adopted the qualitative method with in-depth interview and document study with relevance to the topic of the study. Then, the study is conducted in Banyuwangi where a phenomenon known as “bride” or suicide-bombing candidate recruitment has been found. The results of the study show that: (1) the recruitment of Bhabinkamtibmas officer has been conducted by means of direct appointment by the immediate supervisor based on the organizational needs in meeting the target of the program 1 Police Officer 1 Village; and (2) the competencies that should be improved in the Bhabinkamtibmas officer in conducting their duty, function and authority consist of personal competence, basic competence and managerial competence. The training programs that have been provided can be expanded in order to include the functions of intelligence recalling that intelligence has been very helpful in the conduct of early detection toward the disturbance of the public order and security.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paembonan, K.
Abstrak :
Penyelenggaraan manajemen pemerintahan, pelaksanaan pembangunan dan pembinaan kemasyarakatan di Daerah Tingkat II mendapat perhatian yang sangat besar dari pemerintah, khususnya dalam kaitan dengan kebijaksanaan peletakan titik berat otonomi Daerah pada Daerah Tingkat II. Salah satu unsur yang panting di dalam proses penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dimaksud adalah terdapatnya aparatur yang memiliki kemampuan dan keterampilan di dalam mengemban tugas-tugas kedinasan. Sumber daya aparatur sebagai bagian dari sumber daya manusia memiliki peranan yang besar untuk menjadi penggerak di dalam memobilisasi seluruh potensi yang ada di daerah tingkat II sejalan dengan peranan sumber daya manusia dalam pembangunan. Di Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II Sukabumi terdapat sejumlah sumber daya aparatur yang memiliki keragaman dalam kemampuan danketerampilan serta potensi administrasi dan latar belakang pendidikan, sangat menarik untuk diteliti sebagai bahan kajian akademik di dalam melihat sejauhmana peran dari sumber daya aparatur dalam menggerakkan kegiatan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan pembinaan kemasyarakatan. Berdasarkan peran dari Sumber Daya Aparatur ditemukan bahwa profesionalisme dalam penyelenggaraan Manajemen Pemerintah Daerah di Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II Sukabumi sangat dibutuhkan sebagai penentu di dalam mencapai tujuan pembangunan sesuai rencana dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Sehubungan dengan pentingnya sumber daya aparatur segera terlihat bahwa aspek pengembangan sumber daya aparatur dalam berbagai dimensinya perlu merupakan program yang berkesinambungan menurut tantangan dan kebutuhan yang ada. Program pengembangan Sumber Daya Aparatur akan meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketrampilan aparatur, yang secara langsung akan meningkatkan kinerja manajemen Pemda Tk.II, sehingga program dimaksud perlu mendapatkan penanganan dan prioritas dari Walikotamadya KDH Tk.II Sukabumi.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Restiyanti
Abstrak :
Dokter spesialis dan perawat merupakan inti dari pelayanan kesehatan. Krisis SDM Kesehatan khususnya dokter spesialis dan perawat, tingkat persaingan antar rumah sakit yang tinggi, adanya perubahan kebijakan baik dari pemerintah maupun organisasi membuat RS perlu mengantisipasi dan membuat strategi untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Tesis ini membahas tentang rencana aksi pengembangan SDM dokter spesialis dan perawat di RS Graha Juanda Bekasi tahun 2014- 2018. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis konten melalui wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen, dan CDMG (Consensus Decision Making Group). Kerangka konsep menggunakan analisis SWOT meliputi input stage yaitu dengan matriks EFE dan IFE, tahap kedua adalah mathcing stage dengan pencocokan menggunakan TOWS matriks dan penentuan posisi menggunakan IE matriks, serta tahap ketiga adalah desicion stage yaitu penentuan alternatif dan prioritas strategi dengan menggunakan QSPM. Hasil penelitian didapatkan RS Graha Juanda berada pada posisi sel V yaitu hold and maintain dengan alternatif strategi market penetration dan product development dengan prioritas strategi product development. Pengembangan pelayanan dan optimalisasi kinerja pelayanan RS serta SDM dokter spesialis dan perawat dalam jumlah, jenis, pengelolaan dan diklat adalah usulan yang diterjemahkan dalam bentuk rencana aksi. ......Specialist and nurses are the core of health care. The crisis in human resources of health particularly specialist and nurses, the competition levels among hospitals that are also high, and the changing of the policy either from the goverment or from the organization itself makes the hospital needs to anticipate and create their strategies to ovecome this situation. This thesis discusses the action plan for human resources development specialist and nurses at Graha Juanda hospital in Bekasi year 2014 – 2018. The design study is a content analysis of qualitative research through in-depth interviews, document review, and CDMG (Consensus Decision Making Group). The framework uses SWOT analysis by using the input stage includes EFE and IFE matrix, the second stage is the mathcing stage using TOWS matrix and matrix positioning using IE, the third stage is the stage to determinate the alternative decision and priority strategies using QSPM. The results showed Graha Juanda hospital is in the position of the V cells and that means hold and maintain. The alternative strategy is market penetration and product development strategies with the priority of product development. Hospital service development, optimization of hospital services performance and human resources specialist dan nurses in number, type, management, and training is proposed to be translated in the form of the action plan.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Adi Prayogo
