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Nunung Kurniasih
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Sulistiyorini
Abstrak :
Pajanan bising merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi gangguan pendengaran atau noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Pada bagian assembling PT Suzuki Indomobil Motor Plant Cakung 1 terdapat bahaya bising yang berasal dari mesin dan peralatan. Penelitian dilakukan secara cross-sectional atau potong lintang terhadap pajanan bising harian dan keluhan gangguan pendengaran dengan melihat faktor perancu berupa masa kerja, usia, pemakaian alat pelindung telinga (APT), perilaku merokok, dan hobi yang dimiliki pekerja (menembak mendengarkan musik atau radio dengan menggunakan headset atau headphone mengunjungi diskotik (dugem), dan menonton pertunjukkan konser musik rock) dengan cara mengukur pajanan dosis bising harian dan pengisian kuesioner. Berdasarkan analisis bivariat tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan antara pajanan bising harian dengan keluhan gangguan pendengaran. Selain itu juga tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna pada variabel perancu dengan kejadian keluhan gangguan pendengaran yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai p-value <0.05.. Perlu dilaksanakan beberapa elemen dari program, HLPP (hearing loss prevention program) terutama pemeriksaan audiometri untuk mendeteksi dini adanya gangguan pendengaran. ...... Exposure to noise is one factor that affects hearing loss or noise - induced hearing loss ( NIHL ) . On the assembling 4W unit of PT Indomobil Suzuki Motor Plant Cakung 1 there is a hazard that noise coming from the engine and equipments. The study was conducted as a cross - sectional of the daily noise exposure and hearing loss complaints to see confounding factors such as length of service, age , use of ear protective devices (APT), smoking behavior, and worker -owned hobby (shooting listening to music or radio with a headset or headphones visiting discotheques (clubbing), and watch a rock concert performance) by measuring the daily noise exposure dose and questionnaires. Based on bivariate analysis found no significant difference between the daily noise exposure with hearing complaints. It also found no significant differences in the incidence of confounding variables with complaints of hearing loss as indicated by the value of p-value of <0.05. It should be implemented some elements of the program, HLPP (hearing loss prevention program) primarily audiometric examination for early detection of hearing loss.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Nuraini
Abstrak :
Kebisingan merupakan suatu bahaya fisik yang masih menjadi masalah di dunia industri. Pajanan bising intensitas tinggi dapat mempengaruhi fungsi pendengaran dan non pendengaran pekerja. PT. X merupakan suatu industri semen yang memiliki bahaya bising di area produksi, khususnya area raw mill, pembakaran, dan finish mill. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran pajanan bising, serta melihat gambaran fungsi pendengaran dan keluhan subjektif non pendengaran yang dirasakan oleh pekerja. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode cross sectional, dengan subjek penelitian adalah seluruh pekerja patrol untuk area raw mill, pembakaran, dan finish mill sebanyak 20 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kebisingan area produksi (raw mill, pembakaran, dan finish mill) secara keseluruhan berkisar antara 75,4-108,2 dBA, pajanan bising yang diterima pekerja berkisar antara 81,5 ? 92,8 dBA. Terdapat 2 orang (10%) pekerja mengalami tuli ringan berdasarkan Permenakertrans No. 25 Tahun 2008 dari hasil rata-rata frekuensi 500, 1000, 2000 dan 4000 Hz, dan terdapat 2 orang (10%) mengalami NIHL berdasarkan frekuensi 4000 Hz. Faktor yang berkontribusi pada kejadian gangguan pendengaran pada pekerja antara lain, usia, masa kerja, penggunaan alat pelindung telinga yang tidak disiplin dan penggunaannya tidak tepat, riwayat pekerjaan dan perilaku merokok. Keluhan subjektif non pendengaran terkait bising yang paling banyak dirasakan oleh pekerja yaitu, perasaan tidak nyaman (85%). ......Noise is a physical hazard which still a problem in the industrialized world. Exposure to high intensity of noise can affect hearing function and non-hearing function. PT. X is a cement industry possessing the noise hazard in the production area, especially at raw mill, kiln and finish mill area. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the noise exposure, as well as the auditory function and subjective complaints of non auditory perceived by workers. This study was conducted by cross sectional method, and the subjects of this study were all patroler workers for raw mill, kiln and mill finish area, which all 20 subjects participated in the study. The results showed that overall noise level at production area (raw mill, kiln and mill finish) ranged from 75.4 to 108.2 dBA, noise exposure to workers ranged from 81,5 ? 92,8 dBA. There are 2 workers (10%) suffering mild deafness from the calculation of the average frequency of 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz based on Permenakertrans No. 25 Tahun 2008, and there are two workers (10%) suffering NIHL based on frequency of 4000 Hz. Factors contributing to the incidence of hearing loss in workers are age, working period, undisciplined and improper use of ear protection, work history and smoking behavior. The majority subjective complaints of non auditory related noise perceived by workers is annoyance (85%).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Rafika Dewi
