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Mitolo, Massimo A.G.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009
621.319 MIT e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maybin, Harry B.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995
R 621.382 3 MAY l
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Angga Utama
Abstrak :
Paduan anoda korban konvensional untuk lingkungan operasi bawah laut adalah paduan Aluminium - Zinc - Indium Al-Zn-In . Anoda korban konvensional ini menawarkan efisiensi yang tinggi, namun pada baja berkekuatan tinggi, paduan anoda korban ini akan menimbulkan fenomena hydrogen embrittlement. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan alternative paduan anoda korban aluminium untuk menghasilkan potensial proteksi ldquo;low voltage rdquo; sehingga dapat mencegah timbulnya hydrogen embrittlement pada baja berkekuatan tinggi. Unsur Si ditambahkan untuk menaikan potensial proteksi dari paduan anoda koban aluminium ini. Berdasarkan hasil polarisasi, penambahan unsur Si akan menurunkan ketahanan korosi dari paduan anoda korban aluminium dengan meningkatkan rapat arus dari paduan anoda korban ini. Pengujian metalografi juga dilakukan untuk membandingkan mikrostruktur sebelum dan setelah dicelupkan pada larutan NaCl 3.5 . Kandungan unsur Si yang tinggi akan meningkatkan laju korosi-nya. Korosi terjadi pada ?-phase Zn dan disekitar fasa eutektik Si. Unsur Zn dapat membentuk second phase yang berfungsi untuk merusak lapisan pasif dari aluminium, oleh sebab itu maka akan meningkatkan efisiensi arus dan laju korosi dari paduan anoda korban aluminium. Dengan demikian, paduan anoda korban Aluminium - Zinc - Silikon Al-Zn-Si dapat menjadi kandidat sebagai alternatif paduan anoda korban low voltage.
ABSTRACT Conventional Aluminum Anode for seawater service is Aluminum Zinc Indium Alloy Al Zn In . Although it offers high efficiency and high potential protection, in high strength steel it can also increases possibility for hydrogen embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking. Purpose of this research is to develop new Aluminum alloy to produce a low voltage Aluminum Anode to prevent the hydrogen embrittlement in high strength steel. Silicon is added as an alloying element to reduces the potential protection of Aluminum anode. Based on polarization result, silicone addition could reduce corrosion resistance of aluminum by reducing corrosion current density of Aluminum alloy. Optical Metallography is also conducted to compare microstructure before and after immersion in NaCl 3.5 . Higher silicon content showed more severe in corrosion rate. Corrosion occurs on phase Zinc and around the eutectic Si phase. Zinc can make a second phase which can breakdown alumina passive film, thus increasing anode efficiency and corrosion rate of aluminium anode alloy. Therefore, sacrificial anode Aluminium Zinc Silicone Al Zn Si alloy could be new low voltage sacrificial anode candidates
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jako Aprilio
Abstrak :
Anoda korban paduan Aluminium yang umum digunakan berpotensi memicu terjadinya Stress Corrosion Cracking dan Hydrogen Embrittlement pada struktur yang diproteksi. Anoda korban potensial rendah Low Voltage Sacrificial Anode dengan potensial dibawah -800 mV vs Ag/AgCl dikembangkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Karakteristik paduan Al-5Zn-0,5Cu dengan variasi penambahan Samarium 0,02 wt , 0,1 wt , 0,3 wt , dan 0,5 wt diteliti pada penelitian ini. Paduan Al-5Zn-0,02In yang umum digunakan juga turut diuji sebagai pembanding. Pengujian efisiensi anoda dengan metode kehilangan berat sesuai standar DNVGL-RP-B401 dan pengujian Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy EIS dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa dan karakteristik korosi anoda korban paduan Al-5Zn-0,5Cu-xSm. Penambahan unsur Samarium dengan kadar 0,1 wt menunjukan performa anoda korban yang paling baik dengan kapasitas elektrokimia 2809,80 Ah/kg dan efisiensi 98. ......Commonly used Aluminum alloy sacrificial anodes have the potential to trigger the occurrence of Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement on a protected structure. Low Voltage Sacrificial Anode with potential under 800 mV vs. Ag AgCl was developed to overcome this problem. Electrochemical behaviour of Al 5Zn 0,5Cu alloy with variations of Samarium addition of 0.02 wt , 0.1 wt , 0.3 wt , and 0.5 wt were investigated in this study. The commonly used Al 5Zn 0.02In alloy is also tested as a comparison. Anode efficiency test with weight loss method according to DNVGL RP B401 standard and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy EIS testing was performed to determine the performance and corrosion characteristics of Al 5Zn 0,5Cu xSm alloy. The addition of Samarium element with 0.1 wt content shows the best anode performance with electrochemical capacity 2809,80 Ah kg and 98 efficiency.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvarado, Unai
Abstrak :
This book presents the basic techniques available to design low power RF CMOS analogue circuits. It gives circuit designers a complete guide of alternatives to optimize power consumption and explains the application of these rules in the most common RF building blocks, LNA, mixers and PLLs. It is set out using practical examples and offers a unique perspective as it targets designers working within the standard CMOS process and all the limitations inherent in these technologies.
