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Ditemukan 34 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Charlton, Ruth
Sydney: Lawbook, 2004
347.09 CHA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadi Gunawan
"Kasus serah terima perumahan, rumah toko (ruko), apartemen yang muncul di tengah perkembangan bisnis dalam bidang property, banyak merugikan pihak konsumen dari perumahan, rumah toko (ruko) dan apartemen yang ada. Sebagai upaya penyelesaian hukum tersebut konsumen memilih pilihan hukum untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada dengan cara Mediasi sebagai alternatif penyelesaian sengketa konsumen di luar pengadilan, dari pada menyelesaikannya melalui badan peradilan. Hal ini dikarenakan penyelesaian sengketa melalui litigasi (peradilan) sangat lambat dan atau berbelit-belit, biaya berperkara mahal. Mediasi merupakan proses negosiasi penyelesaian masalah dimana mediator tidak berpihak, netral, tidak bekerja bersama para pihak yang bersengketa, mediator membantu para pihak dalam mencapai suatu kesepakatan hasil negosiasi yang memuaskan. Mediator berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya berdasarkan pada kehendak dan kemauan para pihak. Mediator harus mampu menciptakan suasana dan kondisi yang kondusif bagi terciptanya kompromi di antara kedua belah pihak yang bersengketa untuk memperoleh hasil yang saling menguntungkan (Win-win). Setelah di peroleh persetujuan dari para pihak atas proposal yang diajukan (beserta segala revisi atau perubahannya) untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dipersengketakan, mediator kemudian menyusun kesepakatan itu secara tertulis untuk ditandatangani oleh para pihak. Tidak hanya sampai di situ, mediator juga diharapkan dapat membantu pelaksanaan dari kesepakatan tertulis yang telah ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak. Dalam rangka menjalankan dan menegakkan Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen maka dibentuklah suatu lembaga yang berwenang menyelesaikan sengketa konsumen sebagai salah satu sarana untuk melindungi hak-hak dan kepentingan konsumen yaitu Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK). Hasil dari proses mediasi sebagai alternatif penyelesaian sengketa konsumen tergantung kepada itikad dari para pihak yang bersengketa, tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan apabila dengan cara mediasi gagal dan salah satu pihak yang tidak mau menerima hasil keputusannya dapat melanjutkan proses penyelesaian kasusnya melalui peradilan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif. Penelitian yuridis normatif adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan maksud untuk mengetahui norma hukum yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang, Peraturan Pelaksana, Kontrak, Putusan, terhadap permasalahan/kasus dan pendapat atau data sekunder. Data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh dari sumber pertama tidak langsung dari masyarakat, yang berupa bahan-bahan kepustakaan baik yang berupa literatur-literatur seperti buku, majalah, surat kabar maupun peraturan perundang-undangan.

Transference Case of Housing, shop house (Ruko), apartment occuring in the midts of property business growth had damaged consumers of an existing housings, shop houses and apartement numerously. To solve such case rather, the consumers had elected law option by mediation as alternative than by litigation process. Inspite of settling law case before the court being heavy, too long and waste time, they elect mediated negotion process being fair, netral and free. Without cooperation with any party in dispute, mediator assist both parties to achieve agreement to negosiate the disputes satisfactorily. Mediator has obligation to realize the duty and function based on good will of parties. To achieve the win-win solution (no party will demaage), in condusive situation and condition the mediator should be able to create compromise among both parties in dispute. Then, upon getting agreement through the requested proposal (along with the revisions and addendum) from both parties therein, the mediator provide with such agreement in written to be signed by both parties. Biside it, the mediator is wished in order to realize such written and signed agreement as well. Within framework to enforce Law No. 8 of 1999 regarding consumer protection, then, it is estabilished the authorized institution to settle consumer disputes as instrument to protect rights and consumer’s interests, so called Agency for Consumer Disputes Sattlement (BPSK). Results of mediation process as alternative for settling consumer disputes is depend on good will of parties in disputes, but, it is not impossible that this mediation process is default and any party will not receive their agreed award, then, it may be continued to litigation process."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Febry
"Skripsi ini membahas peran mediasi sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa di bidang lingkungan hidup serta peran mediator dalam proses mediasi. Di dalamnya akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana pengaturan mediasi dalam Undang-Undang Lingkungan Tahun 1997 dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 54 Tahun 2000 dalam memberikan akses terhadap keadilan bagi masyarakat, selain itu juga akan dibahas mengenai peran BPLHD (instansi pemerintah) sebagai mediator lingkungan. Untuk lebih memahami pembahasan yang ada, akan dianalisa sebuah proses mediasi atas sengketa lingkungan yang terjadi antara warga desa Giriasih dengan beberapa industri tekstil di daerah Bandung Barat.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif, yaitu penelitian dengan lebih mengutamakan data sekunder, khususnya terhadap bahan hukum primer berupa peraturan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini juga merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan guna memperoleh gambaran secara kualitatif mengenai bagaimana berlangsungnya suatu proses mediasi.

