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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis ubi jalar dan campuran ubi jalar : kacang hijau terhadap kualitas nasi ubi jalar instan yang disukai konsumen."
631 BLI 48:3 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kusyati Agustin
A study on microbiological quality of Nasi Rames was carried out ifrom December 1996 to January 1997. One hundred and two samples of Nasi Rames were collected and 102 food handler were interviewed.
The microbiological contamination was assessed by using the method of enumeration of Indicator organisms (Aerobic Plate Count, Coliforms, and Escherichia coli) in PetrifilmTM at SEAMEO TROPMED Laboratory, Jakarta.
High microbial counts were found in food samples. More than 21 % of food samples contained APC higher than 106 CFUIg food. Coliform counts higher than 102 CFUIg was found in 75.5% of Nasi Rames and 42.2% of the samples were contaminated with E. coll.
The study did not find geographical pattern of microbiological contamination in studied area or any significant differences between districts as well as environment. Statistical analysis showed there was significant difference in microbial counts between vendor 1 and vendor 2.
Further statistical analysis on risk factors contribute to microbial contamination showed that water source was associated with high counts of APC (p=0.016) and that the manner of waste disposal was associated with E. coli contamination (p=0.025).
The study has suggested that the basic facilities were essential in the street vending operation. Considering that street food cater for numerous people, there are urgent needs to improve the microbiological quality of street foods. Actions should be taken to provide basic facilities and introduce the knowledge on food hygiene to street food vendors as well as the consumer."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Ariffa Sjarkawi
Latar Belakang: Cara pemberian makanan pada balita sedikit banyak
dipengaruhi oleh tradisi budaya di suatu daerah tertentu. diantaranya adalah tradisi
nasi papah atau seringkali juga disebut nasi papak yang masih banyak dilakukan
oleh para ibu di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia, diantaranya di kabupaten Lombok
Timur, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Tradisi nasi papah adalah nasi yang telah
dikunyah dan dilumatkan terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan kepada balita. Dari
segi kesehatan terutama kesehatan mulut, hal ini berisiko terhadap terjadinya
Early Childhood Caries(ECC). Perilaku tersebut dapat menyebabkan transmisi
mikroorganisme S.mutans dari mulut ibu ke mulut anak.Tujuan: Untuk
mengetahui kontribusi tradisi nasi papah terhadap risiko terjadinya Early
Childhood Caries. Metode :Desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional
dengan jumlah total sampel subyek penelitian sebanyak 186 anak berusia 6 – 60
bulan yang didampingi oleh ibunya, yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Senyiur,
Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pemeriksaan Intra Oral
dilakukan untuk mengukur karies gigi ibu dan anak dengan menggunakan indeks
DMFT/deft dan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai perilaku dan
pengetahuan kesehatan mulut ibu dan anak dilakukan wawancara pada ibu dengan
menggunakan kuesioner. Semua data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan uji
Chi Square dan uji regresi logistik. Hasil: Risiko perilaku nasi papah terhadap
ECC adalah 5,46 (OR 5,46;CI 95% 4,24-36,55, p<0,001) dengan kontribusi
terhadap risiko ECC sebesar 41,8%. Kesimpulan: Tradisi nasi papah
berkontribusi terhadap risiko terjadinya ECC.

Background:The infant feeding practices usually affected by cultural tradition
especially in rural areas in Indonesia. One of that tradition is Nasi Papah or
sometimes called Nasi Papak, which one of that were done by mothers at East
Lombok regency , West Nusa Tenggara Province. Nasi papah is define as feeding
practice between mother to their infant through pre chewed rice by mother before
the food given to their child. For oral health, this behaviour is one of risk factors
for ECC, where vertical transmission frequently transmitted S.mutans from
mother to child through salivary contact. Aim: To analyzing the contribution of
nasi papah tradition towards occurence risk of Early Childhood Caries.
Materials and Methods: This study using cross sectional design with total
sampels are consists of 186 children between 6 – 60 months old accompanied by
his/her mother, whose living at Senyiur village,East Lombok regency,West Nusa
Tenggara Province. The intra oral examination had been done for valued caries
experience through DMFT/deft index and informations about oral health
behaviour and mother knowledges related to oral health derived from mothers
through questionnare and data analyzed by Chi Square and logistic regression
tests.Results:Risk of nasi papah tradition towards ECC has OR 5,46 (CI 95%
4,24-36,55. P<0,001)) and the contribution of this behaviour to ECC was 41,8%.
