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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Meyer, Stephenie, 1973-
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2009
813 MEY n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hashimi, Nadia
Abstrak :

By turns astonishing, frightening, and triumphant, When the Moon Is Low chronicles one brave Afghan woman's odyssey to save her familyIn Kabul, we meet Fereiba, a schoolteacher who puts her troubled childhood behind her when she finds love in an arranged marriage. But Fereiba's comfortable life implodes when the Taliban rises to power and her family becomes a target of the new fundamentalist regime. Forced to flee with her three children, Fereiba has one hope for survival: to seek refuge with her sister's family in London.Traveling with forged papers and depending on the kindness of strangers, Fereiba and the children make a dangerous crossing into Iran under cover of darkness, the start of a harrowing journey that reduces her from a respected wife and mother to a desperate refugee.Eventually they fall into the shadowy underground network of the undocumented who haunt the streets of Europe's cities. And then, in a busy market square in Athens, their fate takes a frightening turn when Fereiba's teenage son, Saleem, becomes separated from the rest of the family. Without his mother, Saleem is forced, abruptly and unforgivingly, to come of age in a world of human trafficking and squalid refugee camps.Heartbroken, Fereiba has no choice but to continue on with only her daughter and baby. Mother and son cross border after perilous border, risking their lives in the hope of finding a place where they can be reunited.
New York: William Morrow, 2015
813.6 HAS w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book contains the first detailed study of the use of ancient and medieval astronomical observations in order to investigate the moon’s secular acceleration from its discovery by Halley to the establishment of the magnitude of the acceleration by Richard Dunthorne, Tobias Mayer and Jérôme Lalande in the 1740s and 1750s. Making extensive use of previously unstudied manuscripts, this work shows how different astronomers used the same small body of preserved ancient observations in different ways in their work on the secular acceleration. In addition, this work looks at the wider context of the study of the moon’s secular acceleration, including its use in debates of biblical chronology, whether the heavens were made up of æther, and the use of astronomy in determining geographical longitude. It also discusses wider issues of the perceptions and knowledge of ancient and medieval astronomy in the early-modern period.
New York: [Springer Science, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eversberg, Thomas
Abstrak :
This book is about the American moon-landings - and about the doubts expressed ever since concerning the reality of these landings. Were the moon landings really just a huge and cleverly executed hoax? Eversberg explains the best-known claims and conspiracy theories and analyses the evidence with the help of detailed full-colour images, as well as numerous film documents that can be accessed directly from the book. He addresses both the persistent older claims and more recently devised doubts. The book will inform and entertain a wide range of readers interested in space exploration and tells a gripping story covering physics, politics and history.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Handy, Richard
Abstrak :
The moon presents a broad array of tone, texture, and form. Capturing this in a painting or sketch at the eyepiece of a telescope – or even with binoculars – develops observational skills, leaves a record of the observation, and can also be a delightful and rewarding pastime. However, the choice of media available is extensive (acrylic paint, oils, pen, charcoal, etc., and even computer art programs), and there is no existing text that fully explains all lunar sketching and painting techniques in each respective medium. This beautiful and graphically rich book fulfills this requirement. It presents detailed step-by-step instructions, in the form of illustrated tutorials for every major medium employed to represent the moon. It also provides practical advice on how to sketch outdoors at night (not ideal conditions for an artist!).
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zuhaira Dzaatul Himmah
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas pemaknaan bulan dalam otome game Hana Awase Mizuchi Hen yang skenarionya ditulis oleh Project Gekka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konstruksi makna bulan dalam game tersebut. Metode analisis dalam skripsi ini menggunakan metode semiotik denotasi-konotasi Rolland Barthes. Pembahasan makna bulan dalam skripsi ini dikaitkan dengan konsep kepercayaan dan kebudayaan Jepang yang berkaitan dengan bulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bulan dalam Otome game Hana Awase Mizuchi Hen memiliki makna konotasi . Makna konotasi bulan yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini ada 4 yaitu: 1) bulan sebagai kami (神, dewa); 2) bulan sebagai simbol kekuatan; 3) bulan sebagai simbol kesempurnaan proses; dan 4) bulan sebagai simbol kegilaan.