The focus of this study is the role of mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Law and the skills of mediator. This study will discuss about how the regulations of mediation in Environmental Act No. 23 Tahun 1997 and in PP No. 54 Tahun 2000 give an access to justice to the society in Indonesia, and also will be discuss about the role of BPLHD (a government civil administration authority) as an environmental mediator. To make this study more contextual, the study will be applied in a mediation case analyses, which was happened between the villager of Giriasih and some textile industries in west Bandung.
This is a juridical - normative research which means that this research is more emphasize to the secondary data, specially the primary material law, such as the regulations. This is also a descriptive research which held to have a qualitative description about how a mediation process works. "
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novrianto Pamilwa Citajaya
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh kompetisi dan inovasi terhadap kinerja dengan berfokus pada obyek penelitian dari negara Eropa dan Asia Tengah yang diperoleh dari survei BEEPS yang di lakukan oleh Bank Dunia pada tahun 2008. Masalah yang muncul dalam penelitian adalah masih terdapat perdebatan tentang pengaruh kompetisi dan inovasi terhadap kinerja pada kelompok perusahaan yang berbeda ukurannya. Penelitian ini juga menguji efek mediasi pada variabel inovasi yang memediasi pengaruh kompetisi terhadap kinerja.
Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari para pemilik perusahaan dan manajer puncak dari berbagai jenis industri manufaktur dengan total 197 sampel yang terdiri dari 104 perusahaan besar, 62 perusahaan sedang dan 31 perusahaan kecil. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetisi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja hanya pada perusahaan kecil, kompetisi yang berpengaruh positif terhadap inovasi hanya terjadi pada perusahaan besar. Varibel inovasi ditemukan memediasi pengaruh kompetisi terhadap kinerja hanya pada perusahaan besar.

This study analyzes the effect of competition and innovation to the performance by focusing on the object of study of European and Central Asian Countries which was obtained from a BEEPS Survey undertaken by the World Bank in 2008. Problems that arise in the research were there is still debate about the influence of competition and innovation to the performance of the different sizes company. The study also examines the effect of mediation on innovation variables that mediate the effect of competition on performance.
Data were collected from the owners of the company and top managers of various types of manufacturing industries with a total of 197 samples consisting of 104 large companies, 62 medium and 31 small companies. Data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) methods.