Conclusion: Nasi papah tradition contributes towards the occurence risk of
Early Childhood Caries., Background:The infant feeding practices usually affected by cultural tradition
especially in rural areas in Indonesia. One of that tradition is Nasi Papah or
sometimes called Nasi Papak, which one of that were done by mothers at East
Lombok regency , West Nusa Tenggara Province. Nasi papah is define as feeding
practice between mother to their infant through pre chewed rice by mother before
the food given to their child. For oral health, this behaviour is one of risk factors
for ECC, where vertical transmission frequently transmitted S.mutans from
mother to child through salivary contact. Aim: To analyzing the contribution of
nasi papah tradition towards occurence risk of Early Childhood Caries.
Materials and Methods: This study using cross sectional design with total
sampels are consists of 186 children between 6 – 60 months old accompanied by
his/her mother, whose living at Senyiur village,East Lombok regency,West Nusa
Tenggara Province. The intra oral examination had been done for valued caries
experience through DMFT/deft index and informations about oral health
behaviour and mother knowledges related to oral health derived from mothers
through questionnare and data analyzed by Chi Square and logistic regression
tests.Results:Risk of nasi papah tradition towards ECC has OR 5,46 (CI 95%
4,24-36,55. P<0,001)) and the contribution of this behaviour to ECC was 41,8%.
Conclusion: Nasi papah tradition contributes towards the occurence risk of
Early Childhood Caries.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muttiara Lisaanie
Penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna yang terkandung dalam puisi Nunmur-ui jumeokbap karya Koh Jung-Hee dengan melihat kaitannya dengan tragedi Pemberontakan Kwangju 1980. Penulisan jurnal ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Hasil penulisan jurnal ini menunjukkan bahwa puisi Nunmur-ui jumeokbap karya Koh Jung-Hee memiliki makna mendalam yang menggambarkan suasana ketika pemberontakan Kwangju 1980 terjadi. Puisi ini diterbitkan tahun 1990 dalam buku kumpulan puisi Koh Jung-Hee yang berjudul Kwangju-ui nunmulbi, dalam buku kumpulan puisi tersebut, puisi-puisinya menceritakan tentang tragedi pemberontakan Kwangju, bagaimana kondisi masyarakat pada saat itu. Kata kunci jumeokbap atau dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti ldquo;nasi kepal rdquo; juga memiliki peran penting dalam peristiwa yang menjadi pintu gerbang demokrasi di Korea tersebut. Jumeok sendiri dapat diartikan sebagai kepalan yang menandakan kekuatan dan semangat juang masyarakat Kwangju pada masa itu. Puisi Nunmur-ui Jumeokbap karya Koh Jung-Hee ini menggambarkan tragedi pemberontakan Kwangju 1980 melalui larik-larik puisinya dan makna yang terkandung di dalamnya.

This study aims to know the meaning contained in the poem Nunmur ui jumeokbap by Koh Jung Hee by looking at the connection with the 1980 Kwangju uprising tragedy. This study using qualitative analysis methods. The results of this journal show that the Nunmur ui jumeokbap poetry by Koh Jung Hee has a profound meaning that describes the atmosphere and situation when the 1980 Kwangju uprising occurred. This poem was published in 1990 in Koh Jung Hee 39 s poetry book entitled Kwangju ui nunmulbi, in the collection of poems, her poems recounting the tragedy of the Kwangju rebellion, the condition of society at the time. Keyword jumeokbap or in Indonesian means ldquo nasi kepal rdquo also has an important role in the event that became the gate of democracy in Korea. Jumeok itself can be interpreted as a fist that denotes the fighting spirit of Kwangju society at that time. Koh Jung Hee as a writer from Kwangju made the tragedy her inspiration for writing poetry. Nunmur ui Jumeokbap by Koh Jung Hee illustrates the tragedy of the Kwangju 1980 revolt through its poetry lines and the meaning that contained in this poetry.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Steffi Sonia
"Pendinginan nasi dipercaya masyarakat dapat menurunkan respons glikemik. Pendinginan diketahui menyebabkan terjadinya retrogradasi pati yang meningkatkan kandungan pati resisten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendinginan nasi putih terhadap kandungan pati resisten dan respons glikemik pada subjek sehat. Kandungan pati resisten diperiksa pada nasi putih baru matang (nasi kontrol), nasi putih yang didinginkan 10 jam pada suhu ruang (nasi uji I), dan nasi putih yang didinginkan 24 jam pada suhu 4°C kemudian dihangatkan kembali (nasi uji II). Nasi kontrol dan satu jenis nasi uji yang memiliki kandungan pati resisten lebih tinggi digunakan dalam penelitian eksperimen dengan desain crossover acak pada 15 subjek sehat untuk menentukan adanya perbedaan respons glikemik.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kandungan pati resisten dalam nasi kontrol, nasi uji I, dan nasi uji II berturut-turut sebesar 0,64 g/100 g, 1,30 g/100 g, dan 1,65 g/100 g. Nasi uji II menurunkan respons glikemik secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan nasi kontrol (berturut-turut 2256,5 ± 902,1 mg.menit/dL dan 2730,0 ± 870,2 mg.menit/dL, p = 0,047). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendinginan meningkatkan kandungan pati resisten nasi putih. Nasi putih yang telah didinginkan 24 jam pada suhu 4°C kemudian dihangatkan kembali menurunkan respons glikemik dibandingkan dengan nasi putih baru matang.

