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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Aisyah Maulina Zjubaidi
Abstrak :
Tugas akhir ini mcrupakan asesmen kebutuhan informasi pada anak asma usia 7~12 tahun dan orang tuzmya untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengetahuan., kualitas hidup, kebutuhan dulnmgan informasi dan emosional, mated serta bentuk program edukasi. Asesmcn ini m ggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatii Analisis menyimpulkan masih ada pexsepsi yang salah pada pcngetahuan anak dan orang tua, sebagian besar mengalami gangguan kualitas hidup, sebagian besar anak ingin mendapat informasi namun sebagian kecil yang membutuhkan dulcungan emosional. Sebagian besar orang tua ingin mendapat dukungan informasi dan emosional. Asesmen ditindaklanjuti menyusun rancangan program, menyarankan asesmen dilakukan di pelayanan kesehatan lain serta rnelakukan asesmen ulang setelah program dilaksanakan. ......This research was a need assessment of information among asthmatic children ranging 7-12 years old and their parents with objective to gain description of their knowledge about asthma and quality of life. Quantitative and qualitative approach was used in this assessment. Analysis concluded there were knowledge misperception among children and parents, most of them experienced problems in quality of life, most ofthe children wanted informational support, but only <=40% children need emotional support. Most of parents need both informational and emotional support. The assessment followed up by designing a program, suggested replication ofthe assessment in other health care, and doing reassessment after the program was done.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
To implement health decentralization, Ministry of Health has launched Health Ministerial Decree No. 004 year 2003, stating that in order to strengthen health management in decentralization era there was a need to facilitate health research and development in local government. The study was to conduct a Training Need Assessment (TNA) for local human resources in health research and development. This TNA study was a case study in East Kalimantan Timur Province, with the samples of Balitbangda provinsi/kabupaten/kota, Dinas Kesehatan provinsi/kabupaten/kota, and Bappeda provinsi/kabupaten/kota. From ten basic substances questioned to respondents, i.e. (i) research institution management, (ii) research project management, (iii) research methodology, (iv) Health Systems Research (HSR) methodology, (v) qualitative data analysis, (vi) quantitative data analyisis, (vii) multivariate statistical analysis, (viii) scientific article writing, (ix) policy analysis, and, (x) advocacy of research results, the study has shown most of human resources' competence falling in the category of "fair competence" and "intennediate competence" and a smallportion of them in the category of "no competence" and "excellent". If seen from the institutions' need, above 83% has stated that there was a need for such substances. Seen from the availability of training of the substances by the institutions, above 80% has stated unavailable by the institutions. From the perspective of individuals' need, above 80% stated that the training of such substances was in need by the respondents. To improve health research and development in local government, the study recommended (i) National Institute of Health Research and Development has to produce standard training modules, both research management and research methodology, to improve human resources'competencies of local government, (ii) a facilitation model of health research for local goverment has to involve research and development institutions, i.e. Bappeda, Dinas Kesehatan, Balitbangda, and Badan Diklat Daerah, (iii) human resources to be trained were from Balitbangda, Bappeda or Dinas Kesehatan, depending on the institutions' current situation.
BULHSR 9:4 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Noviana Purnama
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas identifikasi kebutuhan pelatihan dalam upaya untuk mcningkatkan kinerja bidan di ruang rawal inap kebidanan RSPAD Gatot Socbroto lahun 2009 dcngan menggunakan teori penilaian kebutuhan pelatihan/Training Need Assessment (T NA) pada liga tingkat analisis yaitu (I) analisis organisasi, (2) analisis operasional, dan (3) analisis personalia. Penelitian ini adalah penelimian deskriptif dcngan pendekatan kualitatiff Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa dengan adanya rencana slrategis pengembangan SDM mengarah kcpada sistem remunerasi, maka disarankan pihak RSPAD untuk melakukan kcgiatan pengumpulan informasi jabatan bidan yang meliputi tanggung jawab, tugas dan fungsi pokok, hubungan kegia, persyaratan jabatan, idenlilas jabatan, tuntulan tisik, Iingkungan kerja. Berdasarkan hasil idcmiiikasi kebutuhan pelatihan maka gambaran program pelatihan yang dapat mcmcnuhi kebutuhan organisasi, operasional dan individu dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja bidan di ruang rawat inap kebidanan RSPAD gatot soebroto adalah pelatihan penerapan standar profesi bidan di rumah sakit.
This tesis explained about training identification in order to increase midwife performance in the room of inpatient obstetrics by using Training Need Assessmenr (T NA) via analisis organization, operational and personnel. This research is descriptive observational with kualitatifs approaching. Result one that acquired and to the effect management RSPAD strategic planning matter in human resources development to remuncrasi's system, that management RSPAD have to collect job infommation for midwife that including job responsibility, job requirement, job kualification, job identity, tisical requirement and job environment. This study identified the training program that can meet the need organization, operational and personnel in order to increasing midwife performance in the room of inpatient obstetrics is the training in hospital aplication of midwife's professional standard.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saseem Poudel
Abstrak :
Purpose To evaluate the status of surgical training in Japan through a national level needs assessment. Methods A survey was sent to all 909 graduating residents (GRs) and their 611 program directors (PDs) for the year 2016. A working group of surgical educators from around the country was formed under the education committee of the Japan Surgical Society. The survey items were developed by consensus of this working group. The survey investigated the knowledge and problems of the current curriculum, and the status of the current residency training. Results The response rates were 56,3% of the GRs and 76,8% of the PDs. Among the participants, 47,6% of the GRs and 29,4% of the PDs believed that the residency curriculum did not match the clinical experience. Over 80% of the GRs and PDs agreed on the importance of training outside of the OR, whereas only 13% of the GRs had received such training regularly. Trainees also reported a lower satisfaction rate about the opportunity to train outside of the OR. Conclusion This national level needs assessment of surgical training in Japan identified several gaps in the curriculum. These results provide valuable data to assist the ongoing efforts for surgical residency curriculum improvement.
