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Ditemukan 56 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Morgan, Kay Summersby
London: Collins St Jame's Place, 1977
355.331 MOR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wurjati Rida
Abstrak :
Puskesmas pada hakekatnya mempunyai tugas pokok menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan dasar yang bermutu, terjangkau oleh masyarakat dan sebagai motor pembangunan kesehatan di daerah kerjanya, sedangkan pelayanan yang dilakukan secara garis besar terdiri dari pelayanan medik dan pelayanan kefarmasian. Pelayanan kefarmasian merupakan pelayanan penunjang untuk membantu mencapai penyediaan obat yang bermutu, tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup, mudah didapat dengan harga yang terjangkau. Obat merupakan komponen esensial dari suatu pelayanan kesehatan, sehingga persepsi masyarakat tentang hasil dari pelayanan kesehatan adalah diterimanya obat setelah berkunjung ke sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Ada tiga faktor utama yang mempengaruhi perilaku yaitu faktor individu, psikologis dan organisasi antara lain meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, nilai dan persepsi , umur, jenis kelamin, ketrampilan, ketersediaan sumber daya. pedoman sarana dan prasarana, serta pengalaman kerja.. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini ingin melihat gambaran kinerja petugas pengelola obat puskesmas di Kota Bekasi Tahun 2004 dan hubungan antara variabel bebas (independent) meliputi jenis kelamin, umur, masa kerja, pendidikan, pengetahuan, pelatihan, motivasi, supervisi, imbalan, fasilitas dan beban kerja dengan variabel terikat (dependen) yaitu kinerja petugas pengelola obat puskesmas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan didukung pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua petugas pengelola obat puskesmas di Kota Bekasi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh petugas pengelola obat puskesmas di Kota Bekasi yang merupakan total sample sebesar 31 orang. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan cara memperoleh data primer yaitu pengamatan menggunakan kuesioner. Data kualitatif dilakukan menggunakan wawancara. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak pengolah data dan rekapitulasi hasil wawancara. Semua responden mempunyai kinerja yang berada pada kelompok sedang dan baik. Lebih dari dua pertiga responden mempunyai skor yang berada pada kelompok sedang, dengan nilai mean 28,52 dan median 29,00 dari skala 0 sampai dengan 38, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengelola obat puskesmas di Kota Bekasi mempunyai kinerja yang cuk-up baik. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor internal (pendidikan) dengan kinerja pengelola obat puskesmas di Kota Bekasi. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara faktor eksternal (supervisi, imbalan, fasilitas dan beban kerja) dengan kinerja pengelola obat puskesmas di Kota Bekasi. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja petugas pengelola obat puskesmas disarankan agar pemerintah kota Bekasi mengalokasikan tenaga farmasis sebagai tenaga pengelola obat nimal 1(satu) orang asisten apoteker untuk satu puskesmas.
Truthfully, the health center has main task to provide a quality primary health care and to be a health development motor in its working area. The main service of health center consists of medical and pharmacy services. Pharmacy service is a supporting service to attempt a quality and adequate quantity of drugs supply, as well as affordable. Drugs are the essential component in health care. So, the perception of community about the output of health care is drugs received soon after visiting the health care facilities. There are three major factors affected the behavior: individual, psychological, and organizational factors that consist of knowledge, attitude, value, perception, age, sex, skill, resources availability, guidelines, facilities, and working experience. For that reason, the study was conducted to assess the working performance of pharmacy officers at health centers in the City of Bekasi in 2004. It was also conducted to assess the relation between independent variables consisted of age, sex, period of working span, education, skill, training, motivation, supervision, compensation, facilities, and working load, and dependent variable that consisted of the working performance of pharmacy officers. This study used quantitative and qualitative approach with cross sectional design. The population of this study was all pharmacy officers at health centers in the City of Bekasi. The sample of this study was total sampling that comprised of all pharmacy officers at health centers in the City of Bekasi as many as 31 respondents. Quantitative collecting was conducted by obtaining primary data that is interviewing respondents using questionnaire. While qualitative data was obtained by conducting in-depth interview. In this study, data processing used a software and recapitulation of interview result. All respondents had the working performance that lain between a fair group and a good group. More than two third of respondents had score in a fair group with mean 28.52 and median 29 out of scale between 0 and 38. The result above showed that pharmacy officers at health centers in the City of Bekasi had good working performance. Statistically, the result of this study showed that there was significant relation between internal factor (education) and working performance of pharmacy officers at health centers in the City of Bekasi. Meanwhile, there was no relation between external factors (supervision, compensation, facilities, and working load) and the working performance of pharmacy officers at health centers in the City of Bekasi. In order to increase the working performance of pharmacy officers at health centers, it was recommended that the local government should allocate the pharmacist as pharmacy officer at least one pharmacy assistant in each health center.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasan Basri
