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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hills, Marcia
Abstrak :
The hallmark text for nursing faculty seeking to promote the transformative teaching of caring science, this book reflects the paramount scholarship of caring science educators. The volume intertwines visionary thinking with blueprints, living exemplars, and dynamic directions for the application of fundamental principles. It features emancipatory teaching/​learning scholarship, and student/​teacher, relation/​evaluation models for adoption into education and practice regimens. Divided into five units, the text addresses the history of the caring curriculum revolution and its reemergence as a pow. Publisher's description: The hallmark text for nursing faculty seeking to promote the transformative teaching of caring science, this book reflects the paramount scholarship of caring science educators. The volume intertwines visionary thinking with blueprints, living exemplars, and dynamic directions for the application of fundamental principles. It features emancipatory teaching/​learning scholarship, and student/​teacher, relation/​evaluation models for adoption into education and practice regimens.Divided into five units, the text addresses the history of the caring curriculum revolution and its reemergence as a powerful presence within nursing. Unit II introduces intellectual and strategic blueprints for caring-based education, including action-oriented approaches for faculty-student relations, teaching/​learning skills, emancipatory pedagogical practices, critical-reflective-creative approaches to evolving human consciousness, and power relation dynamics. The third unit addresses curriculum structure and design, the evolution of a caring-based college of nursing, the philosophy of caring-human science, caring in advanced practice education, caring as a pedagogical approach to nursing education, and teaching-learning professional caring based on Watson's theory of human caring. Unit IV explores an alternative approach to evaluation. The final unit explores the future of the caring science curriculum as a way of emancipating the human spirit, with caritas nursing as a transformative model.
New York : Springer, 2011
610.73 HIL c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Mulyani
Abstrak :
Penyakit kanker ginekologi merupakan penyakit yang dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Proses pengobatan membutuhkan komunikasi yang baik dan relevan. Kesesuaian kebutuhan informasi dan informasi yang didapatkan dapat menjamin luaran yang optimal.Perawat berperan penting dalam upaya meningkatkan luaran salah satunya dengan intervensi edukasi. Studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi terkait kebutuhan informasi pasien kanker ginekologi serta pemberian informasi yang dilakukan oleh perawat tentang kemoterapi.Pencarian literatur memanfaat berbagai macam database internet periode tahun 2012-2021 melalui Sciencedirect, EBSCO, dan ProQuest dengan kata kunci information needs, gynecology cancer, chemotherapy, nurse education. Hasil dari kajian literatur ini menunjukan berbagai penelitian menunjukan kesamaan pola dalam mengidentifikasi kebutuhan informasi yaitu enam domain dan proses penyampaian informasi dengan memanfaatkan media teknologi. ......Gynecological cancer is a disease that can affect various aspects of life. The treatment process requires good and relevant communication. The suitability of the needs of information and information obtained can guarantee optimal outcomes. Nurses play an important role in efforts to improve the exterior of one of them with educational interventions. This literature study aims to identify the information needs of gynecological cancer patients as well as the provision of information carried out by nurses about chemotherapy. Literature searches utilize various internet databases in the period 2012- 2021 through Sciencedirect, EBSCO, and ProQuest with keywords information needs, gynecology cancer, chemotherapy, nurse education. The results of this literature review show various studies show similar patterns in identifying information needs, namely six domains and the process of conveying information by utilizing technological media.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Harper and Row , 1987
610.730 285 COM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Merita Basril
Abstrak :
Janin dan bayi prematur menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya untuk tidur di dalam dan di luar rahim. Tidur dianggap sebagai aktivitas penting pada periode neonatal, serupa dengan pernapasan dan nutrisi. Kebisingan merupakan salah satu penyebab gangguan pola tidur pada bayi prematur di ruang perawatan intensif neonatal dan berdampak pada gangguan tumbuh kembang. Studi ini memberikan gambaran penerapan Model Adaptasi Callista Roy dalam asuhan keperawatan pada lima kasus bayi prematur dengan risiko gangguan pola tidur. Desain yang digunakan adalah studi kasus yang didapatkan dari lima kasus terpilih. Teori Adaptasi Callista Roy mampu memfasilitasi perawat untuk menggali masalah keperawatan pada bayi prematur secara komprehensif. Pemberian edukasi Bundles Alert to Alarm kepada seluruh perawat neonatal menggunakan media pitstop dapat menurunkan angka kebisingan diruang perawatan neonatal. Penerapan teori Adaptasi Callista Roy dan penerapan Bundles allert to alarm dapat direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan dalam asuhan keperawatan yaitu dapat memfasilitasi istirahat tidur bayi prematur yang dirawat di ruang perawatan neonatal. ......Fetuses and premature babies spend most of their time sleeping inside and outside the womb. Sleep is considered an important activity in the neonatal period, similar to breathing and nutrition. Noise is one of the causes of disturbed sleep patterns in premature babies in the neonatal intensive care room and has an impact on growth and development disorders. This study provides an overview of the application of the Callista Roy Adaptation Model in nursing care in five cases of premature babies at risk of sleep pattern disorders. The design used is a case study obtained from five selected cases. Callista Roy's Adaptation Theory is able to facilitate nurses to comprehensively explore nursing problems in premature babies. Providing Bundles Alert to Alarm education to all neonatal nurses using pitstop media can reduce noise levels in the neonatal care room. The application of Callista Roy's Adaptation theory and the application of Bundles alert to alarm can be recommended for application in nursing care, namely it can facilitate sleep for premature babies who are cared for in the neonatal care room.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tety Mulyati Arofi
