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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ary Prihardhyanto Keim
Abstrak :
The diversity of the pandan flora from the Lore Lindu National Park has never been reported. Recent floristic study recognised 6 species belonging to Pandanaceae occur in the area. Freycinetia minahassae, F.celebica and Pandanus sarasinorum are the common species found in Sulawesi. Freycinetia oblanceolata and F. polystachya are new records.Freycinetia celebica is rediscovered. The endemic states of F.minahassae and P.sarasinorum are toppled. The extended distribution area of P. gladiator is recorded.
Bogor: Pusat Penelitian Biologi, 2007
BBIO 8:5 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febby Valentara Cindy
Abstrak :
Peningkatan jumlah radikal bebas yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh tubuh menyebabkan terjadinya stres oksidatif. Kondisi stres oksidatif mengakibatkan terjadinya berbagai penyakit seperti kanker, diabetes melitus, penyakit neurodegeneratif dan sebagainya. Untuk mengatasi kondisi stres oksidatif diperlukan antioksidan. Antioksidan bisa diperoleh dari bahan alami seperti daun pandan wangi. Daun pandan wangi telah dibuktikan memiliki kandungan antioksidan alami seperti flavonoid dan asam fenolik. Untuk melihat aktivitas ekstrak daun pandan wangi dalam mengatasi kondisi stres oksidatif, dilakukan uji coba pada sel darah merah sapi 2% dengan mengukur kadar MDA dan GSH. Ekstrak Etanol daun pandan wangi diberikan pada sel darah merah sapi 2% yang telah diberikan H2O2 ­­­atau akan diberikan H2O2 setelahnya, untuk melihat efek antioksidan secara preventif dan kuratif. Hasil uji coba didapatkan bahwa kadar MDA tidak dapat diintepretasi karena pigmen warna daun pandan wangi mengganggu pembacaan hasil. Hasil pengukuran kadar GSH menunjukkan adanya peningkatan signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan preventif dan kuratif dibandingkan kelompok kontrol negatif. Berdasarkan hasil salah satu indikator yang diuji tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa ekstral etanol daun pandan wangi memiliki efek preventif dan kuratif sebagai antioksidan terhadap kondisi stres oksidatif sel darah merah sapi 2%. Akan tetapi, perlu dilakukan modifikasi dalam pembuatan ekstrak daun pandan wangi pada penelitian selanjutnya untuk menangani faktor pengganggu dalam pembacaan hasil. ......The increase in number of free radicals that cannot be overcame by human body can lead to a condition called stress oxidative. This condition causes several diseases such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, neurodegenerative disease and more. Antioxidant is needed to conquer stress oxidative. Antioxidants can be obtained from natural ingredients, for example pandan leaf. Pandan leaves have been proven to have antioxidant compounds such as flavonoid and phenolic acid. To observe the antioxidant activity of pandan leaves extract, an experiment on 2% cows blood cells is performed by measuring its MDA and GSH concentration. Ethanol extract of pandan leaves is given to 2% cows red blood cells, that has been given H2O2 or that will be given H2O2 later, in order to observe antioxidant effect preventively and curatively. The resulting MDA concentration from this experiment is not able to be interpreted because of the pigmentation of pandan leaves confounding the absorbance reading. The measurement result of GSH concentration showed a significant increase on the preventive and curative groups compared to the negative control group. Based on the result of one of the indicators in this experiment, it can be concluded that ethanol extract pandan leaves have preventive and curative effects as an antioxidant to overcome stress oxidative condition on 2% cows red blood cells. However, modifications in preparing the pandan leaves extract should be done in further research to deal with the confounding factors in absorbance reading.