Abstrak :
This thesis discusses about the perfonmmce of security officers and negative behaviour of inmates in Tegal Prison, also the relationship in between based on that matter, the objective of this theses is to find out and ana1ize the perfonnance of security officer and inmates behaviour, also the relationship in between in Tegal Prison. This thesis uses Qualitative method with juridic managerial approach data collected through observation I serveitance, interview and documentation study. The observations carried out by direct observation of acth-ity and accasion accured in the field. Interview" carried out through the informats such as main infum1a11t namely the warden, important informant namely the inmates and security officers, also additional informant namely the officers related with the sludy, Furthermore documentation study is learning the documents such as book, journa1, codes, previous research and other ducuments related. The result is a description about the condition accured in the field. Thus, after being analyzed by theory and interview "'ith the informants, there are conclusions about the perfonnants of security officers in Tegai Prison and the obstacles encomentered in order of improvement, the negative behaviour of inmates in Tega1 Prison and the factors why it occoured, and also symbiotic relation bel:\veen the performance of security officers and inmates behaviour.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
McNab, Andy
London: Corgi books , 2000
823.914 MCN c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
French, Linda L.
Albany, N.Y.: Delmar Cengage Learning , 2013
610.737 FRE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Rahmat Idnal
Abstrak :
Tesis ini tentang membahas tentang kegiatan penertiban permukiman liar di Muara Angke yang dilakukan oleh petugas tramtib dan Polisi. Perhatian utama dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah bahwa kegiatan penertiban yang dilakukan oleh petugas tramtib dan polisi di Muara Angke selama ini dengan memberdayakan keberadaan para preman yang dianggap tokoh oleh warga penghuni liar. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan metode etnografi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan, pengamatan terlibat dan wawancara berstruktur dan tidak berstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) Kawasan permukiman liar yang terdapat di Muara Angke pada awalnya merupakan penguasaan sebagian lahan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang kaum pendatang yang memanfaatkan lahan-lahan yang masih kosong milik Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pengelola Kawasan Pelabuhan Perikanan dan Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PT PKPP & PPI) Dinas Petemakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Propinsi DKI Jakarta; 2) kegiatan penertiban yang dilakukan di permukiman liar Muara Angke selama ini dilakukan dengan dua metode yang berbeda, pertama dilakukan oleh aparat tramtib kecamatan Penjaringan Jakarta Utara dan kedua dilakukan oleh UPT PKPP & PPI dengan menggunakan komunitas preman yang dianggap tokoh oleh warga hunian liar, yang selama ini dikenal dengan sebutan tramtib india; 3) kelompok preman yang terdapat di permukiman liar adalah kelompok preman dari bugis-makasar dan kelompok preman dari kulon; 4) para korban penertiban permukiman liar mendapatkan kompensasi dari UPT PKPP & PPI berupa uang kerohiman yang jumlahnya sama dengan tidak melihat kondisi dan fisik bangunan; 5) Cara kerja para preman di permukiman liar Muara Angke adalah dengan mengunig lahan-lahan yang masih kosong kemudian menjualnya kepada warga hunian liar baru yang akan menempatinya; 6) pola hubungan patron klien yang terjadi di permukiman liar Muara Angke adalah patron klien antara preman dengan warga hunian liar dan patron klien antara polisi dengan para preman; 7) metode pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh Polsek KP3 Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa terhadap para preman di kawasan permukiman liar adalah dengan metode pendekatan persuasif dengan cara melibatkan para preman untuk menjaga dan mengawasi sarana dan prasarana milik UPT PKPP & PPI Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Propinsi DKI Jakarta, seperti penjagaan blongblong ikan, penjagaan tambak-tambak dan pejagaan kapal-kapal hasil sitaan Polsek KP3 Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Implikasi kajian dari tesis ini adalah: 1) Ketegasan dalam penegakan Perda DKI Jakarta No. 11 tahun 1988 tentang Ketertiban Umum Wilayah DKI Jakarta terhadap bangunan liar yang ditempati oleh para pendatang liar di Muara Angke harus dilakukan secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan agar jumlahnya tidak terus bertambah; 2) perlu adanya kejelasan status dan pemberian kekuatan hukum yang tetap kepada pihak UPT PKPP & PPI Dinas Petemakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Propinsi DK1 Jakarta, sehingga setiap kegiatan penertiban yang akan dilakukan oleh pihaknya memiliki dasar hukum yang kuat dan tidak rawan terhadap gugatan PTUN dari pihak lain; 3) Setiap kegiatan penertiban dan penggusuran yang akan dilakukan, hendaknya selalu dipikirkan dampak konflik yang ditimbulkan dari penertiban tersebut, yaitu mengenai relokasi ternpat tinggal selanjutnya dan memperbanyak pembuatan rumah-rumah sederhana layak huni atau rumah susun yang harganya sebagian merupakan subsidi dari pemerintah; 4) penerapan sanksi sesuai Perda harus diterapkan kepada para warga hunian liar yang masih memanfaatkan lahan kosong yang telah dilakukan penertiban.