Abstrak :
Beberapa faktor dapat mendorong kohesifitas kelompok di Rumah sakit Islam Sukapura Jakarta Utara antara lain ukuran rumah sakit dan ruang perawatan yang tidak terlalu besar, kesamaan latar belakang agama, adanya pertemuan rutin yang membahas masalah tugas. Kondisi ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan rumah sakit. Namun sebaliknya ditemukan beberapa faktor yang dapat menurunkan kohesifitas yang berpotensi untuk menurunkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan yaitu beberapa perawat yang tidak mengikuti pertemuan, pemberian asuhan keperawatan cendensng sendiri-sendiri, rotasi perawat setiap 2 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kohesifitas kelompok dengan kepuasan kerja perawat di Rumah Sakit Islam Sukapura Jakarta Utara. Desain yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasi secara potong lintang. Pengumpulan data melalui kuisioner dengan total populasi 100 responden. Untuk menguji hubungan kohesifitas kelompok dan kepuasan kerja serta variabel confounding karakteristik demografi digunakan Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian di Rumah Sakit Islam Sukapura Jakarta Utara menunjukkan gambaran kepuasan kerja perawat kurang (60%). Variabel independen yang menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja adalah kohesifitas, keterpaduan kelompok terhadap tugas, keterpaduan kelompok secara sosial, ketertarikan individu terhadap tugas kelompok. Ketertarikan individu terhadap kelompok secara sosial, dan variabel confounding (urnur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan lama kerja) menunjukkan hubungan tidak signifikan dengan kepuasan kerja. Subvariabel yang berhubungan paling dominan dengan kepuasan kerja yaitu ketertarikan individu terhadap tugas kelompok. Berdasarkan hasil ini direkomendasikan perlu pelatihan dinamika kelompok, sosialisasi standar asuhan keperawatan, pendidikan berkelanjutan melalui pelatihan-pelatihan, mengadakan pertemuan yang membahas tentang masalah-masalah tugas dan hubungan interpersonal dan pelatihan komunikasi efektif. Penelitian lebih lanjut masih diperlukan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam beberapa variabel struktur kelompok dan pimpinan kelompok dengan desain berbeda misalnya kuasi ekspresimen.
There are factors that can produce group cohesiveness, such as there is the small size of hospital and inpatient units, equality in religious background, routine meeting discussing task and assignment. This condition can improve the quality of health services in the hospital. On the other hand, there are factors found that can reduce the group cohesiveness. Those factors include many nurse did not attend meetings, prodding care tend to be indicate rather than team, and nurse rotation too short (two years). The purpose of this study was to indent the correlation between group cohesiveness and nurse satisfaction in Sukapura Islamic Hospital North Jakarta. The design was a descriptive using cross sectional approach. A questionnaire was used to collect data with total population 100 respondents. The test to measure the relationship between group cohesiveness, and nurse satisfaction and confounding variable (demographic characteristic) was Chi-square. The findings indicate that the nurse job satisfaction in Sukapura Islamic Hospital North Jakarta was less than 60%. The findings also demonstrated that there was a significant relationship between group cohesion, group integration to task group integration to social, attractiveness to the group-task and the nurse job satisfaction. Further, the other findings demonstrated that there was no significant correlation between attractiveness to the group-social and confounding variables (age, gender, education, and work experience) and nurse work satisfaction. A sub variable attraction to group-task is based on the findings, the most dominant factor to work satisfaction. Some recommendation are directed to the needs of training for group dynamic, socialization of nursing care standard, conducting continues nurse education, group meetings to discuss task and assignment problems and to improve interpersonal relationship and effective communication. In addition, a further study needs to be done to explore some other variables (group structure and group leader) a using different design (quasi-experiment).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luzi Adriyanti
Abstrak :
Implementasi program pendidikan dan pelatihan perawat pada RSKD Duren Sawit masih belum mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan sesuai ketentuan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Rumah Sakit maupun sasaran mutu unit Pendidikan dan Pelatihan. Penelitian ini yang bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana terselenggaranya proses diklat tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap proses perencanaan pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi diklat perawat. Dalam setiap proses, faktor yang dieksplorasi adalah faktor sumber daya manusia (SDM), biaya dan metode. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa RSKD Duren Sawit Jakarta pada tahun 2013 telah melakukan implementasi Diklat untuk Perawat mengacu pada kebijakan Gubernur Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Direktur RSKD Duren Sawit Jakarta. Seluruh proses dari tahap perencanaan, pengorganiasian, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi sudah dilakukan, akan tetapi proses ini belum terintegrasi dan pendokumentasian masih terpisah antara bagian diklat dan bagian Keperawatan. Biaya yang diberikan sudah berkesinambungan akan tetapi belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Rumah Sakit diharapkan melakukan analisis penyebab belum tercapainya target yang ditetapkan sebagai bukti bahwa Rumah sakit tetap memperhatikan target mutu yang seharusnya dicapai. Pola pelatihan dapat diubah menjadi pola Training for Trainer dengan tujuan efisiensi dan perawat dapat menjadi pelatih untuk pelatihan internal di Rumah Sakit.
