Seiring dengan proses pembangunan ibu kota baru di Ibu Kota Nusantara di Kalimantan Timur, Pemerintah Indonesia juga berencana memindahkan para Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Kementerian/Lembaga ke Ibu Kota Nusantara. Studi ini menyoroti tingkat kesiapan individu dalam menghadapi perubahan terkait pemindahan ke Ibu Kota Nusantara dengan mengevaluasi pengaruh perceived organizational support, transformational leadership, dan organizational trust terhadap readiness for change. Metode penelitian kuantitatif melalui self-administered questionaire dilakukan kepada 311 responden pegawai di Unit Administrasi Keuangan. Pengujian Hipotesis menggunakan Structural Equation Model dengan Lisrel 8.8. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived organizational support dan transformational leadership berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap readiness for change. Selanjutnya organizational trust memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara perceived organizational support dan transformational leadership dengan readiness for change. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi di bidang manajemen sumber daya manusia untuk meningkatkan readiness for change dalam konteks perubahan organisasi pada organisasi publik, khususnya pemindahan pegawai ke Ibu Kota Nusantara.
Along with the process of building a new capital city in the Nusantara Capital City in East Kalimantan, the Government of Indonesia also plans to move civil servants in ministries/agencies to the Nusantara Capital City. This study highlights the level of individual readiness in facing changes related to the move to the Nusantara Capital City by evaluating the effect of perceived organizational support, transformational leadership, and organizational trust on readiness for change. Quantitative research methods through self-administered questionnaires were conducted to 311 employee respondents in the Financial Administration Unit. Hypothesis testing using Structural Equation Model with Lisrel 8.8. The results showed that perceived organizational support and transformational leadership have a significant positive effect on readiness for change. Furthermore, organizational trust partially mediates the relationship between perceived organizational support and transformational leadership with readiness for change. This research contributes to the field of human resource management to increase readiness for change in the context of organizational change in public organizations, especially the relocation of employees to the Nusantara Capital City.