Cooling cooked rice is believed to lower glycemic response. Cooling is known to cause starch retrogradation which increases resistant starch (RS) content. This study aimed to determine the effect of cooling of cooked white rice on RS content and glycemic response in healthy subjects. RS contents were analyzed on freshly cooked white rice (control rice), cooked white rice cooled for 10 hours at room temperature (test rice I), and cooked white rice cooled for 24 hours at 4°C then reheated (test rice II). Control rice and one type of test rice with higher RS content were used in the clinical study with randomized crossover design in 15 healthy subjects to determine a difference in glycemic response.
The results showed that RS contents in control rice, test rice I, and test rice II were 0.64 g/100 g, 1.30 g/100 g, and 1.65 g/100 g, respectively. Test rice II significantly lowered glycemic response compared with control rice (2256.5 ± 902.1 mg.min/dL vs 2730.0 ± 870.2 mg.min/dL, respectively; p = 0.047). In conclusion, cooling cooked white rice significantly increased RS content. Cooked white rice cooled for 24 hours at 4°C then reheated lowered glycemic response compared with freshly cooked white rice.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evan Regar
"Latar Belakang: Akses yang baik ke sakus lakrimal sangat penting dalam prosedur DCR endoskopik pada kasus obstruksi duktus nasolakrimal. Struktur ini dapat terhalangi oleh keberadaan agger nasi, yang juga dapat mempersulit prosedur operasi dan meningkatkan angka kegagalan.
Tujuan: Untuk menentukan variasi anatomi agger nasi dalam hubungannya dengan sakus lakrimal menggunakan CT scan dan membandingkannya dengan pembukaannya. Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan pada 11 subjek yang didiagnosis dengan sumbatan saluran air mata hidung terperoleh primer. Subjek menjalani CT scan untuk menilai keberadaan agger nasi dan penempatannya terhadap sakus lakrimal. Subjek kemudian menjalani dakriosistorinostomi endoskopik, dan operator menilai apakah agger nasi perlu dibuka atau tidak untuk mengakses sakus lakrimal. Analisis statistik menggunakan Cohen's Kappa dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kesepakatan antara kedua temuan tersebut.
Hasil: Dari 13 subjek, 12 adalah perempuan. Agger nasi ditemukan pada 12 dari 13 subjek. Pada pemeriksaan radiologi, 8 dari 12 subjek menunjukkan penempatan sakus lakrimal dengan agger nasi. Pada intraoperatif, agger nasi dibuka pada 9 subjek. Terdapat kesepakatan yang substansial dengan κ = 0,800; p = 0,005. Satu pasien tidak menunjukkan penempatan, namun agger nasi dibuka karena kesulitan mengakses sakus lakrimal yang disebabkan oleh sudut proses frontal maksila.
Kesimpulan: Evaluasi aposisi agger nasi terhadap sakus lakrimal dapat dilakukan secara rutin. Terdapat kesepakatan yang substansial antara pemeriksaan radiologi dan temuan intraoperatif mengenai pembukaan agger nasi.