Abstrak :
Di tempat kerja, bising menjadi masalah yang dapat mengakibatkan dampak kesehatan terhadap sistem auditory maupun sistem non-auditory. Dipo Lokomotif Jatinegara merupakan perusahaan yang mempunyai proses perawatan lokomotif yang menghasilkan bising. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebisingan di Dipo Lokomotif Jatinegara dan mencari faktor-faktor seperti dosis pajanan bising harian, usia, masa kerja, hobi terkait bising, tempat tinggal bising dan perilaku merokok serta pemakaian alat pelindung telinga APT dengan terjadinya gangguan non-auditory. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengukuran tingkat kebisingan pada sumber bising dan area dipo lokomotif serta dosis pajanan bising harian secara langsung di lapangan. Selain itu, gangguan non-auditory juga diukur melalui kuesioner. Hasil pengukuran tingkat kebisingan di area dipo lokomotif dan dosis pajanan bising harian diketahui pada seluruh unit kerja yang diukur berada diatas NAB nilai ambang batas. Hasil pengukuran gangguan non-auditory dari 63 responden diperoleh tingkat gangguan non-auditory berat sebanyak 26 orang 41.3 dan gangguan non-auditory ringan sebanyak 37 orang 58.7 . Analisis rata-rata dosis pajanan bising harian dengan gangguan non-auditory menggunakan uji T-Test diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pekerja yang mengalami tingkat gangguan non-auditory. Disamping itu, analisis antara variabel pemakaian alat pelindung telinga APT dengan gangguan non-auditory mendapatkan hasil hubungan yang signifikan. Sedangkan analisis antara variabel usia, masa kerja, hobi terkait bising, tempat tinggal bising dan perilaku merokok dengan gangguan non-auditory diperoleh hubungan yang tidak signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan gangguan non-auditory yang dialami pekerja lebih disebabkan oleh pemakaian alat pelindung telinga APT . Rekomendasi yang diberikan yaitu mengendalikan gangguan non-auditory dengan menurunkan dosis pajanan bising harian yang ada hingga dibawah NAB dan penggunaan alat pelindung telinga yang sesuai dan konsisten.
In the workplace, noise might become a problem affecting both auditory and as well as non auditory system. Dipo Locomotive Jatinegara is a company that has a locomotive maintenance process generating noise. This research aims to know the level of noise in the Dipo Locomotive Jatinegara and to find certain factors such as exposure to noise daily dose, age, period of employment, hobby related to noise, noisy residence, and smoking behavior, as well as usage of ear protectors tools in Indonesian known as Alat Pelindung Telinga APT factors and the occurrence of non auditory disorders. Data collection was done by measuring the noise level at the noise source and the area of the locomotive as well as the daily noise exposure dose directly in the field. In addition, the non auditory disorders also were measured through a questionnaire. The results of the measurements of noise levels in the area of exposure and daily noise exposure dose of the locomotive on the whole work unit which were finally known that the measurement was above NAB threshold value . The results of the measurement of the non auditory disorders consisted of 63 respondents obtaining a non auditory disorders weight level as much as 26 people 41.3 and other non auditory disorders as many as 37 people 58.7 . Analysis of the average of the daily noise exposure dose with the non auditory disorders used the T Test showed there was no significant difference between workers who experience non auditory disorders level. In addition, the analysis between variable usage of tools ear protectors APT and the non auditory disorders resulted on significant relationships. While the analysis between the variables age, period of employment, hobby related to the noise, noisy living place and the smoking behavior of non auditory disorders with the obtained relationship were not significant. Based on the results of the research, it could be concluded that a non auditory disorders experienced by workers are caused by the usage of ear protectors tools APT . The given recommendations is that namely the non auditory disorders control by lowering the dose of the daily noise exposure exists under the NAB and the use of ear protectors that are appropriate and consistent.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahreza Mohamad Aditama
Abstrak :