Berlin: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahuja, Sumit
Abstrak :
This book presents novel research techniques, algorithms, methodologies and experimental results for high level power estimation and power aware high-level synthesis. Readers will learn to apply such techniques to enable design flows resulting in shorter time to market and successful low power ASIC/FPGA design.
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rodriguez-Villegas, Esther
Abstrak :
This new book demonstrates how FGMOS transistors can be used in a low voltage and low power design context. The techniques used provide innovative solutions, often in situations where the limits of the technology in question have been pushed far below the values recommended by the manufacturer. Motivated by consumer demand for smaller, more portable electronic devices, which offer more features and operate for longer on their existing battery packs, cutting edge electronic circuits need to be even more power efficient. This requires the circuit designer to have an understanding of the latest low voltage and low power (LV/LP) techniques which makes use of the floating gate MOS (FGMOS) transistor.
London: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasse, Peter
Abstrak :
This highly illustrated and practical book surveys techniques available to protect LV equipment and systems from lightning strikes and other surges. After examining the physical origins and effects of these phenomena, it concentrates on the components and applications of protective measures and systems, placed in the context of current IEC and VDE standards. This unique book provides the reader with a thorough background in almost every aspect of lightning and its impact on electrical and electronic equipment. The contents range from basic discharge processes in air through transient electromagnetic field generation and interaction with overhead lines and underground cables, to lightning protection and testing techniques. This book is of value to anyone designing, installing or commissioning equipment, which needs to be secured against lightning strikes, as well as being a sound introduction to research students working in the field.
London: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1998
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antony Salim
Abstrak :
Spesimen Al-5Zn-0,5Cu-xLa dan Al-5Zn-1Cu-xLa (x = 0,1; 0,3; 0,5 wt%) dibuat melalui proses pengecoran sebagai spesimen kandidat anoda korban tegangan rendah. Ternary alloy Al-5Zn-0,5Cu dan Al-5Zn-1Cu yang digunakan sebagai master alloy diperiksa komposisi kimianya dengan menggunakan Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES). Struktur mikro spesimen dianalisis dengan melakukan pengujian Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), dan Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). Properti elektrokimia dan perilaku korosi spesimen dianalisis dengan melakukan pengujian Open Circuit Potential (OCP), Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization (CPP), dan Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). OES menunjukkan bahwa komposisi kimia ternary alloy layak untuk digunakan sebagai master alloy dalam pembuatan spesimen. Penambahan tembaga dan lantanum menyebabkan menurunnya nilai SDAS sehingga diduga tembaga dan lantanum memiliki efek penghalusan butir dengan nilai SDAS terendah ditemukan pada Al-5Zn-1Cu-0,5La sebesar 27,8205 μm. Berdasarkan hasil EDS dan EPMA, diprediksi fasa yang terbentuk pada matriks aluminium adalah α-Al dan η-Zn, sedangkan pada presipitat adalah La3Zn22, Al2LaZn2, dan α-Cu. Nilai OCP tertinggi ditemukan pada Al-5Zn-0,5Cu-0,5La yaitu sebesar -1.014,2 mV. Penambahan lantanum menyebabkan penurunan drastis pada laju korosi. Laju korosi terbesar ditemukan pada Al-5Zn-1Cu-0,1La yaitu sebesar 0,05697 mm/tahun dan laju korosi terkecil ditemukan pada Al-5Zn-0,5Cu-0,5La yaitu sebesar 0,0025 mm/tahun. Penambahan lantanum menyebabkan lapisan pasif pada permukaan spesimen menjadi lebih rapat dan tebal sehingga meningkatkan nilai resistansi transfer ion terhadap lingkungannya. Kemudian, dibutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk logam paduan direndam di dalam larutan elektrolit untuk menimbulkan produk korosi yang memecah lapisan pasif dan menurunkan nilai resistansinya. Penambahan lantanum pada paduan Al-Zn-Cu menyebabkan paduan dinilai tidak cocok digunakan sebagai anoda korban karena meningkatkan resistansi transfer ion pada lapisan pasif sehingga menyebabkan resistansi korosi. Sehingga, diperlukan uji efisiensi untuk memastikan apakah spesimen memiliki efisiensi yang mumpuni untuk digunakan sebagai anoda korban. ......Specimen Al-5Zn-0.5Cu-xLa and Al-5Zn-1Cu-xLa (x = 0.1; 0.3; 0.5 wt%) were made by casting process as candidate for low voltage sacrificial anode. Ternary alloy Al-5Zn-0.5Cu and Al-5Zn-1Cu which were used as