The results showed that the positive effect of competition on the performance only occur in the small companies, competition has a positive effect on innovation only happens in big companies. Innovation variable was found to mediate the effect of competition on the performance only in the large companies.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Mata Rohansyah
"Fokus penelitian Tesis ini adalah kompetensi mediator Polri dalam menangani konflik. Penelitian ini dipandang penting dilakukan sebab mediasi yang dilakukan oleh Polres Belitung dalam menangani konflik yang melibatkan warga Desa Sungai Padang beretnis Melayu-Belitung dengan para pekerja bangunan yang beretnis Madura-Belitung, menghasilkan kesepakatan berupa dilanjutkannya 3 dari 4 perkara ke proses peradilan. Konsekuensinya adalah mediasi yang dilakukan kecil kemungkinan dapat menyentuh dan memperbaiki relasi para pihak yang rusak akibat konflik yang terjadi. Artinya,agar mediasi dapat mewujudkan nilai keadilan restoratif, perlu dilaksanakan oleh mediator yang berkompeten. Permasalahan yang diajukan dalam penelitian Tesis ini adalah, sebagai berikut: pertama, bagaimana proses mediasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Polres Belitung? Kedua, bagaimana kompetensi personil Polres Belitung dalam melaksanakan mediasi pada kasus konflik. Kompetensi apa saja yang seyogyanya dimiliki oleh mediator Polri agar mediasi yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai keadilan restoratif. Sebagai pisau analisis, dalam penelitian Tesis ini digunakan teori Kompetensi Spencer (1993) konsep tentang mediator transformatif, konsep mediasi penal, dan teori tentang kerumunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode campuran sekuensial eksploratori. Kuesioner penelitian kunatitatif dibuat berdasarkan data kualitatif dan digunakan sebagai generalisasi yang mendukung data kualitatif yang dominan dalam penelitian ini.
Adapun temuan penelitian (1) proses mediasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Polres Belitung masih bernuansa penegakan hukum retributif (2) personil Polres Belitung belum memiliki kompetensi yang maksimal dalam melaksanakan mediasi konflik. (3) keterampilan "mendengarkan untuk memahami" yang berbasis pengetahuan "lintas budaya" menjadi kompetensi utama yang harus dimiliki oleh mediator Polri dalam men-transformasi konflik. Dari temuan penelitian tersebut, direkomendasikan (1) perlu dilakukan sosialisasi agar personil Polri berpedoman pada UU PKS dalam menangani konflik dan diperlukan SOP lebih lanjut yang mengatur tentang tahapan dan teknik mediasi. (2) Perlunya melakukan kerjasama peningkatan kompetensi dengan PMN. (3) Perlu meningkatkan pelatihan interpersonal skill bagi setiap personil Polri (4) Perlu memasukkan / menambahkan materi ajar yang berkaitan dengan keadilan restoratif, konflik, dan pengetahuan lintas budaya dalam pendidikan Polri.

The research focus of this thesis was mediator competency of INP. This research is important because the mediation performed by the Belitung Resort Police in handling conflict involving people of Sungai Padang village of Melayu-Belitung ethnicity with the construction worker of Madura-Belitung ethnicity was resulting in an agreement of the continuation of 3 out of 4 cases to judicial process. The consequence of this mediation is the damaged relation of each party due to the conflict is unlikely to be completely heal and repaired. This means that a competent mediator is required in a mediation to manifest the value of restorative justice. The problems presented in this thesis were as follow: 1) How did the mediation process by the Belitung Resort Police? 2) How does the personnel competency of the Belitung Resort Police in performing the mediation in a conflict case? What are the required competence for a mediator in the INP to ensure that the mediations are in accordance with the value of restorative justice? The Spencer's Competence (1993) theory was used in this thesis. It is a concept of Transformative Mediator (Kraybill), concept of Penal Mediation, and the theory of Crowd. This thesis used mixed-methods sequential explanatory approach. The quantitative questionnaire research was made based on the qualitative data and was used as a generalization supporting the dominant qualitative data in this research.
The research finding in this research are as follows: 1) The mediation process carried out by the Belitung Resort Police is still enforcing the retributive law. 2) The personnel of the Belitung Resort Police are yet to have maximum competence of conflict mediation. 3) The skills of "hear to understand" which based on "cross culture" knowledge is the main competency required to have for mediators of the Republic of Indonesian police to transform conflicts. From the research finding above, the suggestions formed are as follow: 1) It is necessary to socialize that the personnel of the Republic of Indonesian Police to follow the guidelines of the UU PKS in handing conflicts and further SOP governing the mediation stages and techniques are necessary. 2) It is necessary to form a cooperation to improve the competency by PMN. 3) Improve the interpersonal skill training for every personnel of the INP. 4) Insert/add learning material related to restorative justice, conflict, and cross culture knowledge in the education of the INP.