Abstrak :
Pengembangan sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu bagian dari manajemen sumber daya manusia yang harus dilaksanakan oleh organisasi. dalam organisasi publik, Pengembangan SDM dilakukan untuk meningkatkan knowledge, skill dan abilities PNS di maksud. Di dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Manajemen PNS yang menyatakan bahwa setiap PNS memiliki hak untuk memperoleh pengembangan kompetensi selama dua puluh jam pelajaran dalam satu tahun. Pengembangan kompetensi dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi setiap PNS melalui berbagai kegiatan, salah satunya dengan melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan (Diklat). Diklat dapat dilaksanakan dengan berbagai metode baik secara klasikal maupun non-klasikal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian terapan yang bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi terhadap strategi pengembangan SDM yang di lakukan oleh Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia melalui Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Hukum dan HAM. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara terhadap informan internal dan eksternal yang berjumlah sebanyak sepuluh informan. Informan internal di antaranya Sekretaris Badan, Kepala Bidang Program di Pusat Pengembangan Diklat Teknis dan Kepemimpinan dan Pusat Pengembangan Diklat Fungsional dan HAM serta Kepala Pusat Penilaian Kompetensi. Sedangkan, informan eksternal BPSDM Hukum dan HAM di antaranya, Kepala Kantor Wilayah, Kepala Divisi Administrasi dan Kepala Bagian Pengembangan Karir di Biro Kepegawaian. BPSDM Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM memiliki tugas dan fungsi untuk melaksanakan pengembangan SDM terhadap seluruh PNS di lingkungan Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. BPSDM Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM saat ini menyelenggarakan pengembangan SDM dengan melaksanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan (Diklat) melalui daring dengan metode Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) dan e-learning. Diklat dilaksanakan sesuai dengan sasaran strategis BPSDM Hukum dan HAM yang berpedoman pada rencana strategis Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Dalam pengembangan SDM yang dilakukan oleh BPSDM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM terdapat faktor penghambat, sehingga perlu adanya strategi pengembangan SDM yang sesuai dan dapat dilaksanakan oleh BPSDM Hukum dan HAM dan Balai Diklat Hukum dan HAM. BPSDM Hukum dan HAM telah mencanangkan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Corporate University, yang diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan SDM ......Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources developmentHuman resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.Human resource development is one part of human resource management that must be implemented by the organization. in public organizations, human resources development is carried out to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil servants in the intent. In Government Regulation No. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management which states that every civil servant has the right to obtain competency development for twenty hours of lessons in one year. Competency development is carried out to improve the competence of each civil servant through various activities, one of which is by carrying out education and training. Training can be carried out by various methods both classically and non-classically. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach that is descriptive with the type of applied research that aims to provide solutions to human resources development strategies conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through the Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Center for Education and Training of Law and Human Rights. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted through interviews with internal and external informants totaling ten informants. Internal informants include the Secretary of the Agency, The Head of Program Affairs at the Center for Technical and Leadership Training Development and the Center for The Development of Functional and Human Rights Training and the Head of the Competency Assessment Center. Meanwhile, external informants include, Head of Regional Office, Head of Administration Division and Head of Career Development Department at Staffing Bureau. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights have the task and function to carry out human resources development to all civil servants within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and The Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights are currently organizing human resources development by carrying out education and training through online by distance learning and e-learning methods. Training is carried out in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights which is guided by the strategic plan of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. In the development of human resources conducted by the Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and the Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights there are inhibitory factors, so there needs to be an appropriate human resources development strategy that can be implemented by Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights and Education and Training Center of Law and Human Rights. The Human Resources Development Agency of Law and Human Rights has launched the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Corporate University, which is expected to be able to answer problems related to human resources development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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