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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Oxman, Murray
Jakarta: Ufuk Press, 2010
158.2 OXM ht (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthia Sayekti
Yogyakarta: Psikologi Corner, 2023
302.2 MUT s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Majid, Abdul Aziz
Abstrak :
buku ini mengajarkan bagaimana mengajarkan bahasa Arab yang baik dan benar untuk diri sendiri dan orang lain.
Kairo : Dar al-Ma`arif, 1955
ARA 492 ABD l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfensius Alwino
Abstrak :
Humanisme sudah menjadi gejala jaman modern yang melihat manusia sebagai pusat kegiatan dan pemikiran. Namun berbeda dari pendekatan antology yang melihat ego manusia sebagai setral filsafat
Jakarta: Pusat Pengembangan Etika Unika Atma Jaya, 2020
300 RJES 25:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Widyaputra
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan Pasal 534 KUHPerdata, barang siapa yang menguasai suatu benda bergerak, maka ia dianggap sebagai pemilik dari benda tersebut, atau hal ini dikenal pula dengan bezit atas benda bergerak. Namun terhadap pembebanan benda bergerak pada Lembaga Jaminan Fidusia, timbul perbedaan pandangan terkait konsep hak kepemilikan yang dianut dalam UUJF. Banyak yang berpandangan objek jaminan harus dimiliki sendiri (eigendom), melalui penafsiran Pasal 1 angka 5 UUJF. Oleh karena itu tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami konsep pembebanan objek milik orang lain sebagai jaminan, baik dalam UUJF maupun KUHPerdata. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga diadakan untuk menyelidiki perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada kreditor beritikad baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach), perbandingan (comparative approach) dan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan, Pasal 1 angka 1 UUJF tidak mempersempit hak kepemilikan hanya terhadap eigendom, melainkan konsep bezit juga diterima. Selain itu, dalam KUHPerdata dimungkinkan melakukan pembebanan terhadap benda bergerak milik orang lain melalui Lembaga Jaminan Gadai. Lebih lanjut terhadap kreditor yang beritikad baik, diberikan perlindungan hukum melalui ketentuan Pasal 1977 ayat (1) juncto. Pasal 1152 ayat (4) KUHPerdata.
Under Article 534 Indonesia Civil Code (ICC), whosoever possess a moveable object, then whose will be considered as the owner of it, or it is also known as bezit over moveable objects. However, for the imposition of moveable objects in Fiducia Security Agencies, faced many different point of views regarding the right of ownership adopted in UUJF. Many of whom believed that the fiduciary object must be owned by themselves (eigendom), through the interpretation of Article 1 point 5 UUJF. Therefore the aim of this research is to understand the concept of using others property as collateral, both in UUJF and ICC. Furthermore, this research also want to investigate the legal protection for creditors who acted in good faith. This research is a normative juridical, with an approach in legislation (statute approach), comparison (comparative approach) and aprroaches in cases (case approach). Based on this research, it can be concluded, Article 1 point 1 UUJF does not limit the right of ownership only on eigendom, but also the bezit concept. Additionally, in ICC it is possible to impose other?s moveable object, through Pledge Security Agencies. Furthermore, for good faith creditors were given legal protection through the provisions of Article 1977 verse (1) juncto. Article 1152 verse (4) ICC.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Indah Wulandari
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan antara pengaruh menghitung berkat yang dihasilkan oleh orang dekat dan pengaruh menghitung berkat yang dihasilkan oleh orang yang tidak dikenal terhadap kebahagiaan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian digunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain eksperimental between subject desain. Partisipan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara random yang mendapat instruksi menghitung berkat yang berbeda. Kebahagiaan diukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur Authentic Happiness Inventory yang telah diadaptasi. Enam puluh tiga partisipan adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UI yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelompok yang menghitung berkat atau kebaikan dari orang-orang dekat dengan orang-orang yang tidak dikenal.