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) penyakit yang sering menimbulkan kejadian luar biasa dan menyebabkan kematian, di Kabupaten Sambas setiap tahunnya selalu ada kasus DBD sehingga merupakan Kabupaten Endemis DBD di Kalimantan Barat. Kebiasaan rnenggunakan gentong untuk menampung air yang tidak ditutup menjadikan salah satu perindukan nyarnuk Aedes aegypti yang sangat potensial menimbulkan kasus DBD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tepung daun pandan wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) terhadap jentik (Aedes aegypti) di gentong. Rancangan penetitian ini adalah Eksperirnen Koasi sederhana karena adanya intervensi yang penulis lakukan yaitu dengan melakukan pembubuhan tepung daun pandan wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) ke dalam gentong yang biasa digunakan sehari - hari oleh masyarakat. Gentong yang digunakan berjumlah 39 buah dan berada di 3 rumah, jadi setiap rumah disiapkan 13 gentong dengan perincian 4 gentong dibubuhi 1900 ppm tepung daun pandan wangi, 4 gentong dibubuhi 2200 ppm tepung daun pandan wangi, 4 gentong dibubuhi 2500 ppm tepung daun pandan wangi dan 1 gentong tidak dibubuhi tepung daun pandan wangi (konsentrasi 0 ppm). Hasil penetitian menunjukkan bahwa pembubuhan tepung daun pandan dengan konsentrasi 1900 ppm, 2200 ppm dan 2500 ppm dapat menununkan jumlah jentik sampai tidak terdapat lagi jentik di gentong pada akhir pengamatan (96 jam). Waktu kontak tepung daun dengan jentik di gentong juga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap jumlah jentik dalam gentong, pengaruh yang bermakna terjadi setelah waktu kontak lebih dari 24 jam dan akhirnya tidak ada lagi jentik di gentong pada akhir pengamatan (96 jam). Disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh pembubuhan tepung daun pandan terhadap jumlah jentik di dalam gentong disebabkan adanya zat-zat yang terkandung dalam daun pandan wangi, salah satunya adalah saponin yang dapat menyebabkan dinding traktus digestivus dari jentik menjadi pecah dan akhirnya mati. Dari penelitian ini maka disarankan agar tepung daun pandan wangi dapat digunakan dimasyarakat terutama daerah yang sulit mendapatkan garam abate untuk membunuh jentik dalam gentong dengan dosis 19 gram sampai 25 gram setiap 100 liter air. Daftar Pustaka : 19 buah (1981 - 2003)
The Influence Of Pandan Wangi Leaves (Pandanus Amaryllifolius Roxb) Powder On Mosquitoe Larvae Aedes Aegypti In Sambas Distric In 2004Dengue fever is a disease that often cause outbreak and result in death. Sambas district (in west Kalimantan province) is categorized as an area endemic of dengue fever, as there are dengue fever cases identified every year. The habit of using ceramic water containers without a [id is a potential cause of dengue fever, as the containers become a breading place for the mosquitoes. This study to find out whether pandan wangi leaves powder has any influence on Aedes aegypti larvae in water containers. The design of study is simple experimental, where pandan wangi leaves powder were added to the water containers in homes. There were 39 water containers used in this study and located in 3 houses. In each house, there were I3 water containers in total, with 4 water containers being added pandan wangi leaves powder with a concentration of 1900 ppm, 4 containers with 2200 ppm, another 4 containers with 2500 ppm, and I containers were not being added with the powder at all (concentration 0 ppm). The result of the study show that the addition of pandan wangi leaves powder with the concentration of 1900 ppm, 2200 ppm, and 2500 ppm can decrease the number of mosquito larvae up to a point where no larvae was found alive at the end of observation period (96 hours). The period of contact of pandan wangi leaves powder with the mosquito larvae also had an effect on the number of larvae in the water containers. A significant effect was shown after the period of contact exceeded 24 hours, until no more larvae was found at the end of