Dipo Lokomotif Jatinegara merupakan tempat perawatan lokomotif kereta api yang menghasilkan bising dalam pekerjaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kebisingan di Dipo Lokomotif Jatinegara dan mencari faktor-faktor seperti usia, masa kerja, perilaku merokok, konsumsi alkohol, riwayat keturunan, obesitas serta pemakaian alat pelindung telinga APT dengan terjadinya penyakit tekanan darah tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi cross-sectional dan jumlah sampel yang didapatkan sebanyak 51 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengukuran tingkat kebisingan pada area Monthly Check dan Daily Check Dipo Lokomotif serta pajanan bising harian secara langsung di lapangan. Penyakit tekanan darah tinggi diukur melalui alat Spyhgmomanomter. Hasil pengukuran tingkat kebisingan di area Daily Check dipo lokomotif diketahui berada diatas Nilai Ambang Batas. Hasil pengukuran tekanan darah tinggi dari 51 responden diperoleh teknisi yang menderita tekanan darah tinggi sebanyak 13 orang 25,5 . Analisis pajanan bising efektif dengan terjadinya hipertensi menggunakan uji chi square diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan. Namun, analisis antara masa kerja dan tingkat obesitas dengan terjadinya hipertensi mendapatkan hasil hubungan yang signifikan. Sedangkan analisis antara variabel usia, riwayat keturunan, penggunaan APT, konsumsi alkohol dan merokok dengan terjadinya hipertensi diperoleh hubungan yang tidak signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan gangguan hipertensi yang dialami teknisi lebih disebabkan oleh masa kerja dan obesitas. Rekomendasi yang diberikan yaitu penggunaan alat pelindung telinga yang sesuai secara konsisten dan rotasi pekerja per area baik DC atau MC dilakukan dengan jangka waktu yang tidak terlalu lama.
Jatinegara Locomotive Depot is a place of locomotive maintanance where produce noise in daily basis. The purpose of this research is to describe noise level at Dipo Lokomotif and determine factors between age, duration of work, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, heredity, obesity and use of hearing protective equipment with hypertension . This research using cross sectional study with total sample 51 people. Collecting data is done by noise level meter at daily check and monthly check area. Hypertension is measured with Spyhgmomanomter. The result is noise level at Daily Check above threshold value. 13 out of 51 respondens 25,5 suffered hypertension. Based on statistic analysis done with chi square test showed no significant relationship between noise dose effective, age, heredity, use of hearing protective equipment, alcohol consumption and smoke with hypertension. However, duration of work and obesity found significally associated with hypertension. Recommendation for this problem to utilization of hearing personal protective equipment consistently and rotating between technician in DC or MC with a period of not too long.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yonathan Winata
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Pajanan bising yang didapat dari penggunaan headset pada pekerja operator call center dapat dilihat dari hasil pemeriksaan Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor individu dan faktor pekerjaan yang berperan terhadap profil gangguan pendengaran pada pekerja operator call center kantor pelayanan pajak di Jakarta. Metode: Studi potong lintang ini dilakukan pada 94 pekerja operator call center kantor pelayanan pajak yang berlokasi di Jakarta. Data sosiodermografi, faktor individu, dan faktor pekerjaan diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner, hasil pemeriksaan DPOAE berdasarkan data sekunder hasil pemeriksaan Medical Check Up berkala yang dilakukan oleh klinik X. Hasil Didapatkan proporsi DPOAE abnormal pada operator call center di kantor pelayanan pajak pada frekuensi 2000Hz (l , 1%), 4000 Hz (1 , 1%), 6000 Hz (6,38%), frekuensi 8000 Hz (10,63%), frekuensi 10000 Hz (14,89%), dan frekuensi 12000 Hz (46,8%). Analisis bivariate didapatkan hasil bermakna pada variabel lama kerja dengan DPOAE pada frekuensi 8000Hz (p=0,020), IOOOOHz (p=0,048), durasi penggunaan headset pada frekuensi 8000Hz (p=0,025), dan volume headset pada frekuensi 6000 Hz (p=0,028). Kesimpulan: Lama kerja, penggunaan headset lebih dari 4 jam/hari, dan volume headset >60% dari volume maksimal dapat meningkatkan risiko terhadap hasil pemeriksaan DPOAE abnormal. ......Background: Noise exposure obtained from the use of a headset on call center operator workers can be seen from the results of the Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions examination. This study aims to analyze individual factors and occupational factors that play a role in hearing loss profiles in call center operator operators in tax service offices in Jakarta. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 94 call center operators operating in tax service offices located in Jakarta. Sociodermographic data, individual factors, and occupational factors were obtained using a questionnaire. DPOAE examination results are based on secondary data from the results of regular Medical Check Up examinations conducted by clinic X. Results: Proportion of abnormal DPOAE found at frequency 2000Hz ( I . I%), 4000 Hz (I . I%), 6000 Hz (6.38%), 8000 Hz (10.63%), 10000 Hz (14.89%), and 12000 Hz (46.8%). Results of bivariate analysis obtained significant results on the variable length of work with DPOAE at 8000Hz (p = 0.020), I OOOOHz (p = 0.048), the duration of using a headset at 8000Hz (p = 0.025), and the volume of the headset at 6000 Hz (p = 0.028). Conclusion: Length of work, use of a headset for more than 4 hours I day, and headset volume> 60% of the maximum volume can increase the risk of abnormal DPOAE examination results.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panggabean, Evelina Hotma Baringin Tiurma