Jakarta: Sekolah kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayuningtyas Hatta Poetri
"Pada zaman dahulu suatu persengketaan selalu diselesaikan di depan hakim pada pengadilan formal. Namun harus diakui, kenyataannya proses litigasi tidak selamanya berjalan sesuai dengan koridor hukum yang digariskan oleh undangundang. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan jatuhnya pamor dan wibawa pengadilan. Untuk mengatasi situasi seperti ini, kehadiran pihak ketiga sangat diperlukan guna mengakhiri perselisihan yang terjadi. Pihak ketiga yang menengahi persengketaan disebut mediator, mediator dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja dan dari kalangan mana saja, baik atas permintaan maupun tanpa permintaan dari pihak yang berselisih. Pada umumnya peran ini dimainkan oleh pengetua adat, kepala desa, pimpinan agama, ketua perkumpulan, tokoh masyarakat dan sebagainya termasuk notaris.
Pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam penulisan ini mengenai peranan notaris sebagai mediator dalam menjalankan jabatannya ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris dan Kode Etik Notaris, apakah mediasi yang dilakukan notaris mempunyai kekuatan yang mengikat bagi kedua belah pihak dan faktor-faktor apakah yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagalan notaris sebagai mediator dalam penyelesaian sengketa diluar pengadilan. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode hukum normatif yaitu menitikberatkan pada peraturan yang berlaku, referensi dan literatur-literatur serta pelaksanaan peraturan dalam prakteknya.
Dari hasil penelitian ini, peranan notaris sebagai mediator dalam menjalankan jabatannya tidak bertentangan dan tidak melanggar Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris dan Kode Etik Notaris Ikatan Notaris Indonesia, dan mediasi yang dilakukan notaris mempunyai kekuatan yang mengikat bagi kedua belah pihak, serta faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan dan kegagalan notaris sebagai mediator dalam penyelesaian sengketa diluar pengadilan adalah kharisma, kejujuran, pendidikan, memahami/menguasai permasalahan terhadap akta yang dibuatnya.

In the past times, the disputes are always settled by judge in a formal court. But it should be admitted, that in fact the litigation process does not always go according to the legal frame of law. This condition resulted in the fall of prestige and authority of the court. To handle this situation, the presence of the third party is very required to end a dispute that occurred. The third party who mediates disputes is called mediator, mediators can be performed by whoever and from whatever background, either on the request or not of the disputing parties. In general, this role is played by the dean custom, village chiefs, religious leaders, chairman of the association, social figures and the others include notary.
Main issues to be discussed in this paper regarding the role of notaries as mediators in the perform position in terms of the Law Number 30 Year 2004 concerning Notary office and Notary Code, whether the mediation is conducted notary has the power of binding for both parties and the factors that affect the success and failure of a notary as a mediator to settle disputes outside courts. This writing method that focuses on the normative legal regulations, references and literature as well as the implementation of regulations in practice.
From these results, the role of notaries as mediators in the running position is not contradictory and do not violate the Act No. 30 year 2004 concerning Notary office and Notary Association Notary Code of Indonesia, and mediation by a notary has the power of binding for both parties, as well as factors that influence success and failure of a notary as a mediator in the settlement of disputes outside the courts is charisma, honesty, education, understand / master the problems of the notarial deed they made."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Dwi Astuti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran perilaku sedentary selama pandemi COVID-19 sebagai mediator antara kecemasan dan depresi. Kecemasan didefinisikan sebagai bentuk antisipasi dari ancaman di masa depan yang lebih sering diasosiasikan dengan ketegangan otot dan kewaspadaan, perilaku pencegahan, dan penghindaran. Depresi didefinisikan sebagai adanya perasaan sedih, kosong, suasana hati yang mudah tersinggung, disertai perubahan somatis dan kognitif yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi kapasitas dan fungsi individu. Adapun perilaku sedentary didefinisikan sebagai setiap perilaku dalam keadaan terjaga yang ditandai dengan pengeluaran energi sebesar ≤ 1,5 ekuivalen metabolik (MET), baik dalam postur duduk, bersandar, atau berbaring. Pengukuran variabel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan alat ukur Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), dan Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ). Data diperoleh melalui survei daring dari warga negara Indonesia yang tinggal di Indonesia dan berada di rentang usia 20-40 tahun (N=608). Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis model mediasi pada makro PROCESS dari Hayes, analisis korelasi parsial dan semi parsial, serta analisis kovariat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku sedentary mentally passive ditemukan memediasi secara parsial hubungan antara kecemasan dan depresi.