observation period (96 hours). It is concluded that the influence of adding pandan wangi leaves powder on the number of mosquito larvae in water containers was causes by several substances in the leaves, one of which is saponin. Saponin can cause the lining of larvae's tractus digestivus to tear away, leading to is death. It can be recommended from this study that pandan wangi leaves powder should be used widely, especially in areas where abate salt is difficult to obtain, with the recommended dosage of 19 - 25 grams per 100 liters. Bibliography : 19 (1985 - 2003)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franklin, Karl J
sydney: Australasian Medical , 1972
400 F 361 r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tena Djuartina
Abstrak :
Objektif Tujuan penelitian ini melihat pengaruh minyak buah merah Pandanus conoideus Lam pada hati tikus yang cedera akibat D galaktosamin Metode Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap tikus putih jantan strain Sprague Dawley berumur 2 3 bulan dengan berat badan 120 150 gram Pada penelitian ini digunakan rancangan acak Dibagi dalam lima kelompok masing masing kelompok enam ekor mendapat perlakuan selama empat minggu Kelompok kontrol (kelompok 1) diberi air kelompok diberi MBM (kelompok 2) kelompok diberi D galaktosamin (Kelompok 3) kelompok diberi minyak buah merah selama satu minggu kemudian diberikan D galaktosamin (Kelompok 4) kelompok diben minyak buah merah dan D galaktosamin secara bersamaan (Kelompok 5) Dosis MBM yang digunakan 1 ml/ kgBB/han per oral dosis D galaktosamin 200 mg/KgBB/minggu secara intrapentoneal Parameter yang diuji adalah MDA plasma MDA hati GPT plasma GPT hati berat badan berat hati dan gambaran histopatologik hati Data hasil pengukuran antara kelompok perlakuan dilakukan dengan mengukur koefisien vanan Hasil data berdistnbusi normal dilanjutkan uji parametrik 1 way Anova kemudian dengan uji post hoc Turkey Hasil data perbandingan tiap minggu yang berdistnbusi normal dilakukan uji parametrik 2 way Anova kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji multiple komparasi Bonferrom Hasil data berdistnbusi tidak normal maka dianalisa dengan uji non parametnk Kruskall wallis dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tamhane Data yang diperoleh dan pembacaan skala diolah dengan cara krostabulasi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji Chi Sguare Hasil Hasil pengukuran MDA plasma menunjukan D galaktosamin ini dapat meningkatkan MDA plasma setiap minggunya hasil ini menunjukan bahwa D galaktosamin mengakibatkan kerusakan oksidatif molekul lipid sejak awal pengamatan pada minggu pertama Tampaknya efek protektif MBM terhadap D galaktosamin masih ada pada minggu pertama hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh antioksidan yang terdapat dalam MBM pada minggu pertama masih dapat menetralisir stress oksidatif yang ditimbulkan oleh D galaktosamin Disamping itu mungkin D galaktosamin belum bekerja maksimal merusak pada minggu pertama Pada kelompok MBM + D galaktosamin hasil MDA plasma lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok D galaktosamin mungkin ini dikarenakan stress oksidatif yang ditimbulkan MBM + D galaktosamin lebih tinggi dibandingkan D galaktosamin itu sendiri Secara statistik MDA jaringan hati menunjukkan D galaktosamin mengakibatkan kerusakan oksidatif Juga pada MBM sendiri menyebabkan stress oksidatif sehingga bila diberikan bersamaan dengan D galaktosamin kerusakan yang diakibatkannya menjadi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hanya diberi D galaktosamin Hasil MDA jaringan hati menunjukkan bahwa MBM bersifat toksik terhadap hati sehingga menyebabkan peroksidasi lipid Dari hasil pemenksaan GPT plasma disimpulkan D galaktosamin mempunyai efek merusak hati hasil yang didapat juga mulai terlihat pada minggu ke 2 dan bila diberi bersamaan dengan MBM ternyata GPT plasma melonjak lebih tinggi Peningkatan ini mengindikasikan bahwa MBM berpotensi merusak sel