This thesis discusses about the order enforcement activities at illegal settlement in Muara Angke conducted by public order officers and police officers. The main concern in this thesis writing is that the law enforcement activities conducted by public order officers at Muara Angke during the time by empowering the existence of thugs considered as figures by the squatters. The approach used is qualitative method with ethnography method. Data collection carried out through observation, participatory observation and structured and non structured interviews. The research results indicate: (1) Illegal settlement located at Muara Angke in the beginning was control of land conducted by migrants utilizing the unoccupied land belong to Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pengelolaan Kawasan Pelabuhan Perikanan dan Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PT PKPPP & PPI) Husbandry, Fishery and Marine Agency Capital Jakarta; 2) the order enforcement conducted in the illegal settlement of Muara Angke during the time conducted with to different methods, first conducted by public order officers of Penjaringan District North Jakarta and second conducted by UPT PKPP & PPI by using thugs community considered as figure by squatters, which during the time known with India public order enforcers; 3) thugs groups in the illegal settlement are thugs groups from Bugis-Makassar and thugs group from Kulon, 4) the eviction victims received compensation from UPT PKPP & PPI in form of kerohiman money which the amounts were the same without considering the building conditions and physic; the work method of thugs at the illegal settlement Muara Angke was by dividing the unoccupied land then sold them to the new squatters who will place them; 6) relations pattern of patron client occurred in illegal settlement Muara Angke are patron client between thugs and squatters and patron client between police and thugs; 7) the approach method conduced by Precinct Police Station KP3 Sunda Kelapa Port toward the thugs in the illegal settlement is by persuasive method by involving the thugs to safeguard and oversee the means and facilities belong to UPI PKPP & PPI of Fishery and Maritime Agency of Capital Jakarta, such safeguarding fish catching, embankments, and vessels of confiscation result of Precinct Police Station KP3 Sunda Kelapa Port. Research implications of this thesis are : 1) Decisiveness in enforcement Bylaw of Capital Jakarta No. 11/1988 concerning Public Orderliness of Jakarta Region toward illegal buildings occupied by the illegal migrants at Muara Angke should be conducted in consistent and sustainable way in order that their number does not increase; 2) it requires clarification of status and permanent legal force granting to the to UPT PKPP & PP Husbandry, Fishery and Maritime Agency of Capital Jakarta, so each orderliness activities to carry out by its side has a strong legal basis and not vulnerable to administrative legal suit from other party; 3) Each order enforcement and eviction to conduct should be always considered their conflict impacts emerged from order enforcement, namely, concerning relocation their next homes and increase the number of simple and decent homes or flats which the prices a part is subsidy from the government; 4) the imposition of sanctions pursuant to Bylaw should be applied to the squatters who still utilize the vacant lands which have been ordered.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djakarta: Departemen Penerangan RI, [1956]
320.959 8 IND k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvarez, Jose luis
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005
658.42 ALV s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tugas Karya Akhir ini membahas peran petugas pemasyarakatan dalam bimbingan sosial perseorangan bagi narapidana seumur hidup di Lapas Klas I Sukamiskin. Salah satu metode dalam praktek pekerjaan sosial yang sangat dominan adalah Bimbingan Sosial Perseorangan (Konseling/perwalian), Bimbingan Sosial Perseorangan ini dapat diterapkan terhadap narapidana seumur hidup agar dapat mengurangi derita yang dialaminya. Ada tiga masalah pokok yang ingin dikemukakan oleh penulis yaitu:(1)Bagaimana pelaksanaan bimbingan sosial perseorangan bagi narapidana seumur hidup.(2) Apa manfaat yang diperoleh (3) Apa yang menjadi faktor penghambat dalam pelaksanaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif, teori analisa sumber daya manusia dan teori analisa jabatan digunakan untuk membandingkan serta memperkuat penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan peran petugas yang begitu sentral dalam hal pelaksanaan bimbingan sosial perseorangan akan tetapi dalam prakteknya wali yang aktif dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan ini tidak lebih dari sepuluh orang. Hal itu terjadi karena kurangnya motivasi dan inisiatif dari diri petugas untuk melaksanakan tugas dengan baik. Penulis menyarankan dalam penelitian ini untuk menyediakan forum pertemuan antar wali dan psikolog yang dihadiri oleh Kalapas serta dimediasi oleh Kasi Bimkemasy agar menjadi masukan bagi organisasi serta adanya Reward and Punishment.