This study aims to determine the role of sedentary behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic as a mediator between anxiety and depression. Anxiety is defined as the anticipation of a future threat associated with muscle tension and alertness, prevention, and avoidance. Depression is defined as feelings of sadness, emptiness, irritable moods, somatic and cognitive changes that significantly affect individual capacity and function. Sedentary behavior is defined as any behavior in an awake state with an energy expenditure of ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalents (MET), whether in a sitting, leaning, or lying posture. Variables in this study were measured using Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ). Data collected by online surveys from Indonesian citizens who live in Indonesia in the age range of 20-40 (N = 608). Data were analyzed using a mediation model on Hayes macro PROCESS, part and partial correlation, and analysis of covariance. This study indicates that sedentary behavior mentally passive was found to partially mediated relationship between anxiety and depression."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sasanti Ayu Ningrum
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan mediator perilaku dan perilaku konsumsi buah dan sayur siswa setelah mengikuti workshop yang didesain dengan kerangka perencanaan theory-based nutrtition education Contento. Dari tahap prosedur yang dilakukan, mediator yang terlibat adalah pengetahuan, sikap, norma subjektif, hasil yang diharapkan, keyakinan diri, dan niat perencanaan, dengan teori modifikasi dari Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, dan Polytheoretical Model. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimental dengan sasaran 51 siswa kelas V yang dibagi dalam kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan mediator yang signifikan, namun peningkatan perilaku konsumsi tidak signifikan. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara peningkatan pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol, namun pencapaian indikator keberhasilan kelompok perlakuan lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
, The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento’s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alia Faridatus Solikha
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai implementasi kebijakan tentang kewenangan mediator dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial di Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia dengan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh didalamnya. Mediator Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan merupakan representasi pemerintah pusat yang bertanggung jawab merumuskan kebijakan, memberikan pembinaan hubungan industrial pada pengusaha dan pekerja di Indonesia, serta melakukan supervisi, monitoring dan bantuan teknis kepada mediator daerah. Oleh sebab itu, mediator Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan seharusnya dapat menjadi panutan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Namun, proses implementasi kebijakan terkait kewenangan mediator di Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan belum berjalan seperti yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post positivist dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan tentang kewenangan mediator dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial di Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor berikut, yaitu faktor kurangnya kejelasan komunikasi, terbatasnya kualitas dan pemberdayaan kuantitas sumber daya manusia, sanksi yang belum diterapkan, pimpinan yang kurang berperan, dan koordinasi dengan masyarakat khususnya pengusaha dan pekerja yang belum efektif.

This thesis discusses about the implementation of policies regarding the authority of mediator in the settlement of industrial disputes in the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Indonesia. This study tries to analyze factors that influence the implementation of the policy. Each mediator in the Ministry of Labour is a representation of the central government that responsible for formulating policies, providing industrial relations guidance to employers and workers in Indonesia, as well as supervision, monitoring and technical assistance to regional mediator. Therefore, the mediator in the Ministry of Labour should be a role model in the implementation of policies in accordance with applicable regulations. However, the process of policy implementation in the Ministry of Labour has not run as expected. This research uses post-positivist approach with descriptive design. Results of this study shows that the implementation of the policies regarding the authority of mediators in the settlement of industrial disputes in the Ministry of Labour is affected by the following factors: lack of clarity of communication, lack of quality and quantity of human resources, ineffective sanctions, lack of leadership role, and ineffective coordination with the public, especially employers and workers."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pynchon, Victoria
"To be an effective mediator, you need to learn and fine-tune a variety of special skills, from remaining calm and neutral, to breaking impasse, to marketing your business with diligence. This guide gives you everything you need to enter the exciting world of mediation."
Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2012
347.09 PYN s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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