Background: Proper access to the lacrimal sac is crucial in endoscopic DCR procedures in nasolacrimal duct obstruction. This structure can be obstructed by the presence of the agger nasi, which may complicate the surgery and increasing failure rate.
Objectives: To determine the anatomical variations of the agger nasi in relation to the lacrimal sac using CT scan and comparing it with its opening.
Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study conducted on 11 subjects diagnosed with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. The subjects underwent CT to assess the presence of the agger nasi and its apposition to the lacrimal sac. Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy was performed, and the operator assessed whether the agger nasi needed to be opened or not to access the lacrimal sac. Statistical analysis using Cohen's Kappa was conducted to evaluate the agreement between the two findings.
Results: Out of the 13 subjects, 12 out of 13 were female. Agger nasi was found in 12 out of 13 subjects. In radiological examination, 8 out of 12 subjects showed apposition of the lacrimal sac with the agger nasi. Intraoperatively, the agger nasi was opened in 9 subjects. There was substantial agreement with a κ = .800; p = .005. One patient did not show apposition, however agger nasi was opened due to difficulty in accessing the lacrimal sac caused by the angulation of the frontal process of the maxilla.
Conclusion: Evaluation of the apposition of the agger nasi to the lacrimal sac can be routinely performed. There is substantial agreement between radiological examination and intraoperative findings regarding the opening of the agger nasi.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tunjung Prasetyo Nugroho
Latar belakang dan tujuan : Sinusistis adalah inflamasi mukosa sinus paranasal dengan berbagai faktor penyebab: variasi anatomi, infeksi bakterial/virus, alergi dan lain-lain. Deviasi septum nasi dan sinusitis kronis dapat mempengaruhi volume sinus maksila. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai hubungan antara derajat deviasi septum nasi dengan kejadian sinusitis kronis maksila dan perubahan volume sinus maksila. Metode : Penelitian retrospektif dengan desain kasus-kontrol, jumlah sampel diambil konsekutif dari sistem PACS hingga 86 subjek. Dilakukan pengukuran derajat deviasi septum nasi dan volume sinus maksila dari 3 dimensi. Hasil : Didapatkan rerata deviasi septum nasi pada kelompok kasus 9,35 3,05 derajat Derajat I dan II , dan 10,62 4,11 derajat Derajat I dan II pada kelompok kontrol. Volume sinus maksila sisi ipsilateral satu sisi dengan deviasi septum nasi pada kelompok kasus cenderung lebih kecil dibandingkan kelompok kontrol, namun tidak berbeda signifikan p>0,05 . Volume sinus maksila ipsilateral yang disertai kejadian sinusitis kronis maksila ipsilateral tidak berbeda signifikan dibandingkan kontrol p>0,05 . Uji korelasi negatif yang tidak signifikan pada hubungan derajat deviasi septum nasi dengan delta volume sinus maksila ipsilateral baik kelompok kasus maupun kontrol. Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara deviasi septum nasi Derajat I dan II dengan kejadian sinusitis kronis maksila dan perubahan volume sinus maksila

Background and purpose Sinusistis is an inflammatory of mucosal sinuses by various factors anatomic variations, bacterial virus, allergies and others. Nasal septal deviation and chronic sinusitis can affect maxillary sinus volume. This study aims to assess the relationship between the degree of nasal septal deviation with the incidence of chronic maxillary sinusitis and maxillary sinus volume changes. Methods The study was a retrospective case control design, consecutive samples taken from the PACS system up to 86 subjects. Measurement of the degree of nasal septal deviation and maxillary sinus volume from 3 dimensions. Results the mean of nasal septal deviation in the case group 9.35 3.05 degrees Grade I and II , and 10.62 4.11 degrees Grade I and II in the control group. The ipsilateral maxillary sinus volume the same side with the nasal septal deviation in the case group tended to be smaller than the control, but did rsquo t differ significantly p 0.05 . The ipsilateral of the maxillary sinus volume with ipsilateral chronic maxillary sinusitis incidence not significantly different compared to control p 0.05 . Test negative correlation was not significant relationship of the degree of nasal septal deviation with ipsilateral maxillary sinus volume delta, both groups of cases and controls. Conclusion There is no significant relationship between nasal septal deviation Grade I and II and the incidence of chronic maxillary sinusitis and change of maxillary sinus volume."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library