This study focused on meaning construction of moon being epicted in otome game Hana Awase Mizuchi Hen, a game written by Project Gekka. The purpose of this study is to analyze the moon?s meaning in this game. The method that being used in this study is Roland Barthes? denotation-conotation method. The meaning of the moon in this study are linked to Japanese religious beliefs and culture. The result of this study shows that the moon in Otome game Hana Awase have 4 connotation meaning, which is: 1) moon as kami (神, deity); 2) moon as symbol of power; 3) moon as symbol of a complete process; and 4) moon as symbol of insanity.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisah Nabilah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas peningkatan kerja sama antara Korea Selatan dengan ASEAN dan India melalui New Southern policy pada masa pemerintahan Moon Jae-in di tahun 2017 - 2022 sebagai strategi dalam merespon rivalitas dua mitra pentingnya. Memanasnya hubungan Amerika Serikat dan Cina di awal periode kepemimpinan Moon Jae-in menempatkan Korea Selatan pada posisi dilematis dan tidak dapat berpihak kepada salah satunya yang merupakan mitra pentingnya. Amerika Serikat sebagai sekutu keamanan dan Cina sebagai mitra dagang terbesar negaranya merefleksikan ketergantungan Korea Selatan pada dua aspek tersebut kepada dua negara yang berkompetisi tersebut. Dengan posisi ini, Pemerintahan Moon Jae-in kemudian mengeluarkan New Southern Policy sebagai komponen kebijakan luar negerinya yang dapat menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mereduksi ketergantungan Korea Selatan terhadap Cina dan Amerika Serikat serta menghindari konsekuensi keberpihakan dalam rivalitas kedua negara tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik studi literatur dimana melalui konsep strategi hedging, studi ini menemukan bahwa Korea Selatan melakukan hedging ketiga dengan meningkatkan kerja sama dengan ASEAN dan India di bidang ekonomi yang salah satunya adalah penandatangan Free Trade Agreements, di bidang sosial-budaya dengan penyediaan beasiswa untuk masyarakat dari negara mitra NSP, dan di bidang politik keamanan dengan meningkatkan keaktifan pada forum-forum internasional. ......This research discusses the increase in cooperation between South Korea and ASEAN and India through the New Southern policy during the Moon Jae-in administration in 2017-2022 as a strategy in responding to the rivalry between two important partners. The heated relations between the United States and China at the beginning of Moon Jae-in's leadership period put South Korea in a dilemmatic position and could not take sides with one of them, which was an important partner. The United States as a security ally and China as the country's largest trading partner reflect South Korea's dependence on the two competing countries in both aspects. With this position, the Moon Jae-in Government then issued the New Southern Policy as a component of its foreign policy which could be an effort to reduce South Korea's dependence on China and the United States and avoid the consequences of partisanship in the rivalry between the two countries. This research uses qualitative methods and literature study techniques where through the concept of hedging strategies, this study finds that South Korea conducts the third hedging by increasing cooperation with ASEAN and India in the economic field, one of which is the signing of Free Trade Agreements, in the socio-cultural field by providing scholarships for people from NSP partner countries, and in the political security field by increasing activeness in international forums.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Smita Annisaghara
Abstrak :
Serial animasi televisi, sebagai salah satu bentuk media massa, juga termasuk sebagai media yang memegang peran penting dalam menunjukkan representasi positif, khususnya karena serial animasi kerap ditonton oleh anak-anak dan remaja yang cenderung mudah terpengaruh oleh apa yang mereka lihat di lingkungan sekitar. Salah satu serial animasi yang menunjukkan citra perempuan yang positif adalah serial animasi ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; yang berasal dari Jepang. ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; adalah sebuah kisah tentang seorang gadis remaja biasa yang hidupnya berubah secara drastis setelah ia tahu bahwa ia adalah Sailor Moon yang memiliki kekuatan super dan ditakdirkan untuk membasmi kejahatan. Teori norma budaya Melvin DeFleur menyatakan bahwa media massa secara selektif menampilkan dan menegaskan nilai-nilai serta ideologi tertentu, yang kemudian bisa mempengaruhi norma dalam masyarakat. Folarin kemudian menyatakan bahwa berdasarkan teori tersebut, individu dalam masyarakat cenderung mendasari perilaku mereka dari nilai-nilai yang ditampilkan dalam media massa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis unsur feminisme yang diangkat dalam ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; dan pengaruh unsur-unsur tersebut bagi penontonnya, khususnya penonton perempuan. Melalui metode wawancara langsung, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur feminisme dalam ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; merupakan hal yang meninggalkan kesan mendalam dan memiliki pengaruh yang positif bagi penonton perempuan.