hati Hasil pemeriksaan GPT janngan hati juga menunjukkan D galaktosamin menyebabkan kerusakan janngan hati dan MBM sendm membuat kerusakan struktur sehingga bila diberi lebih lama yaitu satu minggu sebelumnya yang dimaksudkan untuk perlindungan ternyata kerusakan yang terjadi lebih tinggi Dari hasil pengukuran berat hati disimpulkan bahwa D galaktosamin ini meningkatkan berat hati secara bermakna karena D galaktosamin ini mempunyai efek merusak sel hati Dan MBM juga menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan berat hati jadi disimpulkan MBM tidak dapat memben perlindungan terhadap sel hati Hasil pengukuran berat badan menunjukkan D galaktosamin menyebabkan penurunan berat badan tapi sangat mengherankan ternyata bila MBM diberikan satu minggu sebelumnya menyebabkan peningkatan berat badan mungkin disim karena MBM mengandung multivitamin yang menyebabkan keinginan untuk makan meningkat Bila diberikan bersamaan MBM dan D-galaktosamin ternyata menunjukkan bahwa dengan pembenan MBM tersebut berat badan tidak dapat berubah secara bermakna kemungkinan ini karena efek dari MBM tidak dapat menetralisir efek dari D galaktosamin Efek MBM sendiri secara statistik tidak dapat meningkatkan berat badan Pada pemenksaan histopatologi hasil yang didapat tidak terlalu mencolok antar kelompok Hal tersebut cukup mendukung hasil pemenksaan GPT plasma maupun GPT hati walaupun terjadi perubahan secara biokimia dan fisiologi tapi mungkin belum mengakibatkan kerusakan organik yang bermakna secara histopatologi Kerusakan anatomi akan didapat bila zat yang dipakai berlebihan dalam jangka yang lama Kesimpulan Minyak buah merah tidak mempunyai efek protektif terhadap D galaktosamin.
Backgroud Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) oil is an antioxidant supplement which has been reported to contain complete nutrient compositions including p carotene and a tocopherol Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of red fruit oil on rat livers injured by D galactosamine Methods This study was conducted on 2 3 months old male rats of Sprague Dawley strain each weighing about 120 150 grams We used randomized samples We divided the rats into five groups each group consisted of six rats Each group received a different treatment for four weeks Group 1 (control) only received water group 2 received red fruit oil Group 3 received D galactosamine Group 4 received red fruit oil for one week earlier and then continued with D galactosamine Group 5 received red fruit oil along with D galactosamine The red fruit oil supplement was given orally 1 ml/ kg BW/day for 4 weeks D galactosamine was given intrapentonealy 200 mg/kg BW/ week Every week blood samples were obtained to measure the plasma MDA and plasma GPT levels After four weeks blood samples and liver tissues were obtained to measure the plasma MDA liver MDA plasma GPT liver GPT body weight liver weight and histopathological feature of liver were determined as parameters The obtained values were analyzed using parametric test 1 way Anova and continued with post Turkey hoc test The data results with normal distnbution were compared every week then parametnc tests 2 way Anova was conduted and continued with test of Bonferrom multiple comparisons The data which were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Tamhane test showed that the distnbution was normal The values obtained by scale reading were analyzed using crosstabulation method and continued with test of Chi-Square Results The measurement of plasma MDA every week after treatment with D galactosamine showed an increase of plasma MDA This result showed that D galactosamine causes oxidative damage to lipid molecule since in early perception at first week The protective effect of MBM to D galactosamine was seen at the first week This effect was presumably caused by the antioxidative effects of MBM which neutralized the oxidative stress induced by D galactosamine Also it was possible that the peak toxic effect of D