The purpose of this study is to see whether there are any differences in the effect of counting blessing between the one that was generated by people who are close to the individual and the one that was generated by stranger toward happiness. Between subject experimental design was used to answer the question of this study. Participants were divided into two groups randomly. Those two groups got different counting blessing instructions. Happiness was measured by using adapted Authentic Happiness Inventory Instrument. Sixty-three participants involved in this study are the students of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia . The result of this study shows no significant differences between group that is counting blessing from people who are close to the individual and the group that is counting blessing from stranger.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurindah Hilimi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tiga permasalahan, yakni penyelesaian perkara pidana delik Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain dalam Hukum Pidana Indonesia saat ini, penyelesaian perkara pidana melalui metode Islah perdamaian dalam Hukum Pidana Islam dalam perkara Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain, dan prospek penerapan Perdamaian Islah menurut Hukum Pidana Islam dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana delik Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normatif, dengan tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui prospek penerapan Perdamaian Islah menurut Hukum Pidana Islam dalam penyelesaian perkara pidana delik Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain di Indonesia. Hukum Islam sebagai salah satu sumber hukum nasional, memiliki sebuah konsep yang bernama Islah, dimana untuk jenis kejahatan Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain dimungkinkan bahkan sangat dianjurkan adanya upaya perdamaian yang bertujuan agar terciptanya kedamaian antar pelaku dan keluarga korban. Konsep ini memiliki kesamaan karakteristik dengan konsep Restorative Justice yang kini sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Pada akhirnya penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan Islah atau perdamaian dalam hukum pidana Islam memiliki prospek yang cukup baik untuk dijadikan salah satu model atau alternatif penyelesian perkara pidana delik Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain di Indonesi. Adapun bentuk penerapannya adalah dengan melakukan objektifikasi yakni memasukan esensi dari metode Islah dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan delik Kealpaan yang Menyebabkan Matinya Orang Lain.
This research discusses about three problems, wich are the dispute settlement of Criminally Negligent Homicide in Indonesia Legal System, the dispute settlement of the Criminally Negligent Homicide with Islah or Reconciliation in Islamic Criminal Law, and the prospect of applying for reconciliation Islah in Islamic Criminal Law as an dispute settlement for Criminally Negligent Homicide in Indonesia. The method used in this research is normative juridical, and the purpose of this research is to study the The Prospect of Applying for Reconciliation Islah in Islamic Criminal Law as An Dispute Settlement for Criminally Negligent Homicide in Indonesia. Islamic law as one of the sources of national law, has a concept or method to settling Criminally Negligent Homicide cases, the method called Islah or reconciliation. In Islamic Legal System, Islah is strongly recommended to settling the criminal casesthis method is expected to create peace between perpetrators and families of victims. This concept has similarities with the concept of Restorative Justice that is being developed in Indonesia. Ultimately this research indicates that the application of Islah or peace in Islamic criminal law has a good enough prospect to be one of the models or alternatives for the settlement Criminally Negligent Homicide in Indonesia. The form of implementation is to do objectification of how to enter the essence of the method of Islah in legislation related to the Criminally Negligent Homicide cases.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachman C. Muchlas
Abstrak :
Pembacaan dekonstruktif pada teks Being and Nothingness mengakibatkan perubahan pemaknaan atas narasi yang tersurat dalam teks tersebut. Narasi implisit mengenai ketergantungan manusia akan suatu kehidupan sosial diangkat ke permukaan oleh penulis. Pengangkatan narasi itu ke permukaan serta-merta mengubah persepsi mengenai pesai dari teks Being and Nothingness yang sesungguhnya hendak memenangkan individualitas. Strategi dekonstruktif yang diambil dalam menangani teks Being and Nothingness pada penelitian ini adalah dengan membandingkan dua pendekatan Sartre ketika memandang hubungan antar manusia; pendekatan meontologi-nya dan pendekatan fenomenologi-nya, dari kedua pendekatan tersebut terlihat paradoks pada deskrpsi Sartre dalam memahami posisi Orang Lain pada teks tersebut. Orang Lain memiliki fungsi ganda, dan dalam terminologi dekonstruksi dapat digolongkan dalam undecidables, yakni bagian dari teks yang memiliki fungsi ganda dan kehadirannya mengganggu stabilitas term-term yang hendak diunggulkan oleh penulis.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Adhyaksa Suryaputra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis keabsahan akta jual beli dan surat di Bawah tangan berupa pinjam pakai sertipikat tentang peralihan hak sertipikat hak milik nomor 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, dengan Studi Kasus: Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Bandung No:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merumuskan 2 (dua) permasalahan utama, yaitu mengenai bagaimana keabsahan akta jual beli dan surat di bawah tangan yaitu berupa pinjam pakai sertipikat dan apa dampak dari tidak pahamnya akibat hukum dari penandatanganan akta jual beli tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah diharapkan agar supaya kita jangan terlalu gampang meminjamkan sertipikat kepada orang lain sebagai alas untuk meminta kredit dan agar Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) lebih cermat dan teliti dalam memastikan apakah obyek jual beli tersebut telah sesuai dengan Asas Terang, Tunai dan Riil atau Nyata. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan secara yuridis normatif, mempergunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan, dan hasil penelitian bersifat analitis kualitatif, karena ditujukan untuk memberikan data yang seteliti mungkin tentang sifat-sifat hubungan hukum, keadaan atau gejala- gejala tertentu dalam suatu tindakan hukum. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa kesalahan yang berupa persetujuan dalam akta jual beli terhadap tanah dan bangunan dapat mengakibatkan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan jadi berpindah ke orang lain.
This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building., This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit’s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia’s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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