End this task paper discusses the role of pemasyarakatan in social assistance for individuals convicted criminal for life in Lapas Klas I Sukamiskin. One of the methods in the practice of social work is a very dominant individual Social Assistance (Counseling / guardianship), Social Assistance individuals this can be applied to prisoners for life in order to reduce the suffering dialaminya.That there are three main problems that want to be by the author, namely: (1) How is the implementation. (2) What are the benefits of the implementation (3) What is the obstacle in the implementation. This research uses a qualitative approach using a descriptive design, theoretical analysis of human resources and the theory of analysis used to compare the positions and the strengthening of this research.. Results of research illustrates the role of the central staff in the implementation of social assistance for individuals convicted criminal for life in Lapas Klas I Sukamiskin, although in practice the central role of the guardian akan but active in the implementation of the guidance is not more than ten people. This is happening because of lack of motivation and initiative of officers to conduct themselves with the task well. Authors suggest in this research to provide a forum for meetings between carers and psychologists who attended by the Head of Lapas and have mediation by the Head of Section Bimkemasy to become inputs for the organization and also have Reward and Punishment.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steve Haryono
Abstrak :
The city of Cirebon was not as large as Batavia (Jakarta) or Semarang, but its location on the northern shore of Java made it an important harbour city from which the inland regions of the southern part of West Java could be serviced. As a harbour town, Cirebon became the regional centre of trade and commerce, and many Chinese immigrants settled there. As were other cities, Cirebon fell under the governance of the VOC and later of the Netherlands Indies administration A Chinese officer was appointed to deal with Chinese community issues in the region. With the exception of the well-known Major (Majoor der Chinezen) Tan Tjin Kie, whose funeral is described in his sons book, little is known about the other Chinese officers in Cirebon. Most publications concentrate on the Chinese officers in Batavia or Semarang or in other large cities. Numerous Chinese officers were appointed in Cirebon and in the surrounding regions. Many of them were members of four or five big families. This article describes their lives, families, and descendants, their businesses, and their whereabouts.;ABSTRAK
The city of Cirebon was not as large as Batavia (Jakarta) or Semarang, but its location on the northern shore of Java made it an important harbour city from which the inland regions of the southern part of West Java could be serviced. As a harbour town, Cirebon became the regional centre of trade and commerce, and many Chinese immigrants settled there. As were other cities, Cirebon fell under the governance of the VOC and later of the Netherlands Indies administration A Chinese officer was appointed to deal with Chinese community issues in the region. With the exception of the well-known Major (Majoor der Chinezen) Tan Tjin Kie, whose funeral is described in his sons book, little is known about the other Chinese officers in Cirebon. Most publications concentrate on the Chinese officers in Batavia or Semarang or in other large cities. Numerous Chinese officers were appointed in Cirebon and in the surrounding regions. Many of them were members of four or five big families. This article describes their lives, families, and descendants, their businesses, and their whereabouts.;ABSTRAK
The city of Cirebon was not as large as Batavia (Jakarta) or Semarang, but its location on the northern shore of Java made it an important harbour city from which the inland regions of the southern part of West Java could be serviced. As a harbour town, Cirebon became the regional centre of trade and commerce, and many Chinese immigrants settled there. As were other cities, Cirebon fell under the governance of the VOC and later of the Netherlands Indies administration A Chinese officer was appointed to deal with Chinese community issues in the region. With the exception of the well-known Major (Majoor der Chinezen) Tan Tjin Kie, whose funeral is described in his sons book, little is known about the other Chinese officers in Cirebon. Most publications concentrate on the Chinese officers in Batavia or Semarang or in other large cities. Numerous Chinese officers were appointed in Cirebon and in the surrounding regions. Many of them were members of four or five big families. This article describes their lives, families, and descendants, their businesses, and their whereabouts.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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