Abstrak :
Gangguan fungsi pendengaran pada pekerja industri merupakan penyakit akibatkerja yang sampai saat ini masih ada dijumpai. Gangguan fungsi pendengaran inidisebabkan oleh pajanan bising. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuigambaran pajanan bising yang diterima dan fungsi pendengaran pada pekerja diPT.X. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian observasional dengan rancangan crosssectional yaitu meneliti sekaligus variable independen, variable dependen danvariabel perancunya usia, masa kerja, merokok, penyakit HT, penyakit DM, Kebiasaan mendengar bising, pajanan vibrasi dalam waktu bersamaan. Analisisdata adalah tabel dengan menggunakan analisis data univariat, bivariat danmultivariat. Didapatkan gambaran pajanan bising yang diterima pekerja > 85 dBAsebanyak 28 orang dan 11 diantaranya menderita gangguan fungsi pendengarandan variable pajanan bising efektif, umur dan vibrasi memberi pengaruhterjadinya gangguan fungsi pendengaran pada pekerja di PT.X. ...... Impaired hearing on an industrial worker occupational diseases that until now there isencountered. Malfunctioning of this hearing caused by noise exposure. This study aimsto describe the acceptable noise exposure and hearing function in workers in PT.X. Thestudy was observational with cross sectional design which simultaneously examines theindependent variable, dependent variable and variable perancunya age, years ofsmoking, disease HT, DM, Habits hear noise, vibration exposure at the same time.Analysis of the data is a table using data analysis of univariate, bivariate and multivariateanalyzes. It was noted that workers noise exposure 85 dBA as many as 28 people and11 of them suffer from auditory function and variable effective noise exposure, age andvibration influence auditory dysfunction in workers in PT.X.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Nurhasanah
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Kelelahan kerja banyak terdapat pada pekerja industri manufaktur alat berat. Bising di bawah nilai ambang batas dapat menyebabkan kelelahan kerja sebagai salah satu efek non auditorik. Kelelahan kerja dapat diperiksa dengan memeriksa waktu reaksi pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan rerata waktu reaksi pada pekerja industri manufaktur alat berat yang terpajan bising di bawah ambang batas yaitu pada kelompok terpajan bising 60-70dB, 71-80dB, dan 81-85dB. Metode penelitian:` Cross sectional deskriptif komparatif. Dilakukan pada 149 orang pekerja laki-laki. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan waktu reaksi dengan Lakassidaya dan kuesioner KAUPK2. Subyek penelitian mempunyai kriteria inklusi bersedia mengikuti penelitian menandatangani informed consent, usia 19-55 tahun pada saat penelitian dilaksanakan,tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit, lama kerja 8 jam atau tidak lembur, memiliki beban kerja yang sama, kriteria eksklusinya adalah pada saat dilaksanakan penelitian dalam keadaan sakit atau baru sembuh dari sakit. Hasil: analis dengan menggunakan uji statistik Kruskal wallis antara rerata waktu reaksi dengan kelompok pajanan bising 60-70db, 71-80dB dan 81-85dB dengan nilai p = 0,001. Untuk mengetahui bising manakah yang bermakna hasil uji Mann-Whitney diketahui bahwa antara kelompok pajanan bising 60-70 dB dan 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisih pemeriksaan sebelum dan sesudahnya didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Sedangkan pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70dB terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisihnya tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna dengan nilai p<0.05 Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara rerata waktu reaksi terhadap kelompok pajanan bising dibawah nilai ambang batas yaitu pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70db, kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB dan kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Kelompok pajanan bising 60-70 dB dan 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisih pemeriksaan sebelum dan sesudahnya didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Sedangkan pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70dB terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna.
Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB. Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 ? 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently. Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB.;Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB. Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 – 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently. Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB., Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB. Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 – 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently. Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library