This study discusses the acquisition of vocabulary using Quizlet application by students of grade XI of High School X in Bengkulu. The study aims to determine the impact of using Quizlet on the acquisition of both receptive and productive vocabulary. In addition, this study also aims to determine the students perceptions about the use of Quizlets as a media for vocabulary learning. The research approach is quantitative and qualitative in nature in that it collected data using tests, field notes and questionnaires. The research design used was one group pretest-posttest. The research data were obtained from test scores before and after the treatment. They were then analyzed using a nonparametric test with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results indicate that the students acquisition of vocabulary increased after the treatment. The students receptive vocabulary shows greater increase compared with the students productive vocabulary. The students responses to the use of Quizlets learning media are positive, in terms of its benefits and the ease of using the application. The results of this study provide additional insights on how Quizlet should be utilized so that it can be used as a learning medium for vocabulary learning effectively. Future research is suggested to explore further the implementation of Quizlet as a learning medium with a bigger number of learners and a longer learning time.