Television animated series, as one form of mass media, is included as a medium that plays an important role in showing positive representation, especially because its main demographics are impressionable children and teenagers. One popular TV show that represents women in a positive light is ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo;, a Japanese animated series. ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; is a story about an ordinary teenage girl whose life changed drastically once she found out that she is able to transform as Sailor Moon who has a super power and is destined to fight against a powerful evil force. Melvin DeFleur rsquo;s Cultural Norms theory suggests that the media selectively presents and emphasizes certain values and ideas and therefore will influence norms in society. Folarin then made a statement based on that theory that some members of society tend to pattern their behavior to the values shown in mass media. This study aims to analyze what feminist values are incorporated in ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; and what influence those values have on the audience, especially the female audience. Through one-on-one interviews, the results show that the elements of feminism in ldquo;Sailor Moon rdquo; have left a deep impact on its female viewers and have influenced them in a positive way.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Reza Syahroni
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang sikap presiden Moon Jae-In dalam penempatan THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense atau.). THAAD adalah sistem pertahanan terhadap rudal jarak pendek dan jarak menengah. Pada bulan Februari tahun 2016, Korea Selatan dan Amerika Serikat mencapai kesepakatan mengenai rencana penempatan THAAD di Korea Selatan. Dalam proses mencapai kesepakatan ini, Korea Selatan menghadapi pertimbangan yang rumit yang bersifat internal (meningkatkan keamanan nasional) dan eksternal (kemungkinan muncul penolakan dari Tiongkok dan Rusia). Terlebih lagi di tengah proses pelaksanaan penempatan THAAD terjadi pergantian pemerintahan dari Park Geun-Hee ke Moon Jae-In. Tiongkok menggunakan beberapa media resmi maupun tidak resmi untuk menekan Korea Selatan selama masa pemerintahan Park Geun-Hee. Permasalahan ini terus bergulir hingga pemerintahan berganti ke Moon Jae-In, namun pada akhirnya permasalahan THAAD dapat diselesaikan. Latar belakang ini merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu faktor apa yang melatarbelakangi sikap Moon Jae-In terkait dengan penempatan THAAD? Dengan menerapkan metode deskriptif-analisis, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan latar belakang yang mendorong Moon Jae-In untuk menyelesaikan konflik terkait penempatan THAAD. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat faktor politik, ekonomi, dan sosial yang mendorong terjadinya perubahan terkait konflik penempatan THAAD di masa pemerintahan Moon Jae-In. .....This research discusses the attitude of President Moon Jae-In in THAAD placement. THAAD is a defense system against short and medium-range missiles. In February 2016, South Korea and the United States reached an agreement on the plan to deploy Terminal High Altitude Area Defense or THAAD in South Korea. In the process of reaching this agreement, South Korea faces complex considerations that are both internal (increasing national security) and external (possible resistance from China and Russia). Moreover, in the middle of the process of implementing THAAD placement, there was a change of government from Park Geun-Hee to Moon Jae-In. China used several official and unofficial media to pressure South Korea during Park Geun-Hee's reign. This problem continued until the government changed to Moon Jae-In, but in the end the THAAD problem was resolved. This background formulates the research question, namely what factors are behind Moon Jae-In's attitude regarding THAAD placement? By applying the descriptive-analysis method with data sources in the form of online media, this study aims to explain the background that drives Moon Jae-In to resolve conflicts related to THAAD placement. The results of the analysis show that there are political, economic, and social factors that drive changes related to the conflict over the placement of THAAD during the reign of Moon Jae-In.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book investigates the possibilities and limitations of various systems supplying manned bases on Moon with energy and other vital resources. The book collects together recent proposals and innovative options and solutions.
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library