galactosamine had not appeared during the first week of the study The plasma MDA level of group 4 dan 5 were higher than that of group 3 possibly because oxidative stress generated by MBM + D galactosamine was higher than the D galactosamme itself The examination of the tissue liver MDA statistically showed that D galactosamine caused oxidative damage MBM alone also caused oxidative stress so when it was co admimstered with higher D galactosamine the result was higher plasma level of MDA compared to D galactosamine alone The result from the tissue liver MDA indicated that MBM did not provide protection effect to the liver because MBM caused lipid peroxidation Examination of plasma GPT suggested that D galactosamine had damaging effect to the liver The same results could also be seen at the second week When D galactosamine was given at the same time with MBM the result of plasma GPT was even higher The increase of plasma level MDA showed that MBM had potential damaging effect to liver cells Examination of GPT liver tissue also showed that D galactosamine caused liver tissue damage and MBM alone could also damage the structure of the liver Futhermore when MBM was given one week longer the damage was even higher D galactosamine increased liver weight sigmficantly It suggesed that D galactosamine might cause damage of the liver Similarly to MBM alone increased liver weight It could be concluded that MBM was not protective to the liver cell D galactosamine caused weight loss However surprisingly enough when MBM was given one week before it increased of body weight This was possible because MBM contains multivitamine that increased the appetite But when MBM and D galactosamine were given at the same time the body weight did not change sigmficantly It could happen because MBM did not neutralize the effect of D galactosamine Statistically MBM alone coud not increase the body weight The result of histopathologic examination showed insigmficant difference between groups This result supported the examination of plasma GPT and also liver GPT Even though there were biochemical and physiological changes histopathologically there was no organ damage Histopatological damage would be found when the substance was used in the long term period Conclusion These results suggested that red fruit oil did not have protective effect D galactosamine.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almira Ramadhania
Abstrak :
Peningkatan radikal bebas dapat mengakibatkan sejumlah besar masalah kesehatan penyakit degeneratif dan penyakit tidak menular dengan prevalensi tinggi di Indonesia dan merupakan masalah kesehatan di dunia. Daun Pandan Wangi (Pandanus amaryllifolius) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang banyak tumbuh di Asia khususnya Indonesia dan memiliki kandungan yang bersifat antioksidan yakni flavonoid, alkaloid, dan fenolik. Penelitian ini mengkaji kemampuan antioksidan ekstrak etanol daun pandan wangi pada hati tikus yang diberi CCl4. Kondisi stres oksidatif dipicu dengan pemberian CCL4 0,55 mg/kgBB, 24 tikus Sprague-Dawley jantan dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yakni kontrol, CCl4, ekstrak, ekstrak+CCl4. Dosis ekstrak yang digunakan yakni 85 mg/KgBB. Kemampuan antioksidan ekstrak pandan dinilai dari pengukuran MDA, GSH, dan aktivitas spesifik katalase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antar kelompok (p>0,05). Berdasarkan perbedaan reratanya, pemberian ekstrak daun pandan wangi menurunkan kadar MDA hati dan meningkatkan kadar GSH dan aktivitas spesifik katalase hati yang diinduksi oleh CCl4 dibanding kelompok CCl4. Pemberian CCl4 0,55 mg/kgBB menunjukkan peningkatan kadar MDA hati dan penurunan aktivitas spesifik katalase dan GSH yang tidak signifikan dibanding kelompok kontrol. Dari hasil yang didapat masih dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan dosis CCl4 yang lebih tinggi dan membandingkan efek pemberian ekstrak pandan dengan kontrol positif vitamin E.