The Implementation of Nurse?s Education and Training Program in Duren Sawit Mental Health Hospital in Jakarta 2013 still hasn?t reached the target set by the Minimum Service Standards for Hospitals nor the quality objectives by the Training Unit, therefore this research is conducted to acknowledge how the training process is conducted. This research uses qualitative method by exploring the planning process, organizing process, actuating, controlling and evaluation of nurse?s education and training program. In each process, the factor explored is human resource, cost and method. The result of this research shows that Duren Sawit Mental Heath Hospital in 2013 has implemented nurse's education and training program as commanded by the Governor of DKI Jakarta's Regulation and the General Manager of RSKD Duren Sawit Jakarta, but this process hasn't yet integrated with the factors explored above and report made on this issue is still divided between the Training Unit and the Nursing Unit. The cost spent has already balanced but it hasn?t fulfilled the need of the cost required for Nurse?s Education and Training Program. The hospital is expected to be able to make a cause analysis as evidence that the hospital still gives attention to the target of quality that has to be attained and change the training method to "Training for Trainer", hoping it would train the nurses to become trainers during internal trainings.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titik Ambar Asmarini
Abstrak :
Bayi baru lahir memiliki kebutuhan fisiologis khusus untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan ekstrauterin dan seringkali membutuhkan perawatan khusus. Rutinitas perawatan di ruang rawat dapat membuat bayi baru lahir berisiko mengalami gangguan integritas kulit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas edukasi integritas kulit terhadap kompetensi perawat dalam pemantauan risiko cedera kulit neonatus. Studi menggunakan metoda Pre- experimental dengan rancangan pre and post-test without control design. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 62 perawat yang bekerja di ruang Perinatologi sebuah rumah sakit rujukan di Jakarta. Sampel diambil secara purposive. Intervensi penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu memberikan edukasi secara blended learning dengan memberikan informasi melalui link video presentasi integritas kulit dan diskusi secara langsung saat praktik pemantauan kulit. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata nilai pengetahuan responden naik sebesar 3,93, rerata nilai sikap naik sebanyak 32,1 dan rerata keterampilan naik sebanyak 14,41. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kenaikan nilai rerata secara bermakna dengan p value <0,001, sehingga ada pengaruh intervensi edukasi integritas kulit mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan perawat dalam pemantauan risiko cedera kulit. Untuk mencapai kualitas kompetensi perawat yang optimal, sebaiknya dilakukan mentoring, supervisi, pendampingan dan pengarahan secara terintegrasi. Pembuat kebijakan diharapkan dapat membuat standar pemantauan integritas kulit yang terkini sesuai dengan kondisi neonatus yang memerlukan perawatan intensif. ......Newborns are physiologically adapted to the extrauterine environment and often require special care. Routine care in the ward has the risk of increasing skin integrity disorders. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of skin integrity education on the competence of nurses in monitoring the risk of skin injury. The study used a quasi-experimental method with pre and post-test without a control design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling, where 62 nurses worked in the Perinatology section of a hospital in Jakarta. The interventions carried out were education via video links presentations on skin integrity, and direct discussions during practice. The results of this study are the average score of respondents' knowledge values increased by 3.93, the average score of attitude scores increased by 32.1, and the average score of skills increased by 14.41. The results of the analysis showed a positive average increase, with a p-value <0,001 so there was an effect of skin integrity education intervention, being able to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of nurses in monitoring the risk of skin injury. The implementation of an educational program for five days can improve the competence of nurses in monitoring the prevention of skin injuries. To achieve optimal quality of nurse competence, mentoring, supervision, mentoring and guidance must be carried out in an integrated manner. Hospital policymakers are also expected to develop new standards for monitoring skin integrity according to the condition of neonates in intensive care.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library