Tokyo: Springer, 2019
617 SUT 49:10 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamilah Kinanti
Abstrak :
Bimbingan Teknis Tenaga Perpustakaan merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan Perpustakaan Nasional RI melalui unit Pusat Pembinaan Pustakawan (P3) sebagai upaya memenuhi tanggung jawabnya selaku instansi pembina. Dengan target ribuan peserta dari seluruh provinsi di Indonesia, Bimtek Tenaga Perpustakaan menghabiskan tenaga dan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Oleh karena itu. akan sangat disayangkan ketika pelaksanaannya tidak tepat sasaran. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut, penyelenggara perlu mematangkan perencanaan sebaik mungkin, salah satunya dengan menilai kebutuhan materi bimtek yang sesuai dengan minat dan kebutuhan peserta. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis melakukan need assessment yang baru pertama kali dilakukan pada Bimtek unit P3 yang melibatkan pustakawan dan tenaga perpustakaan dengan skala nasional. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif, dan metode survei pada 2.080 responden yang merupakan Tenaga Perpustakaan di Indonesia. Kuesioner dibangun dengan mengadopsi Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia bidang Perpustakaan. Diperoleh hasil bahwa Fungsi Kunci yang paling banyak dipilih adalah Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Perpustakaan
Jakarta: Pusat Jasa Perpustakaan dan Informasi, 2022
020 VIS 24:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Sarasati
Abstrak :
This focused of research is a physical activity needs for elders who lived in the charitable institution at Bekasi with objective to gain infomation regarding self-monitoring planning. This research are quantitative and qualitative research. It is categorized as explanatory stuvey, using hypothetical assessment that independent factors affected dependent factors. In the operational technique, this research used several methodological tools to assess subjects? physical activity level, social support, and self-efficacy. The samples are 67 persons. The data was collected using in-depth interview methods, and focus group discussion. The result showed that only social support factor could affect the level of elder`s physical activity while self-efficacy was not affecting it. This study also found that physical health status ofthe respondent as confounding factor, which affecting social support factors in relation with physical activity level of the respondent. However qualitative methodology showed that both social support and self-efficacy aifected physical activity level of the respondent. In conclusion, the self-monitoring program for elders could be implemented by taking social support and selfleliicacy factors into consideration. For next research, it needs bigger sample size, sensitive tools of methodology, and developing the form of self-monitori ng program.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Pembiayaan kesehatan sekitar 146 (60%) penderita talasemia di Banyumas, tahun 2011 ditanggung rumah tangga dalam bentuk pembayar- an langsung (out of pocket payment). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng- analisis ability to pay, willingness to pay, dan need assessment pembiayaan kesehatan penderita talasemia di Kabupaten Banyumas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan rancangan studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan teknik pengambilan sampel simple random sampling. Jumlah sampel penelitian 30 responden yang mempunyai anggota keluarga penderita talasemia di Kabupaten Banyumas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keluarga penderita talasemia mempunyai kemampuan membayar ability to pay rata-rata adalah Rp34.448,8/bulan dan rata-rata willingness to pay pengobatan talasemia adalah Rp133.833,3/ bulan. Pola pembiayaan kesehatan talasemia di Kabupaten Banyumas menggunakan 93,3% Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas), 3,3% biaya sendiri, dan 3,3% asuransi kese- hatan. Sebelum mendapatkan Jamkesmas, 90,0% responden membayar dengan out of pocket, berhutang, berhemat pada kebutuhan nonkesehatan, dan menjual perhiasan/sawah. Kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan yang di- harapkan keluarga penderita talasemia adalah konsultasi talasemia dan desain khusus ruang perawatan anak. Kebutuhan pembiayaan kesehatan keluarga penderita talasemia adalah uang transportasi ke rumah sakit se- bagai bentuk biaya tidak langsung.

Health financing of majority thalassemia patients, around 146 people (60%) in Banyumas year 2011 is assured by Households in direct payments to health care providers (out-of-pocket payment). This study aimed to analyze the ability to pay, willingness to pay, and need assessment of health financing thalassemia in Banyumas. This research an analytic observation- Analisis Pembiayaan Kesehatan Keluarga Penderita Talasemia Health Financing Analysis of Thalassemia Patient Family Arif Kurniawan, Arih Diyaning Intiasari al with case study design. This research used cross sectional approach. Sampling technique used simple random sampling. Total sample of 30 respondents who had had family members suffering from thalassemia in Banyumas. The results showed thalassemia families have an average ability to pay of Rp34,448.8/month and the average willingness to pay for the treatment on thalassemia Rp133,833.3/month. Health financing patterns of thalassemia in Banyumas district uses 93.3% health security, 3.3% personal costs, and 3.3% health insurance. Before getting health se- curity, 90.0% of respondents performed out-of-pocket financing, get loan, skimped on nonmedical needs, and sold jewelry/rice fields to finance tha- lassemia?s health services. Health care needs that expected by thalassemia patient?s family is thalassemia consulting and special design of child-care room. Health financing needs of thalassemia?s patient family is transporta- tion money to hospital as indirect costs.
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library