Increased production of free radicals leads to numbers of health problems of degenerative and non-communicable diseases which have a high prevalence in Indonesia and common health problem in the world. Pandan Leaf Extract (Pandanus amaryllifolius) is one of plants that grows in Asia, especially in Indonesia. Major compounds tact as antioxidants found in pandan leaf is flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenolics. This study investigated the antioxidant capacity of ethanolic extract of pandan leaves on CCl4-induced liver of rats. Oxidative stress was triggered by oral administration of 0,55 mg/kgBW CCL4, 24 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups,(normal control, CCl4, extract, extract+CCl4). Dose of extract used is 85 mg/KgBW. Antioxidant capacity of pandan extract was assessed by measuring MDA, GSH, and catalase specific activity. Results of this study showed no significant differences between groups (p>0,05). Based on mean differences, administration of pandan leaf extract decreased liver MDA and increased GSH and catalase specific activity of liver induced by CCl4 compared to CCl4 group. Administration of 0,55 mg/kgBW CCl4 demonstrated an increase in liver MDA levels and a decrease in catalase specific activity and GSH level insignificant compared to control group. Further research is needed by using higher dose of CCl4 and comparing effect of administrating pandan extract with positive control.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Wulan Rahmawati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menguji efek penghambatan karsinogenesis sari buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) merek X dengan DMBA sebagai penginduksi tumor paru-paru. 110 tikus betina galur Sprague-Dawley dibagi secara acak dalam enam kelompok. Kelompok I, kontrol negatif, diberikan minyak wijen 1 ml; kelompok II, kontrol positif, diberikan dosis tunggal 7,12- dimetilbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) (15 mg) dalam minyak wijen secara per oral, dan selanjutnya kedua kelompok hanya diberikan aquades. Kelompok III, kelompok preventif, diberikan bahan uji dosis 0,43 ml/200 g bb per hari dimulai dua minggu sebelum diinduksi dengan DMBA hingga akhir masa percobaan. Kelompok IV, V, dan VI, kelompok kuratif, diinduksi dengan DMBA dan diberikan bahan uji dengan variasi dosis berturut-turut, 0,21 ml/200 g bb, 0,43 ml/200 g bb, dan 0,86 ml/200 g bb per hari. Masa percobaan berlangsung selama 120 hari. Pengamatan penghambatan karsinogenesis paru-paru dilakukan dengan mengamati histologi paru-paru hewan uji. Pemberian sari buah merah merek X dosis 0,21 ml/200 g bb memperlihatkan penghambatan karsinogenesis paru-paru yang lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok dosis lainnya.
This study examined the carcinogenesis inhibition effect of buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam.) extract brand X on DMBA-induced rat lungs tumor. One hundred and ten female Sprague-Dawley rats randomly divided into 6 groups. Group I, negative control, received 1 ml sesame oil; group II, positive control, were given a single dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)antrasen (DMBA) (15 mg) in 1 ml sesame oil by oral intubation, and both groups were received aquadest during the experiment period. Group III, preventive group, received 0.43 ml/200 g bw sample daily beginning two weeks before induced by DMBA until the experiment was terminated. Group IV, V, and VI, curative groups, were induced by DMBA and received 0.21 ml/200 g bw, 0.43 ml/200 g bw, and 0.86 ml/200 g bw sample daily, respectively. The experiment was terminated at day 120. The experiment of carcinogenesis inhibition was observed by lungs histology of tested animal. The result showed that buah merah extract brand X at 0.21 ml/200 g bw improved lungs carcinogenesis inhibition rather than others dose.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Muna L, Astirin OP, Sugiyarto. 2010. Teratogenic test of Pandanus conoideus var. yellow fruit extract to development of rat embryo (Rattus norvegicus). Nusantara Bioscience 2: 126-134. This experiment was performed to examine the effect of Pandanus conoideus Lam. var. yellow fruit extract on the percentage of the living foetus, the death intrauterus, heavy and long of foetus, foetus morphology, and skeleton structur of foetus. The experiment was used by 25 pregnant mice that randomly were divided into 5 groups, they contained 5 mice. Each group was given with the different dose. The P1 group (control) was given 1 mL sesame oil, the group P2, P3, P4 and P5 were respectively given the yellow fruit extract 0,02 mL, 0,04 mL, 0,08 mL and 0,16 mL. The P. conoideus var. yellow fruit extract was given orally on day 5 to 17 of gestation (organogenesis periode). Observation was carried out on day 18 of gestation by caesarean section to take the foetus from the uterus. Foetus morphology was observed after taking foetus from uterus, whereas observation of skeleton structure was made wholemount preparat with dual colourization, they are Alcian blue and Allizarin Red-S. The result was analyzed with one way anova. Results showed that giving yellow fruit extract didn?t influence to the percentage of the living foetus, the death intrauterus, heavy and long of foetus. The effect of giving yellow fruit extract to the maternal were abnormality skeleton (lordosis) of foetus in the dose 0.16 mL and obstacled to the ossification of foetus.
570 NBS 2:3 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pandanaceae is one of the three large and important families within the Monocotyledoneae consisting of approximately 900 species found in the Old World Tropis....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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