master alloy were checked by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) to ensure they achieve the desirable chemical composition. The microstructure of the specimens was analyzed by conducting Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), and Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA). Electrochemical properties and corrosion behavior of the specimens were checked by conducting Open Circuit Potential (OCP), Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization (CPP), and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). OES showed that the chemical composition of ternary alloy was sufficient to be used for casting specimens. The copper and lantanum addition cause SDAS value to be lower hence it was assumed that copper and lantanum have grain refinement effect. The lowest SDAS was found at Al-5Zn-1Cu-0.5La which is 27.8205 μm. According to EDS and EPMA, it was predicted that the phase at aluminium matrix is α-Al and η-Zn. Meanwhile, the predicted phase at precipitate is La3Zn22, Al2LaZn2, and α-Cu. The highest OCP was found in Al-5Zn-0.5Cu-0.5La, which is -1014.2 mV. The lantanum addition causes the massive drop in corrosion rate. The highest corrosion rate is 0.05697 mm/year at Al-5Zn-1Cu-0.1La. Meanwhile, the lowest corrosion rate is 0.0025 mm/year at Al-5Zn-0.5Cu-0.5La. The presence of lantanum causes the passive layer on the surface to be thicker hence enhancing the charge transfer resistance value. Furthermore, longer time of immersion in electrolyte solution is needed to breakdown the passive layer and lower the resistance value. The lantanum addition in Al-Zn-Cu alloy is considered to be insufficient to be used as low voltage sacrificial anode as it increases the charge transfer resistance at the passive layer hence enhancing the corrosion resistance. Therefore, efficiency testing is needed to ensure the efficiency value of specimen as sacrificial anode.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Perkembangan teknologi kelistrikan saat ini sangatlah pesat, hal ini sejalan dengan berkembangnya teknologi peralatan pendukung manusia baik untuk bidang industri ataupun rumah tangga. Sehingga untuk sistem instalasi listrik pada bangunan, khususnya Rumah Mewah diperlukan perencanaan yang matang supaya sistem tersebut mampu bekerja dengan sangat efektif, efisien serta sistem tersebut mampu mengatasi gangguan yang terjadi dalam proses penyaluran atau pendistribusian tenaga listrik di Bangunan tersebut. Kenyamanan dalam bekerja atau beraktifitas tentunya tidak terlepas dari penyediaan penerangan yang baik terutama dimalam hari atau di tempat yang tidak ada ventilasi cahayanya. Selain dari faktor penerangan, kenyamanan dalam beraktifitas akan tercapai jika sirkulasi udara dan tingkat kelembaban ruangan yang baik. Pengaturan penggunaan daya dan penerangan serta beban listrik dalam hal ini adalah dimaksudkan untuk menciptakan suatu ruangan yang nyaman dengan penggunaan daya yang efisien serta tidak berlebihan. Hal ini mengacu pula pada penghematan energi, sehingga pengeluaran biaya lebih ekonomis. Sasaran dan tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai dari sebuah perancangan instalasi listrik pada Rumah mewah ini ialah kebutuhan energi listrik di rumah mewah tersebut tercukupi sampai dengan penambahan daya di masa datang, terjaminnya keamanan seluruh pengguna energi listrik di rumah tersebut, memperlancar seluruh kegiatan dan aktifitas yang dilakukan di rumah tersebut, sistem pendistribusian listrik yang hemat energi dan sangat efisien.
In this time, Technological growth of electrical it's very fast, this matter in line with expanding technology equipments of human being supporter good to industrial area or household. So that for the system of electrics installation in a building needed by planning which enough, so that the system can work effective considerably, efficient and also the system can overcome trouble that happened in course of electric power distribution or channeling in the home. Special target wishing to be reached from a planning of electrics and lighting installation at a good storey building is requirement of the electrics energy that home answered the demand up to addition of the energy in the future, well guaranteed of security all of electrics energy user in the home, to facilitate all activity in the home, efficient and Economical distribution electrics system of energy. Freshmen in working it is of course is not be ready quit of good lighting especially nighttime or in place which there it's no light ventilation. arrangement usage of lighting and energy in this case is meant to create a balmy room with usage of efficient energy in moderation. This matter relate also at thrift of energy, so that expenditure is expense of more economic.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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